Jiang Lin stared at the young man whose face was covered in black cloth, and asked the girl in black on the side.

"Yes, looking at the attitude of those evil obstacles, he should be the guardian of the devil."

The black-clothed girl looked at Jiang Lin with a strange expression, Jiang Lin's current performance was too incomprehensible to her.

At this time, Jiang Lin's eyes were fixedly fixed on the Demon Sect Protector. He didn't even look away when he asked questions. It was as if a hunter saw his prey.

In fact, Jiang Lin's mood at this time was the same as that of a hunter.

He was about to hunt this demon guardian, and pryed out the lair of the demon from his mouth.

His mood is really urgent, as long as he finds the lair of the demon sect, he can kill it, then sneak into it, rob the records of the demon sect's research on medicine and corpse, and then leave directly.

Not to mention the girl in black, even that young man was stared at by Jiang Lin with hair all over his body.

I went, what kind of look is this?

He was also a little stunned. He had seen a lot of hatred against him. After all, as a guardian of the Demon Sect, he didn't know how many people wanted to put him to death.

But Jiang Lin's eyes were almost gone.

"Well, I caught him."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, then rushed over.

The girl in black: "..."

caught him?

Is the magic protector so easy to catch?

Still want to be captured?

Before the girl in black didn't know which drama Jiang Lin wanted to sing, Jiang Lin had already bullied the demon guardian law with lightning speed.

"So fast!"

The magic guardian opened his eyes suddenly, and then flew back immediately.

Jiang Lin failed to make a single blow, so he teleported out directly, came to the back of the Demon Sect Protector, and slapped his heart behind him.

However, his attack also did not achieve much, because at this critical moment, the magic guardian released the corpse in his sleeve and blocked a blow for himself.

Immediately, the magic guardians jumped back one after another, and every time they jumped, a corpse with scarlet eyes and fangs appeared.

"The protector actually brought the corpse over here, let's go there together, and kill them!"

The Pill Evil Xiu saw five or six corpses appear, and immediately his confidence increased greatly, and he led the crowd to rush over.

When Jiang Lin launched the attack just now, he seemed to think that the protector couldn't resist and would be robbed.

"Where to run!"

Jiang Lin failed to capture the Demon Sect Protector several times, and a coldness appeared on his face.

After that, a scream broke out from here.

What Jiang Lin released this time was full of hundreds of Yang Qi.

Not only that Pill Evil Xiu was killed, but even those cult members fell to the ground. As for those corpses, they were all beaten into sieves and fell down likewise.

However, Jiang Lin didn't care about these victories at all, he had to catch the Demon Sect protector.

At this time, the black-clothed girl who was watching the battle was completely blinded. Jiang Lin actually had the means to deal with those corpses.

You must know that the reason why the Demon Sect can become a rising star in the Sword Kingdom is because of these corpses who are invulnerable and almost indestructible.

However, Jiang Lin's method actually made those corpses look like they were carved out of tofu.

This is simply too fantastical.

"Second uncle, he runs faster than a rabbit!"

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to return to the original battlefield, but he still couldn't catch the magic guardian.

Seeing how powerful he was, that guy didn't want to fight him at all.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Jiang Lin could only give up temporarily. Anyway, those children were caught by the demon sect, so let's see if he can ask something from them.

"Young man, you...you..."

The black-clothed girl looked at Jiang Lin incredulously. She could sense Jiang Lin's cultivation level and was at the same level as her. The corpse-less people have fled even after this.

"In Xiajiang Forest, I don't know the name of the heroine?"

Since he was going to find those children, and this black-clothed girl was also an enemy of the Demon Sect, Jiang Lin had to get to know each other.

"My name is Wenjiu, and I'm the descendant of Jiu Jiansou. Jiang Shaoxia's method is really eye-opening for Wenjiu."

The girl in black removed the black veil on her face and introduced herself and her teachers to Jiang Lin.

"Young hero seems to be very sorry."

Wen Jiu didn't understand a little. In Sword Kingdom, the good and the evil had fought for so many years, even if they lost one or two times, they would not regret it like this.

"Oh, well, isn't the demon sect lost its conscience? I'm jealous of evil, so I'm going to take over the whole demon sect. It's naturally a pity that I didn't win the magic sect's protector."

Jiang Lin touched his nose and found a reason for being tall.

Chapter [-]: Righteous Bo Yun Tianjiang Hero (Part [-])

"It turns out that, Jiang Shaoxia, the degree of your hatred of the demon sect makes Wenjiu feel ashamed. Over the years, I have become accustomed to the existence of the demon sect."

One reason Jiang Lin made up indiscriminately made Wenjiu feel ashamed. She was good at dealing with the Demon Sect, but over the years, her anger towards the Demon Sect had already decreased a lot. In other words, it was like Some are used to it.

If she was replaced by Jiang Lin just now, it would be good for her to deal with the Demon Sect Protector, but she would never have such a pity expression after she missed.

Now, her mentality has changed. If she hadn't seen Jiang Lin like this, she wouldn't have found it.

"By the way, Jiang Shaoxia, do you have a way to deal with those corpses? I don't know who your teacher is, these corpses trained by magic are almost immortal, and their bodies are so powerful that they are even more terrifying than the monks who specialize in body training. Many times, ordinary methods and spiritual tools can't help them, if you can learn from Jiang Shaoxia's methods, it will be much easier to break the reliance of the demon sect."

Later, Wen Jiu remembered the scene where the corpses were beaten into sieves by Jiang Lin before, and asked him why.

However, as soon as she said the words, she felt that what she asked was too abrupt. For practitioners, such things are their own secrets and will not be told to others.

Since the Sword Kingdom has various sects, there will inevitably be sectarian views. The secret skills and forbidden techniques in the sects are not open to outsiders.

"Is it a corpse? I do have the means to deal with it, but I got a chance by chance, I met an elder, and I got to teach some methods."

Jiang Lin didn't tell the truth about the handsome girl in front of him. After all, he didn't belong to the Sword Kingdom, nor did he belong to the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, and the Sword Kingdom was more repulsive to outsiders. In this way, he would not reveal his true roots. .

As for some of the information that Wenjiu said, he is not surprised. Although there are monks in the Sword Country, almost [-]% of the monks are practicing swordsmanship, and they regard other methods as sidelines.

For those corpses cultivated by the Demon Sect, the sword country cultivator's methods certainly don't have much effect. The defense of those corpses is extremely abnormal. Even if the defense is broken, without some mysterious magic, it will be difficult kill it.

However, those things were not enough for him to see.

He himself is a professional corpse destroyer. No matter how strong the corpse's defense is, it is also aimed at physical attacks. The Yang Yan and True Fire Immortal Fire in his body are all powerful means against corpse evil.

Not to mention the corpse made by the devil, even the real Mao Zong Fei Zong and the Golden Retriever, etc., he still kills them.

"I'm sorry, it was abrupt to ask about wine."

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Wen Jiu also apologized, she asked what she shouldn't have asked.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, this is not a secret that needs to be kept. If you ask the girl to know more about it, you can share your experience with the girl. By the way, the top priority is to look at those children. Bar."

Jiang Lin saw that Wenjiu really wanted to know how he cooked corpses, so he gave him a thought. Anyway, he had to inquire about something from this girl.

If it is really necessary, he can still reveal some irrelevant information.

"That's great! Jiang Shaoxia, why don't you go back to my master's restaurant and sword building with me. Those children have been poisoned by the demon sect with inhumane methods. I need to take them back for treatment. And Jiang Shaoxia, you helped me, I need to thank you too."

A look of joy appeared on Wenjiu's face. If Jiang Lin was really willing to talk to her about how to deal with corpses, he would be able to rescue more poor children in the future.

Back then, she was also one of those children, so she could personally feel the pity of these children.

Oh?Can it be cured?

Jiang Lin raised his brows. He didn't expect that the teacher who asked the wine would be able to deal with these children's problems.

That being the case, he had absolutely no reason to refuse.

"That's disturbing."

Jiang Lin nodded with a smile, and then, together with Wenjiu, chased in the direction where the children fled.

It didn't take long for the two to catch up with the fleeing group of children, and asked Jiujiu to comfort them, and asked them to follow him and Jiang Lin to the wine sword building.

In the middle of the night, I asked Jiu to find a place to shelter from the wind, and let the children who escaped rest in peace, while Jiang Lin and myself stayed by the side.

Jiang Lin found out that Wenjiu took out the small gourd around his waist after a while, and poured wine into his stomach, feeling a little strange, and said: "Wanjiu girl, you are quite forthright, you drink well, you deserve to be a heroine. "

Wen Jiu looked at the wine gourd in his hand, and then at Jiang Lin, smiled and shook his head slightly: "I'm not good at drinking, to be honest, I was captured by the demon sect back then, and those villains will Some of my peers and I became corpses. Later, we escaped and were rescued by my master. In the end, my master put a lot of effort into saving us, but in the end, I was the only one who survived. This is medicinal wine, I drink it purely to suppress and remove toxins from my body."

"I see."

Jiang Lin suddenly realized that, no wonder Wenjiu also had corpse poison overflowing from her body. It turned out that she was also captured by the Demon Cult.

"Do you often treat these distressed children? Can you save them?"

Jiang Lin asked one more question. The corpse poison in these children's bodies is more difficult to remove than ordinary corpse poison because of its pharmacological effects. Judging from the skill and cultivation of the wine, their teachers are not like those who practice Xuanmen magic. Can save these children who have been poisoned by corpses.

He wanted to understand that the stone of his mountain could attack jade.

Wen Jiu sighed and said, "It's only part of it, let's see their fortune."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, then took a jar of immortal wine from the ancient mirror in his arms, and said to Wen Wen: "Although yours is medicinal wine, it is also wine. How can you drink alone? Come, I will accompany you."

So Jiang Lin brought up the wine jar, and the cow started drinking.

Wen Jiu's nose moved and looked at Jiang Lin's wine jar. Although she was drinking medicinal wine, because her teacher was a wine swordsman, she didn't know much about wine.

But it was so fragrant, she had never seen it before.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that you, a hero, don't fit in with the wine jar."

Wenjiu couldn't help laughing when he watched Jiang Lin pour wine from a wine jar.

Jiang Lin's temperament and personality really don't match the wine jar.


Jiang Lin also chuckled. He was not a hero before, and he never drank like this before. Now that he pretends to be a hero, he is still the kind of righteous Bo Yuntian. Some don't fit.

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