The first thousand six hundred and forty-one chapters

"Yes, you take it, you are a heroine with a wine gourd. Here, say I don't match the wine jar, don't you just want to taste my wine?"

As he said that, he threw the wine jar over, took another shot from the air, and took the small gourd in Wenjiu's hand into his own.

In fact, he took out the immortal wine just to drink it in exchange with Wenjiu. Since this medicinal wine has the effect of eliminating corpse poison, he wanted to smack its ingredients.

Maybe it has some effect on dealing with the corpse poison that invaded Jiang Ting's soul.

In addition, he also wants to use immortal wine to get closer to the girl in front of him. The magic sect refines corpses and studies the corpse poison of Ji. Wenjiu and his master have been treating these corpses over the years. The child who was poisoned by the corpse also had some research experience. After he passed, he had to get these materials.

The jar of nectarine and jade brewing that he just picked has great benefits for Wenjiu's body. The other party has accepted his favor, so it is naturally inconvenient for him to refuse some of his requests.


Being pierced by Jiang Lin like this, Wen Jiu's face suddenly flushed with embarrassment.

However, she still hadn't resisted the temptation of fine wine, so she picked up the wine jar and drank it, while Jiang Lin was tasting the ingredients of the small gourd Chinese medicinal wine.

Wenjiu was holding the gurgling cow drink from the wine jar. The more she drank, the more she wanted to drink it. The immortal wine in her stomach melted directly, eliminating the toxins in her body.

After a while, she got a little drunk when she asked about the wine, she looked at Jiang Lin with a sullen face, and said, "It's really interesting, I am a girl holding a wine jar and drinking wildly, but you are there to taste it carefully, the two of us. This gender should be changed."


Hearing Wenjiu saying something inappropriate, Jiang Lin frowned. When he was tasting the ingredients of the medicinal wine, Wenjiu had already filled half of the jar.

As long as he didn't make a sound, he poured the wine there again.

"Okay, you've had enough to drink, you can't drink any more."

Seeing this, Jiang Lin threw the little gourd and took the wine jar back.

" are so stingy! We both dealt with the Demon Sect together not long ago, and now you drink some wine, and you don't want it anymore! Give it to me, I will continue to drink it!"

The wine jar in her arms was taken away, and the girl who asked Jiu suddenly quit, and actually became a drunkard.

On weekdays, although she also tasted wine and often drank medicinal wine, she didn't drink much, so she didn't feel like drinking, but now, she gulped half a jar, and she was drunk.

Jiang Lin's face turned black. Although he said that he wanted to obtain information that would be beneficial to him, he also took out immortal wine and gave this girl a great benefit.

There is only a person like him who is willing to exchange such immortal treasures for some research materials.

Now, asked Jiujiu to say that he is stingy?

I'm stingy your second uncle!

"Drink, drink, drink you big bastard, you've filled half of the jar, and you'll fall if you drink more."

Jiang Lin directly sealed the wine jar and put it into the ancient mirror in his arms.

As far as Wenjiu's body is concerned, he can't digest so much immortal wine at all. Originally, he wouldn't let Wenjiu drink how much.

Now, this girl has been drinking too much. She is playing drunken madness here, and she also verbally attacked him. She still wants to drink, so drink dew water!

When I asked about wine, Jiang Lin had taken away the wine jar, so he immediately put his hands on his hips, saying that he had never tasted any wine, and that he was not drunk after a thousand cups.

"Give it to me, you have finished drinking my medicinal wine, and I only drink as much as you! A 'no' word popped out of my teeth, and this hero told you to eat and go!"

At this moment, the wine was completely overwhelmed, and the spirit of the wine was completely up, making her look like a full-fledged female man.

"Quick! This girl licks blood from the knife's edge, and she doesn't let her men, she walks in the light of the sword, and walks in the shadow of the sword, how can it be knocked down by a little wine!"

Yelling and asking for wine, he ran to Jiang Lin to sit down, ripped off his collar, and wanted to rummage through the wine jar.

Then, the children resting not far away were woken up, their eyes widened one by one, their faces dazed, they didn't know what Wen Jiu and Jiang Lin were doing.

Then they covered their eyes consciously and pretended not to see anything.

"Be honest with me!"

Jiang Lin's eyelids twitched when he was asked about drinking, and he slapped a knife on the back of her neck, causing her to fall asleep.

After that, he let the children continue to sleep.

"Anyway, I asked those children and didn't get any results. When I don't need money for my fairy wine, I can charge some interest."

Jiang Lin looked at Wenjiu, whose head was leaning on his shoulder, and pointed and pressed it on her forehead.

When he was on his way earlier, he had asked a few children about the location of the Demon Sect, but those children couldn't say anything at all. Since Wen Jiu was caught in the Demon Sect when he was a child, he wanted to find out about this girl. child's memory.

Originally, he wasn't prepared to do this privacy-seeking thing, but who asked the wine to be so mad at him.

After a long time, Jiang Lin frowned. From Wen Jiu's memory, he was certain that the Demon Sect was really related to Wang Di.

In Wenjiu's deep memory, when she was caught in the demon sect, she had seen many corpses, many of them failed, and they had all turned into monsters, and quite a few had become monsters. Uncontrolled red hornets.

However, apart from this information, he did not get any other useful information.

Although he found out where the Demon Sect's lair was, it was the Demon Sect's lair many years ago. Later, this evil organization had already changed its location.

It seems that if you want to detect the location of the Demon Cult's lair, you can't be too hasty.

Jiang Lin pressed his eyebrows. Now, he can only inquire slowly.

After that, he closed his eyes and meditated to relieve the pain in his mind.

Although he spent several years in Wanhualin, the sequelae on his body have not been completely eliminated. Sometimes, when he uses the ability that requires the help of spiritual thoughts, he will still suffer from headaches.

The next morning, Wen Jiu woke up, and then she found herself sitting beside Jiang Lin, hugging Jiang Lin's arm, and snuggling on his shoulder.

"Yo, are you awake? Are you sober?"

Jiang Lin opened his eyes and glanced at Wenjiu beside him.

"You and I……"

Wen Jiu quickly released his arms, stood up, and checked whether his clothes were neat.

"Why did I fall asleep on your shoulder?"

After finding that her clothes were still neat and tidy, she asked about Jiang Lin when she asked Jiujiu. She had forgotten what happened after she was drunk.

Jiang Lin got up and stretched, and said, "You acted drunk to me last night, and then I knocked you out, that's all."

"Drinking mad? Impossible! How could I be alcoholic!"

Asking about wine seemed like she had heard a joke. She had never been alcoholic, and of course she didn't believe it.

Moreover, she often drinks medicinal wine and is somewhat resistant to alcohol. If she gets drunk, how much does she have to drink?

"If you don't believe me, go and ask those children. I can't see that you are such a handsome girl. When you get drunk, you are more crazy than a man."

Jiang Lin pointed to the child who had woken up not far away, and asked Wenjiu to go over and ask.

"Sister, what big brother said is good."

"Yeah, you were crazy last night."

"Yes, it's like a different person, not drunk after a thousand cups, and full of nonsense."

"And tore off the collar of the heroic brother."

Without waiting to ask the wine to ask, those children started talking at a loss.


Hearing these words from the children, Wen Jiu was completely stunned in place, and then her expression gradually became embarrassed, and the whole person became embarrassed in capital letters.

Chapter [-] I don't go to hell, who goes to hell? (superior)

Jiang Lin smiled with the corners of his mouth raised. The girl's name is not bad. There is a word for wine, but he didn't dare to compliment the wine.

Asking Jiu saw Jiang Lin laughing at her, and his face was even more ashamed as if he was covered in rouge.

What a shame!

She and Jiang Lin only met yesterday, and they only met at night. It didn't take long for her to get drunk and go crazy with alcohol that night.

Now, her image in other people's hearts collapsed directly.

Moreover, she was drunk and woke up those little brothers and sisters.

"We still have serious things to do, don't stop me when you see me drinking too much."

After being embarrassed, she blamed Jiang Lin for asking about wine. She remembered that Jiang Lin wanted to give her a drink yesterday, and she still had the memories before she got drunk.

"Stop, of course, but—I can't stop it."

Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "You don't even know that I won't let you drink, what did you say, you said I was stingy, do you remember? You said I wouldn't give you a drink, you're going to hurt me, you Remember? You turned over my collar to grab the wine jar."

I shouldn't have asked!

Wen Jiu was sweating lightly on his forehead this time. Originally, it was shameful to be drunk and crazy, and it would be fine if he didn’t remember it, but now Jiang Lin told the situation again.

"I said, shouldn't you blame me for this? My jar of wine is not an ordinary wine, you don't realize that your physical condition has greatly improved? Alas, I still keep calling me a heroine and a heroine. You, it’s really a dog biting Lu Dongbin this time. Do you know what a dog biting Lu Dongbin means? It’s a proverb from our side, which means you don’t know a good person.”

Jiang Lin reminded Wenjiu and asked her to sense the situation in her body. He took out the immortal wine for a purpose. Don't be crazy about this drunkenness. He is not human inside or outside.

It's okay to not be appreciated, and if he is asked about wine and complains, he is really a meat bun and a dog.

When Wen Jiu heard the words, she immediately looked inside herself, and then she was surprised to find that the toxins in her body had been cleaned up a lot, and even with the help of medicinal wine for a month or two, the hidden danger could be completely solved.

Originally, her body might not recover for ten years or more.

In addition, the new sword wound on her body that appeared yesterday has also completely healed.

"Jiang Shaoxia, I asked Jijiu to help you, and I will keep this grace in my heart."

Wenjiu immediately folded his fists and bowed to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and said, "No need, just ask Miss Jiu if she doesn't hurt me."

Ask the wine: "..."

"Young Xia, don't make jokes about asking for wine. You don't need to call me a girl, just call me by my name. Brother Jiang, I'm really sorry about what happened last night."

Resisting the embarrassment, asked Jiujiu to apologize to Jiang Lin in a good voice, and called him the eldest brother.

Jiang Lin stopped joking with Wen Jiu and let her continue to lead the way.

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