"Brother Jiang, please don't mention what happened last night. I'm on our side, and I can be regarded as a heroic woman..."

On the way, Wen Jiu daringly begged Jiang Lin to forget about her drunken madness last night, otherwise, once it got out, her image of an indifferent chivalrous woman would be ruined.

"Do I look like a big mouth?"

Jiang Lin asked Jijiu angrily, and was mad at him by a young girl, how could he still go outside to promote it?

Asked the wine with a dry laugh, and didn't mention it again.

At noon, the two and a group of children arrived at a wealthy city - Jinling City. After entering the city, they went straight to Luoxia Town, a remote town where Jiujian Tower is located.

When he arrived at the Jiujian Tower, Jiang Lin saw the location of the teacher who asked the wine. He thought it would be quite impressive, but he didn't expect that the Jiujian Tower was just a simple house with a courtyard.


Wen Jiu called out, and then an old man with Hefa came out of the inner hall, followed by a teenager in his mid-teens.

This old man is Jiu Jiansou, the master who asked about wine.

The cultivation of the Nascent Soul level is really not weak.

After Jiang Lin saw Jiu Jiansao, he noticed the latter's cultivation level. However, the old man's lifespan was almost exhausted, and it was difficult to exert his strength at this level.

"Ask the wine, you're back."

The old man Jiujian nodded, and then asked the teenagers behind him to take the children to the kitchen and get them some food.

After the children left, Jiu Jiansou looked at Jiang Lin with a bit of caution in his eyes.

Jiang Lin bowed to him and greeted him, "Senior."

The old man Jiujian frowned, looked at Wenjiu, and said, "Wangjiu, who is this?"

"He is Jiang Lin. This time, my disciple went to rescue these poor children, thanks to his help."

Asking Jiu, he introduced Jiang Lin to Jiu Jiansou, mentioned to him that Jiang Lin could deal with corpses, and then said that he had to send wine to Jiang Lin to solve the toxins in his body.

After listening to Wen Jiu's account, Jiu Jiansou's guard against Jiang Lin was released: "It turns out that it's Jiang Shaoxia, please come in quickly."

After entering the inner hall, Jiu Jiansou asked Jiang Lin's origin in a low-key manner, and Jiang Lin told Jiu Jiansou and Wenjiu about his "origin".

His identity in Sword Country was naturally Zhu Xiaolian's fellow countryman, and even the pass documents on the road were guaranteed by Zhu Xiaolian in his capacity as a leader.

So, even if someone asks, he can justify it.

"Jiang Shaoxia, since you are kind to asking for wine, if you don't dislike it, then leave the old man's sword tower for a while. Old man, I have to prepare to rescue those poor children. If you ask for wine, you can greet Jiang Shaoxia."

After touching Jiang Lin's bottom, Jiu Jiansou, like asking about wine, no longer doubted Jiang Lin's identity, and went to the pharmacy in the backyard on his own.

"Brother Jiang, we have been fighting against the Demon Sect for so many years. We haven't been found because we live in a remote and secret place, and we rarely interact with outsiders, so Master is on guard. I hope you don't mind."

Wenjiu explained to Jiang Lin in a low voice with an apologetic face. In fact, at the beginning, she also took precautions against Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin killed a lot of demon cult cultivators and destroyed a lot of corpses. It means that Jiang Lin absolutely cannot belong to the same camp as the Demon Sect.

Even if the Demon Sect uses any strategy, it is absolutely impossible to pay that kind of price, so she is no longer on guard against Jiang Lin.

"This is nothing, on the road of cultivation, be careful and do not make a big mistake."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, saying that he didn't care, and then he said, "Asking Jiu, I think the lifespan of Senior Jiu Jiansou seems to be approaching, and it doesn't look like normal aging."

When Jiu Jiansou was looking at him before, he was also observing the other party, and what made him feel strange was that Jiu Jiansou's voice was not old at all, but his body was abnormally aging, which seemed to be caused by overdrawing his true essence.

"Brother Jiang, how could you find this out? You are really smart. Master, he is indeed not a normal aging, but at the expense of his own life to save the children with corpse poison, which caused him the current situation.”

Wen Jiu sighed, if it wasn't for saving those poor children, her master wouldn't be running out of fuel.

Sacrifice life?

Jiang Lin was curious, but he had never seen this kind of treatment.

Chapter [-] I don't go to hell, who goes to hell? (middle)

"Senior Jiujiansu is willing to sacrifice himself to save the innocent, which is really admirable."

Jiang Lin praised Jiu Jiansou's good deeds, and then asked, "Don't you have any uncles and uncles?"

If Jiu Jiansou was not alone, but a group of people who figured out this kind of treatment method, the part that could be used for reference would be larger, otherwise, the value that could be referenced might not be that great.

Qujiu replied: "No, I only have one master, and among my peers, there is only one younger brother you saw before."

This is it.

Jiang Lin was a little disappointed, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. He had to wait for him to understand the details before he could draw a conclusion.

Even if there is nothing to learn from, if he can get some research materials from Wenjiu and the others, then it is a worthwhile trip.

It didn't take long for Jiu Jiansou to bring out a lot of medicinal materials and put them in the inner hall. In addition to the medicinal materials, Jiu Jiansou also brought out a waist drum and a chime.

Jiu Jiansou ordered: "If you ask for wine, you can take out the medicine wine barrel."

"Let me help you too."

Jiang Lin offered to fight, in fact, he also wanted to see what medicinal materials this Jiujian old man had prepared in the pharmacy behind.

"That's a big thank you, there are several barrels."

Wen Jiu smiled at Jiang Lin, although she had known Jiang Lin for a short time, but after a farce last night, she had become familiar with Jiang Lin a lot.

Jiu Jiansou's face turned pale, and he said, "Ask Jiu, they are guests, how can you let the guests do it."

"Senior, it's okay, you have nothing to do, just move your muscles and bones."

Jiang Lin insisted on doing a little favor, but Jiu Jiansou saw that he was so enthusiastic, so he didn't refuse.

So, Jiang Lin and Wenjiu went to the pharmacy in the backyard.

The medicine cabinet in the pharmacy did store a lot of medicinal materials. Jiang Lin glanced at it and took the names of these medicinal materials in his heart.

Seeing Wen Jiu bend over and pick up a wine barrel, Jiang Lin couldn't help but laugh.

"why are you laughing?"

"No... nothing."

Jiang Lin smiled and shook his head. In fact, he remembered the matter of asking the wine to hold the wine jar and the cow to drink last night.

"You're laughing at me for being drunk again!"

At this time, Wen Jiu also realized the reason for Jiang Lin's laughter, and immediately pursed his cherry mouth.

"Hahaha... No, no no."

Although Jiang Lin said no, his laughter had already betrayed him.

"Don't get me wrong, it's time to turn the page."

Jiang Lin hurriedly picked up the two wine barrels and left the pharmacy, otherwise he really couldn't help laughing all the time.

Ghosts believe you!

Asked about alcohol and hummed, but she had no idea in her heart, who made her make a fool of herself in front of others.

After the two arrived at the inner hall, Jiu Jiansao was surprised. Why did the face of Qi Jiu turn bright red after a while?

Is it possible...

"Cough, ask for wine. Master also knows that you are at the age of the beginning of love. However, you need to concentrate on the next things, don't think about it, talk about love, and divide the time."

Jiu Jiansou reminded Wenjiu, he thought there was something between Jiang Lin and Wenjiu, and he thought about Jiang Lin as a guest and offered to help. In his opinion, he should just want to be with Wenjiu.

"Master, what are you talking about!"

After listening to Jiu Jiansou's words, Wen Jiu's already flushed cheeks suddenly turned into a crimson face.

Then she gave Jiang Lin an angry look, blaming Jiang Lin for laughing at her for being drunk last night, but she was misunderstood by Master.

After half an hour, all the preparations were completed, and many children in the kitchen were also brought over by the teenager.

Jiang Lin sat on the side, ready to see if Jiu Jiansuo used such a method to detoxify these children.

The magic sect refines corpses, but not only poisons the bodies of those corpses. If there are some mysterious spells, you can directly control the corpses with Taoism, but there are almost no such spells in the Sword Kingdom, so you can only make victims. The body and soul of the person are poisoned.

Otherwise, it would not be easy to get the corpse to obey orders.

This is also the reason why the eminent monk immovable asked Jiang Lin to look for the Demon Sect and obtain those research materials.

Jiang Lin took all the actions of Jiu Jiansou in his eyes, but the more he looked at him, the more disappointed he became. Jiu Jiansou was just feeding those children with medicine and alcohol, which were similar to glutinous rice and snake medicine. The active drugs are used to expel the poison, and at the same time, the spiritual power is used to remove the poison.

However, what Jiu Jiansou did next made his eyes light up.

Jiu Jiansou began to use waist drums and chimes.

While singing, Jiu Jiansuo flicked his fingers continuously, making the bell and drum rhythmically move, and then his own spiritual power also penetrated into the sound waves by special means, and entered the bodies of those children through vibration.

In addition, Jiu Jiansou also let his own Nascent Soul fly out, refining the mixture of medicinal materials and medicinal wine with the fire of Nascent Soul.

In this way, the spirit, spirit and life essence of the original soul of the old man in the wine sword were mixed in the steam of the medicinal wine, and together with the sound waves carrying spiritual power, they were used to wash the souls of those children.

Whenever a child's soul is damaged, the spirit and energy in the sound wave can quickly fill it.

Good guy!

Soul cleanse!

Jiang Lin really didn't expect that Jiu Jiansou could think of using sonic music to deal with the corpse poison in the bodies and souls of those children.

This was really beyond his expectations.

Moreover, this method of Jiu Jiansuo is indeed effective. Although it is not to the extent of immediate results, the corpse poison in the bodies and souls of those children is being eliminated.

Jiang Lin also knew this method of removing poison. Even if he had an idea, he had to go through countless attempts, so he planned to observe it in detail, but just as he was about to take a closer look, Jiu Jiansuo suddenly spewed out A mouthful of blood.

Because the old man with wine sword was about to run out of oil, and now he is reluctant to squeeze his life force, so that he can no longer bear the cost of treatment.


Wen Jiu screamed in surprise, and then persuaded: "Master, your body can't hold it anymore, or wait for you to recover."

Although she also very much hopes to save these poor children, but the current situation is that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and Jiu Jiansou has no such ability.

"Senior, I don't know if there is a substitute for this method of yours? For example, you come to use the method, and the cost is my life."

Of course, Jiang Lin didn't want Jiu Jiansuo to stop just like that. He had to read the whole process before he could figure it out for himself. Even if he had the soul-cleaning manual, he didn't have the ability to figure out the whole process by himself.

There must be a wine swordsman to demonstrate, and he can draw a scoop according to the gourd.

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