Chapter [*] I don't go to hell, who goes to hell? (Down)

As for the loss of his own life, Jiang Lin doesn't care. He is immortal, and his lifespan means nothing to him. Now it's about whether he can save his wife Jiang Ting. cost.

"What? You have to sacrifice your own life to save these children? But you don't have a soul. If you really want to do this, you will lose at least ten years of life this time."

Jiu Jiansou had an unbelievable look on his face. Practitioners in the sandy sea of ​​the Northern Territory were basically hopeless for longevity. In this case, few people would risk their lives.

Even if their Sword Country considers themselves to be righteous people, few are willing to die directly for others.

This is not the same as taking an adventure, it is giving away one's own lifespan directly.

Moreover, a gift is ten or twenty years.

"Brother Jiang, don't do this. It's up to me and Master to save these children. You've helped enough. I can't make you pay such a huge price."

Asking wine also did not expect Jiang Lin to propose such a plan, she refused Jiang Lin without thinking too much.

In her opinion, fighting against the Demon Sect and saving these poor children is a matter for her and her teacher. Jiang Lin's half-way support is enough to be righteous, and he also helped her solve the hidden dangers of her body. Now let her With Jiang Lin's help, how could she agree.

"Asked Jiu is right, Jiang Shaoxia, although I am very grateful for your dedication, but I can't agree with the old man either. The old man has already experienced most of his life and lived for a long time. It's okay to sacrifice life, but you It's in its prime, how can this be possible? And you have to pay more than me."

Jiu Jiansou shook his head and did not agree. He had no trouble in his own life. Of course, he looked down on the early death and late death, but Jiang Lin was still a young man. If Jiang Lin's cultivation only stopped at the golden core level, then his lifespan would also be too long. It won't be too long, at least a ten-year lifespan is absolutely precious to a monk at this level.

In the past, Wenjiu had also mentioned this, but he also rejected it directly.

"You two, you don't need to persuade me like this, these poor innocent children were captured by the demon sect and suffered from poisoning. Although they have just joined the WTO, but because of this, their hearts are still sincere. Let me see them as helpless. Unbearable."

With a smile, Jiang Lin continued: "What's more, Senior Jiujiansu, you are powerless now, can't you watch these children's corpse poisoning your heart? Ask Jiujiu's body has been poisoned in the first place, and she will definitely not be able to replace the seniors. In this case, if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell? Sacrifice ten years of life to save these children from the sea of ​​misery. In my opinion, this is naturally worthwhile. Seniors, if you ask about wine, you don’t need to persuade each other.”

Naturally, Jiang Lin's real purpose cannot be expressed to the outside world, so in order to get Wenjiu and Jiujiansu to agree, he can only show a sense of righteousness and say some righteous words, so that the two will never stop. reject.

Jiu Jiansou and Wen Jiu looked at each other. At this time, Jiang Lin's image in their hearts suddenly became incomparably tall.

At this time, Jiu Jiansou's defense against Jiang Lin had been completely put down. In his opinion, no matter what the purpose or what conspiracy was brewing, he would definitely not bet on his own lifespan.

"Okay! What a 'I don't go to hell, who goes to hell', Jiang Shaoxia, you really make the old man feel ashamed, and the old man will never do this at your age and with this kind of cultivation. Your This sincere heart, I don't know how many knights who claim to be righteous people can feel ashamed. Since the young knight is willing to sacrifice himself for others, the old man will not say much."

Saying that, the old man bowed deeply to Jiang Lin, and then said: "Young master, you should concentrate on your mind first, after a while, old man, I will use methods to extract the spirit and energy from your golden core. This process is not easy, you Be prepared."

"It doesn't matter, senior casts spells."

Jiang Lin smiled casually, took a few steps forward, and sat down.

This is true chivalry.

Wen Jiu looked at Jiang Lin quietly, and felt that Jiang Lin was much more admirable than those who claimed to be chivalrous and righteous outsiders.

Those well-known sects, slogans and so on, are very loud, but there is no sect that is not afraid of the power of the demon corpse. Most of them turn a blind eye to the evil deeds of the demon.

He didn't even dare to fight, he cherished his life, and it was impossible to compare with the current Jiang Lin.

It's like a sky and an underground.

After a while, Wen Jiu cooperated with Jiu Jian Sou and continued to rescue those children, and Jin Dan at Jianglin Dantian also began to passively release his energy to the outside world.

During this process, Jiang Lin completely memorized all the details, as well as the rhythm of Jiu Jiansou's drumming and bell.

At the same time, he is still observing the situation in those children's bodies, taking the progress of removing the corpse poison from their bodies as a reference.

Half an hour later, a large amount of sweat appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead, and he was forcibly removed from his life force, which made him feel uncomfortable at all.

"It's great, great! With Jiang Shaoxia's help this time, the lesions in these children's bodies have been broken. In the future, as long as they use medicinal wine for follow-up detoxification over the years, they will have a good chance of recovery."

After the treatment process was over, Jiu Jiansou went over to call the pulse of those children. To his delight, most of the problems of these poor children had been solved, and the success rate was quite gratifying.

"Thank you, big brother!"

"The great kindness and virtue of the big brother, we will never forget it."

All the children knelt down to Jiang Lin to thank him for his life.

"You should also thank Grandpa Jiujian and Sister Wenjiu. They gave you the chance to live."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and stood up, but for a while he was a little unsteady. Seeing this, Wenjiu hurried over and supported him.

However, because she was in a hurry to help her, Jiang Lin's elbow bumped somewhere on her upper body.

She blushed instantly, and instinctively took a step back, but then went up to support Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's actions were equivalent to saving the life of her master Jiu Jiansou in disguise. How could she care about such things as granting and accepting or not.

As for Jiang Lin, he didn't care at all, his mind was not on the question at all.

After being helped to the side chair, Jiang Lin recalled the details of Jiu Jiansou's rescue just now. After the physical discomfort was relieved, he took the opportunity to chat with Ji Jiansou on the principle of this treatment.

Jiu Jiansou got help from Jiang Lin, and he no longer regarded him as an outsider, so he naturally answered any questions he had.

The first thousand six hundred and forty-five chapters plan and then move

For the next half month, Jiang Lin stayed in the restaurant.

Although he inquired about the method and details of Jiu Jiansou's rescue, this method was the result of Jiu Jiansou's many experiments. If he really wanted to explain the principle, Jiu Jiansou couldn't say all the ugly sons in it. Mao.

Therefore, Jiang Lin did not leave the Jiujian Tower. Even if he had this method, he would not dare to use it on Jiang Ting's soul before he could figure out the basis for it.

During this period of time, Jiang Lin also obtained the clinical data obtained by Jiu Jiansou over many years of research and treatment of corpses.

At the same time, Jiang Lin was also planning to break into the Demon Cult's lair, but it wasn't easy.

First of all, Jiu Jiansou and Wenjiu also didn’t know where the Demon Cult’s lair was; secondly, although they didn’t find out where the Demon Cult’s lair was, Jiang Lin still found out some information. According to Jiu Jiansou, the Demon Cult’s lair There are many internal powerhouses, and there are many evil cultivators at the light Yuanying level, and Fu Yu, the leader of the demon sect, has already reached the level of divine transformation.

Besides, there are so many people in the Demon Sect, it is not so easy to really force it.

In the past, it was not that no one united and wanted to take over the dens where the corpse was refined in the main altar of the Demon Sect, but unfortunately, they all failed.

"It's not going well."

Ten days later, in the early morning, when sunlight came in from the window, Jiang Lin opened his eyes. He pondered all night, pondering how to obtain the research materials of those refining corpses from the Demon Sect.

This thing really troubled him.

During these ten days, he also did some things - raided the demon sect branch, rescued some children from there, and also explored the depth of the demon sect.

Of course, this was done by asking the wine to lead the way, and Jiang Lin and the others did it together.

The separation of the demon sect alone made Jiang Lin suffer a lot of resistance. Although he retreated several times and rescued many children, he did not get any research materials from there.

Therefore, he also knows that if he wants to make a real move, he must be fully prepared.

It must be decided and then acted upon.

The matter of breaking into the Demon Sect's lair can only be discussed in the long run.

Because the facts have been told, there is no rush.

"It can only destroy the Demon Sect."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, thinking about it all night, he only thought of this relatively suitable method.

It is probably not enough to rely on his own strength to break into the lair of the Demon Sect.

In this case, he wanted to add fuel to the flames and stir up the situation between the good and evil sides of the Sword Kingdom.

He wants to use the power of the sword country's many well-known sects to destroy the demon sect and paralyze it, and then he will take advantage of the chaos to do his own thing.

Once the Demon Sect is paralyzed, the old nest will inevitably be found.

"Let's implement the first step first."

With a plan in mind, Jiang Lin decided to start taking action today, and then gradually improve his plan.

Moreover, during this period of planning, he can also completely master Jiu Jiansou's rescue method.

"Senior, how do you feel?"

Jiang Lin walked out of the guest room where he was temporarily staying, saw Jiu Jiansou in the yard, and asked him about his physical condition.

Ten days ago, he took out the jar of immortal wine left over from the wine and gave it to Jiu Jiansou.

In name, he wanted to make Jiu Jiansou live longer, but in fact, he wanted to give himself more opportunities to observe.

This is another reason why he and Wenjiu went to the Demon Sect to rescue the children who were caught to refine the corpse.

"Very good, Jiang Lin, thank you so much, the old man really doesn't know what to say."

Jiu Jiansou was very grateful to Jiang Lin in his heart. Jiang Lin was not only willing to help, but also willing to sacrifice his lifespan. Now, he even gave him the treasures he got to prolong his life.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "People in the same way, why talk about thank you."

He really didn't mean to accept Jiu Jiansou's gratitude, they just took what they needed from each other.

"Master, you don't need to thank him anymore. I don't even know how much I have thanked him these days. We always say thank you in a dry way, and it's not strange."

At this time, Wen Jiu also came out of the room, making a joke like a self-deprecating joke.

Although they are very grateful to Jiang Lin, they really have nothing to give Jiang Lin.

"Yeah, if you just say it with your mouth, it's dry, then why do you ask me, an old man, to thank me? I don't want anything, and I don't want anyone. You, as my apprentice, go and thank others. , you are a handsome and beautiful big girl."

Jiu Jiansuo stroked his beard and looked at Wenjiu with a smile. During this time of getting along, he also found that Wenjiu seemed to have some girlish thoughts.

For a long time, he regarded Wenjiu as his own daughter, and his daughter, Mo Ruofu, couldn't see the feelings in Wenjiu's heart.

"Master! What are you talking about!"

When Jiu Jiansao said this, Wen Jiu's cheeks blushed and he let out an angry sound.

"Haha, there's nothing I can't say. It's okay, don't say it, lest you don't recognize me as a master."

Jiu Jiansao laughed and looked at Jiang Lin intentionally or unintentionally. After that, he stopped joking with Wenjiu, saying, "By the way, Wenjiu, today is the beginning of the month. Go to the city and get some medicinal herbs, a pharmacy. The medicines are almost used up. Jiang Lin, you can also ask for the wine, and let her take you away."

Jiu Jiansou asked Wenjiu to go to Jinling City, brought in some herbs, and let Jiang Lin go with him.

"no problem."

Jiang Lin just planned to go to the city to find a weapon foundry today, and implement the first step of the plan. Since he also wants to go to Jinling City, he will go the same way.

Nowadays, some famous schools in the Sword Kingdom are declining, which leads to the elimination of demons, and the main reason is that it is difficult for them to deal with those corpses cultivated by demons. As long as this heavy reliance on demons is abolished, then Many people of justice in the Sword Kingdom will inevitably gather to discuss the Demon Sect.

This is Jiang Lin's general plan.

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