To facilitate such a situation, he needs to provide some powerful corpse-killing instruments.

Therefore, he planned to go to the city and let the casting workshop cast some specially made corpse crossbows.

The first thousand six hundred and forty-six chapters come to the mind (on)

"What did you do in the past? I can't do it alone."

Wen Jiu pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Lin. Just now, her master hinted at her thoughts. At this moment, if she was alone with Jiang Lin again, it would not be enough for her to be embarrassed.

"Why can't I go? Just now you said thank you for this, but now you refuse to take me to the city, so you thank me like this?"

" have to leave quickly!"

Really like a wooden fish!

Wen Jiu snorted lightly, believing that Jiang Lin was an elm head.

Little girls don't understand.

"If I can entrust the wine to him, I can go there with confidence."

After Jiang Lin and the others left on their horses, Jiu Jiansuo looked at the backs of the two and muttered to himself.

The more he looked at Jiang Lin, the more pleasing his eyes became. In fact, he couldn't help but dislike him. I'm afraid no one could do what Jiang Lin did.

If he can be taken care of by Jiang Lin in the future, then even if he dies, he will be free from worries.

Jiang Lin still didn't know that Jiu Jiansuo had already thought about entrusting his disciples to him. On the way, he was still frowning and thinking, trying to sort out the logic between those methods.

Wen Jiu looked at Jiang Lin with a worried look, and suddenly felt a little bored. Not long after she met Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin had always been like this, even if he was alone with her, he didn't say a few words.

Often looks like a mute.

"Ask for wine, go to the pharmacy by yourself, and I'll look elsewhere."

After entering Jinling City, the two sent their horses to the stables in the city. After reaching the fork in the street, Jiang Lin asked Wenjiu to buy the medicinal materials by himself, and he prepared to look around.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't want Wenjiu to follow him. He needed to have the casting workshop cast a bow and crossbow for him. Therefore, he had to explain it carefully.

And Sword Country is more exclusive, if asked Jiu by his side and finds that he knows some mysterious techniques, then if he wants to explore his bottom, then there will be unnecessary trouble.

At that time, questions such as "who are you", "what are you trying to pretend to be from the Sword Country", "who ordered you" and so on may arise, and it is not enough to annoy him.

"You've already come, and let me go by myself?"

Wen Jiu looked at Jiang Lin with some resentment, the two came together, and Jiang Lin left her alone when they got there.

"Why, don't bear me?"

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, and then said, "You have a head and face in this Jinling City, and you have an image in the hearts of others, but you seem to be different from usual in front of me, so you are not afraid that others will see the side of you that you usually don't know about. ?"

"Who... Who said that I'm not the same as usual in front of you? Who can't bear you anymore."

Asking Jiu stabbed Jiang Lin, if she hadn't played a drunken madness in front of Jiang Lin, she wouldn't have had such a transformation.

Posing a cold and arrogant posture, Wen Jiu pointed to the front, and said, "I will wait for you at the Shenpongtang Hall. After half an hour, you can find me."

Jiang Lin smiled and went in another direction.

After about a cup of tea, he found a casting workshop in the city, and gave the drawings he prepared to the casting master and paid the wages.

Jiang Lin repeatedly explained that the master must cast according to the specifications on the drawing, and there must be no mistakes, especially the pattern on the bow and arrow, which must be strictly matched.

In addition, he also specifically instructed that the surface of these bows and arrows must be covered with a layer of iron.

He didn't let Wen Jiu follow him because he didn't want to reveal the pattern on the arrows. However, after the arrows were completed, if they didn't make some camouflage, they would also be discovered by later users.

After finishing the casting of this batch of crossbow arrows, Jiang Lin left the casting workshop and went to the God Pesticide Hall, which he asked about from the casting master.


When passing an alley, Jiang Lin suddenly saw the profile of a scholar.

This face, he is not unfamiliar, is the magic protector he met when he helped ask for wine.

Although the Demon Protector covered his face with a black cloth at the time, Jiang Lin could see his true face early in the morning.

At this time, Jiang Lin was really surprised.

During this period of time, he still didn't know where the Demon Sect's old nest was, and neither did Jiujiansu and Wenjiu, who had been fighting against the Demon Sect.

Now, he has encountered the guardian of this demon sect again. If he is captured, the whereabouts of the lair of the demon sect will naturally follow.

Once he knew the position of the Demon Sect's helm, as long as the corpse-killing bow and crossbow were completed, he would be able to let Jiu Jiansou contact other sects and defeat the Demon Sect in one fell swoop.

That way, it can save him a lot of trouble.

However, after weighing it a bit in his heart, Jiang Lin endured it.

There is indeed no problem for him to deal with this demonic guardian, but if the other party wants to sneak away, he is really not easy to take.

Moreover, this is Jinling City, which is under the jurisdiction of the city owner. In the city, practitioners are not allowed to exchange fire.

This is also the rule of the Sword Kingdom. Outside the city, in the mountains and jungles, in the rural countryside, the good and the evil can fight whatever they want, but in the big cities where the people of the Sword Kingdom live, they cannot do it.

Therefore, Jiang Lin hesitated, if he could succeed with a single blow, it would be fine.

More importantly, he didn't have enough evidence to prove that this young man was the protector of the demon sect.

Let's see what this guy is doing in Jinling City.

Jiang Lin followed quietly behind the Demon Sect Protector. It didn't take long for him to discover that this guy had gone to an abandoned house to meet another young man.

"Young City Lord."

The guardian of the demon sect gave a salute to the young man they met, and Jiang Lin was immediately surprised that this son of the Jinling City lord had actually colluded with the demon sect?

"Mu Hufa, the guards of the city have informed me that Wenjiu came to Jinling City. As always, she will come to the city at the beginning of every month. How do you need me to cooperate with you?"

The young city lord returned a salute and discussed the plan with the Demon Sect Protector.

The magic guardian smiled and said, "You just need this..."

Jiang Lin amplified his hearing outside the abandoned house and listened to the entire conversation between the two.

Good guy, it turned out to be for me and Jiu Jiansou.

Hearing the conversation between the two, a cold light flashed in Jiang Lin's eyes. During this time, he and Wenjiu raided several sub-rudders of the Demon Sect and alarmed the Demon Sect leader. Therefore, this time, the Demon Sect's protector was ordered to personally They were dispatched to find out the whereabouts of him, Wenjiu and those children.

Hey, soldiers never tire of cheating.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, thinking about it, and had a way to target it in his mind.

This time, he wants to let this demon sect protector act as a guide for him, and give this guy an army of anti-generals.

After making a plan in his heart, Jiang Lin quietly left the abandoned house and went straight to the Shenpongtang Hall.

The strategy agreed upon by the magic guardian and the young city lord was to fall on Wenjiu's body, so he had to say hello to Wenjiu in advance, and let this girl cooperate with her, so that nothing could go wrong.

The first thousand six hundred and forty-seven chapters come to the mind (below)

This time, the strategy discussed by the magic guardian and the young city master of Jinling City is to cooperate with each other to perform a play.

The magic guardian pretended to be a scholar and waited on the street out of Jinling City. As soon as the wine appeared, the young city master galloped on the street, while the magic guardian was reading in the middle of the road, deliberately pretending not to hear the surrounding movement.

Once Wen Jiu sees such a situation, with her chivalrous heart, she will definitely not be helpless, and will naturally come into contact with the magic guardian.

After creating the opportunity to contact, the magic guardian can use the excuse of being rescued and ask for wine until he finds out the secret of the wine sword tower.

The tactic the two agreed upon was really ingenious. Jiang Lin guessed that if he hadn't bumped into it, he would probably have succeeded.

From what he knew about Wenjiu, [*]% of them would rescue him as they planned.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't expect to be accidentally bumped into by Jiang Lin when the Demon Sect Protector appeared.

And the Demon Sect Protector didn't even think that he had never shown his true face in front of Wenjiu and Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin still saw his true face.

"You're finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

When Jiang Lin found Shenpongtang, he was already a little impatient to ask about wine.

In fact, rather than being impatient, it would be better to say that she couldn't see Jiang Lin, she always had a strange feeling in her heart.

After spending a lot of time with Jiang Lin, she gradually developed the feeling that as long as she didn't see Jiang Lin, she seemed to feel that something was missing.

Jiang Lin saw Wenjiu's anxious appearance, and a smile appeared on his face. He has so many emotional experiences, how could he not see Wenjiu's abnormality.

It's just that now he has important things to do, and he doesn't have the time to fall in love.

"What are you laughing at?"

Wenjiu's heart suddenly froze, and Jiang Lin's expression seemed to know what was going on in her heart.

"It's nothing, I just encountered an interesting thing, which is related to you. However, I can't explain the whole situation to you. This matter is also related to the demon religion. Next, you just need to follow my arrangements."

Jiang Lin didn't talk to Wenjiu about the collusion between the magic guardian and the young city lord. Wenjiu is a girl with a relatively straightforward personality. If he told Wenjiu about the matter, then he would use the reverse strategy later. It won't go well.

"What's the matter, why can't you explain the whole situation to me?"

Asking Jiu was a little confused, not knowing what Jiang Lin meant.

"Because you have a simple mind and are not suitable to know everything, you only need to know that apart from me, don't believe anyone you meet today. Don't ask too much about other things, just do what you usually want to do. Just do it.”

Seeing that Wenjiu had to break the casserole and ask to the end, Jiang Lin simply said, "Just do as I say, otherwise, don't blame me for telling you about your drunken madness."

Now, it was a matter of successfully finding out where the Demon Cult's lair was. Of course, Jiang Lin didn't want Ask Jiu not to cooperate well.


Asked about the drunkenness, didn't tell her anything, and threatened her with the fact that she was drunk.


However, she was annoyed in her heart, and she did not continue to be angry with Jiang Lin.

After all, Jiang Lin had never made a joke about her drunkenness. Now that she mentioned it, something might really happen.

"Let's go, I won't hang around today, go back first, and later, you will meet the young city master of Jinling City galloping on horseback. If something happens, you can just deal with it normally according to your usual thinking. If there is anything strange Don't be surprised if it happens."

After the two left the Shenpongtang Hall, Jiang Lin told him to ask Jijiu, how to do it normally, and how to do it today.

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