"I really don't know what you are talking about, how could I meet the young city master for no reason?"

"You will know when the time comes. The doubts in your heart, when the time comes, I will naturally solve them for you. You just need to do as I say first."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and at the same time kept his feet and continued on his way.

Asking for wine was still at a loss, but when it was time for a cup of tea and approaching the gate of the city, the young city lord of Jinling City rode his horse into the city from the outside and galloped down the street.

Behind him, there are several followers chasing after him.

Seeing this scene, Wen Jiu was stunned for a moment, and the outrageous words Jiang Lin said actually came true.

Pedestrians on the street heard the sound of riding the horse, and they all ducked to both sides of the street. Only a scholar holding a book seemed to have heard nothing and was still looking at the book in his hand.

Seeing that the scholar was about to be hit by the young city lord's horse, he jumped out without thinking about it, and the scabbard in his hand shook out and hit the horse's forehead.

"Whatever happens next, just don't make a fuss."

Jiang Lin also jumped up together, and whispered to ask for wine.

After rushing over, Jiang Lin grabbed the arm of the magician who was pretending to be a scholar, and led him around a few times before retreating to the side of the street with him.

After that, Jiang Lin skillfully controlled his position and fell beside Wen Jiu.

nailed it!

Jiang Lin smiled slightly, and just when he was in contact with the Demon Sect Protector, he had quietly struck some of the curse lines in his palm on the latter's body.

At this time, because the young city lord's horse was hit by the scabbard of the wine, he raised his hooves directly and lifted the young city lord on the horse.

"Who is so daring to stop this young master's horse!"

The young city lord rolled on the ground twice, then got up in embarrassment, pointed to Jiang Lin and the others in front, and said to his followers, "Hit me!"

When the entourage saw that the person who stopped the horse was asking for wine, he was in trouble and said, "Master, she...she is asking for wine, so it's not easy to mess with."

At this time, Wen Jiu looked at the young city lord, and said, "Young city lord, in this Jinling City, you have to pay for killing someone. I just saved your life, why don't you thank me quickly?"

"You... hum! Let's go!"

Shaocheng was in charge of the loss, snorted coldly, and left with his horse.

Wen Jiu looked at the scholar, and then looked at Jiang Lin for unknown reasons. She didn't think there was anything wrong, and she didn't understand why Jiang Lin explained to her like that before.

"Let's go."

He didn't think much about asking about wine, and he was about to travel with Jiang Lin.

But at this time, the magic guardian stopped in front of Wen Jiu and said, "Girl, thank you for saving me, but we seemed to have a skin-to-skin relationship just now. How are you responsible for me?"

"Skin kiss???"

Asked the question mark on Jiu's face, she didn't touch this scholar at all just now, what kind of skin-to-skin relationship?

Get sick!

Hearing this, Jiang Lin forcibly suppressed his own laughter.

This demonic protector, up to now, still doesn't know that he has been tricked into by him, and has been played as a monkey.

The first thousand six hundred and forty-eight chapters put a long line, catch big fish

In fact, the Demon Sect's guardians and asked for wine, they didn't even know that Jiang Lin was controlling all of this.

Jiang Lin had already used his ever-changing powers when the young city lord appeared earlier, making Wenjiu transformed into him, and himself, transformed into Wenjiu's appearance.

However, this kind of ability is only aimed at the magic guardian and the young city lord.

Therefore, in the eyes of the young city lord and the demon guardian law, the person who turned the person around a few times and pulled him aside was the one who asked about the wine, but it was actually Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin did this on purpose in order to play tricks on the body of the demon protector.

The Demon Protector still didn't know that he had been played by Jiang Lin as a pawn, and thought that his plan with the young city master had succeeded, so he said, "The girl is a heroine, so maybe she doesn't care about it, and she doesn't care about the etiquette, but I'm an agent. Scholar, if you have a skin-to-skin relationship with a woman and don't take responsibility for others, you will be burned to death by the fire."

Seeing Wen Jiu's confused face, the Demon Sect Protector said loudly, "Everyone, are you right?"

However, the scene where he expected everyone to be booing did not appear, and everyone watching looked at him with a foolish look.

Jiang Lin used his ever-changing powers on him and the young city master, but he did not use them on others.

Therefore, in the eyes of those people, the truth is that Jiang Lin grabbed the scholar and turned around a few times.

"Who has a skin-to-skin relationship with you? This person is sick. Brother Jiang, let's go!"

Asking Jiu ignored the Demon Cult Protector, and greeted Jiang Lin directly, crowding out the crowd.

Jiang Lin also pretended not to know anything and followed.

"Girl, you...don't go."

The magic protector didn't pay attention to the reactions of the people around him, and quickly chased after him. However, he didn't push too hard. In his opinion, the opportunity for him to get in touch with Wenjiu had already been created. Next, as long as he pretended to be The appearance of a stalker, followed by asking for wine, naturally there is nothing unreasonable.

"Brother Jiang, what's going on?"

After leaving Jinling City on horseback, Wenjiu looked at Jiang Lin inexplicably. By now, her doubts had grown more and more.

"You said that the scholar was a little inexplicable, right? That's because I used some tricks to make him think it was you who pulled him. Next, he will come to pester you."

"You...you let him haunt me?"

When Wen Jiu heard Jiang Lin's response, he was angry as if a cat had stepped on his tail.

"That's why I didn't explain the situation to you in advance. You are straight-minded, you are prone to bad things, do you know? I knew early on that this would happen, and he wanted to beat you up. According to my temper, it is absolutely I can't let him have a good end. But in Jinling City, I can't rule him, and I have more considerations. What are you angry about? If it's not me, then you have to save him, in that case, Even if he haunts you, he also takes care of you."

Jiang Lin explained to Wen Jiu a little, otherwise this girl didn't know how to be sullen.

It turned out to be the case.

Hearing Jiang Lin's explanation, it made her feel better when she asked Jiujiu, especially when Jiang Lin said that someone hit her, and he would not let others end well, which made her feel sweet.

He calmed down and thought about it for a while, and then he guessed some information. In the Shenpongtang before, Jiang Lin said that the next thing she encountered was related to the demon sect. In this way, Jiang Lin said that It is relatively reasonable for the scholar to hit her idea.

In addition to these, what really made her feel relieved was that Jiang Lin didn't let her contact the scholar, otherwise, with her personality, of course, she wouldn't care about these things, and she would go directly to save people.

Having said that, Jiang Lin didn't want her to have physical contact with other men from the bottom of her heart.

"Then tell me, what's going on?"

"I won't tell you, if you drink a little more wine, wouldn't it be bad for me? I still have to put on a long line and catch big fish. Take [*] steps back and say, with me here, I can still Can it make you suffer? He haunts you, I'm just eating?"

Seeing the change in Wenjiu's attitude was similar to that of Sichuan Opera, Jiang Lin pouted slightly.

Ha ha, a woman's heart, a needle at the bottom of the sea.

What he did was just to give the demonic protector a reason to follow him. With him as the planner, could it be possible that the demonic protector could still take advantage of the wine?

It won't even bother you if you ask about alcohol.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, who cares."

Ask Jiujiu made a fuss, but now, she is looking forward to that scholar to come. Since Jiang Lin has already made plans, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

She couldn't help wanting to see what kind of fish Jiang Lin's so-called long-line fishing would catch.

Although there are still a lot of doubts in his heart, Wenjiu has learned to be smart this time, and no longer breaks the casserole and asks to the end, everything is just as Jiang Lin said.

Moreover, what Jiang Lin said was right, her temperament was relatively straight.

Taking what happened not long ago, Jiang Lin had already given her a vaccination in advance, but when the matter came to her, she didn't think much about it and went up to save people.

If she really knew the whole story, I'm afraid she would really do something bad.

"Don't you have another place to live? Go there first and let that guy come over. I'll send a letter to your master and explain the specific situation to him. Later, you just need to watch the play, and things will definitely change. You didn't expect it."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to ask Jiujiu to go directly back to the Jiujian Tower. Otherwise, with Jiujian's eyesight, it would not be too difficult to realize that the guardian of the magic sect is a character of the sect.

Once the grass is stunned, his plan to use his own way to return to his body is estimated to be stillborn.

He believed that if he informed Jiu Jiansou about this fishing plan, Jiu Jiansou would definitely be very interested.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, he needs a little time now, and when the corpse-killing bows and crossbows are completed, he can let the magic guardian know the location of the wine sword tower.

At that time, this demon sect protector will definitely send a letter to the demon sect, and let the demon sect send people to come and clean it up.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Lin asked Jiu Jiansou and Wen Jiu to see the power of the corpse-killing bow and crossbow with their own eyes. Once they witnessed it and spread the word, of course, the sect of the Sword Kingdom would no longer have any scruples about the Demon Sect.

At the same time, he can also take advantage of the opportunity of the magic sect's protector to send or report a letter, follow the clues, and find the location of the helm of the magic sect.

This is the big fish he's going to catch.

However, at that time, I am afraid that he will not be fishing, but will directly bomb the fish pond.

Blow up the big fish pond of his Demon Cult.

Right around Luoxia Town, there is a temporary residence for asking wine, so Jiang Lin felt that the two of them should go there first, and let the magic sect protector not be suspicious for the time being, so that he can design the next link.

The first thousand six hundred and forty-ninth chapters of the wise man, there must be a loss (on)

"I listen to you."

Asking Jiu doesn't have any opinion. Although Jiang Lin usually keeps silent, she is very thoughtful in thinking about things. She is completely a think tank. She has no heart, and at this moment, she is naturally willing to listen to Jiang Lin's arrangements.

So the two of them turned around and went to the temporary residence of Wenjiu.

When he arrived at the destination, Jiang Lin wrote a letter and sent it out with the carrier pigeon that Wenjiu raised here. In the letter, he also asked Jiu Jiansou to contact some friends, and when the demon sect sent people later, they would serve as witnesses together. people.

In the evening, when Jiang Lin was in the main room talking with Wenjiu about how to deal with corpses, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard.

"I'll open the door."

Asking the wine did not let Jiang Lin get up and went to the door by himself.

Most of the people who came here were the scholars who talked nonsense in Jinling City.

Since Jiang Lin had said hello in advance, she couldn't drive people away, so she would find something for this guy to do, so as to show some anger in her heart.

"You scholar, what are you doing again?"

Seeing that the person who came was the scholar, she didn't give a good face when she asked about the wine. She had already learned from Jiang Lin's mouth that the scholar had been hitting on her early in the morning, so how could she still have a good face.

Moreover, if Jiang Lin hadn't reminded her, she would have really taken advantage of this guy.

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