"Girl, I'm not a scholar, Xiao Kemu Changfeng."

The magic guardian smiled and bowed to Wenjiu, reporting his name.

"What is the long wind and short wind, what are you doing with me again?"

"Girl, I'm here..."

"Oh, what is it that is responsible for me?"

Asking wine directly interrupted Mu Changfeng's words, and continued: "You like being in charge so much, so you should be in charge of the night watch tonight. If you want to find a place to shelter from the wind, there is a firewood room there. However, if you want to stay overnight, put Clean the yard for me, and you can also be responsible for the cleaning."

At this time, Jiang Lin also walked out of the main room, he looked at Mu Changfeng, smiled, and said, "You nerd, you really have no eyesight, she has me by her side, what's your responsibility? I will let you Responsible for her? If you don't have a place to stay, the firewood house welcomes you, and if you talk nonsense again, don't look at your powerlessness, I will beat you anyway."

He is also quite convinced. If you look for this magic sect protector, you can find Jiujianlou when you look for Jiujianlou. It's enough to keep your cheeks and not leave. If you still talk about being responsible, is it possible that you really want to be with the woman next to him?

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Wen Jiu's face immediately turned red.


As for Mu Changfeng, his face was a little embarrassed. In fact, in addition to finding the Wine Sword Tower, he really wanted to ask the wine.

In fact, he really has something to do with Wenjiu.

Back then, he and Wenjiu were the same group of children who were taken away by the Demon Sect and prepared to refine their corpses, but Wenjiu was rescued later, but he was not rescued.Later, Wenjiu exchanged fire with the Demon Cult many times, and he found out that Wenjiu was his former companion.

Therefore, in addition to completing the task this time, he also wanted to get to know Wenjiu again, hoping for further development.

But now, there is a Jiang Lin next to Wen Jiu, and listening to Jiang Lin's words just now, it seems that the relationship between the two is not normal.

But less than a month ago, Wen Jiu Cai met Jiang Lin.

He was less than a month late.

"Go back and let him be responsible here by himself."

Asking Jiu ignored what kind of ivory Mu Changfeng could spit out, and planned to treat him as non-existent in the future.

After Jiang Lin and Wenjiu left, Mu Changfeng's expression turned ugly.

If he explained his identity, of course it would make Wenjiu remember, but Jiang Lin was here, once he knew that he was a member of the demon sect, he would definitely not show mercy.

Last time, he was almost thrown away by Jiang Lin.

After that, Mu Changfeng glanced around the yard again, and found no one else, so he was even more disappointed. The children rescued by Jiu Jiansou and Wenjiu were not here.

In desperation, he could only go to the yard to pick up the broom and start sweeping the yard. Only in this way could he stay by Wenjiu and Jiang Lin's side in order to find out the whereabouts of those children.

The children selected by their demon sect are all of special physique, suitable for being refined into corpses, but a lot of people have been rescued during this time, and it takes a lot of effort to find children with this physique, so , the Demon Cult decided that it would be best to take it back from Jiujianso and the others.

For the next five or six days, Jiang Lin waited slowly, waiting for the casting workshop in Jinling City to complete those bows and crossbows.

And Wenjiu is naturally happy to be alone with Jiang Lin.

As for the demon protector Mu Changfeng, then he has completely become the subordinate of the two of them. Asking the wine and all the work will be handed over to him. A poor demon protector has become a cheap labor force here.

On this day, Jiang Lin felt that the time was almost up, so he went to Jinling City together with Wenjiu. This time he was going to get the corpse-killing bow and crossbow, so Mu Changfeng couldn't follow him.

But Mu Changfeng was naturally unwilling, and then he was beaten by Jiang Lin.

Anyway, Jiang Lin knew that Mu Changfeng had a purpose, and if the purpose was not achieved, he would definitely not leave easily, so he didn't take it seriously.

They almost beat Mu Changfeng into a pig's head.

Mu Changfeng could only smash his teeth and swallow his blood.

"Brother Jiang, this is what you did when you came to Jinling City last time? What use are these crossbows?"

Wenjiu watched Jiang Lin take hundreds of bows and crossbows from the casting workshop, and for a while he didn’t know what Jiang Lin was going to do.

"Didn't you ask me what my plans are? That Mu Changfeng is the magic protector we dealt with last time. He covered his face last time and thought I couldn't recognize him. A few days ago, I was in Jinling. When I was wandering around the city, I ran into him by chance. At that time, I knew his true identity. However, I didn't startled the snake, so I followed him and heard that he was discussing with the young city master of Jinling City about hitting you. , so that's what I told you later."

Jiang Lin put a crossbow and an arrow into the ancient mirror, and explained to Wenjiu: "Today we can go back to the wine and sword tower, and that Mu Changfeng will definitely follow him to investigate. After arriving at the location of the restaurant, he will definitely send a message to the demon sect and let the demon sect send people to come, and these bows and crossbows are the tools to deal with the corpse of the demon sect."

"So that's how it is. That Mu Changfeng is actually the protector of the magic sect, and he used my chivalrous heart to brew such a conspiracy!"

It was only at this point that the doubts in Wenjiu's heart were resolved. Now, her impression of Mu Changfeng was extremely bad.

"No wonder you asked him to follow, it turned out to be a plan. But, with these bows and crossbows, can you deal with corpses? If the location of the Wine Sword Tower is exposed, your bow and crossbow will not work, Master and those children will You're going to suffer."

Wenjiu became worried again, Jiang Lin’s plan was really good, and he could use this to find out where the demon sect’s lair was, but once the demon sect sent a large number of cultists and corpses, and these bows and crossbows couldn’t deal with the corpses, That would be troublesome.

"Then before you know me, do you believe that I can deal with corpses? Is it so easy to deal with?"

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, these bows and crossbows, let alone dealing with corpses, are real Mao Zong, so they can be dealt with just as well.

Not to mention one arrow and one arrow, at least three or four people can use these bows and crossbows to kill a Mao Zong without much effort.

In order to successfully paralyze the Demon Cult, he had to work hard.

"Then I definitely don't believe it, but it's a fact that you can easily deal with corpses. However, I'm still a little worried."

Although I heard Jiang Lin say this, I still felt a little uneasy in my heart.

"Don't worry, if these crossbows don't work, I'll chop off my head for you."

Jiang Lin didn't take the concerns of asking about wine seriously, and the facts would soon prove that what he said was true or false.

Chapter [*]: A wise man has thousands of concerns, and there must be a loss (middle)

"Who wants your head."

Asking Jiujiu gave Jiang Lin an angry look, her head was chopped off, and there was no one left, so what's the use of her just wanting a head.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much. I have explained all these things to Senior Jiu Jiansou. If there is any movement in that Mu Changfeng, I will detect it in advance. As for the demon sect, if someone is sent, we will also do so in advance. Ambush, once these bows and crossbows are ineffective, Jiu Jiansou and those children will be transferred in advance. Moreover, I also let Jiujiansou senior send letters to some sects, and they will send people to come and act with us. My purpose for doing this is to let them witness with their own eyes whether these bows and crossbows are effective in killing corpses."

Jiang Lin finally explained it to Wenjiu and said, "Go back quickly, or the guy should be suspicious."

"It turns out that, since that's the case, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Wenjiu nodded slightly, feeling that he might have thought too much. Since Jiang Lin had a plan for a long time, he would definitely not let the plan go wrong.

After collecting the corpse-killing bow and crossbow, Jiang Lin and Wenjiu left Jinling City and returned to the place where they stayed temporarily.

After that, the two of them stopped for a while before heading to Luoxia Town.

As for Mu Changfeng, he naturally followed.

During this time, he showed interest in asking about wine, and he was unwilling to give up, so he stayed in Jianglin where they temporarily lived and did not leave.

"Ask Jiu, who is this pig head?"

When the three of them appeared in the Jiujian Tower, Jiu Jiansuo's attention fell on Mu Changfeng.

In fact, he had long known that this person would come, but he deliberately pretended not to know anything.

He and Jiang Lin still need to put a long line to catch big fish together, and of course they have to show the appearance of fishing.

"He's a scholar who doesn't even have a place to live. Jiang Lin and I rescued him once in the city, but he followed us begging for nothing. This guy can work, and it happens to be our toilet here. Little Junior Brother can't be busy alone, so let him go to the toilet and eat."

As he said that, Wenjiu also looked at Mu Changfeng and asked, "Scholar, what do you think?"


I'm a dignified magician, but I have to wash the toilet? ? ?

Mu Changfeng's face was speechless, and his expression became almost the same as that of Midian Gong, but even if he was reluctant to respond, he could only temporarily recognize it by pinching his nose.

In his opinion, his actions are not suspicious at all, and now he still needs to complete the task. Since Wenjiu didn't drive him away, it will be convenient for his next actions.

"I have no opinion."

With a smile on his face, Mu Changfeng nodded in agreement.

"That's right, that's fine."

Jiu Jiansou held back his smile, nodded, and agreed to let Mu Changfeng stay.

That night, Mu Changfeng took out a carrier pigeon from the ring in his hand and let it out.

"Finally act."

At the same time, Jiang Lin opened his eyes in his room. Since he came to the Jiujian Tower, he has been monitoring Mu Changfeng intentionally or unintentionally.

When he was in Jinling City, Mu Changfeng had a curse tattoo on his body, so he couldn't hide his every move.

Jiang Lin hid his figure, floated out of the room, and then floated in mid-air without anyone checking.

When he reached a certain height, he released the golden wheel in his body and chased in the direction where the carrier pigeon flew.

After chasing the carrier pigeon, he made a seal with both hands and made a seal, which landed on the carrier pigeon.

Next, as long as he casts a spell, he will be able to know where the carrier pigeons have flown. This time, Mu Changfeng is likely to be tipping off the old nest of the Demon Cult.

After Jiang Lin returned to his room, he closed the doors and windows and took out a map of the Sword Kingdom, showing the flight route of the carrier pigeons on it.

Finally found!

After half an hour, Jiang Lin was very excited. He knew the location of some demon sect sub-rudders, but judging from the location of the carrier pigeons on the map, it was not the location of those sub-rudders.

And according to the geographical situation, it is very likely that it is the helm of the Demon Sect.

Next, as long as he grasps the movements of the demon sects, he can let Jiujiansu immediately notify the people who have contacted before, and ambushed on the way of the demon sect to this place.

As long as those people witnessed the power of the corpse-killing bow and crossbow he provided, and saw the corpse-removing effect of the bow and crossbow, it would not take a few days at all, and the sword country's famous sects would be able to unite and launch a general attack on the lair of the Demon Cult. .

At that time, the Demon Sect will be very likely to be destroyed before it is ready in time.

And his purpose was achieved.

Jiang Lin's plan was just like this. In theory, there was nothing wrong with it.

However, he ignored that the reason why the Demon Sect was able to run rampant in the Sword Kingdom was because it relied on those corpses.

And when he fought against Mu Changfeng and other demon sects a month ago, he showed his ability to destroy corpses.

Therefore, now, he has become the number one target of the Demon Sect.

This time, Mu Changfeng passed on the information of the Jiujian Tower. The most important thing was to inform the Demon Sect that he was also in the Jiujian Tower.

Therefore, for an existence like Jiang Lin who is a great threat to the Demon Sect, if the Demon Sect does not act this time, it will definitely be a big deal once it does.

In addition, Jiang Lin also overlooked a fatal problem, that is, he forgot to include Wang Dijian.

Since the Demon Sect of Sword Country is related to Liang Country, Wang Dijian may appear in the Demon Sect's lair.

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