Even if it's unlikely, it's still possible.

It is also Jiang Lin's heart that is really eager, very eager to get the research records of the Demon Sect, and then go to find Huaxian Pavilion.

This urgency led to a loophole in his consideration of the problem.

And such loopholes are likely to bring him great danger.

Today, even if Jiang Lin unleashes his full strength, it is possible to deal with Fei Zong, but it is impossible to deal with Wang Dijian.

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-one chapters of the wise man must have a thousand worries (below)

On the next day, when Mu Changfeng was going to wash the latrine, Jiang Lin informed Jiu Jiansou and Wenjiu about the situation last night, and asked Jiu Jiansou to inform the friends he had contacted a few days ago to let them go to Luoxia Town. The only way ten miles away is an ambush.

"Jiang Lin, although I know that you have some opportunities to deal with the corpses of the demon sect, but those bows and crossbows you mentioned can really deal with the corpses of the demon sect?"

Jiu Jiansou still felt a little drum in his heart, Jiang Lin could easily eliminate the corpse, this was already a fact, he certainly believed it.

But Jiang Lin was able to deal with corpses with just some props, which was unbelievable.

"Senior, you don't have to worry about this. Those bows and crossbows are not ordinary weapons. You will naturally see their effects at that time."

Jiang Lin patted his chest and assured Jiu Jiansou that with these things, corpse killers can be as simple as cutting leeks.

"Okay, anyway, when the time comes, you can also send a message when you are in an ambush. If the bow and crossbow doesn't work, or if something goes wrong, I can also act early here."

Jiu Jiansou nodded, Jiang Lin had already said so, and he could only choose to believe it.

Two days later in the afternoon, the members of the Demon Sect had already reached twenty miles around Luoxia Town, and Mu Changfeng found a reason to leave the Jiujian Tower and go to meet him.

Jiang Lin and Wen Jiu also went to the ambush place after Mu Changfeng left to meet up with friends Jiu Jiansou contacted.

"I said, ask Jiu Nizi, this guy is the one your master said can kill corpses and has a way to deal with the demon sect?"

When Jiang Lin and Wenjiu met with the people who came to cooperate, some people were annoyed.

A tall man with a long beard spoke first, and his words were not polite at all.

He also thought that Jiu Jiansuo contacted them personally, and the people he recommended should at least have a decent cultivation base, but Jiang Lin's cultivation base was not that good.

They came here at the invitation, but they paid the price of tying up with the Demon Sect, and now the success or failure of the ambush has to fall on such a young man.

"Yes, it's me, what's the problem?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and quietly looked at the big bearded man.

This is about to act, and you take the lead in provoking things, and your brain is kicked by a donkey?

"Not young, with such a big tone?"

Being slammed by Jiang Lin like this, the anger of the big bearded man also came directly up.

"It's so big, don't you agree? There's still some time now, come and practice with me?"

Jiang Lin took a step forward and pointed his finger at the big man. Although this time he wanted these people to be a witness, he would need to direct the subsequent attacks on the Demon Sect.

Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that some people will still be dissatisfied at that time.

So, now, he is ready to show his strength, and if anyone refuses to accept it, he will directly subdue him.

"What an ignorant boy!"

The bearded man laughed at Jiang Lin's arrogant attitude, he pulled out the broad-backed giant sword on his back, and charged towards him.

The other sword cultivators didn't say a word, and Jiang Lin's attitude also made them very unhappy.

"Jiang Lin, senior, don't fight infighting now."

Asking Jiu to see this, she quickly stopped between Jiang Lin and the big bearded man. She didn't know why Jiang Lin was playing tricks in front of these seniors. She must know that these people are her master's friends, and their cultivation bases have already reached Yuan Ying. level up.

How could Jiang Lin be their opponent?


Jiang Lin didn't expect Wenjiu to suddenly rush out. Seeing the giant sword of the bearded man slashed over, he could only grab Wenjiu's wrist and drag him into his arms.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Lin's other hand reached out and directly clamped the big sword cut by the bearded man.


The big bearded man's eyes opened like copper bells. Jiang Lin actually took his attack with his flesh and blood?

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, rolled his arms and moved back, the broad-backed giant sword was released from the hand of the horned big man. When the horned big man reacted, his neck had already been pinched by Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin's body was inside. The zhengbone sword also flew out, hovering in the air, and the tip of the sword touched the big man's eyebrows.

"How's it going? Do you still want to take action? Do you, anyone else want to try?"

Jiang Lin's eyes fell on the six or seven people behind the big man, and if he was unconvinced, he could continue on.

With his physical strength and physical strength, it is not a problem to deal with these people by leaps and bounds.

These six or seven people looked at each other with shock in their eyes. They were very aware of the strength of the horned big man, but Jiang Lin took him down with only one hand. It's already a corpse.

At this time, Wen Jiu was also shocked. She had seen Jiang Lin's strength before, and could kill evil cultivators in a short period of time, but those evil cultivators were only in harmony with Jiang Lin. She is on the same level.

Only now did she realize that what she saw was not Jiang Lin's full strength.

"You...you let me go."

After a while, Wen Jiu realized that he had been embraced by Jiang Lin, his face flushed with shame, and he murmured softly.

Jiang Lin let go of the arm that was wrapping Wenjiu's waist.

The bearded man narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Lin, and said solemnly, "It's Lao Tzu who missed his eyes."

Now, he felt Jiang Lin's iron-like arm, and the long sword pressed against his forehead again, and he couldn't help but refuse to accept it.

Jiang Lin snorted and let go of his palm.

After that, he took out a few corpse-killing bows and crossbows from his arms and threw them out, saying to the bearded man and the others: "The followers of the Demon Sect should be here soon, and these bows and crossbows can kill the corpses they brought. Aim, just pull the trigger."

"What? That's it? Just this ordinary bow and crossbow? Are you kidding me?"

The bearded man has a very straight temperament, and he will say whatever he thinks. Even if he has just seen Jiang Lin's strength, he still thinks what Jiang Lin said is very absurd.

"Oh? I'm joking? Then do you want to make a bet on whether these bows and crossbows have the effect of killing corpses. Whatever you bet, you can accompany you, and you can bet your life. Everyone can be a witness, and anyone who wants to bet will do. "

Jiang Lin didn't explain anything to these people, whether it was useful or not, we would see the difference immediately.

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, the tall man with a long beard and the others suddenly lost their voices. Jiang Lin said so deadly, could it be that they really want to gamble with them?

But since Jiang Lin dared to gamble, he could bet on anything, unless he was [-]% sure, he was going crazy.

After thinking about it for a while, they didn't say anything, and went into hiding.

Jiang Lin and Wenjiu also hid in the wormwood by the roadside.

Now, Jiang Lin is quite looking forward to it, as long as the cultists and corpses sent by the Demon Sect arrive, then everything is ready.

However, he didn't know that at this moment, the Jiujian Tower was already terrible.

Because the Demon Sect had to eliminate Jiang Lin, the one that threatened them the most this time, not only the Demon Sect's old nest, but also a lot of manpower from the helmsmen were mobilized.

This time, the members of the Demon Sect divided their troops into two groups and attacked the Jiujian Tower before and after.

Jiang Lin only thought that the demon sect would come from the direction of the demon sect's nest, but he didn't expect that there would also be an attack in the other direction.

He really didn't expect the Demon Church to see him as so important, for fear that it wouldn't kill him.

This led to the rear of the restaurant, there was no defense.

Chapter [-] With me here, no one can die ([-])

After a stick of incense had passed, everyone from the Demon Sect galloped on their horses, along with the masked corpse number [-].


Jiang Lin snorted and rushed out first, with the bow and crossbow in his hand shooting frantically at the corpse on the horse.

As long as those corpses were hit, they were directly pierced through, and then raging flames appeared around them, and they turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

"I rely on!"

"Say ah!"

"So outrageous???"

The bearded man and the others were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Those corpses who gave them a lot of headaches, under the bows and crossbows provided by Jiang Lin, were just like tofu.

These weapons, which looked no different from ordinary bows and crossbows, actually had unexpected results.

At this moment, the witnesses, including the bearded man, were extremely glad that they didn't make a bet with Jiang Lin.

Otherwise, they would really lose their heads.


After a short period of surprise, the bearded man and the others rushed out of the hiding place and killed the demon cultists and corpses who came.

"Brother Jiang, I am really convinced of you. How did you make these bows?"

Wen Jiu has also acted, using the corpse-killing bow and crossbow in her hand to kill one corpse after another. At the same time, she also excitedly asked Jiang Lin.

Now, facts have proved that Jiang Lin's guarantee is not a problem. As long as the bows and crossbows collected by Jiang Lin are distributed, they can unite the famous families of the whole country and destroy the demon sect in one fell swoop.

"This is a secret, I won't tell you, let's fight it quickly."

Jiang Lin smiled and directly confronted the evil cultivators from the Demon Sect.

Now, the joy on his face is very strong. With the testimony of the horned big man, after all these demon cultists and corpses are wiped out, the horned big man and the others will be able to spread the news as soon as possible.

If the news spreads quickly, a large number of righteous people from the Sword Country will respond tomorrow, and they will soon be able to unite to encircle and suppress the Sword Country's old nest.

Asking Jiu pouted, she just didn't like Jiang Lin pretending to be mysterious in front of her, and she didn't want to explain anything to her.

However, the top priority now is to eliminate these demons, so she also pressed the doubts in her heart.

The demon cultists did not expect that someone would be ambushing halfway here, and they did not expect that the corpse they brought would not be able to play any role at all. For a time, the battle situation was almost one-sided.

Without the corpse to rely on, many demon cult cultivators immediately panicked, and they were killed by Jiang Lin, Wenjiu, the bearded man and others and fled everywhere.

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