It only took a cup of tea, except for the demon sect protector Mu Changfeng, all the demon sects sent were beheaded here.

Mu Changfeng saw that the situation was not good in the morning, and after seeing the killing intent in Jiang Lin's eyes, he ran away ahead of time.

Jiang Lin didn't go after him, and in just a day or two, he would be able to attack the Demon Cult's lair, and at that time, the Demon Cult Protector would have to die as well.

"Little brother, I am really convinced, you are really capable."

After the battle, the bearded man looked at the corpses all over the ground, especially the ashes of the corpses that were burned and turned into ashes. He didn't know how happy he was.

At the same time, he also admired Jiang Lin from the bottom of his heart.

For many years, the righteous people of their sword country have been suppressed because of these corpses refined by the demon sect. Today's battle can make him let out a bad breath.

The few people who came with him were also full of praise for Jiang Lin. In this battle, Jiang Lin played a greater role than them.

"Several seniors, you have already seen the power of these crossbows. Now, if you want to completely exterminate the Demon Sect, spread the matter as soon as possible. There are hundreds of such crossbows for the juniors. It's enough for those of us who are in the right way to deal with the corpses of the demon sect. Moreover, the sooner this matter is carried out, the better, it is best that the demon sect has no time to think about how to deal with it."

Jiang Lin didn't talk nonsense to the big bearded man and the others, and let them be the messengers of the messenger directly, which is still the kind of urgent [*]li.

"no problem."

The big bearded man patted his chest again and again. Originally, a junior from Jiang Lin ordered them to do things. According to his temperament, he would not buy it at all, but now it is different, the situation is indeed the sooner the better.

Of course, he knew the importance of the evil tumor that was related to the removal of the Demon Sect from the Sword Kingdom.

Several other sword cultivators also nodded in agreement, and when they were ready to go back, they would contact other sects.

With these bows and crossbows of Jiang Lin as corpse-killing tools, it is very likely that the Demon Sect will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

After the bearded man and the others left, Jiang Lin and Wenjiu went back the same way.

The good news here can be known to Jiu Jiansou.

After returning home, Jiu Jiansou learned about this, and he could spread the magic posts in his own name and gather all the righteous people in the sword country.

"Brother Jiang, thank you."

On the way, Wenjiu thanked Jiang Lin very sincerely. She thanked Jiang Lin for the children who were captured by the demon sect for corpse refinement, as well as the children who might be arrested in the future.

"Don't thank me, I want to eliminate the demon sect, too."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. He did this mainly for the sake of his wife, and he had nothing to thank anyone for.

When the two arrived near the Wine Sword Tower, Jiang Lin frowned. He could smell the strong bloody smell in front of him.

"No, something happened!"

Jiang Lin immediately sensed that something might have changed, so he quickened his speed.

"what happened?"

Seeing Jiang Lin's unsightly expression, Qujiu also quickened his pace.

After a while, they saw a messy wine sword building.

There were corpses everywhere in the Jiujian Building, Jiujian was lying in a pool of blood, and the children who were treated also died tragically in the yard.

"This is the sect of the Demon Sect."

Jiang Lin saw the horseshoe prints on the other side of the road and the dead demon cultivator in the yard, and immediately guessed what happened.


Jiang Lin was annoyed, and only now did he realize that he had not thought about it carefully.

This time, the Demon Sect is advancing in two ways, and the number of people coming from the other way is more than that of them.

Even if he left a lot of corpse-killing bows and crossbows in the wine sword building, there is only one person in Jiujian-soo. Even if he has a corpse-killing bow and crossbow, his fists are hard to beat with four hands. Not as before.

What's more, there are still many children in the Jiujian Building who need to be distracted by Jiujian Sou.

In fact, the situation was the same as Jiang Lin thought. Jiu Jiansuo tried his best, but he couldn't deal with so many people. Moreover, the children who were rescued were all killed by the evil cultivators because they could also shoot crossbow arrows. .

Chapter [*] With me here, no one can die (below)

"Master! Little Junior Brother!"

Wen Jiu, who had been stunned for a long time, let out a mournful cry, rushed into the yard, and squatted beside Jiu Jiansou's body, his eyes became like rubies.

Seeing Wen Jiu's sad face, Jiang Lin clenched his fists, and he really had to take the main responsibility when something like this happened.

It was he who planned Mu Changfeng to attract the demon sects, so he exposed the location of the restaurant.

Later, it was because he didn't think carefully enough that this tragedy happened.

Jiang Lin's mood changed directly from the previous joy to self-blame and annoyance.

Originally, during this period of time, he had already figured out the principle of Sake Jiansou's rescue method, and he only needed to communicate with Jiu Jiansou for a few more days, and he would be able to fully grasp it.

But now, Jiu Jiansao has fallen into a pool of blood and died.

"I'm sorry for asking about the wine."

Jiang Lin went over to ask for wine and comforted him softly.

Wen Jiu looked at Jiang Lin, and the bitter water in his heart really had nowhere to pour.

She wanted to blame Jiang Lin, but she knew that Jiang Lin didn't want such a thing to happen at all.

If she really wanted to blame Jiang Lin, then she had to blame herself, after all, she didn't even think that such a situation might happen.

"Blame it, it's my responsibility."


Originally, Wen Jiu was still trying to be brave, replacing sadness with hatred in her heart, but Jiang Lin's apology made her unable to be strong anymore.

She leaned over and hugged Jiang Lin, fell into his arms, beat his back shoulders with both hands, and vented her emotions: "It's all your fault! It's all your fault! You have reassured me more than once, let me I don't need to worry."

To vent the anger in his heart, Wen Jiu opened his mouth and bit his silver teeth on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

Her master saved her in the early years, and sacrificed her life to heal her and gave her a home. In her heart, her master was exactly the same as her biological father.

But now, she has nothing left, and has become a helpless orphan just like many years ago.

"I must destroy the demon sect, make them pay ten times the price, and comfort the master, brother, and the children's spirits in heaven!"

After a while, Wen Jiu gritted his teeth and swore to God that the evil cultivator of the Demon Sect would pay the price in blood.

"Ask the wine, and I'll give you an explanation."

Jiang Lin patted Wen Wenjiu on the back and assured him that he would be responsible for the consequences of his mistakes.

"I don't have any relatives anymore, how do you explain it?"

Wenjiu shook her head, she thought Jiang Lin was going to accept her punishment, how could she agree to this.

Although she scolded Jiang Lin just now, she did it to vent her grief and anger. It was impossible for her to blame Jiang Lin.

"This time, I still want to tell you to let you rest assured. With me here, no one can die. You, don't worry."

Jiang Lin pushed Wenjiu slightly away and walked to Jiujiansou's body. He was going to rescue Jiujiansou, Wenjiu's younger brother and all the children.

On the one hand, the deaths of these people were indeed caused by his lack of thoughtfulness, and he couldn't just sit back and ignore them.

On the other hand, to communicate with Jiu Jiansou and confirm the rescue method, and to let Jiujiansou appeal to the elites and sects to unite as a famous swordsman in the sword country, it is still necessary for Jiu Jiansou to live.

As for those children, the same is true, as the rescue targets, without them, Jiu Jiansou is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

"What are you talking about? Why are you here and no one can die?"

Wen Jiu looked at Jiang Lin with a puzzled expression, not knowing what he was talking about.

Now that everyone is dead, even the body temperature is gone, what is there to die for, what nonsense?

"You go outside first and don't let any suspicious people approach."

Jiang Lin pointed to the door and asked Wenjiu to go out first. After a while, he had to perform a soul-calling, and then cooperate with the elixir to save Jiujian and the others. Wenjiu needed to be guarded outside.

Once someone notices that there is an immortal treasure here, then he will have unnecessary trouble.

"What the hell are you going to do?"

"Don't ask, I'll spank you if you ask again."

Jiang Lin frowned and looked at Wenjiu, this girl has too many questions.

"You... hum! I'll see what you can do."

Wen Jiu walked out of the yard in a huff, and went around to inspect.

After asking the wine to go out, Jiang Lin took some spirit stones from the ancient mirror in his arms and bounced them into the ground in the courtyard. Then he collected the blood of Jiujian and the others, and chanted a spell in his mouth to summon their souls. .

After a while, he beat everyone's souls back into the corpses one by one. Jiang Lin took out some cold marrow and elixir, refined them with immortal fire, and penetrated them into their bodies respectively.

And the wounds on these people began to heal gradually because of the effect of the medicine.

In the hands of any cultivator in the Sword Kingdom, there may be no way for them to do this.

But Jiang Lin just wanted them to come back from the gate of hell.

The cold marrow and elixir that he owns have the effect of white bone medicine for the living dead, and he is a Taoist priest.

Step by step, Jiang Lin wielded his bone sword to cast spells. It didn't take long for Jiu Jiansou and the others' hearts to pulsate, and their fingers moved.

"Jiang...Jiang Lin?"

After Jiu Jiansou was resurrected, the old face was full of shock and doubts.

What's happening here?

who am I?

where am I?

There are countless question marks on the top of Jiu Jiansou's head.

"Senior, this time I didn't think about it thoroughly. Fortunately, this junior has some means of saving people. It's not too late to make amends."

Jiang Lin smiled, Jiu Jiansou was resurrected, which made his next plan a lot easier.

After a while, the younger brother who asked Jiu and the children who were killed also woke up one by one.

"Brother Jiang, who are you talking to?"

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