At this time, Wen Jiu heard the movement in the yard and walked in.

Then, she saw a scene that she couldn't believe.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, he asked the wine tentatively, "Master?"

Jiu Jiansou nodded and said, "Ask Jiu, although I don't really know what's going on, it seems that we were pulled back from death by Jiang Lin."

"Alive, really alive, you all... all come back to life?"

Wenjiu opened his mouth slightly, and then looked at Jiang Lin.

After a short stride, she threw down Jiang Lin's gorgeousness and hugged him hard.

At this moment, she really felt an unprecedented happiness.

Chapter [*] Kung Fu pays off

"I said, we are old and young, you little girl, how long are you going to make us stare?"

After a long time, Jiu Jiansou spoke up. He was Wenjiu's master, and now he is back from the dead. If Wenjiu didn't come to comfort him, he went with Jiang Lin to hug him.

held for so long.


At this time, Wen Jiu recovered from his extreme excitement, and quickly pushed Jiang Lin away with a shy expression on his face.

"I don't think it's like a dream, I'm too excited."

He murmured and asked Jiu Jiu and glared at Jiu Jiansou.

For the old disrespect, she will play her jokes.

After that, she looked at Jiang Lin again, and asked both gratefully and apologetically, "Brother Jiang, does your shoulder still hurt?"

She felt really sorry in her heart. In order to vent her grief and anger, she spread her grievances on Jiang Lin's body and took a bite on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

Now his master, brother, and those children have been rescued by Jiang Lin, which means that Jiang Linbai was bitten by her.

Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "I was bitten by a puppy, can it not hurt?"

"You're the puppy, disgusting."

Ask Jiujiu pursed his lips and angered Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Senior, the demon cultists and corpse people who attacked from the other side have basically been wiped out, and your friends, senior, have also seen the power of those corpse-killing bows and crossbows, and went to Inform other sects, it is better to strike while the iron is hot now, seniors, you will send out invitation letters, gather all sects, and discuss the devil together."

"I'll let Wenjiu do it."

Jiu Jiansou nodded, and there was a strong murderous aura in his eyes. Although he came back to life this time, he did die in the hands of the demon sect.

Not only him, but even his youngest apprentice and those innocent children lost their lives once at the hands of the demon cultists.

Now, he has seen the effect of the corpse-killing bow and crossbow with his own eyes, and he can indeed call on all the famous and upright sects of the Sword Kingdom to unite them to attack the Demon Sect together.

Immediately, Jiu Jiansou returned to the inner hall and wrote many posts in his own hand, inviting colleagues from all over the world to join the crusade against the Demon Sect.

After that, he explained the question and asked him to bring these invitations to other sects.

"Brother Jiang, you...Aren't you going with me?"

Wen Jiu accepted these invitations and looked at Jiang Lin.

She wanted Jiang Lin to accompany her.

"I won't go. Although those children have been rescued, after all, their lives have stopped for a while, and the corpse poison in the body may have spread. Seniors and I estimate that we need to remove the poison for them, otherwise everything we did before , may have all failed."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. He was going to act in the next two days. At this time, he had to unravel the unresolved confusion in his heart.

We must find Jiu Jiansou for further argumentation.


Wen Jiu's face darkened slightly. During this period of time, she was always with Jiang Lin, and she felt a little uncomfortable without Jiang Lin now.

"Little girl, when Jiang Lin was away, you were not alone all day, so why do you need someone to accompany you now? Jiang Lin is right, those children's problems need to be dealt with, otherwise Jiang Lin may have Sacrifice in vain."

"Who... Who said I let him accompany? I just want to be with the two of you. Isn't it quicker?"

Asking Jiu gave his master a look, and then talking nonsense, even if he just came back to life, he would still be rude to you.

"Ask the wine, you can go later and wait for me in the room."

After giving the order to ask about wine, Jiang Lin said to Jiu Jiansao: "Senior, I will prepare the rescue equipment for you first, and you can adjust the state of your body."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin went to the pharmacy in the backyard. After preparing the utensils and medicinal materials, he went to the room where he asked for wine.

On the way, he also drew two runes in his palms.

"You're wearing this as a lining."

Jiang Lin patted the door with his palm, then closed the door, took out the fairy clothes from the ancient mirror in his arms, and pressed the rune in the other hand.

"What are you wearing this for?"

Because the immortal clothing was covered with runes by Jiang Lin, most of the treasure energy, so I didn't realize that it was an immortal artifact for a while.

"This is a piece of soft armor. I'm not at ease when you go out by yourself. You can also avoid some dangers by wearing it on your body."

After explaining it again, Jiang Lin threw the fairy clothes out.

After Wenjiu took the fairy clothes, he felt a little sweet in his heart. Although Jiang Lin didn't go with her, he still cared about her.

"Change it."

Seeing that Wenwenjiu was still in place, Jiang Lin urged.

"You go out, if you don't go out, how can I change it?"

Ask Jiujiu gave Jiang Lin a white look, there are still people in this room, how should she change her clothes.

"It's okay if I turn around, change quickly."

Jiang Lin turned his body around and faced the door and window.

Although he gave Xianyi to Wenjiu, he still didn't want Jiujiansu to know.

Even though he had just rescued Jiu Jiansou, he still chose to be cautious.

Having experienced so many things in the heart of the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, Jiang Lin had to be cautious.

Before, he rescued Jiu Jiansou and the others and asked Wenjiu to inspect outside for this reason.

"Can't you just go out?"

"Whether you change it or not, I'll take it away if you don't change it, can I still peep at you and change your clothes?"

Jiang Lin turned his head and looked at Wenjiu angrily. The rune on the door panel was ineffective as soon as the door was opened. With Jiu Jiansou's spiritual sensing ability, he might still be able to sense it.

Sake red face, gold moves the heart, he can't [*]% guarantee that Jiu Jiansou will not have any thoughts.

So, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Moreover, he had to draw a lot of magic talismans on the fairy clothes, so that the treasures on it could be covered for a long time, and Wenjiu would not be targeted because of the fairy weapons.

Just replace it and you're done.

"You... turn your head away!"

Asking Jiu didn't know what happened to Jiang Lin, but judging from what she knew about Jiang Lin, the latter would never do anything like peeping, so she was no longer stubborn.

After a while, Wen Jiu put on her clothes again, and Jiang Lin went to her back and scratched her back with blood.

"I don't know what the hell you are doing."

Wen Jiu blushed slightly, glared at Jiang Lin, and then said, "I'm leaving now, and I will send the invitation letter as soon as possible."

"Be careful on the road."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then went to the inner hall.

This time, he took the initiative to take over the rescue of a group of children, and he carried it out, with Jiu Jiansou assisted by the side.

During the rescue process, Jiang Lin was also exchanging arguments with Jiu Jiansou.

After being busy until the middle of the night and practicing many times, Jiang Lin finally completely solved some of the confusion in his heart.

Hard work pays off.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, feeling very emotional, he finally won the rescue method of Jiu Jiansou.

During this time, he was thinking almost all the time.

Sword country's practice method is based on swordsmanship, which has little to do with yin and yang and the five elements, and this kind of rescue method developed by Jiu Jiansuo makes use of sound waves and other methods.

The principle is that Jiang Lin's Taoism is superb, and it is difficult to decipher its key points.

As far as sound waves are concerned, which note decays and which segment is exciting, this must be forcibly linked with the ebb and flow of yin and yang, and it must be strongly divided into the five elements and the heavenly stems and earthly branches.

Even in the Middle-earth world, if time is pushed forward by hundreds or thousands of years, it is difficult for anyone to associate this unrelated method with Taoism.

Even if there is, the time it takes will not be short.

In this month, Jiang Lin has completed the work, and the depth and breadth of the work he has put in, is really conceivable.

Moreover, even if he asks Jiu Jiansou to confirm, Jiu Jiansou, who does not know about Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, is to a large extent talking to him like chickens and ducks, which makes his work even more difficult.

Fortunately, these difficulties were all overcome with his efforts.

Next, as long as he obtains the research materials from the Demon Sect's Nest, continues to scrutinize and perfect it, and finally discuss with the immovable monk, the problem of Jiang Ting's soul can be completely solved.

Chapter [*]: Cut off the Demon Sect ([*])

In the evening of the second day, Wenjiu rushed back on a fast horse.

In the past two days, she had exhausted several fast horses, contacted the surrounding sects, and asked those sect fast horses to inform other colleagues.

"Master, Brother Jiang, some of our colleagues will arrive at our place tomorrow, what are your plans?"

Asked Jiu to inform Jiang Lin and Jiu Jiansou about his delivery of the invitation letter, and asked them what to do next.

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