Before, the big bearded man and the others had already gone one step ahead to inform the rest of the sects that they had a way to deal with the demon corpse, so when the invitation letter for asking wine arrived, they were already prepared and sent someone quickly. inform each other.

The speed is still quite gratifying.

"Jiang Lin, come and deploy. Although your cultivation is not too high, your role is extraordinary."

Jiu Jiansou directly asked Jiang Lin to make up his mind. This time, Jiang Lin took a small number of people to annihilate a small team of the Demon Sect, and also completely eliminated the [-]th corpse. Such a victory is the same as him. It can't be done at all levels.

"Okay, the comrades who will come tomorrow, go to the Demon Cult's lair with me. Now, the Demon Cult leader must not know that we have mastered their position, so we can catch them off guard first. As for the later comrades, it is up to you, senior. Command, some continue to go to the demon sect's lair, while the other part attack the various sub-rudders of the demon sect, making it impossible to return."

Jiang Lin did his part and didn't make any excuses, so he told Jiu Jiansou about his plan.

"But wouldn't this be too risky?"

Jiu Jiansao thought about it for a while, and was a little worried. Although Jiang Lin could provide corpse-killing bows and crossbows, the Demon Cult's old nest was the headquarters of the Demon Cult.

"It is indeed a bit risky, but the Demon Sect has been a demon for many years, and we don't know how many corpses there are in its helm. I have the ability to eliminate corpses. After arriving at the helm of the Demon Sect, as long as there is cover, let me quietly Silently find the place where they made the corpse, and they can directly destroy it and kill the reserve corpse. Once a large number of corpses are killed and the refining place is destroyed, the demon will immediately destroy the corpse. The vitality is seriously damaged, and there are not enough corpses to mobilize, and the colleagues who arrive later will be able to assist us."

Jiang Lin explained to Jiu Jiansou the reason for his plan. In fact, it was true. Even with a bow and crossbow, it might not be possible for the Demon Sect to do nothing.

Jiu Jiansou has already set an example this time.

Therefore, if you want to win the battle, you can only destroy those corpses in the Demon Sect's lair, and reduce the number of corpses, so that the Demon Sect has no corpses to use.

In fact, Jiang Lin doesn't care too much about winning a battle, but if he enters the demon sect's lair, he will be able to use his Taoism and formation abilities. People are bombed, which is a smooth thing.

And later, he still needs to find Huaxian Pavilion in Sword Country, so if he can completely destroy the Demon Sect, he will definitely not let it go.

"That makes sense."

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Jiu Jiansuo stroked his beard and felt that Jiang Lin's consideration was indeed reasonable.

Jiang Lin is like a sharp knife that is the most threatening to the Demon Sect, and this sharp knife is naturally the most suitable for the Demon Sect's main helm.

And the sooner you do it, the better.

But if Jiang Lin is alone, his actions are basically impossible, and someone must assist him.

At present, the Demon Cult doesn't know that they already know where the other's lair is. As long as they make a surprise attack, there is a high probability that they will succeed.

"Let's do it like this. After tomorrow, I will fully cooperate with you. Once there are enough people, then I have to find the bad luck of the Demon Cult."

Jiu Jiansuo smiled, once the overall situation was determined, he had to go to seek revenge.

I don't know what the reaction of the devil's cubs will be when they see him.

"Ask the wine, you should rest early, and it is estimated that you will be taking the lead tomorrow."

After explaining to ask Jiu, Jiu Jiansou went to check the situation of those children.

"Brother Jiang, I'll give you back this soft armor."

Wenjiu was going to go back to his room and handed over the fairy clothes to Jiang Lin.

"No, just keep wearing it."

"But what are you going to do? You will be alone in the helm of the Demon Sect tomorrow."

"I have rough skin and thick flesh, not as tender as yours. I'm more at ease when I wear it on you."

Jiang Lin smiled. He didn't care much about how other people were doing, but he was still a little worried about the safety of the wine.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had work to do and had no time to distract himself, Jiang Lin reckoned that he and Wen Jiu had already made up their minds.

Among his wives, there are fairies, fox girls, and female ghosts, but there is no chivalrous girl.

He also felt the affection of Wenjiu, and after all the problems were solved, he also wanted to be a couple of heroes with Wenjiu.

"Okay, you should rest early too."

A warm feeling appeared in Wen Jiu's heart, and he glanced at Jiang Lin affectionately.

In her eyes, although Jiang Lin was a bit like Muyu, she still understood her girl's mind after all.

On the day of the day, many swordsmen and warriors came to the Wine and Sword Tower one after another, and some even came directly.

The bearded man who had ambushed with Jiang Lin and the others two days ago was also among them.

"Everyone, although our Sword Kingdom is standing side by side with good and evil, we have made an agreement with each other to govern the Sword Kingdom in turn. Now, the Demon Sect is taking advantage of the fact that the two true masters of the Sword Kingdom are sitting on the verge of death. Even if it is, he still kills countless innocents and uses children to make corpses. As the saying goes, killing people is no more than the point, and the actions of the demon religion are even more hateful than the loss of conscience! Now, everyone should be called by the old man and gather together. , I am really honored to drink swordsman. If there is any extra, the old man will not say more, I will work hard to discuss the devil together!"

Jiu Jiansou stood at the door of the inner hall and spoke aloud to everyone in the yard.

"Work together to discuss the Demon Sect!"

The people below responded loudly, with great morale.

"This is Jiang Lin Jiang Shaoxia, I believe you should not be unfamiliar. He developed the bow and crossbow to kill the demon corpse, and he also has the means to deal with the corpse. Now, let him lead you all, Directly kill the Demon Sect's helm, destroy the Demon Sect's corpse refining place, and destroy the corpses kept by the Demon Sect, and win the first tough battle."

Afterwards, Jiu Jiansou introduced Jiang Lin to everyone, explained that Jiang Lin was the commander of the action, and briefly explained the action plan.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Such a major operation was actually commanded by a young hero.

"I was the first to agree. We just people have been oppressed by the demon sect for so long. As long as the demon sect can be destroyed, who will direct it?"

The bearded man was the first to speak. He and a few friends had already seen Jiang Lin's abilities and methods, and Jiang Lin's role would indeed be greater than theirs.

After that, several people who had fought with Jiang Lin and Wenjiu also spoke up and agreed that Jiang Lin would lead the team.

The qualifications of these people are not low. With their support, the rest of the people will naturally have no objections.

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-six chapters cut off the demon (in)

"Jiang Lin is very honored to be able to fight with you all. You have a long-standing desire to cut off the demon sect, but you are suffering from the lack of a good plan to deal with the corpse refined by the demon sect. Now Jiang Lin, by chance, got the opportunity to eliminate the corpse. The method of human beings has produced the effect of killing corpses and crossbows, I believe you have heard of it.”

Having said that, Jiang Lin winked at Wenjiu, and Wenjiu pushed a wheelbarrow out of the storage room. The cart was full of bows and arrows.

"Everyone who comes, everyone has one bow and crossbow, and they bring their own crossbow arrows. These arrows can be recycled. It is enough for one person to bring [-]. It is not too late, and act immediately. Since everyone is looking forward to Jianglin's leadership, I hope you will be here. After the action, Jiang's order shall prevail. This action is for us to attack the Demon Cult's lair, and the danger can be imagined. It is not an exaggeration to say that the head is tied to the belt. If anyone does not obey the order, If you put your fellow Daoist's life at risk, then don't blame Jiang for being ruthless."

Jiang Lin raised his arm, the bone sword appeared in his hand, and the spiritual power and Yang Yan within his body spurted out from the tip of the sword.

Almost instantly, a row of big trees along the road outside the courtyard fell one by one under the bombardment of this spiritual power. The movement did not end until the big tree half a mile away fell.

This time, Jiang Lin brought the ugly words to the fore, so he showed his powerful attacking power in front of everyone.

The spiritual power he sent was the thunder spiritual power formed by the use of the five thunders.

At this time, all the people in the courtyard were wide-eyed, including Jiu Jiansou and Wen Jiu, they were all shocked.

Long hiss is more and more one after another.

So terrifying.

Although Jiu Jiansou's master and apprentice have known Jiang Lin for a while, they have never seen Jiang Lin's true strength.

A few days ago, Jiang Lin and the bearded man were training hands, but they only restrained the latter with lightning speed, and they didn't show much attack power at all.

"Second Uncle's, I thought it was me who didn't expect it before and was taken down. Now it seems that it was fortunate that there was no more trouble at that time."

The bearded man said to himself, although his cultivation level was higher than Jiang Lin's, but now it seems that Jiang Lin's hard power is much higher than his.

If they really want to fight each other, even if it is an open and honest duel, he has no chance of winning.

"Everything is up to Jiang Shaoxia's orders!"

"I'll wait for Jiang Shaoxia to follow suit."

"Jiang Shaoxia has such strength, this event will definitely succeed!"

Everyone spoke one after another, some of them promised to obey their orders, and some of them flattered Jiang Lin's cultivation base.

No matter when, the strength of one's own strength is the most important factor in gaining respect.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's exposure, even with the recommendation of Jiu Jiansou and the guarantee of the big bearded man, these people would not approve Jiang Lin ten percent in their hearts.

But it's different now.

As long as they are disobedient, Jiang Lin's attack may fall on one of them.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Take the crossbow, collect the arrows, and set off immediately!"

Everyone responded, and immediately stepped forward in an orderly manner.

"Brother Jiang, why did I never know you were so strong?"

Wenjiu walked over to Jiang Lin and asked softly. She looked at Jiang Lin again. After spending so long with Jiang Lin, she didn't even know that Jiang Lin had such abilities.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "That's because you never asked."

"How can I remember to ask such a question, you are hiding everything from me."

"I won't tell you even if you ask. Because then you'll think I'm just bragging, and I'm not interested in taking my own time."

After that, Jiang Lin said to the big man with long beard and the others, "Several seniors, two of you will set out with me first, and then in batches will rush to lead the way. From today, everyone will stay at night and walk exclusively Mountain roads, camping in the mountains and forests. Everything is to avoid major disturbances."

Immediately, Jiang Lin walked out of the courtyard gate and jumped on the horse.

"Hmph, you know I don't believe it again?"

Wen Jiuchong wrinkled his nose at Jiang Lin's back, and then followed.

So, under the leadership of Jiang Lin, the nearly [-] people who arrived quickly advanced towards the Demon Sect's nest.

Two nights later, the team led by Jiang Lin and the big bearded man arrived in the deep mountain where the helm of the Demon Sect was located.


After midnight, when everyone arrived, Jiang Lin ordered everyone to raid.

Suddenly, the screams of killing sounded almost through the entire forest.

The followers of the Demon Sect's Nest never thought that the position of the main rudder would be discovered, and before they could react, they were smashed by Jiang Lin's group and defeated.

"You all attack in a group, attack and kill at will, the time is east and west, the louder the noise, the better, to attract the attention of the demon cultists."

After Jiang Lin explained to Dahan and the others, he single-handedly rushed in the other direction. He could sense that there was a lot of corpse energy in this direction. The place of the corpse should be not far from those corpses.

"Brother Jiang, I am with you!"

Wenjiu followed closely, not wanting Jiang Lin to take risks alone.

"Go back! With you around, I'm easy to expose, and I'm not good at protecting you."

Jiang Lin shook his hand, letting Wenjiu and the bearded man stay together.

First of all, the [-]-numbered man with the horned beard and the others have too many goals. The chances of Wenjiu being targeted by powerful demon cultivators are much smaller. In addition, Wenjiu is protected by immortal clothes, so he can rest assured; secondly, He is going to use abilities such as invisibility and teleportation next, and there is no way to disguise the wine, and it is easy to delay his affairs.

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