Seeing that Jiang Lin's face was very serious, he could only stop when he asked Jiujiu.

"You gave me the soft armor, what do you do yourself? I'll follow you."

However, after Jiang Lin disappeared from his sight, Wenjiu continued to chase after him.

She felt a little flustered when she thought that Jiang Lin might encounter danger.

However, by the time she reached the corner of the building, Jiang Lin was gone.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already used his own abilities, hid his figure, and quickly teleported out. He was eager to find the place where the Demon Cult was refining corpses, so he didn't notice that Wenjiu didn't listen to him, and followed.

Chapter [-]: Cut off the Demon Sect (Part [-])

With the big bearded man and the more than [-] people making noise to attract attention, many members of the demon sect and corpse all moved, and rushed towards the source of the movement.

Jiang Lin, while hiding his stature and aura, went deep into the important area of ​​the Demon Cult's helm without being discovered at all.

"Second uncle's, it's really a big deal."

Jiang Lin bypassed the defenses of some demon cult cultivators and entered the underground space. In this huge underground space, there are prisons one after another. The prisoners are all corpses. There are enough small thousand.

These corpses alone are fighting their own vitality, and I am afraid that there is no sect in the Sword Kingdom that can withstand it.

Jiang Lin guessed that the Demon Sect might have a big move in the near future, preparing to sweep the various cultivation sects in the Sword Kingdom and unify the Sword Kingdom.

In fact, Jiang Lin's guess is not bad at all, which is why Wang Dijian will come to the Sword Kingdom.

Once the Demon Sect unifies the Sword Kingdom, the Demon Sect leader Fu Yu will become the leader of the alliance.

It won't be long before the fortunes of the whole country will gather together. At that time, Fu Yu will follow Wang Dij's instructions and use the statue as a totem to be worshipped by all the people of the whole country. The power of luck and faith formed by the emperor's path converged on Wangdi and Wangtian respectively for their cultivation and advancement.

Blow up your second uncle.

Jiang Lin took out one after another explosive flame runes and thunder and lightning runes from the ancient mirror, threw them out quickly, and threw them into these prisons. .

Now, he has not obtained the research records of the demon cult refining corpse, and he can't cause a big movement, so he doesn't want to deal with these reserve corpses for the time being.

However, as long as he arranges these large numbers of spiritual talismans and spiritual stones, he can find what he is looking for. Once there is any change here, he can cast a spell to mobilize the spiritual power in the spiritual stone and make it dissipate.

At that time, just like the fuse that ignited the explosives, the thousands of corpses will be able to boom~~

Explosion is art.

Once it explodes, not to mention that the entire army of these corpses will be destroyed, at least half of them will be directly killed, and the rest will not die.

When the time comes, those corpses who lack arms and legs will make no waves at all.

Even if it is sent out, it is almost a matter of one or two arrows.

After a quarter of an hour, Jiang Lin left the prison area and looked around for a place to refine corpses.


Jiang Lin just walked around a corner when he heard a familiar voice, and then a sword light flew towards him.


Jiang Lin raised his brows, now that he was still invisible, he was actually discovered.

He dodged immediately, and then saw the attacker.


It was the Demon Sect protector Mu Changfeng who attacked him.

Behind Mu Changfeng, there are still many demon cultists.

Since the last time Mu Changfeng led the cult members to raid the Jiujian Tower and did not receive the expected results, he was sent by the demon sect leader to protect the place where the sect refines corpses.

After all, Jiang Lin had effective tools to deal with corpses, and the Demon Sect also guessed that he might come to sabotage, so they specially asked Mu Changfeng to come here to defend.

"Oh it's you."

Jiang Lin revealed his true body. He had already discovered that Mu Changfeng's eyes had special lines around them, which seemed to open his eyes, which meant that his invisibility ability had no effect on the opponent.

"It's you?"

Mu Changfeng was also a little surprised when he saw Jiang Lin. With a cold face, he said to Jiang Lin, "I didn't expect you to come. Those who ambushed the demon sect were your plan, right?"

For Jiang Lin, Mu Changfeng didn't have the slightest impression of him. He didn't say anything about sabotaging his mission, and even made him demoted. A dignified demon sect protector, he was reduced to guarding here.

What made him hate even more was that Jiang Lin cut off his possibility of recognizing and getting along with Wenjiu.

Because of Jiang Lin, he was extremely useless at the Wine Sword Tower.

They all went to wash the toilet.

And all this, Jiang Lin should have known in advance.

"That's right, it's me. I already knew when you kidnapped the water. What is it that asks the wine to be responsible? You probably don't know that I used the blindfold method to turn you around twice, instead of asking questions. Liquor. It’s ridiculous that you still talk about skin-to-skin relationship in public, and ask Qijiu to be responsible. Do you know how many people looked at you like a fool at that time? You are a shoveling officer in the toilet.”

Jiang Lin laughed when he said that, what conspiracy and tricks this Mu Changfeng did in front of him, but it didn't count for sweeping the floor and chopping wood, and he went to the toilet to work as a cleaner to pick up big manure.

But in the end, the goods were still empty in a bamboo basket.

Jiu Jiansao and the others have nothing to do with them now.

"I will make you pay!"

Hearing Jiang Lin's own confession and merciless ridicule there, Mu Changfeng's expression once again became the same as Mi Tiangong's.

"It's really shameless. In my eyes, you have no value to use. This time, I will see how you want to run?"

Jiang Lin sneered and rushed out first.

The geographical environment this time was not wider than the last time, and Mu Changfeng had no choice but to die when he could not escape.

Jiang Lin didn't do anything hot at all, and his killer moves were frequent.Now that his goal is almost achieved, and there are not many outsiders here, he can completely let go of his hands and feet.

As for those evil cultivators, they couldn't survive today, even if they found out that his cultivation path did not belong to the Sword Kingdom, there is no need to worry.

Mu Changfeng and those demon cultists didn't take a few rounds in Jiang Lin's hands, and they were almost completely wiped out by him, and the leader, Mu Changfeng, was severely injured by Jiang Lin and lay on the ground. .

Jiang Lin really wants to let go of his hands and feet, let alone Mu Changfeng, even if there are more than three, five, six or seven, it will be the same end.

"Say, where is the place where you refine the corpse?"

Jiang Lin stepped on Mu Changfeng's chest and tried to ask a question. It would be best if he could ask, but if the Demon Sect protector didn't cooperate, he could just stomp to death and find it by himself.

"Jiang... Big Brother Jiang..."

At this moment, Wen Jiu appeared, and she looked at Jiang Lin with confusion and disappointment in her eyes.

Just now when Jiang Lin was fighting with Mu Changfeng and the others, she had already reached the prison area in the distance. Therefore, she had also seen the means that Jiang Lin displayed.

Jiang Lin's abilities were not possessed by the Sword Country cultivators at all.

"How did you come?"

Jiang Lin was also surprised, he didn't expect the wine party to appear here.

"Ask Jiu, you don't know me anymore, it's me, I was your childhood friend."

Seeing Wenjiu, Mu Changfeng waved to him quickly. Now that he was controlled by Jiang Lin, he could only hope that Wenjiu would remember him and help him.

Chapter [-] You have a good abacus, but unfortunately you have met a master of accounting

"My childhood friend?"

Asking Jiu's attention was really attracted by Mu Changfeng, and even the question he wanted to find Jiang Lin to clarify was temporarily suppressed.

Jiang Lin also frowned slightly. He was quite good at observing words, but this Mu Changfeng didn't seem to be lying.

Moreover, Mu Changfeng's age is almost the same as Asking Wine.

Could it be that the two really knew each other when they were children?

"Yes, maybe you don't even remember. Back then, our group of children were taken away by the demon sect together. We were kept in the cage as if we were being raised by guinea pigs, killing each other and drinking blood. It was you who bit me and sucked my blood. life was saved."

Seeing Wenwenjiu showing some shock and doubts, Mu Changfeng quickly told what happened back then. At the same time, he also revealed the scar on his forearm, which was the scar formed when he was bitten by Wenjiu.

When Wen Jiu saw the scar on Mu Changfeng's arm, her eyes suddenly widened, she seemed to recall what happened back then.

She still had an impression of what Mu Changfeng said.

"Later... Later, our surviving children escaped, and someone came to rescue. It was I who let you hide in the thorns, so that you escaped the search of the demons, but I was arrested again. ."

When Wenjiu recalled the past, Mu Changfeng continued to guide him. They were all seven or eight years old and had already remembered things. As long as he reminded them, Wenjiu should remember them completely.

Sure enough, after Mu Changfeng finished speaking, the boy who helped her back then appeared in Wen Jiu's mind.

After that, the child face in her mind gradually evolved and overlapped with the Mu Changfeng in front of her.

"Are you really...really him?"

After thinking about the past experience, Wen Jiu was very shocked. The demon protector in front of her was actually her childhood friend. Although they didn't know each other before being caught in the demon sect, the little boy from that year, It did save her.

"it is me."

Mu Changfeng nodded again and again, now that Wenjiu has remembered him, it would be much easier.

"Brother Jiang, he...he once saved me, can I beg you..."

"Well, beg me to let him go, right?"

Jiang Lin looked at Wenjiu, he smiled softly, and continued: "You girl, what can I say about you, you have a good chivalrous heart, but your mind is too simple.


Asking Jiu was a little angry for a while, and since she was a child, even her master never said she was stupid.

"What am I? Let me ask you, he saved you, but Senior Jiujiansou didn't save you? Senior Jiujiansou not only saved you, but also sacrificed his life to save you, and gave it to your family. Warm, I have raised you for more than ten years, which is equivalent to your biological father. As an outsider, I tell you so, you are right to repay your gratitude. This Mu Changfeng saved you and is your benefactor. Senior Jiu Jiansou also saved you, and gave you more. Even if the time between the two rescued has a causal relationship and partial causal relationship, then Senior Jiujiansou’s dedication over the years is enough to offset such a sequence and cause and effect. relation."

After a pause, Jiang Lin continued: "Since the two are evenly balanced, let's count them as the two ends of the balance lever, but Mu Changfeng, he killed Senior Jiujiansu, directly or indirectly, it doesn't matter, seniors are all He died because of him, have you calculated this? And I saved Senior Jiu Jiansou, I also have the grace of saving my father and younger brother to you, I want to kill him, what reason do you want to use? Stop me, what is the reason for begging me? You want to repay him, what about the kindness of Senior Jiujiansou, and my kindness, how do you repay it? You want to repay Senior Jiujiansou, don't you want to avenge him? "

Jiang Lin just looked at Wenjiu, and Wenjiu was a little speechless when asked by Jiang Lin.

Because of what Jiang Lin said, she really didn't think about it, just because she knew that Mu Changfeng was her childhood savior, and wanted Jiang Lin to let him go.

"Aside from these, this guy is no longer the child who is willing to save people for so many years. How many people of the righteous path died in his hands? How many children were destroyed in his hands? He was arrested and arrested. It's his misfortune to join the Demon Sect. There's no denying that, but because of his own misfortune, he chooses to be a tiger and kill innocent people. Should he be released by me? Those who died tragically, those children's hatred , is it just written off like this? He is difficult to atone for his sins."

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