Jiang Lin's series of reprimands made Wenjiu stunned and took a few steps back.

"Let's take a step back and settle the accounts. If you don't do anything, you have already repaid his favor. If you can't count, there are twenty fingers and toes together. Break your fingers and toes."

"Yes... I'm sorry, Brother Jiang, I didn't think about it that much."

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and stopped speaking, and then she looked at Jiang Lin with a naturally resentful expression.

Jiang Lin's words mean she's going around the corner and saying she's stupid.

But she had nothing to say, who made her not understand even such a little reason, and she had to beg Jiang Lin just now.

Now, Wen Jiu is really not ready to pay attention to Mu Changfeng's life and death.

As Jiang Lin said, it’s good that Mu Changfeng is kind to her, but Jiu Jiansou is also kind to her. If you return Mu Changfeng’s kindness, you must let her live, but in return for Jiu Jiansou’s kindness, you must To take revenge, that is, to kill Mu Changfeng.

These two accounts, just as Jiang Lin said, can be offset, that is to say, she has already repaid Mu Changfeng's kindness without doing anything or saying anything.

"you you!"

Mu Changfeng looked at Jiang Lin with resentment. Originally, when he saw Wenjiu appearing here, he thought he had explained what he had saved her, and Wenjiu would give him a chance to live.

But he never imagined that Jiang Lin's words and fights directly exposed the fact that he had saved his life for Wenjiu.

"You have a good abacus, but unfortunately, you have met a master accountant like me."

Jiang Lin sneered and looked at Mu Changfeng under his feet.

If it wasn't for him, Mu Changfeng mentioned the old account of that year, and asked Jiu maybe he might have let it go.


Being ridiculed by such a master accountant, Mu Changfeng suddenly became furious and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Any abacus is empty.

"Say, where is the place where your demons refine corpses?"

Jiang Lin didn't talk about anything else, and wanted to get the answer he wanted from Mu Changfeng's hands as soon as possible.

Chapter [-] I really have ulterior motives

Mu Changfeng looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "I said, will you let me go?"


Jiang Lin nodded, if Mu Changfeng cooperated, he would indeed spare this guy's life.

"At the end of this space."

Hearing that Jiang Lin wanted to let him go, Mu Changfeng immediately informed Jiang Lin of the location.


Jiang Lin nodded, and then with his feet, he stomped Mu Changfeng to death.


Before Mu Changfeng's pupils dilated, he stared at Jiang Lin with wide eyes.

"Brother Jiang, didn't you say you would spare his life?"

Wenjiu frowned immediately, she didn't like people who were untrustworthy.

"Yes, I did say that I would spare his life. But it is only natural for him to kill others. He has killed at least a few hundred lives. How many times will he die? I said before that he will die. It's hard to atone. And, you heard it just now, he asked me to let him go, not let him go. If it's the latter, then I won't agree to him. "

Jiang Lin smiled and became a master accountant again.

"You... this is a word-picking."

"What's wrong with picking words? They do everything they can to deal with people like this. They still don't allow me to pick words?"

Jiang Lin spread his hands, he was just playing a word game.

What's wrong with playing tricks with people like this?

Moreover, even if he really released Mu Changfeng and went outside, after the demon sect was eliminated, this guy would still have to die.

To die sooner or later, to Mu Changfeng, there is not much difference.

"I can't tell you."

Asking Jiu rolled her eyes, she found that when she faced Jiang Lin, she often said that Jiang Lin was justified.

Moreover, Mu Changfeng, as the protector of the Demon Sect, was indeed guilty of heinous crimes. In addition, Jiang Lin had settled the account with her just now, so she had nothing to say about Mu Changfeng's death.

There is no need to go online with Jiang Lin Shanggang because of this.

"Since you're here, follow me and don't run around."

After Jiang Lin explained the question, he quickly walked to the end of the underground space.

Asking Jiu was on the way with him, he was hesitating, and wanted to ask Jiang Lin some questions, but she still didn't ask.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to find a secret room at the end of the space. After opening the door of the secret room, there was still a lot of space inside, and there were also many prison cells. However, the children were detained.

"Let them go."

After exhorting, Jiang Lin ran down the aisle, and when he arrived at the experimental site, he killed all the demon cultists who were conducting experimental research.

After that, he began to collect all the research records on the desk and in the cabinet, as well as manuscripts such as many prescriptions and reference books.

At this time, Wenjiu also came to the experimental site. She couldn't help being a little stunned when she saw Jiang Lin kept collecting papers and books.

Of course she knew that these were the research results of the Demon Sect refining corpses, but she didn't understand why Jiang Lin would accept these things.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's face also showed joy and excitement.

"Brother Jiang, you...you came for these manuscripts and reference books?"

Wenjiu seems to have no knowledge of Jiang Lin. According to Jiang Lin, he came here to destroy the backup corpses of the Demon Sect and destroy the place where the Demon Sect refines corpses.

But until now, those corpses didn't move at all. Jiang Lin didn't intend to destroy the place when he arrived here. Instead, he kept the manuscripts carefully one by one.

Asking Jiu was not stupid at all. By now, it was impossible for her to fail to see Jiang Lin's purpose.

In addition, the ability that Jiang Lin and Mu Changfeng showed in the previous battle revealed that Jiang Lin was not from the Sword Kingdom, and she already had a conclusion in her heart.

Jiang Lin glanced at Wenwenjiu, said nothing, and continued to receive those manuscripts.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the corridor outside, and an afterimage quickly approached.

Jiang Lin instinctively felt threatened, and immediately turned into a corpse, strengthening the defense of his back.

Then, he received an extremely violent slap on the back.

It was Mu Changfeng again.

Jiang Lin was photographed knocking down the wall, and only then did he see the person who attacked him.

It's just that Mu Changfeng at this time has changed a lot. There are yellow hairs all over his body, and his posture has already shown signs of beastization.

This guy actually turned into a half-human, half-human monster after his death, and the level of corpse energy on his body was already equivalent to a golden retriever.

Jiang Lin didn't expect such changes in Mu Changfeng. He also paid attention to these research materials and ignored the details.

Since Mu Changfeng, like Wenjiu, was a child who was captured by the demon sect as a child, it is very likely that there is a corpse poison hidden in his body, but Jiang Lin didn't think about it.

Moreover, when he was attacked before, he was also unprepared and fell.

Once the matter involved his family, Jiang Lin would easily become less calm and cautious than usual.


Jiang Lin was completely corpse and turned into a furry zombie. He had not finished collecting these research materials, so he had to deal with Mu Changfeng as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, once this place is destroyed, those manuscripts and the like may be affected by the battle and turn into scraps of paper.

Wenjiu saw that Jiang Lin had turned into a demon corpse, and her whole body had become a sculpture, and her mind went blank for a moment.

When she came back to her senses, Jiang Lin had already killed Mu Changfeng, and killed him with the momentum of thunder.

"Jiang... Big Brother Jiang, you... Who are you?"

Asking wine shook his head and kept backing away.

Now, Jiang Lin is no stranger to her, she doesn't know Jiang Lin at all.

"What are you doing here in the Sword Country? What is your intention, you demon corpse? Why are you approaching me and Master?"

Wenjiu drew out his long sword and pointed at Jiang Lin, with tears in his eyes, staring at Jiang Lin.

Now that Jiang Lin's identity as a demon corpse appeared, Wenjiu immediately positioned Jiang Lin as a dangerous person, and also guessed that he must have a plot.

That's not all, everything Jiang Lin has done before may have had other purposes.

This made her really unacceptable.

Jiang Linhua returned to his human form and smiled lightly, such a problem still appeared.

His handprints changed, and a powerful explosion sounded in the distance.

Those corpses were under this huge explosion, dead and wounded, and they could no longer turn over any waves.

"I will solve your doubts one by one."

Next, Jiang Lin continued to put those research materials into the ancient mirror in his arms while he was talking.

"I really have ulterior motives."

Jiang Lin didn't justify himself. If it was purely about the purpose, he approached Jiu Jiu and Jiu Jiansuo because he wanted to use them to find the old nest of the Demon Cult, so there was nothing wrong with saying he had ulterior motives.

"You lied to me, you lied to me, right? What I saw just now is not true. You are still my brother Jiang."

Hearing Jiang Lin saying that he had ulterior motives, the mentality of asking for wine completely collapsed, almost begging, hoping that Jiang Lin would continue to deceive her.

"You don't have to lie to yourself, I am indeed not from the Sword Kingdom, and I am also a demon corpse. This is a fact that is beyond reproach. However, if you still believe me, then you can trust me to your Sword Kingdom, especially to you. And the people around you, there is no malice."

After collecting the remaining manuscripts and books, Jiang Lin looked at Wenjiu. Now that his demon sect has been completed, he doesn't need to hide anything from Wenjiu anymore.

But just as Jiang Lin was about to explain his purpose, a premonition that made his heart skip a beat suddenly appeared in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Dij is rushing towards his location at a lightning speed.

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