The first thousand six hundred and sixty chapters of life and death

Now, Wang Dijian is angering the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.

Some time ago, it had been in the Sword Kingdom to guide the demon sect it had fostered, and to prepare for the plan to unify the Sword Kingdom, but a few days ago, it received a letter from Wang Tianqi and went back to the Liang Kingdom, only to realize that it had worked hard. The fruits of thousands of years of operation have been stolen.

Liang Guo's royal luck was picked by others!

It is conceivable that after Wang Dijian returned to Liang Kingdom, how much anger he felt in his heart.

In fact, the time when Wang Dijian was arranging things in the Sword Kingdom was when Jiang Lin was staying in the restaurant.

It was also fortunate that Jiang Lin didn't act rashly at the time to attack the Demon Sect's nest, otherwise, he would have simply hit the gun.

Wang Dijian returned to Liang Guo, and after learning the facts, he also knew that no matter how angry he was, it was useless. After all, his father Wang Tianjian had already searched for the plane thief and found nothing.

So, it came to the sword country again.

There must be no more accidents in the matter of Sword Country.

However, as soon as Emperor Wang returned to the Demon Sect, he found that the Demon Sect had been attacked.

This can make it angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Then, what made it even more angry was that it didn't take long for it to sense that the emperor's luck of the Liang Kingdom was pervading this place.

It's the thief!

Jiang Lin had spared no effort to fight in order to quickly deal with Mu Changfeng who had turned into a monster, and because of this, his aura was exposed.

Originally, he thought that there was chaos outside. Even if he exposed his breath, he might not have been noticed in the chaos, but he didn't expect that he would be discovered by Emperor Wang.

It was also Wang Dixian who was worried that he might be discovered, so he didn't show up to deal with those famous and decent people in the Sword Kingdom. After all, although it was walking outside, it would be best if his tracks were not discovered.

Today, the passage to the outside world in the northern sand sea has long been closed, and the central area of ​​the northern sand sea has its own territory and generally does not invade each other, so the news that the outer heaven has been destroyed has not yet spread here.

If it is discovered by the monks of the Sword Country, it may go out and report to the heavenly court.

Moreover, there were only one hundred and ten people who came, so it didn't take action, and let the demon sect deal with it on its own.

It is precisely because of this that it was able to sense Jiang Lin's aura just now.

As soon as he realized that Liang Guo's imperial destiny was here, Wang Dijian could no longer suppress his anger, and flew towards Jiang Lin's location.

After rushing into the underground space, Wang Dijian discovered that the corpses in the demon sect had been killed and injured, and he was even more angry.

Its plan to support the Demon Sect was just ruined.

These corpse people play a crucial role in its plan.


After crashing into the wall of the secret room, Wang Dijian let out a furious roar and killed Wen Jiu and Jiang Lin.


From Wang Dijian's rush into the underground space, Jiang Lin had a terrifying premonition. It was almost an instant event. After Jiang Lin noticed Wang Dijian, he didn't even think about it, and teleported directly behind Wenjiu.

It is hoped that Emperor Ji's speed is too fast, Jiang Lin didn't have time to respond, and was grabbed and shoved into the shanzhong position by one.

Wang Di's claws pierced his body directly.

Even Jiang Lin's current Mao Zombie body has a rather perverted defense, but under Wang Dijian's attack, it is almost like a piece of paper.

At this urgent moment, two flames shot out from Jiang Lin's eyes, piercing straight into Wang Dij's eyes.

Even if he was severely wounded, he had to bite off a piece of the enemy's flesh!

Wangdi broke out with an earth-shattering roar, and the other slapped Jiang Lin's shoulder.

Immediately, Jiang Lin's bones all made a clicking sound at this time, and the blood in his body was like a bomb being dropped into a lake, splashing towards the outside of the body.

And his five internal organs and six internal organs were all shaken into pieces.

Wang Di's angry blow is so terrifying.

At this moment, Jiang Lin felt an extremely strong aura of death.

His consciousness had already begun to fade away.

Now, he is really on the line of life and death.

If his body hadn't always been nourished by immortal treasures, I'm afraid Wang Dijian's two attacks would have directly killed him.

It was also when Jiang Lin came here that he didn't ask Wenjiu to return the fairy clothes on his body. Otherwise, with the protection of the fairy clothes, he would never have been injured like this.

"Bao Yi!"

Jiang Lin bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to condense his consciousness, causing the spiritual power in his body to burst out instantly, shaking Wang Di, and then at this extremely critical moment, he called Bao Yi.

Now, under the condition that his body was severely injured, he forcibly acted, which has made himself even more injured, and he can't even do sound transmission.

A stream of light rushed out from Jiang Lin's arms, Bao Yi held the willow leaf fairy saber, exhausted all his immortal power, and slashed wildly at Wang Dijian's body.

These things sounded like a long time, but in fact it only took a blink of an eye.

At this time, before asking Jiujiu to realize what happened, she turned around and saw Jiang Lin, who was falling on his back, with a blood hole in his spine.

"Big Brother Jiang!"

Wen Jiu quickly supported Jiang Lin, and his voice became extremely sharp because he was too shocked.

At this moment, she no longer cares about anything. It doesn't matter where Jiang Lin is, whether he is a demon corpse, or what he has in mind, it has nothing to do with her.

Just now, it was clear that Jiang Lin blocked the fatal blow for her.

After Jiang Lin was supported by Wenjiu, a ball of fire rushed out of his mouth and hit the ceiling. After that, he said to Wenjiu, "Get out of here!"

Now is the moment of life and death. Even if Baoyi has the willow leaf fairy knife, I am afraid that it will not be able to cause serious damage to Wangdi, so Jiang Lin ignores his own injuries and forcibly condenses Yang Yan and spiritual power.

Otherwise, all of them have to confess here.

After saying a word, Jiang Lin fainted directly, endured Wang Dijian's two attacks, and repeatedly ignored the serious injury, which had weakened him to the extreme.

At this time, Baoyi also flew back, and the blood in his mouth kept gushing.

She fell on Jiang Lin's side, and as soon as she took it out into Jiang Lin's arms, she took out several bundles of spiritual talismans and threw them towards Wang Di.

Asking Jiu didn't even have time to ask who Baoyi was, so he carried Jiang Lin up to the ground and escaped from here.

Baoyi also turned into a streamer and rushed into Jiang Lin's arms. She was seriously injured, and she needed to immediately go to Gujing's Mirror Void Realm space to heal her wounds with immortal treasures.

Jiang Lin's state was extremely poor at this time, and she had to rely on her to resist Wang Dijian in the next escape.

Baoyi didn't expect Wang Diqi to appear here, but she didn't notice it at all.

Chapter [*] Temporary escape

In the space of the secret room, because of the combined effect of thousands of flaming talismans, lightning talismans, and ice talismans, there was an extremely terrifying large-scale explosion there.

Wen Jiu and Jiang Lin were blown away like shrapnel because they were propelled by the blast of air, and they flew away at an extreme speed.

With the protection of fairy clothes on his body, Wen Jiucai was not injured by the big explosion.

"Brother Jiang, why don't you wear this soft armor yourself?"

Wen Jiu shed tears, the big explosion just now, if it was just relying on her, she would definitely not die or be disabled.

The sword cultivators of their Sword Kingdom are not very strong.

However, because of the fairy clothes that Jiang Lin gave her, she didn't have any problems, but Jiang Lin made it worse.

Only now did she know what Jiang Lin gave her. It was a life-saving treasure.

And she herself, because of Jiang Lin's identity, still wants to stand on the opposite side of Jiang Lin.

But at this time, she had no time to think about these things, and she had to flee as soon as possible.

Because he was concerned about Jianglin's safety, Qijiu even forgot to tell the big man with a beard and the others, so he immediately ignored his own consumption and flew out with his long sword.

As for Wangdi, it was because he was indiscriminately bombed by the big explosion just now and failed to pursue it in time, so Wenjiu and Jiang Lin temporarily escaped from its grasp.

However, even if the eyes are destroyed by the sun's true fire and the fairy fire, with its sense of smell, it can still hunt down Jiang Lin and the others.

After Wang Dij flew out, his body automatically became the same color as the surrounding environment. It sensed the ruins below, and his body was shaking with anger.

Originally, those corpses were already dead and wounded, but they were just destroyed by a large explosion, and there were not many living ones left at all.

However, it was precisely because of this that it did not join the battle between the Demon Sect and the bearded man.

It has been deployed for so long, but within a few days of its departure, the Demon Sect had a problem.

This kind of mud that can't support the wall, even if its eyes are not damaged, it doesn't want to look at it again.

Moreover, the anger and hatred in its heart were all pulled away by Jiang Lin, and it didn't care who won or lost here.

Emperor Wang moved his hound-like nose, searching for the scent of Jiang Lin and the others.

However, all the smells on Jiang Lin and the others were washed away by the big explosion just now, and Baoyi cast spells in the ancient mirror during the flight of asking for wine, erasing most of the traces, which made Wangdi Qian is not easy to find.

I must find you and eat you alive!

Wang Dijian swore a poisonous oath in his heart, it was about to advance, so so many preparations were made, but all these were ruined because of Jiang Lin alone.

It plucked the fruits of its hard work and ruined its backup plans.

All of this made it hate Jiang Lin to the extreme.

While using the corpse poison essence in his body to recuperate his eyes, Wang Dijian flew around to search for Jianglin and the others.

At this time, Wenjiu had already flown hundreds of miles away with Jiang Lin on her back, and she also followed Baoyi's voice transmission and deliberately went to all directions, leaving behind some breath, making Wang Dijian difficult to find.

"Brother Jiang, you must not die. As long as you survive, you are willing to pay whatever price you ask."

Two days later, in a very secret cave, Wenjiu chewed the fairy fruit, drank some fairy wine, and crossed over to Jiang Lin.

These fairy treasures were sent by Baoyi.

Under normal circumstances, these immortal treasures cannot be taken out casually, but now that Jiang Lin has been severely injured, it is difficult for him to recover by his own self-healing ability. Jiang Lin, please.

After letting Jiang Lin take the immortal treasure, Wenjiu carried it on his back again and flew straight towards the wine sword tower.

"Master, please save Brother Jiang!"

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