After arriving at the Jiujian Tower, Wen Jiu saw Jiujian Sou and was about to cry in a hurry.

When they got to the restaurant, she and Jiang Lin were temporarily out of danger.

But what will happen to Jiang Lin later, she has no clue at all.

"How is this going?"

Jiu Jiansou looked puzzled, why did Jiang Lin pass out and was injured so badly?

The comrades have always heard good news and good news, and the crusade against the Demon Sect is going quite smoothly.

In the past three days, almost all the righteous people of the Sword Country have been to the Wine and Sword Tower. Even if the Sword Country is relatively vast, those people have already arrived.

The vanguard of Jiang Lin and the others had already fought against the Demon Sect, so there was no need for them to ride their horses in order not to cause any disturbance, and they went straight with their swords.

Therefore, now there is no one else in the restaurant, and no one will come to gather again in a short time.

"Master, it's like this..."

Wenjiu hurriedly told Jiu Jiansou the matter, but she still concealed what should be concealed. Otherwise, if Jiu Jiansou knew everything and was unwilling to rescue Jiang Lin, then she really had nothing to do. .

"It's really strange that there are powerful corpses in the helm of the Demon Sect."

Jiu Jiansao was even more confused. Since there is such a terrifying existence in the Demon Cult's lair, why is there no news at all.

He didn't know that Wang Dijian did not participate in the battle between the righteous and evil sides of the Sword Kingdom at all, otherwise, no matter how many people went, it would be in vain.

"Master! Don't be weird there, hurry up and save people!"

"Good good."

Jiu Jiansou nodded quickly and checked Jiang Lin's situation.

After a while, his face changed, and he said, "This...why is he injured so badly, his internal organs are all shattered, and the bones in his body are also broken, so even gods can't be saved."

The situation that Jiu Jiansou said was similar to Jiang Lin's current state. This time Jiang Lin was really injured too badly.

When he was in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, although the flesh and blood of his whole body was corroded, only a pair of skeletons remained, but he could still move.But he was fine at that time because he kept smashing it with immortal treasures. Now, he has passed out and can't take the initiative to control his body, so the situation is different.

"Master, you save him, save him, he was hurt like this to save me."

Asking wine wiped her tears, Jiu Jiansou's words made her completely lose her heart.

While on the road, she noticed the sound of bones rubbing in Jiang Lin's body, and Jiang Lin's body was soft and slumped. At that time, she felt a little bad.

Now, Jiu Jiansou's words directly confirmed her guess, and she didn't know what to do.

"Grandpa, save Brother Jiang."

"Yes, grandpa, save him quickly."

At this time, those children also gathered around, begging Jiu Jiansou to rescue Jiang Lin.

"I'll try my best. Whether he can wake up or not depends on his own creation."

Jiu Jiansuo took a deep breath, he could only do his best to diagnose and treat Jiang Lin, and then continue to give him some energy.

But Rao is like this, he has no certainty at all.

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-two chapters later change

After asking Wenjiu to put Jiang Lin on the plank, Jiu Jiansou began to diagnose and treat him.

This time to save Jiang Lin, Jiu Jiansou can be said to have taken out all of his life's learning and research, and he also used an unknown amount of natural resources.

In the end, Jiu Jiansuo used his own spiritual power to combine the medicinal power to make Jiang Lin's internal organs gather together to continue his broken bones.

For the next few days, Wen Jiu almost never slept, and was always by Jiang Lin's side to take care of him.

"I don't know if Jiang Lin's body is made of iron."

Five days later, Jiu Jiansou checked Jiang Lin's injury again and was amazed.Jiang Lin's injury has actually healed by more than half, which made him wonder.

Although he paid a small price, in fact, he could not provide much help to Jiang Lin's recovery, but Jiang Lin miraculously escaped danger.

In fact, what Jiu Jiansou did did not help Jiang Lin much. Jiang Lin was severely injured this time, and he was able to recover so quickly. In addition to the medicinal effects of the immortal treasure remaining in his body, he asked the wine to feed him. His immortal fruit and immortal wine cold marrow and other treasures, the rest is his own self-healing ability.

Wen Jiu asked eagerly: "Master, how is the situation?"

"He's recovering very well, and it won't be long before he wakes up. You should take a rest, too. Master feels distressed when he sees you like this. I don't know how others treat you, you stupid child."

Jiu Jiansou shook his head, he knew Wen Jiu's feelings for Jiang Lin, but he couldn't tell what Jiang Lin thought about Wen Jiu.

At least during this time, Jiang Lin seemed to be very preoccupied, and he didn't show any affection towards Wenjiu.

I am afraid that this time, asking for wine is a one-sided payment.

"He...he doesn't care about his life to save his disciples."

"He also sacrificed his life to save those children, not necessarily because of the relationship between men and women. Forget it, let's not talk about it, it's all about you young people, rest early."

Jiu Jiansuo sighed, the carrier pigeons outside had already flown back, and he went out to check the battle report.

Wen Jiu pursed his lips and felt tired, so he fell onto Jiang Lin's heart and fell asleep.

On the day, Jiang Lin woke up. He looked at Wen Jiu, who was sleeping peacefully on top of him, and raised his hand to smooth her hair.

"Brother Jiang, you are awake!"

After Wen Jiu opened his eyes, he found that Jiang Lin had woken up, and his joy was beyond words.

"This is going back to the wine sword building? How long have I slept?"

"Brother Jiang, you've slept for eight or nine days, and I thought you couldn't wake up."

After Asking Jiu responded to Jiang Lin, he immediately called Jiu Jiansou.

Have you slept for eight or nine days?

Jiang Lin frowned, and at the same time asked Bao Yi through voice transmission, under normal circumstances, after such a long time, Wang Dijian should have found this place long ago.

So, Baoyi informed him of the situation after Jiang Lin passed out.

Knowing this, Jiang Lin nodded slightly. It turned out that Baoyi deliberately set up a maze, so Wang Dijian hadn't been found for so long.

However, even so, he estimated that Wang Dijian should be looking for him soon.

Since Emperor Wang appeared at the head of the Demon Sect, the corpse emperor's aura on him must have been noticed by him.

So, no matter what, Wang Dijian would never let him go so easily.

Now, nearly ten days have passed, and he cannot stay in this restaurant for long no matter what.

Moreover, he needs to leave immediately, and Jiujian and the others must also act immediately.

Changes later.

At this moment, Jiu Jiansuo came over and saw that Jiang Lin had woken up. He was even more surprised. Jiang Lin's situation was only out of danger yesterday, and he has already woken up today.

What a miracle.

"Senior, ask Jiu, thank you Jiang Lin for taking care of you, but after so many days, I am afraid that Wang Dijian has already come over. I have to leave here, otherwise, it will affect you, and you also need to leave as soon as possible. "

Jiang Lin had already noticed that he had the medicinal power of many treasures in his body, and he naturally knew that this was due to Jiu Jiansou.

Since Jiu Jiansou and Wenjiu helped him when he was in trouble, he didn't want them to suffer from Wang Dijian because of him.

"What? That corpse evil is still coming to you? I don't think so. The news from the Demon Sect said that that thing didn't participate in the struggle between the righteous and evil of the Sword Kingdom, so why did it keep staring at you. The demon sect has basically been wiped out now, and there will be no danger."

Jiu Jiansou didn't understand what Jiang Lin said, and he didn't know that Wang Dijian wanted to cut Jiang Lin's cramps and skins alive.

"Of course that guy will keep staring at me. When I was in Liang Kingdom, I picked its peaches and robbed it of its imperial luck. Now, it is probably looking for me everywhere. Moreover, even if it is not like this. The grievances and grievances of my body, I have the fate of the corpse emperor, which is of great benefit to it, and the goods will not let it go."

Jiang Lin thought that Wenjiu had told Jiu Jiansou his identity, so he didn't hide much.

"What is the corpse emperor's luck? How can you have the corpse emperor's luck?"

Jiu Jiansou, like the monk Zhang Er, was puzzled by what Jiang Lin said.

"What? Didn't I tell you about the wine?"

Jiang Lin looked at Wenjiu suspiciously, and Wenjiu responded somewhat embarrassedly: "Brother Jiang, I didn't tell Master about you being a demon corpse. I was afraid that he would know and would not be willing to rescue you."

"What? You said Jiang Lin was a demon corpse?"

This time, it was Jiu Jiansuo's turn to be stunned. After spending so long with Jiang Lin, he really didn't see any clues about Jiang Lin.

Mainly because Jiang Lin was hiding too well.

After a moment of astonishment, Jiu Jiansou glared at Jiu and said, "Who do you take your master to be? Jiang Lin is a human being or a corpse, my old life still has your life. It was all saved by him, can I still avenge my revenge?"

"Since I didn't say anything, Jiang Lin will talk about it. In fact, I'm not from the Sword Kingdom... Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is to move quickly, and move quickly, and things will change if you are late. "

Jiang Lin told Jiu Jiansou and Wen Jiu about his identity and the purpose of coming to Jian Country.

Of course, he also picked out what he could say, and didn't fully explain it.

"It turned out to be so."

Jiu Jiansuo stroked his beard. If Jiang Lin didn't say it, he probably wouldn't have imagined that he would encounter such a thing.

However, even though he knew this information and understood that Jiang Lin had intentions to save him and those children, and to exterminate the Demon Sect, he didn't care much.

Because Jiang Lin's intention is only to save people, and he has no other bad intentions.

Moreover, in fact, from the point of view of the guest officials, what Jiang Lin has done is only beneficial to them, not harmful.

Whether it's bringing them back to life or helping them cut off the demons, it's the same.

Jiu Jiansou didn't change his opinion on Jiang Lin because of his identity, so he never doubted what Jiang Lin said.

According to Jiang Lin, their situation is indeed very dangerous at present, and it is possible that Wang Dijian will come to the door soon.

Chapter [*]: Forget the River Spirit Lord

" already have a wife?"

After asking Jiujiu and listening to Jiang Lin, he didn't pay attention to other things, and he didn't care about the current situation. He only cared about Jiang Lin saying that he had a wife.

Her expression became very lost, she fell in love with a married man.

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