"Yes, more than one."

Jiang Lin nodded. Now, there is no need for him to ask for wine without telling the truth.

Now, his identity and purpose have been revealed, and he is not prepared to hide the matter of having a wife.

The girl who asked Jiujiu, although her mind was relatively simple, was too straight to be deceived.

When he was in the Demon Sect's lair before, he revealed his corpse identity, and the reaction to asking about the wine at that time already explained this.

In case, one day later, he and Wenjiu have further development, and if he talks about these situations at that time, I am afraid that Wenjiu will definitely want Hedong's roar.

Moreover, next, he needs to take Wenjiu with him. Wangdijian hates him to the core, and he protected Wenjiu at a critical moment. If Wangdijian can't find him, he will follow other clues. Come and ask for wine.

In that case, asking for wine is only a dead end.

Whether he likes it or not, he has to take it with him.

After all, before that, he approached this girl with the intention of taking advantage, and he had to save her life no matter what.

Since he wanted to continue getting along, he chose to confess directly.

As for later asking Jiujie if he minds this matter, it will be a matter of the future.

If you don't mind, that's the best.

And if he minds, he won't necessarily put this girl back.

Jiu Jiansou looked at Wenjiu and sighed in his heart, this girl probably overturned the bottle of five flavors in her heart.

After a while, he squinted his eyes and said, "It turns out that our neighboring country Liang Kingdom actually has two powerful corpse evils, one Wangtian and the other Wangdi, these two are really well hidden. As neighbors, we never knew there was such a thing."

"So, I can't stay here any longer, Senior Jiu Jiansou, you probably have to give up this Jiu Jianlou and look for another place. As for asking about wine, I think it's safer for her to follow me, after all, my methods are more comparable. More, can protect her. As for Senior Jiujiansou, you are not Wang Dijian's main target, and you still need to take care of those children, Jiang Lin is really limited in his ability."

Jiang Lin nodded and asked Jiu Jiansou to prepare himself mentally as soon as possible and find another place.

On the one hand, it's a fact that he can't bring so many oil bottles. On the other hand, it would be better for Jiu Jiansuo to look elsewhere, and it would be much more dangerous to follow him.

"I... I won't leave Master."

Wenjiu shook her head and did not want to go with Jiang Lin. She still couldn't accept the facts that Jiang Lin said.

"You must follow me. I will protect you at your critical moment. If Wangdi can't find me, he will definitely come to you. So, whether you follow Senior Jiujiansu or leave by yourself, Dangerous."

Jiang Lin knew that Wenjiu was in a bad mood right now, so he patiently explained it to her.


"Okay, you child, is it time for you to be self-willed? You should be glad that nothing has happened to us until now. Listen to Master, you follow Jiang Lin, he said that he can protect you, Master is not at all. No doubt. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about me and those children. Can you really let me send black-haired people from white-haired people?"

Jiu Jiansou interrupted the question about Jiu and asked her to leave with Jiang Lin.

Ask Jiu how he is feeling now, he doesn't care, he only knows that his disciple is safest to follow Jiang Lin.

After being reprimanded by Jiu Jiansou, he stopped talking when he asked Jiu.

"By the way, Jiang Lin, you said that you went to the main rudder of the Demon Sect to obtain information on the research on corpses. Now, do you have any confidence in rescuing your wife?"

"To be honest, it's not too big of a deal. It's not a matter of a year or two for her to get corpse poison, it's been nearly [*] years, and all those corpse poisons were carried in her mother's womb. Besides, I I also need to find a Huaxian Pavilion in the Sword Kingdom, where I can borrow a magic weapon to take care of her physical problems."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, even if he gained a lot during this period, he would not dare to say that he could save Jiang Ting [*]%.

"By the way, senior, have you ever heard of the Flower Immortal Pavilion in the Three Heavens of Sword Kingdom?"

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Lin asked Jiu Jiansou about the location of Huaxian Pavilion.

Although the lady in the Thousand Flowers Forest wrote him a letter and told him the general area of ​​Huaxian Pavilion, the location was already many years ago, and no one knows if it has changed.

Moreover, the sky is no more than the ground, and there is an additional Z-axis dimension in the mid-air. It is not easy to find the location of Wanhualin.

Therefore, he wanted to ask Jiu Jiansou. After all, when Jiu Jiansuo was young, he also traveled around in search of herbs and herbs.

Jiu Jiansuo shook his head slightly and said, "I haven't heard of Huaxian Pavilion, but in view of your situation, I suggest you go to the Spirit Master of Wangchuan."

"Forgotten River Spirit Lord?"

"Yes, this Wangchuan Spirit Master appeared in the Sword Kingdom decades ago, and his whereabouts are very secret, but according to rumors, she knows a lot of things in the world, maybe you want to save your wife, she can provide Even if you can't provide it, you can ask her for the exact location of Huaxian Pavilion. I think, instead of spending a lot of effort to find the entrance of Huaxian Pavilion in the triple heaven, you might as well spend a little time looking for this Wangchuan Spirit Master."

Jiu Jiansou told Jiang Lin something about the Spirit Master of Wangchuan. Although he had never met this person, the latter's deeds were also circulated in Jian Kingdom.

"Thank you senior for your pointer."

Jiang Lin was very grateful. Jiu Jiansuo said it well. He wanted to find Huaxian Pavilion in the triple heaven, and the difficulty was definitely not small.

That being the case, why don't you spend some time looking for the Spirit Master of Forgotten River that Jiu Jiansou said.

At the very least, the Spirit Master of Wangchuan was on the ground, so it was relatively easy to find.

Moreover, at present, he is being hunted down by Emperor Wang, and it is impossible to go to Huaxian Pavilion. Otherwise, if the disaster is brought to the east, if he wants to lend the Qiankun lock, it may become a bubble.

Under such circumstances, it was a good choice to seek the whereabouts of the Spirit Lord of Wangchuan while avoiding Wang Dijian.

Anyway, the time delay is a waste of time, it is better to try it.

"Okay, ask the wine, you go to clean up first, inform your junior brother to leave, I have something to say to Jiang Lin."


Wenjiu nodded slightly and went to the backyard.

"Senior, what else do you have to explain?"

"Actually, there is nothing to explain, so I just want to entrust the wine to you. I think, you should know the mind of the wine, right? I'm old, I'm about to go into the ground, and I died once again, it's your boy Let me be resurrected from the dead. Now, I want to use the last of my life to show some residual heat. I think if Wang Dijian finds it, it should be able to pose some threats to him if I try my best. What you can't worry about is to ask the kid about Jiu."

Jiu Jiansou looked at Jiang Lin, he wanted to give Jiang Lin the rest of his life.

Since Jiang Lin was willing to take such a big risk for his wife, if he married Wenjiu in the future, he would definitely not let her down.

Chapter [*] Will you die when you meet?

"Senior, are you?"

Jiang Lin was a little inexplicable, Jiu Jiansuo seemed to be explaining his last words, he continued: "Even if Wangdi will come over, the target is only me, as long as the traces of this place are erased, the safety of the predecessors should not be a problem, you don't need to. Fight it to the death."

"That's true, but when are you going to hide and ask the wine? If it can find here, your whereabouts will be found by it sooner or later. If I can do some damage to it, wouldn't you be safer? ?"

Jiu Jiansou waved his hand and continued: "The old man has already died once, and even if he is resurrected, there will be less than half a year before the deadline. The corpse poison in this group of children has been resolved. I can't save the other people who have been poisoned, and it's already a non-essential thing for me to live another half a year."

Jiu Jiansou's meaning is very clear, that is, he wants to use his remaining lifespan to do something for Jiang Lin and Wenjiu.

In fact, the most important thing is that his disciple asked for wine.

As for the settlement of his little apprentice and those children, he will write to his friends and ask them to take care of them. Right now, they just need to find a secret place to hide.

"Senior, although you have your plans, I don't think it's possible to agree to ask the wine."

Jiang Lin shook his head, although what Jiu Jiansou said was not unreasonable, he would never agree to ask Jiu.

Even if Jiu Jiansou runs out of oil, and even half a year is gone, Wen Jiu won't be willing to let Jiujiansu sacrifice.

Jiu Jiansou looked at Jiang Lin angrily, and said, "You brat, I will ask you if you are willing to take care of Wen Jiu, will you marry her, will you be good to her forever, you talk to me so much What do some don't do?"


Jiang Lin answered very succinctly. Next, he needed to bring the wine with him. Since Jiu Jiansuo asked this, he had no reason not to agree.

"That's alright, she's willing or not to be of any use, if I, the master, and you, the future husband, don't have any objections, it doesn't matter what she does. You still have to tell her, don't let her know if it doesn't work. ."

Jiu Jiansou looked at Jiang Lin with a scrutiny look, as if saying that Jiang Lin is a strict wife.

Do you have to tell the internal assistant about everything?You rake your ears!

I was speechless.

Jiang Lin sighed in his heart, no wonder this Jiujian old man has been a bachelor all his life.

However, although he felt that Jiu Jiansou's concept was a bit strange, Jiang Lin didn't say anything.

Right now, Wang Dijian is indeed a big hurdle for him, and it is also good for him to have the procrastination of Jiu Jiansuo.

"I will take good care of Asking Wine so that she won't be hurt in any way."

"I can rest assured that."

Jiu Jiansou nodded slightly, then went to the side to write a letter, and Wen Jiu and a group of children also went to the yard.

After sending the letter with a carrier pigeon, Jiu Jiansuo made his little apprentice and a group of children drenched in medicinal wine to cover his breath.

At the same time, he also poured the medicinal liquid on several horses, causing them to run wildly in different directions.

After doing this, Jiu Jiansou set the Jiujian Tower on fire and said to Jiang Linhe Wenjiu: "It's not too late, you should leave quickly, and leave the matter here to me."

"Senior take care."

Jiang Lin bowed and released the golden wheel of the sun. He embraced Wenjiu's waist and flew away. The breath of the two was also eliminated by the yin fire and yang flames.

After flying thousands of miles, Jiang Lin said to the questioning wine beside him: "I don't want to hide something from you, you may never see Senior Jiu Jiansou again, he is going to hold Wang Di for us. You, too, were delivered to me by him."

Now that the two were far away from the Jiujian Tower, Jiang Lin confessed the matter of Jiu Jiansou to Ask Jiu.

"What? I want to go back, you take me back!"

When Wen Jiu heard what Jiang Lin said, he was reluctant and wanted to go back.

"Calm down, Senior Jiu Jiansou knows that his lifespan is not long. He does this because he wants to do the last thing for you."

Jiang Lin increased his strength on his arm and explained to Wenjiu at the same time, but Wenjiu couldn't listen to anything and insisted on breaking free.

"do not move!"

Jiang Lin put a kiss on Wenjiu's lips and hugged her.

After a long time, Wen Jiu stopped struggling and gently pushed Jiang Lin away.

Jiang Lin wiped the tears from the corners of Wenjiu's eyes, and said softly, "Follow me, I will protect you with my breath, and don't let down the sacrifice made by Senior Jiujian."

Although Wen Jiu was very sad in her heart, she nodded in the end. She understood her master's character, and no one could change what she decided.

As for Jiang Lin's words, she has no doubts. When he was in the Demon Cult's lair, Jiang Lin almost died to save her, and now the soft armor is still on her.

"In the future, no one can rely on me."

"Then you will treat me as your own support, lifelong support."

Jiang Lin hugged Wen Jiu gently, even if he had never gotten along with him, Jiu Jiansuo helped him hold off Wang Di, and entrusted his disciple to him, and he would not be entrusted by Jiu Jiansou.

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