That's why, when she wanted to explore Jiang Lin's origins with secret methods, she didn't find anything.

So, she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Jiang Lin, are you so capable?"

At this time, Wen Jiu asked Jiang Lin in a soft voice. She was located in the center of the sand sea in the northern region and didn't know much about the outside world, so she didn't know Zhong Kui.

But she had a smart mind and naturally guessed that the ugly middle-aged man in the picture Jiang Lin just showed should be the enemy of the Wangchuan Spirit Lord.

Since it is an enemy, it is natural to have a cultivation base, but Jiang Lin can really make such a character treat each other nicely.

This was too unexpected.

"If I tell you that I'm very capable, do you think I'm bragging?"

Jiang Lin smiled. In terms of actual cultivation, he may not be excellent, but once he has some external conditions, his ability is really extraordinary.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with his luck.

However, as the saying goes, luck is also part of strength.

Honestly speaking, that's really his skill.

"You never told me, how do you know that I don't believe you."

Asking Jiu nuzui, she just didn't like Jiang Lin's idea, she always thought she would question and doubt.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything when things settle down later."

Jiang Lin flicked Wen Jiu's forehead lightly, then looked at Liu Sheng, and cupped his hands: "Lord Ling, now you should believe what I said? In Xia Jianglin, I came to your place not because of Zhong Kui. Instigation, and there is no intention to engage in evil with the spirit master, just like other people who have come here before, I just want to ask the spirit master to clarify some confusion."

Jiang Lin's attitude was very good, he was courteous and polite, and he was very polite.

In fact, he didn't believe it when he said it.

He was thinking about Liu Sheng, the girl not far away.

good, good, very good!

Jiang Lin's eyes swept across Liu Sheng's body, and he secretly made up his mind.

He wanted to abduct this girl away and keep him by his side—as a thug.

Although Jiang Lin couldn't see Liu Sheng's roots, he could sense that the other party was a special monster, and his cultivation was at the peak of the demon saint.

As long as he can turn Liu Sheng away, the road behind him will be much easier.

It just so happened that Liu Sheng's current situation was not very good, and he provoked Zhong Kui and Nether Ghost Town, which gave him a chance to abduct people.

"Before, Liu Sheng was abrupt."

Jiang Lin's attitude was indeed very good. After Liu Sheng came back to his senses, he also bowed to Jiang Lin and apologized for his previous behavior.

Although Jiang Lin's cultivation base seemed to her to be relatively low, she still changed her previous attitude without any hint of arrogance.

After all, Jiang Lin is a character who can make someone like Zhong Kui treat each other with courtesy. Moreover, her own predicament might actually fall on Jiang Lin's body. May hello, hello, hello everyone.

Before she knew she was changing her attitude, Jiang Lin wanted to kidnap her.

"Young Master Jiang, please come in."

Liu Sheng made a move, and Jiang Lin and Wenjiu who were on the river were charged by her to the wooden bridge. After that, she made another invitation to invite Jiang Lin and the others into the tea house.

"Thank you Spirit Lord, this is my Taoist companion asking for wine."

Seeing the change in Liu Sheng's attitude, Jiang Lin also had a smile on his face, and introduced the wine around him to Liu Sheng.

Asking Jiu heard Jiang Lin said that she and Jiang Lin were Taoist companions, and a red glow appeared on his face.

"I do know that Ms. Wenjiu was originally a member of the Jian Kingdom Fuzi City, and later went to the door of the old man of Jiujian. She is the descendant of Wenjiujian and lives in Jinling City."

Liu Sheng smiled, looked at Wenjiu, and nodded to him.


Jiang Lin raised his brows. It seemed that most of the information provided by Jiu Jiansuo was correct. The Spirit Master of Wangchuan really knew a lot of things, and he actually knew the details of the question.

You know, this is also the first time Wenjiu has met Liu Sheng.

As for why Liu Sheng didn't know his own information, Jiang Lin was not surprised. He was not in the Three Realms and Six Paths. No matter how capable Liu Sheng was, it would be vague for him.

After seeing Liu Sheng's good performance, Jiang Lin was even more determined to abduct people.

If Liu Sheng is really a know-it-all, then there is such a database of living people on the road, it can't be better.

"Young Master Jiang, I don't know what you said, but it's true? Between Zhong Kui and Zhong Kui and the ghost town, the festival is not a small one. Back then, I had a lot of trouble in the ghost town, and for many years, the situation has not been considered. Good. That's why I took the liberty to ask one more question."

Liu Sheng didn't go to investigate the details of Jiang Lin, but just confirmed with Jiang Lin whether Jiang Lin could help her deal with her and the ghost town.

"Then the spirit master might as well tell me what kind of grievances there are between you and the ghost city. Jiang Mou admits that he still has some face. However, for Jiang's inquiries, he hopes that the spirit master can help as much as possible."

Since Liu Sheng mentioned the festival with Zhong Kui and the others, Jiang Lin felt that he might as well listen to what was going on.

In this way, he can also explore Liu Sheng's roots by the way.

What Liu Sheng said just now about making the Wangchuan River clear, did make him a little curious.

"Please sit down."

Liu Sheng asked Jiang Lin and Wen Jiu to take their seats in the room, poured them a cup of tea, and said, "Young Master Jiang, since you know Zhong Kui, you must have some understanding of the ghost town?"

"I have some understanding."

Jiang Lin nodded, looked at Liu Sheng, and waited for her to continue.

Liu Sheng continued: "In those days, Zhong Kui created a ghost town in the underworld, and established a place of reincarnation in the underworld. After the life of the souls of the Daluo fairyland, their souls will be led to the underworld, take Huangquan Road, and pass Wangxiangtai, Crossing the Three Lives Stones, climbing the Naihe Bridge, drinking Mengpo soup, and then reincarnation, and under the Naihe Bridge is the Wangchuan River."


Jiang Lin is no stranger to this. The reincarnation system of the ghost city is modeled after the underworld of Middle-earth, so he is naturally not surprised by the information Liu Sheng said.

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-seventh chapter confirmed the eyes, is the person who can be a thug (middle)

"Presumably the master of the spirit has a lot to do with the Wangchuan River in the ghost town."

Since Liu Sheng mentioned the Wangchuan River, and Liu Sheng himself claimed to be the spiritual master of Wangchuan, and was also related to the ghost city, Jiang Lin had a guess in his heart.

However, he still couldn't see Liu Sheng's body. This was the first time he felt that his magic eyes were not easy to use since he cultivated Taoism.

Liu Sheng nodded slightly and said, "What the son said is good, that's right. But the son doesn't seem to be able to see the root of Liu Sheng, so don't look at it, just listen to what Liu Sheng said."

"Please say."

Jiang Lin picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea. His face was slightly embarrassed. Liu Sheng was telling him not to stare at others without blinking.

"Does it look good?"

At this moment, Wen Jiu suddenly said something, making Jiang Lin Haoxuan not spray the tea.

Someone got jealous.

Since sitting down, Jiang Lin's eyes haven't moved from Liu Sheng's body, and Liu Sheng is also born with a beautiful appearance. Of course, Qi Jiu feels a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, not only Jiang Lin was looking at Liu Sheng, Liu Sheng's eyes were also scrutinizing Jiang Lin intentionally or unintentionally.

She was also curious about Jiang Lin's origins.

This has come and gone, just because I don’t want people to misunderstand, that’s okay.

What's more, Wenjiu now regards Jiang Lin as his lover, and the lover is "chasing" with other beauties, and he is still beside him, can he not be jealous.

It's good that he didn't say anything about the wine, but Liu Sheng was a little embarrassed by this opening.

Of course, she knew that she and Jiang Lin wanted to investigate each other's identities, but asking about wine would make such behavior a bit sour.

After a light cough, Liu Sheng continued: "Those souls who were brought in, if they were obsessed or hindered in their lifetimes, if they were unwilling to forget their previous lives and the people they were thinking of, they would refuse to drink Mengmeng. Potang will be thrown into the Wangchuan River. If you can endure the torment in the Wangchuan River for thousands of years, you will be able to bring your own memories into reincarnation and be reincarnated. Those souls who were thrown into the Wangchuan River, look at The people who are in their hearts who walk on the bridge hope that the other party will not forget the past, but also do not want them to fall into the water and suffer the same pain as themselves. Therefore, the Wangchuan River in the underworld can be said to be a collection of the world. The five poisons such as greed, hatred, ignorance, love, and evil, and I am a stubborn spirit formed by chance and coincidence from these five poisons, karma, and the resentment that the soul has formed for a long time. It is the spirit of forgetting the river."

Speaking of this, Liu Sheng sighed slightly, her own background is really not that good.

It turned out to be so, no wonder I haven't seen any clues.

Only at this time did Jiang Lin know that Liu Sheng, the spirit master of forgetting Sichuan, actually had such a history.

"If my guess is correct, you were born from the five poisons and karma. At first, you probably didn't understand human nature. It should be said that you are stubborn, and you also have a spirit of resentment and resentment similar to the devil. Did you destroy the ghost town enough?"

Knowing the origin of Liu Sheng, Jiang Lin also guessed why Liu Sheng had a grudge with Zhong Kui and the ghost town.

"Young Master is really wise, and the facts are as you said, those souls who have been tortured in the Forgotten River, year after year, the pain they endured has diluted their deepest memories, and some even lost their memories. , so, endless resentment and hostility arose, and these resentments directly affected me. I was one with the Wangchuan River. At that time, I could not control the resentment in my body. It was drowned out to vent his hatred. So... so this has resulted in the paralysis of the reincarnation function of the ghost town for a hundred years, and the ghost town is also in ruins everywhere."

Liu Sheng shook his head as he spoke. The disaster he had caused in the past was not small at all. The ghost town was flooded with water, and the tortured souls in the Forgotten River were everywhere.

"Later, Zhong Kui led the ghost soldiers and ghost generals to suppress me at the bottom of Wangchuan, taught me to suffer from purgatory, and let me clean up Wangchuan to atone for my mistakes. A hundred years ago, I escaped and entered the sand sea in the northern region. Later, I settled here in the Sword Country. I opened a tea house. Because I have the memories of hundreds of millions of people and I am familiar with the past, I have a talent and supernatural ability to deduce the world's affairs. This collection of the emotions of idiot men and women in the world, these most affectionate and sexy feelings that touch the world, can help me to clean up the anger and resentment in the Wangchuan River, and it can also allow me to maintain my humanity. Otherwise, if I am not being suppressed, I will The battered ashes vanished."

Liu Sheng explained to Jiang Lin the purpose of opening a tea house in this sword country. In fact, she just didn’t want to suffer from the boundless purgatory, and she never slackened off about cleaning up the Wangchuan River. She has her own advantage.

She escaped from the ghost city, so when she saw the ghost officials and the ghost officials, she would naturally think that Zhong Kui sent her to arrest her.

Therefore, when Jiang Lin appeared before, she misunderstood Jiang Lin and had the previous farce.

"Since the spirit master is only to avoid the suffering of purgatory, it is naturally easy for Jiang Lin to talk about your personal feelings for the spirit master."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly, Liu Sheng is not disturbing reincarnation now, and second is not causing harm to the world. Since this is the case, he said hello to Zhong Kui and asked him to forgive Liu Sheng, which is naturally not a problem.

"Really? Young Master, in fact, Zhong Kui also has a way to resolve all the grievances in the Wangchuan River, just to punish me and let me guard Wangchuan for eternity. The world is so big, I also want to see it."

With Jiang Lin's promise, Liu Sheng had a look of joy on her face, and at the same time she hinted that she wanted Jiang Lin to do one more favor.

The world is so big, she wants to see it.


Jiang Lin picked up the teacup and did not speak.

His affairs have not been substantively settled at all, this Liu Sheng is thinking too far.

The world is so big, you want to see it.

I don't have time to look at it.

"Want to see, right? That's fine."

Jiang Lin took out a few maps from his arms—the world map of Da Luo Xianjie.

"This world is indeed very big, let's take a look first."

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