Jiang Lin deliberately put the map on the tea table, and then he has to kidnap people. If he agrees with all his brains and gives out the sugar, what else will he use to kidnap Liu Sheng?


The expression on Liu Sheng's face froze, I want to see what the world is like, not a map of the world!

"Young Master, you are joking. By the way, Young Master, if you have something to ask, then tell a few stories, one story, and another answer to the question."

Liu Sheng pushed the map to the front, changed the topic, and talked about what Jiang Lin wanted to ask.

She is also a thoughtful girl, and there is no way that Jiang Lin does not want to agree immediately.

Moreover, Jiang Lin promised to make it clear for her, but she had already made a promise to end her purgatory. Now, it was time for her to show her sincerity.

tell a story?

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, why did he still tell a story?

He didn't react for a while, because Liu Sheng said before that he collected the emotions of madmen and women in the world, which was extracted from their stories.

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-eight chapters have confirmed the eyes, who can be a thug (below)

"Do you really want to tell a story?"

Jiang Lin confirmed it to Liu Sheng again. Before that, he had been asking about the whereabouts of this Wangchuan Spirit Master on the road, and he didn't ask anything else, so he didn't know Liu Sheng's rules.

Now, he has promised Liu Sheng to resolve the conflict between her and the ghost city of ghosts. If it is reasonable, Liu Sheng should answer his questions directly.

But now, this girl actually asked him to tell a story, and to tell a story and an answer.

"Yes, it's my rule."

Liu Sheng nodded, she was looking forward to how many touching stories Jiang Lin could bring her.

"That's fine."

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea, then cleared his throat, and said, "There was once a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain. There was a pair of old monks and a young monk in the temple. The old monk said to the young monk: Once upon a time there was a mountain, and on the mountain there was a pair of monks. A temple..."


Liu Sheng took a sip of clear tea and was about to use Jiang Lin's story as a refreshment, but after hearing a few words, her face turned a little dark.

Mountains, temples, old monks, young monks, and then gone.

Or the kind of direct single loop.

Isn't this just fooling people!

She even pursed her lips and laughed when she asked about wine. She also didn't know much about Liu Sheng. Just now, when Liu Sheng asked Jiang Lin to tell a story, she felt very uncomfortable.

A young girl, pestering her lover to tell a story, how could she want to, but she knew that Jiang Lin did have a problem that needed to be solved, so she endured it all the time.

As a result, the story Jiang Lin told was really wonderful.

"Stop, stop! There is a temple on the mountain, what kind of story are you telling? Is there any end to it?"

Liu Sheng made a pause gesture to stop Jiang Lin, telling the story like an old monk reciting the scriptures, what a terrible story!

"I said, you're fine, let me tell a story. I don't even have a child, and I don't even have a bedtime story. Let me tell you a ball."

Jiang Lin looked at Liu Sheng angrily. He is a dignified real person with a golden core, the ceiling of the cultivation world in Middle-earth, so he has nothing to do to tell stories, what's the trouble?

"Let's talk about the real thing? If you want to listen to the story, if you have a chance in the future, I invite you to listen to the book. You can listen to anything you want."

"Why do I listen to this? I'll just listen to your story. You have at least forty true love thoughts lingering in your body. This emotion is what I want to collect and use to cleanse the water of the Forgotten River. You tell me about the old monk. What are you doing?"

Only now did Liu Sheng know that Jiang Lin didn't understand what she meant, and thought she was bored here and wanted to listen to a story to relieve her boredom.

Then, she continued: "I told you before, I'm here to collect the emotions of idiots and women, from various touching stories, so I asked you, a man with a story, to tell me, Are you going to tell me about the old monk?"

If it wasn't for the fact that Jiang Lin had so many emotions lingering on her body, Liu Sheng would not have made such a request. After all, Jiang Lin was already willing to help her, and the so-called rules she had here naturally did not need Jiang Lin to abide by.

"Oh, I see."

Only then did Jiang Lin know that Liu Sheng was not idle, and what he mentioned was also a serious request.

What surprised him was that Liu Sheng could actually see what kind of love, this is not something that can be seen by discernment.

However, when he thought that Liu Sheng was transformed by the five poisons such as greed, hatred, infatuation, love, etc., he suddenly realized that Liu Sheng has such ability, which is not surprising.

"You really are a man with a story."

Asking Jiu on the side stared at Jiang Lin, and the whole person was full of anger.

Liu Sheng just said that Jiang Lin actually has at least forty love thoughts on her body, and they are all true love, which makes her heart sigh.

In other words, in Jiang Lin's past, at least forty girls like her adored him.

"Uh... In addition to my special luck, my peach blossom luck has always been good."

Jiang Lin touched his nose, laughed dryly, and then recalled.

Next, he was going to pull Liu Sheng onto the thief boat, and he could still help out with this little favor.

After that, he told the story between himself and Li Yingqi.

As for revealing that he is not a member of the Da Luo Xianjie, Jiang Lin didn't care.

After all, Liu Sheng has a direct relationship with Zhong Kui, and Zhong Kui, like him, does not belong to the Da Luo Immortal Realm.

Now that Zhong Kui is in control of Heaven, he has nothing to worry about.

During Jiang Lin's narration, Liu Sheng was also casting spells, and a transparent glass container in front of her gathered incomparably clear water.

Of course, these are not real water, but the purest emotion condensed.

"The advent of what love is."

After listening to the story told by Jiang Lin, Liu Sheng let out a long sigh. In the story, Li Yingqi, who was pregnant with a baby and would rather wait for a thousand years, and Jiang Lin, who desperately wanted to wake Li Yingqi, all touched her deeply.

"She is really happy, even if she has been sleeping in the Immortal Burial Coffin. I believe that one day, she will wake up."

Wen Jiu listened to this, and felt very sorry in his heart, and leaned his head on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

She knew that what Jiang Lin did when he came to Sword Country this time was not Li Yingqi, because according to what Jiang Lin said, Li Yingqi was not poisoned by corpse poison.

In other words, Jiang Lin is now running around to save another wife.

Originally, Wenjiu still had some resistance to Jiang Lin's marriage, but now this resistance is gone.

She had an intuition that if something like Li Yingqi happened to her in the future, Jiang Lin would never leave her.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin wouldn't have so much true love.

Since the treatment is the same, she has nothing to resist.

This man is worthy of her whole heart.

"Young Master Jiang, if you have any questions, just tell Liu Sheng, as long as I know everything I know, I will know everything and say everything. If I am not wrong, there are still many stories in Young Master Jiang. If you dislike it, you can talk to me more."

Now, Liu Sheng's impression of Jiang Lin has increased a lot, and the stories told by Jiang Lin are more touching than those told by previous guests.

Correspondingly, it is most useful to condense emotions that can wash the water of Wangchuan River.

Therefore, she wanted Jiang Lin to talk to her.

Want to hear my story?

All right, come with me.

"For a long time in Japan, the spirit master should answer my next question first. However, since the spirit master wants to hear these stories, you might as well consider leaving here and walk with me."

Jiang Lin made his suggestion seriously, and wanted to use Liu Sheng as a thug on the road ahead and coax him to abduct him.

"To be honest, I came in from the outside. Lord Ling, if you want to go outside and have a look, I can be your guide."

A sincere smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face, hoping that Liu Sheng would agree.

At that time, not to mention the sand sea in the northern region, that is, in the future, he will leave the sand sea in the northern region to cross the ocean, if there is Liu Sheng to follow.

As long as Liu Sheng is a bodyguard, he can look at the mountains or the sea if he wants, isn't it beautiful?

Chapter [-] NPC, let's go!

"This is..."

Liu Sheng frowned slightly, although she had a good impression of Jiang Lin now, and Jiang Lin's invitation was very sincere, but she always felt that something was wrong.

Jiang Lin seemed to be very enthusiastic towards her, even if Jiang Lin didn't show it much, she still felt it.

But she still couldn't think of Jiang Lin's purpose.

In her opinion, Jiang Lin, a person who is willing to give so much to his wife, will at least not have any problems with his character.

Therefore, she felt that Jiang Lin should not have any bad intentions against her, nor did it seem like he was going to play some conspiracy against her to bring her to Zhong Kui.

"Young Master Jiang, let's talk about what questions you want to ask."

After weighing it for a while, Liu Sheng did not agree immediately, she still needs to think about it.

"Is such that……"

Seeing that Liu Sheng didn't immediately agree, Jiang Lin didn't continue the topic, and told Liu Sheng what he wanted to ask.

He needs to know what else to do to clean up the corpse poison in Jiang Ting's soul, so as to be safe.

As for the fact that Liang Guo had Wangtian and Wangdi, he did not hide it.

"Young Master Jiang, this problem is related to the corpse evil. Liu Sheng's ability is limited. He needs to know more. Can you tell me the specific situation?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's question, Liu Sheng felt a little bit troubled. Whether it was Wangdi or Wangtian, they were all corpses like demon corpses and were not within her ability.

"Okay, but I'll just tell the story. For the next question, don't make me drool here."

Jiang Lin saw that Liu Sheng's difficult answer was on the one hand, and he really needed to integrate more information. On the other hand, the girl also wanted to know the past between him and Jiang Ting, and then cast a spell to condense the clear water in the glass container. .

So, he picked it out.

If you want to get some benefits from him, you have to follow him obediently.

As for Liu Sheng's difficulty with such a question, Jiang Lin didn't find it too surprising, but even so, compared to what he knew about Wang Tianyu, Liu Sheng had absolutely more information, which was understandable.

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