As long as he provides some materials and information, it should be no big problem for Liu Sheng to use these to answer his doubts.

Seeing through Jiang Lin's intentions, Liu Sheng covered his mouth with a smile and said, "This is natural."

Therefore, Jiang Lin told Liu Sheng about his acquaintance with Jiang Ting and finally getting married and the death of Jiang Tingxiang. He emphasized all the details of his rescue for Jiang Ting, and also explained the gains of Jian Guo and his party. .

However, Jiang Ting had been taking Xianbao, so he hid it and didn't say it.

"These are the materials I collected in the Sword Country. The Demon Sect of the Sword Country was actually supported by Emperor Wang. In addition to these corpse refining materials, I can also provide a way to save them."

Jiang Lin took out stacks of manuscripts, and then told Liu Sheng the method he had discovered in the Wine Sword Tower.

Next, let's see if this Wangchuan Spirit Master can really help him a lot.

"What Jiang Gongzi has done for his wife is really touching."

This time, Liu Sheng was touched no less than before.

Jiang Lin paid a lot for Li Yingqi, but Li Yingqi was Jiang Lin's veritable wife. However, Jiang Ting and Jiang Lin only had the name of husband and wife. Jiang Lin still gave without complaint. Cold hairs stand up.

"No wonder you are always frowning in the wine and sword building. It turned out to be to explore the principle of Master's rescue method."

It was only at this time that Xun Jiu understood why when he was with Jiang Lin before, Jiang Lin was almost silent, and there were many things in his heart.

With Jiang Lin's cultivation, trying to combine two unrelated cultivation methods in a short period of time, the energy consumed can be imagined.

Now she really wanted to see what kind of woman Jiang Ting was talking about.

"Although I have seen many people who are not afraid of hardships and dangers for their loved ones, there are very few people like Jiang Gongzi who have almost exhausted their minds and put their lives aside. It's not something a cultivator of your level can do. Don't worry, Young Master Jiang, even if you do your best, Liu Sheng will help you solve this problem."

Liu Sheng naturally knew how much effort Jiang Lin had spent, and it was precisely because of this that she assured Jiang Lin that she would do her best.

With both hands connected and printed, the manuscripts and the text on the documents on the table turned into streaks of light, which floated into Liu Sheng's heart.

With the information provided by Jiang Lin and the principles that he has worked out, even if Liu Sheng was more embarrassed about the problem of corpse evil, she found a solution for Jiang Lin after an hour.


Jiang Lin was very excited. His efforts during this period of time were finally not in vain.

"Spirit Lord, there is another question. I need to know where the Huaxian Pavilion in the Sword Kingdom is. Next, I must go to Huaxian Pavilion and borrow a fairy tool there."

"Flower Immortal Pavilion? The residence of the Flower God?"


Jiang Lin's face brightened, it seemed that Liu Sheng was no stranger to the location of Huaxian Pavilion.

"It's in the sky above Qingshui County, Zenan, the sword country, but if you want to go to Huaxian Pavilion, unless someone from Huaxian Pavilion leads the way, you won't be able to enter anyway."

Liu Sheng shook his head, even if Jiang Lin knew about Huaxian Pavilion, he couldn't go in, even if she wanted to go in.

Just when Jiang Lin was disappointed, Liu Sheng played it again and said to him: "Young Master Jiang, you are lucky. Soon, a flower fairy will be shot down by lightning, you just need to wait in Qingshui County. With the help of that Huaxian, you can go to Huaxian Pavilion."

"Really? That's fine."

Jiang Lin heaved a sigh of relief, this is really the boat going straight to the bridge.

However, there is now a king outside the sword kingdom looking for him, and if he wants to stay in a place, he can't stay.

"Ling master, this matter is over, Jiang Lin is leaving now. Think about it, do you want to follow me, you solved my problem, and the conflict between you and Zhong Kui, I will definitely handle it. As for you want to go Let's walk around and take a walk with me. You can also travel far away. The two of us are together. If we encounter people in the ghost town, I can let them inform Zhong Kui and reconcile the grievances between you in person. Let the spirit master Jiang Lin will naturally handle the punishment you are on duty."

At this moment, Jiang Lin hit Liu Sheng again.

He can't deal with Wangdi, but Liu Sheng, as the spirit of forgetting the river, can match the gods in terms of strength, and naturally he is not afraid of Wangdi.


Liu Sheng thought about it for a moment, then nodded. She might not be able to meet a few people when she opened a tea house here. It would be better for her to follow Jiang Lin and listen to stories every day.

Moreover, what Jiang Lin said was not wrong. As long as he met a ghost official or a ghost official, Jiang Lin could directly ask them to notify Zhong Kui to go, and then the punishment imposed on her was eliminated.


Jiang Lin's mood at this time can be said to be very beautiful, and Liu Sheng was finally kidnapped by him.

"NPC, let's go!"

Jiang Lin didn't delay at all, he was going to meet Wang Dijian outside the valley and let Liu Sheng, the mobile database, accompany him on the road.

Liu Sheng is well versed in the history of Da Luo Xianjie, and is better able to deduce and know many things. In Jiang Lin's opinion, he is similar to an NPC.

And, most importantly, this NPC can also be a tool man.

If he encounters any dungeon again, he will just pick up the head.

"What Embisi? Are you talking about me?"

Liu Sheng didn't understand what Jiang Lin was saying, and thought it was slang from Jiang Lin's hometown.

Jiang Lin responded solemnly: "Enpixi is a good name for people. I'm complimenting you, Lord Ling."

"Nothing to brag about."

Liu Sheng smiled, since she was born, she has never heard anyone praise her.

The first thousand six hundred and seventy chapters beat down into the water (on)

Jiang Lin held back his smile, this Liu Sheng really thought he was complimenting others.

"Finally, I don't have to live this kind of fearful life anymore, Young Master Jiang, if there is any difficulty on the road, if Liu Sheng can do anything he can, he will take care of you."

Liu Sheng was in a good mood. Jiang Lin not only promised her to relieve her from purgatory in the future, but also allowed her to regain her freedom.

She really didn't expect that her embarrassment would be resolved, and it would land on a cultivator like Jiang Lin, whose cultivation base is only at the level of forming an elixir.

"Young Master Jiang, wait for a while, Liu Sheng will deal with the river water outside first."

Liu Sheng picked up the glass container on the table and left the tea house. When she got outside, she poured the clear water in the container into the river.

"Jiang Lin, what do you want her to do with us all the way? I... I haven't even been through the door yet."

Wen Jiu tugged Jiang Lin's sleeve, and there was some resentment in his voice.

She now knows that Jianglin's peach blossoms are outstanding, and even if she doesn't mess with flowers, she can still attract bees and butterflies.

But now that she is still there, Jiang Lin will let a beautiful woman go with her. She doesn't know what Jiang Lin has in mind, so she will naturally have opinions.

"What's the point of letting people go with me? Although I have a lot of face, my own hard power is not high, especially in the sand sea in the northern region. You don't think about the danger I will be on the road ahead. I can't see it, you Not only is this girl not good at drinking, but also vinegar."

Jiang Lin pinched Wenjiu's nose, and said softly, "You chose me and regarded me as your support. Can I still go with other girls in front of you at this moment?"

"Who... Who said I'm too jealous? I'm not jealous at all!"

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Wen Jiu felt more at ease, and then she defended herself.

Now that she thinks about it, what Jiang Lin said really makes sense. With a strong person like Liu Sheng following along, Jiang Lin and her will be much safer.

In particular, Jiang Lin's safety was a guarantee.

After all, Jiang Lin's fairy clothes were on her, and Jiang Lin wouldn't let her take it off.

It turned out to be using people as guards.

After knowing Jiang Lin's intentions, Wen Jiu felt that she was too petty, and she was careful when it came to feelings.

"By the way, who is that girl in the bronze mirror in your arms?"

Thinking of Jiang Lin's safety, Wen Jiu also remembered the treasure that he had appeared in the Demon Cult's lair.

Baoyi is also a girl who is all over the country, is it possible that she is also a guard?

Since meeting Baoyi, many things have happened, and this beautiful girl has never appeared again, so I forgot about her when I asked Jiujiu.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "You mean fat woman? She is my personal bodyguard."

"Fatty Jiang, who are you calling a fat woman!"

At this time, Bao Yi's coquettish scolding came from Jiang Lin's arms, and then a slender hand stretched out from his arms and squeezed hard on his face.

Asking Jiu chuckled, Jiang Lin actually called such a beautiful girl a fat woman.

However, that's why she didn't overturn the vinegar jar.

There is such a beautiful girl beside Jiang Lin, and he has nothing to do with others. Even if Liu Sheng is by his side, he is at most a friend.

You wait for me, I will ask Liu Sheng if I have a chance, do you have a share of those feelings in me.

Jiang Lin pouted, and when he has nothing to do, he will have to clean up the treasure that he has been with him for more than [-] years.

After a while, Liu Sheng walked in with a happy face. This time, she met Jiang Lin, which really saved her ten years of effort.

Just pouring down a small pot of water, a considerable part of the Wangchuan River outside was diluted to colorless.

"Young Master Jiang, I want to hear your other stories, so let's go on the road together."

Saying that, Liu Sheng used the spiritual power in her body to make the river water around the tea house gather, and finally poured into her body.

After receiving these river water, the spiritual power in Jiang Lin and the others will no longer be suppressed.

So the three of them left the valley together.

"Spirit Lord, you have been living in Wangyou Valley for so many years, and it is estimated that you have no chance to walk around in the world. In this way, I will work with Wenjiu, and let's take a stroll around the surrounding cities."

Jiang Lin was in a good mood when he saw Liu Sheng, and he was not in a hurry. If he wanted the horse to run, he had to feed the grass first.

On the one hand, he wanted to let Liu Sheng relax, on the other hand, he just wanted to wait and wait for Di Qian to come to the door.

During this time, he was irritated.

"Okay, Young Master Jiang, you don't need to call me the spirit master, just call me Liu Sheng."

Liu Sheng readily agreed, just as Jiang Lin said, these years, she has been worried about being found by ghost officials and underworld officials, and has stayed at home for decades.

Now that she is outside, she really wants to look around.

But if Jiang Lin didn't speak, she was embarrassed to mention it. After all, Jiang Lin had important things to do.

For the next seven or eight days, Jiang Lin deliberately slowed down his travel speed, and at the same time withdrew his own means of concealment, so that his aura and aura were released.

After Liu Sheng learned that Jiang Lin still has the identity of a demon corpse, she was quite surprised, and then she understood why she knew nothing about Jiang Lin's information, and could not find out the root of Jiang Lin.

However, even if she knew that Jiang Lin was a demon corpse, Liu Sheng didn't care. She was a stubborn spirit herself. If Jiang Lin was just a cultivator, there would still be some gaps.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Lin set up a large formation in the forest. In the past few days, his footprints have not been too wide. Based on the ability of Emperor Qian, it is estimated that he will be found within a day or two. .

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