He wanted to give Wang Dixie a hammer and report the hatred of being chased and bitten by this dog-like Wangdixian.

With Liusheng present, Wangchuan River can also rely on Liusheng, as long as this girl makes a move, Wangdi will be a fall.

As for him, he just waited to beat the falling water.

What Jiang Lin did was to completely hide Liu Sheng and beat Wang Di's sap by surprise.

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-one chapters beat down the water (middle)

To deal with Emperor Wang this time, we need Liu Sheng's power, and Jiang Lin is not ashamed about it.

When leaving Wangyou Valley, Liu Sheng said that if there is anyone who can help, she will do her best.

Therefore, Jiang Lin borrowed it with peace of mind, and he was not taking advantage of Liu Sheng.

"Young Master Jiang, are you doing this? With my ability, it is not a problem to deal with Emperor Wang. After all, I hope that Emperor X is not an ordinary corpse evil, and can leapfrog to kill monks at the level of God Transformation. You let me make a surprise attack, Then you have to face it first."

Liu Sheng was a little worried, if she was with Jiang Lin, then there would be no problem, but now, Jiang Lin asked her to hide first and give Wang Dixian a sneak attack. If Wangdixuan came here and suddenly attacked, Jiang Lin took the brunt of it.

In terms of Jiang Lin's cultivation, even a corpse with a stiff-haired level is still not enough to see.

From Liu Sheng's point of view, Jiang Lin might be killed by Wang Dijian.

Once something happens to Jiang Lin, she will have no hope, and she will be arrested by Zhong Kui and the ghost town as before.

"Don't worry about this, there's no problem. Although I'm not Wang Dijian's opponent, it's not that I don't have the power to fight back. Listen to me."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. The last time he was knocked out by Wang Dixian twice, it was because his attention was elsewhere at the time, and Wangdixuan appeared too abruptly.

This time, if he is so bad again, he will cut his head off himself.


Moreover, because Jiang Lin was going to beat Wangdi this time, when he made this decision, he asked Wenjiu to remove the fairy clothes and put it on him.

This is equivalent to him putting on a hood, plus a body armor, and when the time comes, he can just stand and output against Wangdi.

As for asking about wine, Jiang Lin was worried about her safety, so she directly let her hide and not participate in the battle.

After dealing with the formation, Jiang Lin flew to the other direction and continued to set up the formation, still hiding the formation.

He wants to hide the treasure here.

When he was underground in the Demon Sect's lair, Wang Dijian already knew that Jiang Lin had such a bodyguard as Bao Yi, so this time, Jiang Lin did the opposite and let Bao Yi stay elsewhere.

This can be regarded as a scheming of his, Wang Dixian is powerful, but for immortal artifacts, this guy still has to be afraid of three points.

That is to say, when Wang Dijian is fighting against him, he must pay attention to prevent the sudden appearance of Baoyi.

And this kind of prevention must be focused on him.

At that time, Baoyi suddenly appeared from one side, holding the willow leaf fairy knife in his hand, which could directly make Wang Dijian hard to guard against.

Even if Wang Dijian reacts in time, Liu Sheng in the other direction can knock the sap really hard.

A mallet knocks this thing into the water.

Since Jiang Lin decided to fight back, he must beat Wang Di to the point of screaming.

"Why, now that there is such a strong spirit master, can you still think of me again?"

After Jiang Lin called out Baoyi, Baoyi looked at Jiang Lin with a pair of eyes. She used to be born and die together with Jiang Lin, but now Jiang Lin has found a powerful spirit master of Wangchuan, not even weaker than her peak. At that time, after that, it is estimated that she will have nothing to do with her.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Why do I feel that your little emotion is like being jealous?"

"Who is jealous! You want to make this fairy jealous too? This fairy is someone who is interested, and she is also an unparalleled hero in golden armor and colorful clouds!"

Baoyi was chattering, and in Jiang Lin's eyes, it was like there was no silver here.

"Eating and drinking in my treasure trove every day, how can I forget about you? Be sloppy, get ready, and you will sell me the deadly force to beat the dog later."

Jiang Lin didn't fight with Baoyi, he threw the Willow Leaf Immortal Saber to Baoyi, and then activated the magic circle.

After that, he went to the open space not far away, set up a fire, and quietly waited for Wang Dijian to come.


Two quarters later, a roar spread over.

Wangdi flapped his wings and charged at lightning speed from the mid-air in the distance.

"Damn things, it's really hard for me to find them."

Wang Dijian landed in front of Jiang Lin, and a pair of fist-sized beast eyes stared at Jiang Lin coldly.

During this period of time, it was so angry that it exploded, and the old grudges were not spoken. When it was at the helm of the Demon Sect, it was about to kill Jiang Lin, but in the end, it was counterattacked by Jiang Lin Jedi, destroying its eyes and body. Also suffered minor injuries.

In this sword country with many sword cultivators, it is not easy to show up blatantly, and can only follow Jiang Lin's whereabouts cautiously.

But Jiang Lin is even slippery than a loach. I don't know how much effort it took, and even a person can't be seen.

Therefore, seeing Jiang Lin again, Wang Dijian's heart is not an ordinary anger.

"Your dog's eyes are actually getting better so fast. The dog's nose is really a bloody tracker."

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, his body was instantly covered with hair and turned into a stiff.

This Wang Di's eyes were completely destroyed by his true sun fire and immortal fire. This short month has passed, and this product has actually recovered.

This self-healing ability, I don't know how many streets Mao Zongfei was thrown away.

"I'm going to strip you of your cramps and peel you alive today!"

Emperor Wang let out a violent roar and appeared in front of Jiang Lin almost teleportingly.

A claw was slapped out, and it took Jiang Lin's forehead.

Jiang Lin clenched his claws into a fist and blasted out.

The fists and claws collided, and immediately, the ground under Jiang Lin's feet was directly cracked, and the nails in the heart of his fists were directly embedded in the palm of his hand because of the tremendous force, and they were pierced from the face of the hand.

Even if Jiang Lin was well prepared this time, he was completely at a disadvantage at the moment of confrontation.

Now, Jiang Lin has a deeper understanding of Wang Dijian's terror.

I am afraid that there are a dozen or so flying stiffs, and they are not as good as one Wangdi.

The wings on Wang Di's back moved and turned into two huge sharp cones, piercing towards Jiang Lin's heart.

With a "bang", Jiang Lin's body flew out backwards.

This is because he put on the fairy clothes beforehand, otherwise, his chest would have to be penetrated again.

At the same time Jiang Lin flew away, he quickly transformed the body into a Taoist body, and the spiritual power and Yang Yan in his body spurted out. A huge three-legged Golden Crow appeared behind him, and rushed towards Wang Feng who was chasing after him. Emperor Ji.

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-two chapters beat down the water (below)

Originally, Jiang Lin had an immortal robe to protect his body, and this attack by Wang Dijian was not enough to make him fly upside down. This was an opportunity for Wang Dijian to pursue him.

It is equivalent to deliberately revealing a flaw.

When Wangdi rushed towards him, Jiang Lin's palms were like the muzzle of a mortar, spewing out a terrifying beam of light.

Not only that, Jiang Lin also instantly consumed all the spiritual power in his body, turning himself into a human-shaped light source.

Profound light erupted in an instant, making Wang Dijian scream before he could react. Although his eyes were regenerated, they were still relatively fragile compared to other parts.

Wang Dijian hurriedly stretched his wings to protect him in front of him.

A month ago, it suffered a loss without precaution, and now, it will never let that happen again.

However, this time it was defending against a frontal attack, and the defense it deployed was also a semi-encircling type, and the area behind it opened directly.

At this time, Baoyi also shot at the right time. She rushed out of the hidden formation, and her body turned into afterimages.

The Willow Leaf Immortal Saber was swung in Baoyi's hand and could not see a shadow at all, and in an instant, it was behind Wang Dijian and slashed eighteen times at the speed of light.

If Baoyi's sudden appearance last time was still in Wangdi's field of vision, this time, she was completely in the blind spot of Wangdi's vision.


Emperor Wang was severely injured and screamed again and again. He was afraid of the power of the fairy sword, so he could only let his wings form a barrier to protect his back.

But at this time, Jiang Lin's mortar light cannon had already arrived, and it shot directly at its forehead.

This time, Jiang Lin put in a lot of effort, this spiritual fire pillar can consume a small half of his spiritual power and Yang Yan.

In an instant, Wang Dijian's head was stunned.

Not only that, the three-legged Golden Crow has also arrived at this moment.

Under the strong control of Jiang Lin's thoughts, the three-legged Golden Crow's black feet clamped on Wang Dij's wings and pulled them away, breaking the barrier formed by Wang Dij's.

And the third leg of Jinwu held down Wang Dij's dog's head and stepped on it on the ground.

"Baoyi, show time! Be quicker with your hands and feet!"

Jiang Lin shouted at Baoyi while maintaining the seal in his hand.

Hack this dog tortoise grandson!

"Ow! Ow!"

This time, Wang Dijian was really like a big dog with its head held down, its mouth gnawing at the mud and its legs kicking around.

Jiang Lin knew that with his own abilities, even if he launched the strongest attack, he would not be able to cause any damage to Wang Di, so this time he used his own means to assist.

For a long time, Baoyi, like the rich woman, used the fairy treasure to restore her cultivation base every day, and the power of her body could maximize the power of the willow leaf fairy knife.

Therefore, Jiang Lin gave Baoyi the opportunity to export.

Baoyi also cooperated very well. In this short period of time, the immortal energy in the body was basically exhausted.

As for Wangdi, the buttocks bloomed directly, and the terrifying wounds were like blooming chrysanthemums.


Hearing Wang Di's roar becoming more and more violent, Jiang Lin immediately let Bao Yi stay away from the battle circle.

"Blast me! Chrysanthemums are full of mountains!"

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