Zhu Xiaolian hurriedly said, "Since it's a major matter of whether Brother Jiang's wife can wake up, I'll do it now and have the book boy send him to the nearest inn."

Although he agreed, Zhu Xiaolian still felt that it was strange that Jiang Lin was going to be a runner.

What's so special? God has caught it.

"Oh, by the way, then you can write another book and give it to your supervisor, saying that the corpses of the Demon Sect are related to Wangdi and Wangtian of Liang."

Jiang Lin told Zhu Xiaolian about the existence of Wangdijian and Wangtianjian in Liangguo, and he didn't care if Zhu Xiaolian could understand him, as long as the letter was delivered to the place where Jianguo was in charge.

Since these two monsters didn't dare to blatantly turn people into corpses, or they were using others to refine zombie pills, or they were fostering demon sects, it meant that they were very afraid that others would know of their existence. In this case, Jiang Lin Just tear the window paper.

He almost had a big somersault in Liang Guo, and the two monsters caused him trouble again and again. If he didn't cause some big trouble to the other party, he couldn't hold his breath.

Perhaps the current alliance leader of the Sword Kingdom learned of this situation and would notify the two Sword Immortals of the Sword Kingdom to let them go out ahead of time and look for Dixian and their bad luck.

"no problem."

Zhu Xiaolian nodded and went back to write letters and memorials as Jiang Lin said.

"Xiang Gong, isn't the matter of sister Jiang Ting finished yet? Are you going out again?"

After Zhu Xiaolian left, Peony hugged Jiang Lin with a look of reluctance.

Not long after she became Jiang Lin's wife, she had to part with Jiang Lin again and again.

"Cough cough."

At this time, Wen Jiu coughed and Jiang Lin only wanted to feel the joy of reuniting with Peony, and forgot about her. At the very least, let me introduce her.

From just now until now, she has been standing on the side.

"By the way, Peony, don't get tired of it. This is asking for wine. I met when I was looking for a demon sect in the Sword Country, and I haven't been there yet. I heard that Zhu Xiaolian and Shutong are going to get married here. I'm going to take her Get things done."

Jiang Lin told Mudan about his relationship with Wenjiu, and then introduced Liu Sheng to him.

"Ask Sister Jiu, you can make this your home in the future."

Peony didn't have any grudges against asking about wine, after all, she herself was not Jiang Lin's original match.

Afterwards, she gave Liu Sheng another salute: "Lord Ling, Mudan thanked you for Sister Jiang Ting. If it wasn't for your help, her hope of waking up would still be slim, and my husband would always have this kind of heart disease."

"Fairy Peony, don't be polite, Young Master Jiang is because you want to help me first, so you don't need to thank me or anything. You are the Hua Xian's wife that Young Master Jiang said. I heard him say that he is here to save you. When I came out, I suffered the hardships of the gods, what a beautiful fairy."

Liu Sheng looked at Peony and smiled slightly. Jiang Lin told her the story between himself and Peony before, so she was not too unfamiliar with Peony.

"Master, this is the complete process of the rescue method. Please familiarize yourself with the master. Today, I am going to remove the poison from Jiang Ting's soul and completely solve the hidden danger."

Jiang Lin took a stack of paper from his arms and handed it to the immovable monk, and then set up a magic circle in the square.

When he came back this time, he didn't plan to stay in Ten Thousand Flowers Forest. After finishing his marriage with Wenjiu, he planned to go to Qingshui County.

If he can get the Qiankun lock as soon as possible, his heart disease can be completely resolved, and he will stay for a while longer to make more compensation for Peony and Wenjiu.

When the magic circle was arranged, the immortal monk had already written down all the contents on the paper.

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-sixth chapters are finished as a hero and a quick catcher (middle)

"Jiang Lin, you're back now, and you won't go down to the reception hall."

Not long after, Shaoyao and Cuizhu also came to the square, and they heard Zhu Xiaolian talk about it before they knew that Jiang Lin was back.

Now, although Shaoyao is the owner of Wanhualin, because Wanhualin is no longer the same as before, she is also a lot more cheerful, and with the nourishment of love, her personality has also changed a bit .

"Sister Shaoyao, don't be surprised, Jiang Lin also cares about Jiang Ting."

Mudan explained to Jiang Lin, she also knew that Jiang Lin was worried about Jiang Ting's soul.

Jiang Lin smiled apologetically and said, "Fairy Shaoyao, I came back here and didn't say hello to you."

"Don't worry, I don't mean to blame you, Jiang Lin, if you need any help, you can just ask. If there is anything you can help, we sisters will do our best."

Shaoyao asked Jiang Lin to tell her any orders. As a friend, she also hoped that Jiang Lin would get sick sooner.

After all, now she and Wanhualin's sisters can pursue their own happiness, all because of Jiang Lin's appearance and the kindness of Jiang Lin.

"I don't need you to take action for the time being, but during the rescue process, if there is a request, Jiang Lin will speak."

After Jiang Lin responded, he did not delay, and directly let Peony sit in the magic circle, and cast the magic to take out Jiang Ting's soul.

After that, he put aside some rescue tools in the Jiujian Tower, such as bells and waist drums.

"Is that her?"

Wenjiu saw a soul with her eyes closed in midair, and pursed her mouth slightly. Although she passed the door in a few days, she still envied the Jiang Ting she had always wanted to see.

"It should be. This Young Master Jiang is really an amorous kind. Besides, every woman who loves him deeply is so beautiful."

Liu Sheng was also looking at Jiang Ting's soul, and then she couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin.

Although she hadn't seen many people, she was familiar with the past. Not counting her, there were four women around Jiang Lin, and they were all at the level of trouble.

As for those who she hadn't seen before, Jiang Lin's loving masters were probably all good looking.

Jiang Lin only has the cultivation base of forming a core, but it is really rare in the world to be able to enjoy such a blessing.

"Ask Jiu, you are familiar with the rescue work of Senior Ji Jiansou, so you will be my deputy."

At this time, Jiang Lin asked Wen Jiu to come to his side. The rescue method Liu Sheng perfected was more complicated than Jiu Jiansou's. He also needed to cast a spell to release the spirit in his golden core. He was indeed a little busy alone. But come on, we must let the wine share some.

Asking wine has often cooperated with Jiu Jiansou in the past, so it is relatively clear about some terms such as syllables.

After all the work was done, Jiang Lin started the process of detoxification.

Next, Jiang Lin proceeded cautiously step by step. He asked Jijiu to cooperate, and the unmoved eminent monk was always ready. Once an unexpected situation occurred, Jiang Lin would speak out, and he would use his magical powers to backtrack. .

At the same time, he also exudes the power of Buddhist nirvana in his body, and cooperates with Jiang Lin to provide the source of life for Jiang Ting's soul.

After a full day and night, under the undivided attention of several people, and the help of peony and the others, the corpse poison in Jiang Ting's soul was finally completely removed.


Jiang Lin, regardless of his physical and mental fatigue, went to hold Peony.

During these years in Wanhualin, the flower body of peony has been used as a container for Jiang Ting's soul, and now it has some compatibility with Jiang Ting's soul.

Now that Jiang Ting's soul is completely free of problems, she automatically absorbs a lot of peony's vitality as nourishment for recovery.

Mudan took Jiang Ting's soul into her body, shook her head at Jiang Lin, and said, "Xianggong, I'm fine, you don't have to worry, I haven't broken the fairy treasure over the years. never mind."

"I'll take you back to rest."

Jiang Lin hugged Peony horizontally, thanked the eminent monks and the others, and sent Peony back to the room.

As for Wenjiu and Liusheng, under the arrangement of Cuizhu, they stayed in the two rooms next to Peony.

Seeing that the peony gradually changed back to its original body and turned into a peony flower, Jiang Lin took out some fairy grasses in his arms and put them around to provide the peony with medicinal power.

After Peony's breath calmed down, he went to the next door.

This time, Liu Sheng played a very important role in completely pacifying Jiang Ting's soul.

Moreover, since getting along during this period of time, he feels that Liu Sheng can still be trusted.

Therefore, he also wanted to send a few fairy treasures in the past.

These rewards, he is still willing to take out.

Reward is one aspect, and increasing mutual trust is also Jiang Lin's purpose.

After all, until he left Da Luo Immortal Realm, he wanted to bind Liu Sheng by his side, which would save him a lot of trouble.

Now, at the Thousand Flowers Forest, Immortal Treasure's breath doesn't have to worry about leaking out, he can give some gifts to increase the favorability of the following NPCs.

The favorability level has increased, and by swiping other dungeons in the future, he will be able to let Liu Sheng, the NPC, work hard, and just lie down and collect the head.

"Liu Sheng, most of the matter can be successful this time. Thanks to your relationship, Jiang Mou got these fairy treasures by accident. Please accept them."

After knocking on Liu Sheng's door, Jiang Lin sent out a few immortal treasures.

"Young Master Jiang, you are so polite, please take a seat."

Liu Sheng wanted to refuse, but after realizing that Jiang Lin took out a rare treasure, he took it coyly and invited Jiang Lin into the room.

"You're welcome. Since the spirit master has helped Jiang Lin a lot, these rewards are due. Moreover, Jiang Lin wants you to continue to follow him when he goes to Qingshui County next."

Jiang Lin told Liu Sheng about not going to Qingshui County in the future. According to Liu Sheng, there will be monsters formed by flowers or plants in Qingshui County, and they may not be low-level.

After he arrived in Qingshui County, he wanted to be a fast catcher, and it was often inconvenient to show his strength.

This requires Liu Sheng's assistance from the side, and there are still a lot of things that Liu Sheng has to do.

In addition, he had to aggrieved Liu Sheng to enter the space magic tool.

This is another reason why he sent the fairy treasure.

No matter what, Liu Sheng is the spiritual master of the Wangchuan River, and her cultivation is not weak. This time, it would be a bit disrespectful to ask her to be included in the storage magic weapon like a pet.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Liu Sheng can do his best, he will serve him."

Liu Sheng didn't care much about this. Since her birth, Jiang Lin has always regarded her as the spirit master, very polite, and now he has shown enough sincerity to make her feel wronged.

"However, Liu Sheng really wants to see what kind of person you are, Young Master Jiang, when you put on the catching uniform."

Liu Sheng covered her mouth and smiled, she couldn't imagine what kind of scene it would be for someone like Jiang Lin to be a chaser who was bossed around.

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seventh chapters are finished as a hero and a fast capture (below)

Now, Liu Sheng has no doubts about Jiang Lin's face. After all, she has already met the high-ranking monks. Although the high-ranking monks' cultivation has dropped dramatically, she can still see that this short-standing Buddhist monk must have been An existence with a very high cultivation base.

And even people like the high-ranking monks are very polite to Jiang Lin, which shows that Jiang Lin really has the capital to make people treat each other like this.

But Jiang Lin, who is such a respectable person, would actually be an errand hunter who was called to and fro by the magistrate.

From Liu Sheng's point of view, this is almost like an emperor in the world, pretending to be a beggar and saying "Master, have pity on me".

"What can it be? Just like that."

Jiang Lin smiled, as long as he didn't violate his inner principles, even if he was not small, he didn't treat himself like a big player.

As long as he can achieve his goal, he doesn't particularly care about the means and process.

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