Without further ado, let’s just say that Wang Dijian and Wangtianjian, who have been a threat to him recently, if they can kill these two people, if they want him to go undercover and be a scoundrel, there will be no problem.

Not to mention that this time it is about whether Jiang Ting can wake up smoothly.

"It seems that you are so feminine, it's not unreasonable."

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't care much, Liu Sheng felt that Jiang Lin made such a choice even more admirable.

In her perception, men really want face, especially a decent man like Jiang Lin, but in fact, Jiang Lin didn't take his face seriously at all for his wife.

This is very invaluable.

"Don't worry, it's still the same sentence, if there is something Liu Sheng needs to contribute, you can just say it, Young Master Jiang."

"Then please deduce. The specific location of Huaxian's appearance, then I will go straight to it and arrange the residence and everything."

Jiang Lin was not polite, and let Liu Sheng use his means to inform him of more information.

Liu Sheng then informed him of the information Jiang Lin wanted to find out.

"Trouble, there are a lot of fairy spirits here, you can also cultivate the spirit master these days."

It was not until evening that Jiang Lin thanked Liu Sheng and left.

Coincidentally, Wenjiu also came out from the other side. She saw Jiang Lin and asked, "Shouldn't you be taking care of Sister Peony?"

Jiang Lindao: "Peony is fine for the time being. I went to see Liu Sheng and gave me a few treasures. This time, it's all thanks to her."

"Then don't come and see me."

Hearing Jiang Lin said that she was going to give gifts to Liu Sheng, she pursed her lips when she asked for wine. She had been working hard all day and night, and Jiang Lin thought about Peony. origin.

But Jiang Lin settled down on Peony, so he went to find Liu Sheng, but left her aside.

"Little vinegar jar."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, took the hand that asked for wine, and said softly, "Although I love you dearly, I am still a little careless. Now I see you as my own family, and Liu Sheng is here. Guest, I will use her power in the future, can I rest for a while? You, just like to be jealous, eat it, I quite like your jealous because my husband didn't take good care of you."

As he said that, he took the wine into his arms, feeling quite apologetic in his heart.

Although he had his own considerations, it was a fact that he didn't take into account the feeling of asking for wine, and Jiang Lin felt a little apologetic in his heart.

Wenjiu has come to Wanhualin with himself this time, which is equivalent to going home with him, but when he got here, he really put Wenjiu aside.

Moreover, after marrying Wenjiu next, he stayed for a few days and then had to travel far, so it was really difficult for this future wife to let Wenjiu guard the empty boudoir.

"What a husband for a husband, I haven't even said that I want to marry you."

When Wen Jiu heard Jiang Lin said that he regarded her as his own, a lot of small emotions in his heart went away.

Jiang Lin was right, Liu Sheng came here as a guest, and they were unfamiliar with Shaoyao as the host, and Peony couldn't entertain them because of Jiang Ting's soul problem.

This requires Jiang Lin to do a little bit of the friendship of the landlord.

As Jiang Lin's reserve family member, she was agitated, and she did not know the whole thing.

However, even so, Jiang Lin didn't reason with her or anything, but comforted her and gave her a lot of sweetness in her heart.

As for the marriage, she was just stubborn. Her master had already entrusted her to Jiang Lin. Under Jiuquan, she naturally hoped that they could marry as soon as possible.

"It's up to you to marry or not. When you come here, you don't know how to get out. You don't even know anyone else. I just want to force a marriage. Who else can you talk to?"

Jiang Lin laughed, picked up Wenjiu and said, "It's getting late, let's rest."

"I'm... I haven't been through the door yet!"

Wenjiu originally thought that Jiang Lin was just comforting her and bringing her back, but Jiang Lin hooked and closed the door, obviously not wanting to leave, which caught her off guard.

"Sooner or later, how many days do you have to wait?"

"But Sister Peony is sleeping now."

"I should accompany her, but what about you? After the wedding, I will go to Qingshui County."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Under normal circumstances, he should take care of Peony, but in this way, after Wenjiu became a bride, he might not even be able to spend his honeymoon. He didn't want Wenjiu to get tired of him. Not for a few days.

Moreover, Peony is nourished by fairy treasures, he is next door, Peony is understanding and understands him.

"If you don't want to, I'll go next door, and it's the same when we get married."

Jiang Lin put down the wine and turned around to open the door.

"do not."

Wen Jiu held Jiang Lin, and when she heard Jiang Lin said that she would leave after marriage, she also knew that the two of them didn't spend much time together now, so of course she cherished it.

"Tomorrow, let the sisters of Peony prepare phoenix crowns for you, and discuss the marriage."

Jiang Lin gently scratched the bridge of Wenjiu's nose, and then clicked his fingers to extinguish the candle in the room.

In the next few days, in addition to taking care of Peony with Wenjiu, Jiang Lin also arranged marriage for Wenjiu.

Five days later, Peony woke up, and Jiang Lin, Wenjiu and Zhu Xiaolian also got married on this day.

The fly in the ointment is that Jiang Ting's soul has not woken up, and it will take a long period of time to restore it to its original state.

Even if the poison is completely removed, the sequelae of these toxins cannot be cured in a short time.

After staying for another three days, Jiang Lin left Wanhualin under the reluctant gaze of Peony and Wenjiu, and went straight to Qingshui County, thousands of miles away, with Liu Sheng.

Seven days later, when he arrived in Qingshui County, Jiang Lin met with the county magistrate of Qingshui County and presented a letter of recommendation from Zhu Xiaolian.

And he also successfully found a fast-tracking position in Qingshui County.

"Jiang Zhaotou, hehe."

Jiang Lin laughed at himself. In the next period of time, he would have to change from the image of a hero to a famous arrester.

Chapter [*] You are not raising flowers, you are destroying flowers

After the county government took the work uniform and saber, Jiang Lin bought a piece of land on the outskirts of the county, where Liu Sheng said that the Huaxian of Huaxian Pavilion would appear.

Then he went to the county to find some masons and carpenters, and asked them to go with him to the outskirts of the county, where he planned to build a house.

When he came to Qingshui County, he estimated that he would stay for two or three months.

Moreover, with a place to live, he could get in touch with the fairy in trouble in Huaxian Pavilion as soon as possible.

When he arrived at the outskirts of the county, Jiang Lin discovered that there were already people living next to the land he bought.

Opposite Jianglin, there is a Huazhai of a flower gardener. The name of Huazhai is quite elegant - Chuoranzhai.

The owner of Huazhai came out when he heard the sound from outside. Jiang Lin was a little curious when he saw that the young man who was about to become his neighbor was actually wearing the attire of catching fast.

After bowing his hands in a salute, Jiang Lin asked, "Your Excellency is also a catcher from Qingshui County?"

"Oh? So, you are also catching Kuai with one step? It's a coincidence. I am Song Yichen, the leader of the catching team in Qingshui County. Oh, are you the new catching Kuai Jiang Liyang?"

Song Yichen looked at Jiang Lin, and suddenly remembered that the county magistrate had said that the county would add a new arrester, a friend of the imperial servant, who came to Qingshui County for development.

"It turned out to be Bantou Song. I'm disrespectful. It's Jiang Liyang. In the future, I hope Bantou Song will give me more advice."

Jiang Lin laughed loudly and gave Song Yichen a subordinate salute.

He knew this Song Yichen. When he was in the county office, he had heard about it from the county magistrate.

It's just that I didn't get more information, I only know that this person is the leader of Qingshui County's catching fast.

The name Jiang Lin used this time is a pseudonym. His real name is now quite loud in Sword Kingdom. After all, the demon sect was eliminated, and a large part of it was his credit.

However, when he came to Qingshui County, Jiang Lin changed his identity directly, lest someone had heard of his name and recognized him, which would not be beautiful.

"Where are we, we are each other's teachers."

Song Yichen waved his hand. Although he knew that Jiang Liyang came from a relationship at first, he didn't take it seriously, but now that he saw Jiang Lin in person, people's attitude was so good, and his impression of Jiang Lin was refreshed. .

"Brother Jiang, are you going to build a house? Be my neighbor? That's fine."

"You may not believe Song Bantou. Jiang has no idea that Song Bantou lives here."

Jiang Lin shook his head with a smile. He did not expect that his future neighbor would be a colleague or his nominal boss.

This is also quite a coincidence.

"Oh? Is that so? That's really a coincidence. It shows that Brother Jiang has a special fate with me. If Brother Jiang admires his face, let's go to my Chuoranzhai for two drinks together."

Seeing Jiang Lin's magnanimous smile, Song Yichen didn't seem to be flattering at all, so he felt that he and Jiang Lin got along quite well, maybe it was fate, so he invited him to sit in the restaurant.

"Song Bantou kindly invites him, and Jiang has no reason to refute it, so it will be annoying."

Anyway, since he has nothing to do, Jiang Lin also intends to learn about the customs of Qingshui County from Song Yichen.

After entering Chuoranzhai, Jiang Lin glanced around and said: "It seems that Song Bantou is also an elegant person, which is quite rare in the catching fast, and these flowers are not very common. Clivia, cliff chrysanthemum and this and that. Orchid and jacquard are not easy to take care of.”

"Hehe, Brother Jiang is also someone who understands flowers? We really have a lot of fate. If I, Chuoranzhai, rank second in Qingshui County, then no flower garden would dare to rank first."

Song Yichen's eyes lit up, Jiang Lin could actually recognize the names of these flowers, even the extremely rare Nalan Jacquard, which some arty scholars wouldn't recognize.

"Just a little bit."

Jiang Lin smiled, in fact, he was really humble.

In the Huixing Mountain of Middle-earth, his home has a lot of flowers and plants, and there are many flowers in the garden of his home.

The wives in his family are all rich little wives who don't usually do any work. When they can't be idle, they spend a considerable part of their time raising flowers and plants.

And he naturally follows his wives to grow flowers and enjoy flowers on weekdays, so he naturally knows more about these flowers.

Not to mention this Daluo Immortal Realm, he married another Hua Fairy wife, the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest is a paradise for flowers.

Jiang Lin has lived in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest for many years, so there are really few flowers he doesn't know in this world.

Jiang Lin opened a flower head, and Song Yichen kept introducing all kinds of flowers to Jiang Lin, just like a person living alone who met a confidant.

Forget the introduction, he kept talking to Jiang Lin about his experience in growing flowers, blah blah blah, for fear that others would not know how much he likes to grow and care for them.

I'm so...

I shouldn't talk too much!

Jiang Lin's face was covered with black lines, I went, this Song Yichen is really a bbw of the second uncle.

I dragged him here and talked for more than an hour, and his saliva didn't even dry out.

"Brother Jiang, let me tell you..."

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