"Brother Jiang, listen to me tell you..."

"This Sanqiugui..."

Song Yichen still had no intention of stopping. Jiang Lin had no choice but to say, "Song Bantou, in fact, with all due respect, it's not accurate to say that you are raising flowers, you are destroying flowers."

When looking at the surrounding flowers, Jiang Lin discovered that Song Yichen's Chaoran Zhai, although there are many exotic flowers and plants, are all open, but this guy's way of recuperating is not very clever.

It's just that he just saw it and didn't plan to say it.

But now, if he didn't say anything, he couldn't stop Song Yichen's big mouth.

He also wanted to drink some drinks, and asked the details of Qingshui County from this guy's mouth.

"I... I destroy flowers? Brother Jiang, are you kidding me?"

Sure enough, after being scolded by Jiang Lin like this, Song Yichen stopped immediately, and stopped talking to Jiang Lin about his flower-raising experience, his love for flowers, and the like.

Looking at Jiang Lin blankly, Song Yichen didn't know what to say.

He didn't know how many years he had been raising flowers, and some plants that were difficult to survive were all raised in his hands. Now Jiang Lin actually told him that he was not raising flowers at all, but was destroying them.

Just kidding it is!

"Although Song Bantou may be unconvinced, this is indeed the case."

Jiang Lin nodded. If he didn't educate Song Yichen, the flower ambassador, he might have to tell him every day how flowers were grown.

It's not that he is unfounded.

Just met today, and Song Yichen had been with him for nearly two hours. After that, if they got acquainted, wouldn't it be even more outrageous?

Chapter [-] Don't talk about it, I will support you, and I will support you!

"Brother Jiang, if you want to say that, I just want to hear what you have to say."

Song Yichen clasped his arms, wanting to hear what Jiang Lin could say.

He is usually a relatively easy-going person, and he is very concerned about flowers and flower cultivation.

Usually, if he sees someone who grows flowers and plants, he will be a teacher, consider himself a flower expert, and give others some pointers.

Moreover, in Qingshui County, he is also famous for raising and protecting flowers.

Now, if Jiang Lin didn't say something ugly, he would be really unhappy.

He didn't know that what Jiang Lin said wasn't the slightest bit false.

It's not bad for him to call himself an expert in gardening, but Jiang Lin can really say that he is a master of gardening.

Not to mention, it is enough that Jianglin has a peony flower fairy wife.

"It happens that I also know some knowledge about flowers, so I will show my ugliness here and communicate with you Song Bantou."

Jiang Lin also did his part. He really didn't want to show off his abilities in this regard. After all, he was a practitioner, not a gardener.

If Song Yichen hadn't drooled more than tea in this regard, he wouldn't have spent this time.

"First of all, I wonder if Song Bantou knows what acidic soil and alkaline soil are?"

"What? What acid and alkaline?"

Song Yichen was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Jiang Lin was talking about.

Although he grows flowers, he doesn't farm the land. How can he know this.

"It doesn't matter if Song Bantou is not very clear. You will understand after listening to me. In fact, growing flowers is not much different from growing crops on the land. If the acidity is too strong, plant ash will be scattered, otherwise, watering will be carried out to weaken the alkalinity. Song Bantou should have seen this even if he is not very clear about this. Bar?"

As he said that, Jiang Lin felt that he was stunned. If it wasn't for him to start, Song Yichen wouldn't have been eloquent, so he didn't need to give this guy anything here.

"I've seen this before."

Song Yichen nodded. He had never eaten pork or seen a pig run. He did not go to work in the fields, but he had seen farmers work hard.

"The quality of the crops has a lot to do with the soil, so the flowers are the same. The flowers here have different soils that are most suitable for growth. You, ahem, probably all use the same soil. If you really want to grow flowers, you need at least three kinds of soil. Fortunately, you are very careful to feed them. However, if these flowers are sentient, it really feels that you are destroying them."

In fact, Jiang Lin really didn't say anything nonsense. If he was in Middle-earth, at least half of the flowers would die here. It's just that the aura in Daluo Xianjie is relatively strong, and the feng shui here is good, and the aura is quite abundant. It is a layman, but it is also carefully cared for to keep these flowers alive.


Song Yichen was at a loss for words. He had never heard of using different soils for growing flowers.

However, what Jiang Lin said made him unable to refute. When planting crops, it really was like what Jiang Lin said, some sprinkled grass and tree ash, and some watered the ground.

"Also, the fresh water you use to water the flowers, rainwater is the best, and secondly, the river water, you use the cold water from the well. If you want to water the flowers, you must let it dry, so that it is similar to the soil temperature. Moreover, the water quality is also divided into acid and alkali. According to different flower species, the water used is also different. Either add a little white vinegar regularly, or add some saponin powder. If you don't believe me, I will break a few flower pots, you See if it's rotten."

As he said that, Jiang Lin raised his hand and touched the flowerpots at the bottom of a few flowers, and as he said, all of them had rotten roots to varying degrees.

"Oh my God!"

Song Yichen saw that the roots of the flower plants he raised were rotten, and hugged his head directly.

It was as if his life was rotten.

"You're not using the right flower pot. It's not good to use a porcelain pot. You should use a tile pot, which is permeable and breathable."

Jiang Lin threw the fragments of the porcelain pot in his hand to Song Yichen's feet.

"And this hosta flower. Although it can bloom in bright places, it is a shade-loving flower, and you can't let it be in the yard."

"Look, this sylvestris and the assassin (rose) cannot be placed together. When the sylvestris withers, the assassin will wither and die easily."

"Also, these cloves and mint and things like that have a floral scent that stunts the growth of several of the surrounding flowers."

Jiang Lin is now not polite to Song Yichen at all, and commented on Song Yichen's Chaoranzhai area by area.

Didn't you tell me how to grow flowers?

What I specifically approved for you is nothing.

See how you babble with me?

Jiang Lin only wanted Song Yichen to stop drooling more than tea like before, but he didn't notice that Song Yichen's face was getting paler.

Not only was Song Yichen's face pale, but his lips were also pale.

What Jiang Lin said was true and false, he didn't need to do more screening, because he had encountered these problems in the process of growing flowers in the past, and he naturally knew the true and false as soon as he heard it.

From just now until now, Jiang Lin has almost never missed what he said.

This made it difficult for him to accept.

If everything Jiang Lin said is true, then Jiang Lin said that he destroyed the flower before, that is also true.

He has always regarded himself as a flower-growing expert and a self-proclaimed flower-loving messenger, but now, he is not a flower-cultivator at all.

He has done so many things, it is simply the destruction of these flowers!

This hit him hard.

"And this flower fat..."

"Brother Jiang, stop talking."

Jiang Lin continued to comment, Song Yichen was very hurt and told him to stop talking.

If it goes on, his little heart can't take it anymore.

Working hard to grow flowers has turned into destroying flowers, which is really unacceptable for a gardener like him.

"As for these, as long as you write down and pay attention, it's alright, and there is..."

"Brother Jiang, don't talk about it, let's keep these flowers for you, all of them."

Song Yichen interrupted Jiang Lin's suggestion again. It was not enough. He had to give Jiang Lin all the flowers from his Chuoranzhai and let Jiang Lin plant them.

"Foster me?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, not knowing which song Song Yichen sang.

Song Yichen nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, you are lucky if you don't appreciate the delicate flowers. You are the happiest when you meet someone who knows how to take care of them. I always thought I was growing flowers, but I couldn't think of them. In my hands, I have endured so much damage."

"You're not kidding, are you?"

Jiang Lin was speechless, Song Yichen's psychological endurance was too weak.

weaker than flowers.

This will give him these many flowers to raise.

Song Yichen shook his head, and again sincerely begged Jiang Lin to adopt these flowers, with a very sincere attitude.

It seemed that if Jiang Lin didn't want to, he wouldn't be able to eat for a few days.


Jiang Lin nodded. Anyway, there was nothing to do, so he could spend time raising these flowers and plants when he had nothing to do.

Moreover, because his wife Peony is a flower fairy, facing these flowers, he can miss less in his heart.

Using these flowers to transform the house into the garden of Huixingshan's house can also remind him of his wife there.

Jiang Lin didn't know that Song Yichen sent these flowers, and he also sent him two marriages in disguise.

This was something he hadn't thought of at all.

Chapter [-]: The task of protecting flowers (on)

"Thank you, Brother Jiang."

Seeing Jiang Lin agree, Song Yichen breathed a sigh of relief.

You are also talented.

Jiang Lin was speechless, he really didn't understand what Song Yichen was thinking.

If you really want to grow flowers, after listening to his suggestions, you will be able to raise them, but this funny guy doesn't want to raise them at all, and he has to give him these flowers.

Also sent sincerely.

"I didn't expect that Song Yichen, who has been raising flowers for so many years, is actually working behind closed doors. If I hadn't met Brother Jiang, these flowers..."

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