Song Yichen put on a sad spring and autumn look, which made Jiang Lin really get goosebumps all over his body.

Talent, unseen talent.

"Cough, Song Bantou, let's talk in the room."

Seeing that Song Yichen wanted to continue chattering again, Jiang Lin was so frightened that he hurriedly interrupted the latter's words.

"It is necessary, we must have a special fate, in any case, we have to drink him a few cups."

Song Yichen immediately led the way and invited Jiang Lin into the main hall.

Jiang Lin took this opportunity to ask Qingshui County what should be paid attention to when handling the case.

Since he has been catching fast here, he wants to wait for the time to come. Don't get caught up in the details of the work that he doesn't know much about. If he gets fired, the fun will be great.

After that, Jiang Lin also learned some information about several colleagues from Song Yichen. It is not certain whether he is in contact with others, but it is better to know.

The two were drinking and chatting, and before they knew it, it was already night.

Jiang Lin also got a lot of information he wanted to know from Song Yichen.

"Brother Jiang, I didn't expect that even though you are a fast catcher, you will be admired by Song Mou for your insight. So, you are a new official. Today, I am the owner of the Qing Restaurant in the county. It is still early, I will contact you. Other colleagues, so that you can get acquainted with the colleagues in the county, and give you the wind."

In the end, Song Yichen invited Jiang Lin to go to the restaurant. Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin just arrived, so he should have a guest, but Song Yichen felt that he and Jiang Lin were more compatible, so he did the friendship of a landlord.

"Then Jiang Lin is disrespectful."

Jiang Lin smiled and didn't refuse. Someone took care of the meal, so he could save himself or spend money.

After leaving Chuoranzhai with Song Yichen, Jiang Lin went to the sake restaurant in the county first.

To Jiang Lin's surprise, not long after that, in addition to Song Yichen and a few arresting officers, even the county magistrate was among the people who came.

During the day, Feng Xian magistrate didn't take Jiang Lin seriously after letting him hand over the job to Jiang Lin, but after Jiang Lin left, Feng Xian magistrate listened to the words of the county magistrate, and that's what happened now.

When the magistrate Feng saw Jiang Lin, he didn't even ask what the relationship between Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian was. Later, he still heard from his master that he recommended Jiang Lin's waiter, and he was the champion of this session, so he felt that he might be gone.

The first-year champion can be said to have a prosperous official career. If there are no major problems in the future, the step-by-step promotion is basically a certainty, and it will not always be a waiter.

And since Jiang Lin was recommended by Zhu Xiaolian, if the two of them have a good relationship, it would be beneficial to him.

Being an official is really annoying.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Jiang Lin became impatient.

He used to be a Taoist priest, and he had never experienced such a wine shop. Except for Song Yichen, he knew that he was related to the household, and there were many others, so what he heard during the banquet was basically flattering words.

He really didn't like this kind of situation.

The magistrate Feng took a sip of his wine, pondered a little, and said to Jiang Lin: "I heard that Zhu Shilang is this year's champion, Jiang Zhukuai is quite familiar with him, right?"

"We know each other well, we are brother-in-law."

Jiang Lin smiled. Originally, he did not intend to reveal his relationship with Zhu Xiaolian, but since the magistrate has now asked about it, he simply said it.

It seemed that the magistrate Feng wanted to offer him up. If he could be idle in the future, that would be pretty good.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if he just went to get off work and looked forward to getting off work, and looking forward to the holidays after get off work?

As for saying that he and Zhu Xiaolian are brother-in-law, Jiang Lin did not lie.

His wife Peony and Zhu Xiaolian's wife Shaoyao were originally Huaxian sisters in the Thousand Flowers Forest, so he and Zhu Xiaolian really had a brother-in-law relationship.

"Oh, it turns out that Jiang Zhukuai and Zhu Shilang are connected."

Feng county magistrate was overjoyed when he heard the words. Fortunately, he listened to his master's words. Otherwise, he would have really lost his treasure this time.

"This county heard Song Bantou say that Jiang Zhukuai has found someone to build a house on the outskirts of the county, so for the past few days, you should temporarily live in this county's closed house. This county only remembered in the afternoon, In the early years, I had a relationship with Zhu Shilang, although you are my subordinate, you are also my guest."

After knowing the relationship between Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian, the magistrate Feng immediately decided to let Jiang Lin live in his home temporarily for this period of time.

"Then disturb the county magistrate."

Jiang Lin felt that it was really interesting that he came to Qingshui County. First, someone took care of the meal, and now someone was covering him. If he was covered, he still had to take care of the meal.

This time, he still did not refuse.

Before his house was built, if there was no shelter provided by the county magistrate, he would have to settle in the inn for a few days.

However, what the magistrate Feng said had a relationship with Zhu Xiaolian, and he didn't even believe a single punctuation mark.

Before Zhu Xiaolian was in high school, he was still a poor scholar. How could this county magistrate have any chance to meet Zhu Xiaolian?

"There's nothing to be bothered about."

Feng county magistrate laughed, and then said: "Since you guys are all together, I'll also give you a mission, and I'm going to tell you tomorrow. The little girl used to be in her hometown and left for Qingshui a few days ago. The county will arrive tomorrow. It's just that the little girl has to pass through Hengduan Mountain. There are many horse bandits there, and it is not very peaceful. Therefore, I want you to come and pick her up. The little girl has reached the age to be married. If Nothing happens on the road, that's the best. But if there is an accident, if any of you protect her vigorously, maybe you can become the quick son-in-law of this county."

After stroking his beard, the magistrate Feng continued: "Although the little girl's appearance is not like a fairy, she is also born with a beautiful appearance."

As soon as these words came out, many of the arresters at the table were in an uproar.

Dare to love this county magistrate is to give them the opportunity to be sons-in-law.

If this flower protector is good, maybe he can save twenty years of struggle.

In fact, the county magistrate really didn't have any intention of making Cao Kuai his son-in-law. He told Jiang Lin this.

Although Jiang Lin is also a catcher, he is a catcher who is a brother-in-law with the waiter. How can he be compared to a normal catcher?

Even without Jiang Lin, he said that, he could mobilize the enthusiasm of these subordinates and desperately protect her daughter.

Of course, this is under the premise of accidents, and there are no accidents, which is naturally the best.


Jiang Lin frowned. He was still thinking about being able to go to work, but he didn't expect to have a task the next day when he just arrived.

What's more, the task of protecting flowers.

Chapter [*]: The task of protecting flowers ([*])

Jiang Lin called a greasy crooked, Hengduan Mountain in his heart. He heard Song Yichen say today that Qingshui County is still two hundred miles away, and the law and order there is very chaotic.

It is inconvenient for him to use any special means now, and it will take a lot of work to go to Hengduan Mountain to be a flower protector.

It will take a day or two to come and go.

Now, Jiang Lin has arrived in Qingshui County, and he has also purchased land to buy a house in the suburbs of the county, which is equivalent to his own participation in the development of Qingshui County.

This may cause unexpected changes in some things, that is to say, there is a certain chance that the things Liu Sheng deduces will change.

During this period of time, let him run around in Qingshui County, there is no problem.

After all, the distance is not far, and he can go to the suburbs of the county in time to take a look.

But after a day or two of walking, that might make him miss something.

I don't know if the magistrate's daughter is a tough-tempered lady.

Jiang Lin didn't know what kind of person the daughter of the magistrate Feng was.

If the daughter of the magistrate was sealed, it would be fine, and there would not be much delay on the road.

But if it is the kind of unruly lady who is very difficult to serve, it is really annoying, and it is unlikely that it will not waste time.

It's not a problem to let him work as a catcher or something, but if he is to serve people, then he has to MMP.

However, Jiang Lin didn't complain much, even if he was frustrated in his heart.

He is here as a catcher, and if it sounds better to be a catcher, in fact, he is running errands.

As long as the things in the future can develop smoothly, he will accept the trouble now.

Jiang Lin said, "Since she is the daughter of the magistrate, we will do our best to protect her safety."

"Please rest assured, the magistrate."

"Miss's safety is on our shoulders."

Jiang Lin didn't take the task of protecting flowers seriously, but other catchers were different, each one was full of energy.

Even Song Yichen's face had some expectations.

After that, the banquet came to an end, Song Yichen and others all left, and Jiang Lin went to the Feng family mansion with the magistrate Feng.

The magistrate Feng knew Jiang Lin's identity and treated Jiang Lin quite well.

The next day, Jiang Lin changed into his own catching uniform and rode to Hengduan Mountain with Song Yichen and others.

Two hours later, they passed Hengduan Mountain and stood guard beside the official road.

After about a stick of incense, a carriage appeared in the distance.

"Is it the carriage of the county magistrate's daughter in front?"

Not long after, when the carriage approached, Song Yichen hit the horse and shouted.

The other catchers also rode their horses forward, wanting to see the appearance of Fengyan, the daughter of the county magistrate.

"Miss, there are some arresters ahead. It should be sent by the master to pick us up."

At this time, a girl dressed as a maid lifted the curtain of the carriage, and then got off and asked Feng Yan inside to get off.

After a while, a young girl with a beautiful face in the carriage bent down and got out of the carriage.

Fortunately, the temperament is not bad, at least, not some unruly lady.

Looking at Feng Yan's appearance and temperament, Jiang Lin nodded slightly. At the very least, this girl didn't seem to be a girl who was just doing some shit.

Jiang Lin was looking at Feng Yan's temperament, but Song Yichen and the others were different.

Song Yichen was a little better, but his eyes lit up, and the eyes of the others were straight.

At this moment, one by two, they all wish that there was an accident ahead, so that they could show their skills and come to a hero to save the beauty.

Feng Yan glanced around, and when her eyes fell on Jiang Lin's face, she was stunned.

"It's him?"

Feng Yan thought she had read it wrong, and took a closer look.

"Miss, why are you always staring at that catcher? You are a lady of all."

At this time, the maid next to Feng Yan pulled her sleeve and reminded her.

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