It was only when Feng Yan realized that the eyes of several catching Kuai on the opposite side were looking back and forth between her and Jiang Lin, and her expression suddenly became a little ashamed.

Jiang Lin was also a little inexplicable, and the gaze opposite Feng Yan seemed to be as if he knew him.

This made him a little confused.

Feng Yan Lianzhen bowed to Jiang Lin and the others, and said, "The little girl is Feng Yan, the daughter of the magistrate Feng, how many were sent by my father?"

"Exactly, Miss Feng, please get in the carriage, we will hurry as soon as possible."

Seeing that no one responded, Jiang Lin spoke loudly, and then he said to Song Yichen: "Song Bantou, it is still early, we should send Miss Feng to cross Hengduan Mountain as soon as possible. Before nightfall, if we can cross Hengduan Mountain, we will rest somewhere else."

What kind of people are you, you can't even move your feet when you see beautiful women.

Jiang Lin couldn't stand it any longer. Feng Yan's shyness just now made her face even more attractive. Therefore, these few catching fasts had almost nothing else in their eyes.

In addition, hearing Feng Yan's voice like a silver bell, I am afraid that these guys are all numb now, and they have forgotten their tasks.

"Yes, I have to go back quickly."

Song Yichen nodded, turned the horse's head, and led the way in front of him, while Jiang Lin and the other chasing horses surrounded Feng Yan's carriage and headed for Hengduan Mountain.

"I said, if we have the opportunity to perform our kung fu, then we can impress Miss Feng."

"Yeah, the magistrate Feng really didn't brag. His daughter is indeed beautiful."

On the way, three or two arresters gathered together to discuss in a low voice, really hoping that something would change when they reached Hengduan Mountain.

In this way, they have the possibility to become the son-in-law of the county magistrate.

"I said, you guys, don't crow there, go back quickly is the business."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, these goods are really like the county magistrates who would marry their daughters, lest things will not be chaotic.

"I said Jiang Liyang, don't talk about us. Miss Feng looks like she fell in love with you at a glance. You have a backstage, so of course you don't have that much thought."

"But let's, if we don't have anything to show, then nothing is possible."

The few arrests who were talking just now joked with Jiang Lin.

They were all rough-hearted men, and they didn't pay attention to the volume of their jokes, which made Feng Yan in the carriage suddenly cramped.

After a while, she opened the curtain of the carriage and said, "This eldest brother, is your name Jiang Liyang?"

"Yes, Miss Feng knows me?"

Jiang Lin looked at Feng Yan with some doubts. He really didn't know Feng Yan, and before that, no matter whether it was with Qingshui County or with the county magistrate's hometown, it was impossible for him to fight.

Moreover, this Feng Yan is just an ordinary person, is it possible that you really know him?

Feng Yan didn't respond, just shook her head and lowered the curtain.

Half an hour later, the group arrived at the Hengduan Mountain area. When the carriage and horses were about to enter an inclined valley road, Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed slightly.

Really let the mouths of these fast-catching crows speak.

There are horse bandits blocking the way.

"Stop, there is an ambush."

Jiang Lin immediately spoke up, causing Song Yichen and the others to stop the carriage.

Chapter [*]: The Task of Protecting Flowers (Part [*])

"What's an ambush?"

The group of arresters, including Song Yichen, looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously. They didn't know if Jiang Lin was dazzled.

The sloping valley road in front and the valley passage in the middle are empty and nothing.

"Brother Jiang, you are too nervous."

Song Yichen laughed, thinking that Jiang Lin was unfounded.

Along the way, Jiang Lin's attitude was very strict. Even after receiving Feng Yan and the others, Jiang Lin remained expressionless, as if he regarded this mission as important.

When they came to the Xiegu Road before, they walked once, and they didn't find anything unusual at all.

"That's right, there's no need to be so nervous."

"Even if the horse bandits come, can't we deal with it?"

"If they dare to come, just let us pick up a few heads and ask for a reward from the magistrate."

Several of the hunters around Jiang Lin also laughed at Jiang Lin's anger.

"You guys should be careful, I think Jiang Chukuai must have found something."

Feng Yan in the carriage lifted the curtain and reminded Song Yichen and the others.

She felt that Jiang Lin didn't seem to be talking nonsense.

Jiang Lin ignored Song Yichen and the others, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it towards the top of the slope of the valley.

After that, there was a scream of pain from above.

Then, one after another figure appeared on the top of the slope of the mountain.

They were all the bandits who fell into the mountains and became bandits. There were more than [*] people, and they lined up in a row on the slopes on both sides.

" crow's mouth."

The corners of Chu Kuai's mouth kept twitching beside Jiang Lin, he was wiping a dj.

More than [*] people came all of a sudden, this motherfucker is joking!

Song Yichen and the rest of the hunters also turned green. There were so many bandits, more than [*] people, and there were only ten of them here.

Except for Jiang Lin, the other hunters basically turned from green to white, and then turned back to green.

Before that, some of them were indeed thinking of a change in this Hengduan Mountain.

But it's not such a change. Who can stand such a battle?

Now these people who are not too big of a problem no longer have any fantasies about heroes saving the United States, YY has been struggling for twenty years.

What do you want to be a son-in-law? Where should I go? I want to live, but I don't want to die.

But even with so many thoughts in their hearts, they could only bite the bullet.

If something happened to Feng Yan, they wouldn't even think about going back. Under the anger of the county magistrate, they would have nothing to do, and even bring disaster to the family.

"You don't practice oral ethics yourself, so here you are saying that I have a crow's mouth? If you want me to see, all your big mouths should be sewn with thread."

Jiang Lin responded angrily, these funny black crows are not talking about him now.

The second uncle's, it's not that you showed your talents there, and now it's better, the good is not the bad spirit.

"Brothers, this is the property of a character who is escorted by the escort. If you rob it, there will definitely be a lot of benefits to take it. Do it!"

At this moment, on the sloped mountain, a bald-headed man with a big scar on his head shouted, and a group of bandits shook the weapons in their hands and shouted, and slid down the slope.

At the same time, a lot of boulders rolled down on the slope, and within a few breaths, the passage of the inclined valley road behind was blocked.

The back road was blocked, the front road was blocked, Song Yichen and the others looked almost as if they had eaten a dead mouse.

As for Jiang Lin, he didn't care about these horse bandits at all, even if he did it ten times and a hundred times, it wouldn't be a problem.

These horse bandits are similar to Song Yichen and the others. They are not cultivators. They just practiced the method of qi training that was widely circulated in Sword Kingdom.

Even the martial arts characters in Jin Lao's martial arts novel Tianlong trilogy can throw them a few streets away.

However, Jiang Lin didn't act immediately.

He also wanted to see what kind of abilities Song Yichen and the others could exert, and based on this, he would increase them slightly.

Otherwise, if the ability he shows is too perverted and out of the cognition of these people, then he will not be a low-key small catcher.

"Miss, what should I do?"

In the carriage, the maid who was with Feng Yan had turned white. There were so many bandits, they were doomed.

"Don't panic, panic is useless."

Feng Yan was actually more flustered than the maid, but she felt much less fear when she saw Jiang Lin, who had a calm face and a completely different expression from Song Yichen and the others.

It should be him. If it was him, he would definitely not take these bandits seriously.

Feng Yan kept reciting in her heart, praying that she would not admit the wrong person.

Otherwise, she would be doomed today.

At this time, Scartou and a group of bandits all descended into the sloped valley road, blocking Jiang Lin's path.

Afterwards, these guys just said things like "I opened this mountain", "If you want to live, put down your weapons", "Surrender without dying" and so on.

Song Yichen and the others didn't pay any attention to it at all, and directly charged with the knife.

"Jiang Zhukuai, what are you doing here? Hurry up, you have been ordered by my master to protect our young lady."

When Jiang Lin was observing Song Yichen's skills and strength, Feng Yan's maid shouted loudly.

"If you want to live, just shut up and don't talk so much."

Jiang Lin glanced at the maid. He was a fast catcher in Qingshui County, and even if he was instructed by the magistrate, a little maid was calling him to and fro.

What a joke.

"Stay in the car and don't move."

After instructing Feng Yan and the others, Jiang Lin rushed over with a machete.

Now, the task of protecting the flowers assigned by the county magistrate has to fall on him.

Later, he still wanted to go to work and hope to get off work, to be an idler, so he must protect the daughter of the county magistrate.

Jiang Lin showed his skills and martial arts slightly, and killed more than [*] mountain bandits in one go.

It's impossible to rely on Song Yichen and the others, even if they fight for their lives, it will be of no avail.

After he came out, it was one knife at a time.

However, Jiang Lin did not directly activate the instant kill mode. He used the method of raiding to walk between Song Yichen and the others, or used the sloped mountain as a springboard to constantly move his position.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is quite agile, and his brain is relatively bright.

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