Jiang Lin didn't say no. If Song Yichen was leading the team, the speed was too slow.

He had mentioned speeding up the advance before, but Song Yichen and the others did not accept it.

What if the county magistrate's daughter was spoiled, unable to endure hardships and bumps and so on.

"Everyone got on the car immediately and left the sloped valley road and the Hengduan Mountain area at the fastest speed."

After getting on the horse, Jiang Lin ordered everyone to act quickly.

After Jianglin and the others left the sloping valley road, a big toon tree growing on the top of the slope of the valley suddenly moved.

The branches and leaves of this big toon tree swayed, and finally the tree gradually shrunk, forming a human-shaped outline.

However, its face and limbs are all bark, but it has a pair of eyes and pores on it.

This is a toon tree demon, and it has been watching the previous battle between Jianglin and the bandits.

Jiang Lin didn't even notice that there was a monster at the top of the slope, because this tree monster's cultivation base was far higher than his, even a lot higher than Liu Sheng hidden on Jiang Lin's body.

Therefore, not only Jiang Lin, but also Bao Yi and Liu Sheng did not notice that there was always a powerful demon watching below.

"These hunters are all warm-blooded, just to make up for the trauma I suffered."

The toon tree demon muttered to himself, Jiang Lin's performance just now made it very happy, especially Jiang Lin, who is strong and strong, which suits its appetite.

After that, the toon tree demon escaped into the ground and followed it all the way.

However, it still did not act in the end, because following this path, it confirmed that it was not an illusion before.

Jiang Lin's body has a slight scent of flower fairy.

Because Jiang Lin has a flower fairy wife, he naturally has a special fragrance of flowers on his body. Generally, when he and Peony live as husband and wife, the whole house is full of fragrant fragrance.

It's just that ordinary people can't feel this fragrance, and even some evil spirits can't feel it.

Only monsters that are also flowers or plants can be detected when their cultivation reaches a certain level.

As a result, the toon tree demon didn't act immediately. It chose to follow Jiang Lin and the others first, looking for an opportunity to figure out why Jiang Lin had the scent of a flower fairy.

Maybe it will bring more unexpected surprises to it.

The tree demon thought that the Huaxian aura on Jiang Lin was related to the Huaxian Pavilion. After all, the Huaxian Pavilion was above this area.

It has a deep hatred with Huaxian Pavilion.

Jiang Lin didn't know that there was a powerful toon tree demon behind him, and still followed Song Yichen and the others to protect Feng Yan and others to Qingshui County.

After walking for half an hour, a group of chariots and horses finally walked out of Hengduan Mountain. Although they encountered two waves of robbers on the way, they were both beheaded by Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Zhukuai, my lady and I are a little uncomfortable, can we rest for a while?"

At this time, Feng Yan's maid opened the curtain and asked Jiang Lin to stop and rest.

When Jiang Lin was beheading people before, the head flew to the side of the carriage, and blood was spilled on the carriage, causing Feng Yan and the maid to be frightened.

When they were on the Inclined Valley Road, although the situation was very tragic, they were still some distance away from the battle circle. At that time, they were already a little sick, but they didn't have any seizures.

At this time, the speed of the carriage was added, and the two girls inside were unable to hold it back due to the bumps.

"I can't rest, it's dusk now, get away from Hengduan Mountain as soon as possible, and then rest thirty or forty miles ahead."

Jiang Lin didn't agree to the maid's request. If there were more bandits, it would be a waste of time.

He's not afraid of anything, but he doesn't want to waste time.

"Brother Jiang, Miss Feng is also the daughter of the magistrate. I think we should stop for a while, after all, Hengduan Mountain has passed."

Song Yichen threw off his horse whip and came to Jiang Lin's side, and suggested to stop for a while.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "Song Bantou, you need to figure out one thing, the task given to us by the magistrate Feng is to protect his daughter, not to serve his daughter. If it hadn't been in danger before, here it is. Stop, nothing is impossible. But you just encountered so many bandits, can you guarantee that there will be no more bandits?"

"This... Then it's Brother Jiang's."

When Song Yichen was asked by Jiang Lin, he was speechless.

"Miss, he...he really doesn't know Lianxiangxiyu."

"Don't talk nonsense, Jiang Zhukuai is also thinking of safety, so let's bear it."

Feng Yan understands Jiang Lin quite a bit. As long as they arrive in Qingshui County safely, nothing matters.

So, the group continued to move forward, and after they got away from Hengduan Mountain, they rested in a forest.

On the afternoon of the second day, they entered Qingshui County.

When the magistrate Feng learned about what happened on the road, he broke out in a cold sweat, and he was glad that Jiang Lin was also dispatched this time. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

He didn't even expect Jiang Lin to be so capable. He flew Song Yichen and the others alone, and wiped out all the [-] or so bandits.

If this matter is reported, he can properly claim credit.

The girl was safe from danger, and she was able to claim credit from above, and Jiang Lin was the one who contributed, so the county magistrate was in a very good mood and wanted to host a family dinner for Jiang Lin and the others tomorrow night.

Chapter [-] is homesick

Feng county magistrate said to Jiang Lin and the others: "Jiang Zhukuai, Song Bantou, you should rest first. I will send troops to Hengduan Mountain to collect the heads of those mountain bandits, and I will give you credit for Shangguan. Tomorrow's The banquet can also be used as a celebration banquet for you in advance."

"Thanks to the magistrate."

Jiang Lin put on a look of joy on his face, and then said to Song Yichen: "Song Bantou, let's go to your place together, I just happened to see how my house is being built."

"Jiang Zhukuai, what is there to remember? If the house is not built, just continue to live here in this county. Could it be that the county's greeting is not thoughtful?"

"The magistrate Feng is joking. Jiang Lin lives here very well. It's just that Miss Feng is here. Jiang Liyang is always an outsider, and there are many inconveniences. It's better to move out as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin explained to the magistrate Feng, but in fact, he just wanted to see if there were any changes in the suburbs of the county.

"Since Jiang Zhukuai has taken this into consideration, the county has nothing to say."

The magistrate Feng nodded, Jiang Lin played an important role in protecting his daughter this time, and he could give Jiang Lin a great credit.

However, for the time being, he just wanted to remember his merits, and he didn't want to marry his daughter out.

During the day or two that Jiang Lin and the others left, the Li family, the richest man in the county, heard from nowhere that his daughter was coming, so he sent someone to kiss him.

The Li family has a lot of backers in the capital of the Sword Kingdom, at least for now, it is more powerful than Zhu Xiaolian.

Therefore, the magistrate Feng felt that it was better to have two birds in the forest than one bird in his hand, to have a good relationship with Jiang Lin, and to be able to use other means.

As for her daughter's marriage, she can get involved with the backstage of the Li family by marrying the Li family.

Just now, Jiang Lin himself suggested that it would be inconvenient to live with him next time, and he wanted to leave early, and he didn't mention anything about taking advantage of the dragon to speed up his son-in-law, but he expressed his opinion.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin and Song Yichen left the house, and the other catchers also left.

"Father, Jiang Zhukuai him...he lives in our house?"

After Jiang Lin and the others left, Feng Yan asked the magistrate Feng, but she did not expect that she and Jiang Lin would live under the same roof.

"This Jiang Liyang is Zhu Shilang's brother-in-law. Although he's just a catcher, he has a close relationship with the waiter. He has just come to Qingshui County and has no place to stay, so he was left to live in our house for a few days for his father. But you don't mind, as he said, after his house was built, he left."

Feng county magistrate thought that his daughter was worried because a strange man lived at home, so he explained it again.

"Isn't he from Qingshui County?"

Feng Yan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, since this Jiang Zhukuai is not a local, but came from out of town, then it should be correct.

But then her eyes dimmed again. Jiang Lin did live in her house, but he left after a while.

"My daughter's life was saved by others, so why would you mind? Since Dad, you are staying with others, it's considered a favor, and you can't wait for the house to be built, so you can drive them away."

"Let's see when the time comes. By the way, when you come to Dad this time, you are ready to prepare for your own marriage."

"Father, my daughter doesn't want to get married yet. My daughter is going to rest first."

Feng Yan left the hall shyly and entered the inner hall.

But even though she said so, she was still a little overjoyed in her heart. Jiang Lin's current identity was the brother-in-law of the official servant. At least in terms of identity, she was also a match for her daughter of the county magistrate.

As for Jiang Lin already having a wife, she doesn't care, she already knew it before that.

It's just that all these have a premise, that is, this Jiang Liyang must be the person she has heard of.

It seemed that he had to find a way to confirm his origins.

As Feng Yan walked, she wondered how she could inquire about Jiang Lin's origins.

In fact, she wasn't the only one who wanted to find out Jiang Lin's background.

The toon tree demon who had been following Jiang Lin and the others to Qingshui County also had this plan.

After the tree demon arrived in Qingshui County, it went to the archives of the county government office, but it did not get any information about Jianglin there.

So, it followed a tall and strong catcher, and attached itself to this unfortunate person on the way.

"It turns out that he is not from Qingshui County at all. Could it be that my feeling is really wrong?"

After obtaining the memory of Gao Zhuang catching Kuai, the toon tree demon was puzzled.

According to the information it has learned, Jiang Lin came to Qingshui County from thousands of miles away to take office as a fast catcher. Before, there was no such person as Jiang Lin in Qingshui County and the surrounding areas.

"If that's the case, I'll wipe you all out tomorrow night."

Even if he knew that Jiang Lin was not from Qingshui County and had nothing to do with Huaxian Pavilion, the tree demon did not act immediately.

Anyway, tomorrow night, these arresters and Jiang Lin are going to have a banquet at the Fengxian magistrate's house, which will save him from having to look for them one by one.

When the time comes, the pot is ready.

Jiang Lin still didn't know that danger was approaching, and he didn't know that because of his intervention, the development of things had really changed.

Originally, if he hadn't come to Qingshui County, although the toon tree demon would also be a demon, the time would have been delayed a lot, and the way of being a demon would have been different.

Jiang Lin went to the outskirts of the county to check the construction progress of the house, and then walked around again, but did not find any scent of Huaxian, so he felt relieved and returned to the house.

The next afternoon, Jiang Lin temporarily left the Feng family.

He couldn't take it.

A matchmaker with a big mouth came to the Feng family and wanted to match Feng Yan. The matchmaker saw Feng Yansheng's handsome appearance and gentle temperament. A matchmaker's mouth seemed to be able to tell the sun from the west.

What's more, from the morning to the afternoon, the sound is still very loud.

Jiang Lin could hear the big-mouthed matchmaker's voice in his room.

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