Therefore, he took the trouble and decided to go outside for a walk.

As for Feng Yan, she couldn't stand it either. It just so happened that she and her maid also left Feng Zhai when Jiang Lin just left.

"Hey, isn't he Jiang Zhukuai?"

Feng Yan saw Jiang Lin in front and followed behind.

She had nothing to do anyway, so she just wanted to follow Jiang Lin around.

When Jiang Lin walked to the corner of the street, a worn leather Ju rolled under his feet.

"Brother Chakuai, help us kick Piju'er over."

At this time, two children, a man and a woman, not far away, waved at him.

Jiang Lin was taken aback when he saw the two children.

This pair of children is very cute, and most importantly, they look very much like the Shentong and Zhiwa in his family.

Jiang Lin looked at them, and his thoughts of home became stronger and stronger.

It has been more than three years since he came to the Daluo Immortal Realm. If you count the time in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, he has not returned home for six or seven years.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's eyes were really a little pantothenic. If he just didn't go home for six or seven years, it wouldn't be a big deal, but in these years, he has been wandering in dangerous crises, and he doesn't even know the feeling of death. how many times.

Now, suddenly seeing a child who is so similar to Shentong Zhiwa, it really makes him a tough guy with tenderness.

When they were at home, Shentong and Zhiwa both called him father and regarded Chen Yu and Ren Tingting as their mothers.

He also regarded Shentong and Zhiwa as his own children, although not his own.

At this time, seeing the two dolls on the opposite side really broke his defense.

Chapter [*] The tree demon is dispatched!

"Are you playing Cuju? Can I play with you?"

Jiang Lin grabbed the Pi Ju and walked over with a smile.

"Brother Chakuai, why haven't I seen you before?"

"Oh! Are you the new brother who came to catch Kuaijiang? The one who killed a lot of bandits."

The two children recognized Jiang Lin. Although they had never seen Jiang Lin, they had already heard about him.

Since yesterday, several catchers in the county government have been dipped in Jiang Lin's light and made great contributions, so when they were drinking tea and drinking, they bragged about their military exploits, and Jiang Lin was naturally told by them.

And even if they boasted about their military exploits, they definitely didn't hide Jiang Lin's exploits.

Therefore, although it has only been a day, many people in Qingshui County already know that there is a very powerful catcher in the county, but most of these county residents have not seen Jianglin yet.

"It's me, but I'm not Brother Jiang, call me Uncle Jiang."

Jiang Lin squatted down and stroked the little heads of the two children.

If it wasn't inappropriate, he really wanted these two dolls to call him Daddy.

Whether it was her husband or her father, he hadn't heard of it for years.

It's okay to listen to the two children calling their uncles, at least they are the same generation as their father.

"Okay, Uncle Jiang, you have to let us."


Jiang Lin smiled and played with the two children at the hutong on the corner of the street.

Feng Yan, who was not far away, saw all of this in her eyes. She never thought that Jiang Lin, who had murdered like a numb yesterday and had a very serious attitude, would have such a side.

"Let's sit down at the tea stand over there."

Feng Yan asked the maid and herself to sit down on the pave next to them and watch Jiang Lin play with the two children.

"Miss, I didn't expect this fierce Jiang Zhukuai to still have a childish innocence and love the young."

The maid also found it very funny. Jiang Lin was the same as Shura Killing God yesterday, but today he has become a loving angel.

This style change is really too abrupt.

"What's the matter, he has a very sense of justice, a person with a sense of justice, of course there is love in his heart."

"Miss, I found something wrong with you. You don't like Shangjiang, do you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, stop talking nonsense and slap your mouth."

Feng Yan's cheeks flushed, and she glared at the maid.

Jiang Lin didn't find that Feng Yan and the others were not far from him. He missed his family now, and he didn't pay attention elsewhere.

"Tired of playing, come on, Uncle Jiang will buy you some delicious food."

Soon after, Jiang Lin threw Piju to the two children. He saw that the clothes on the two dolls were rather shabby, and he knew that they were children of poor families. He probably didn't even have any snacks when he wanted to eat, so he wanted to relieve their cravings. .

The two dolls cheered and jumped into Jiang Lin's arms.

Jiang Lin picked them up with a doting face, went to the pavement on the roadside, bought some ice-sugar haws and candied people, and made a beggar chicken to fill their stomachs.

At the tea stall not far away, Feng Yan supported Yi with one hand and looked at Jiang Lin with a smile on her face.

If it is said that men who do things seriously are the most attractive, then at this time, Jiang Lin, who loves two dolls, is the one who can capture the hearts of girls the most.

Although Feng Yan is a girl, she also has a motherhood. She likes the things Jiang Lin has done.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back."

Feng Yan didn't look any further, and left the tea stall with her maid.

Now she always felt that her heart was rambling, and if Jiang Lin saw her, she would be embarrassed if she blushes in the street.

After Feng Yan and the others left, Jiang Lin sent the two children home and returned to Feng Zhai himself.

Song Yichen and the others also arrived one after another.

At this time, the toon tree demon, who had closed his eyes to recuperate in the forest outside the county town, also opened his eyes.

It's almost time, it's time for it to go out.

As a result, the toon tree demon controlled the body of Yukuai, which was controlled by him, and went to the Fengzhai in Qingshui County.

"Why hasn't Heitang come yet?"

In the courtyard of the Fengzhai, after a group of people took their seats, Song Yichen frowned, and another arrest was not coming.

It was the catchy who was killed by the toon tree demon.

"Usually the black hall is the most punctual. Could it be that you have encountered a case?"

Just when Song Yichen was puzzled, a person walked in outside the gate.

The tree demon has arrived.

"Here it is. I said Heitang, the county magistrate is treating guests at home, why are you late?"

Song Yichen walked up, with some reproach in his tone.


At this moment, Jiang Lin snorted.

His eyelids jumped up just now, and when he noticed the green light in Heitang's eyes, he realized that something was wrong.

"Jie Jie..."

The tree demon let out a weird laugh, and then there were bulges like earthworms and rhizomes around Heitang's eyes.

With a kick, the toon tree demon spit out blood from the mouth Song Yichen kicked, and flew out backwards.

After that, the toon tree demon charged straight towards Jianglin.

Compared with the others here, Jiang Lin's strong body is the most useful to him.

Jiang Lin jumped out immediately, and with a few moves, he flashed to the wall.

Is this the Dryad?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. Although he learned from Liu Sheng that there will be flowers or plants in Qingshui County, and there will be murders, he did not expect this guy to appear so quickly.

Moreover, what he didn't understand was that the second uncle of the tree demon was actually staring at him.

This unscientific!

After Jiang Lin arrived in Qingshui County, he didn't reveal any of his abilities in respect of Taoism and corpses, and he also had concealment methods and Liu Sheng's help. the foundation.

But as soon as the tree demon appeared, he focused his attention on him.

"Heitang, what are you doing?"

A table of good wine and good dishes was spilled on the ground like this, and even the table was broken, and the county magistrate was furious.

However, the toon tree demon glanced at him, and immediately made him break out in a cold sweat, and he didn't even dare to say a word.

In the eyes of Heitang, who was possessed by the toon tree demon, there was a dark green light, which was very scary.

"You kid, it's quite slippery."

The tree demon made a hoarse voice, flashed its body, appeared in front of Jiang Lin, and slapped it down with a palm.

Jiang Lin quickly pulled out his machete, blocked the blow, and took advantage of this opportunity to jump out of the wall.

If he didn't use his own abilities, he certainly couldn't dodge all the time.

Therefore, he was ready to flee to a place where no one was there, and to pass the immediate crisis.

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-seven chapters stare at me, but there is a price to pay

Sure enough, after Jiang Lin jumped off the wall, the toon tree demon followed closely.

It really didn't expect Jiang Lin's reaction to be so quick, and his responsiveness and wit also caught him several blocks away.

However, Jiang Lin's escape attracted the toon tree demon's pursuit.

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