Although there are still a lot of catchers in the yard, but in the eyes of the toon tree demon, taking them all down would not necessarily have the benefit of taking down Jianglin.

After Jiang Lin left the Fengzhai, he stepped on the ridges of the surrounding houses without stopping, and ran towards the mountains and forests far away from the residential area.

Even if he didn't use any ability, once his physical quality was displayed, it was much faster than any light skills that Song Yichen and the others had practiced.

"This... what's going on in this black hall? What's going on?"

When the magistrate Feng saw that the Chakuai body controlled by the toon tree demon was like a shadow, it disappeared in a flash, and he didn't know what was going on for a while.

Moreover, Song Yichen was kicked to death by Heitang, and he vomited blood again and again.

He is the boss of these catchers. Although he is just an ordinary person, he still knows how many pounds and taels of catches under his command.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Heitang to kill Song Yichen with one kick.

Song Yichen was the leader of the county's catching kui, and he still had a few brushes in his hand. Even if he couldn't react for a while, he would not lose his combat effectiveness if he was hit by another scout.

"Cough cough..."

At this time, Song Yichen struggled to get up from the ground, coughed and said, "This Heitang is definitely not right, he seems to be smitten by evil, and has been invaded by evil."

As the party involved, Song Yichen personally felt the power of Heitang's kick just now, and when he discovered the abnormality on Heitang, he guessed that there must be something strange.

"You mean he is haunted by demons? What can I do? What can I do!"

The county magistrate immediately panicked. Although Qingshui County was in the Sword Kingdom, it was always relatively calm because of its remote location. How could there be a monster now?

More importantly, with the evil spirits, the safety of his county magistrate will not be guaranteed, and now the evil Heitang is going to hunt down Jiang Lin.

In case Jianglin had something wrong, he couldn't explain it to the waiter, or he would lose his official hat.

"Father, send someone over, Jiang Zhukuai is very dangerous now."

Feng Yan was also very anxious, worried that Jiang Lin would have three strengths and two weaknesses.

"That's right, right, two of you are sent to Song Bantou for treatment, and the others lead the yamen to chase after them, and then mobilize more than [*] yamen to guard here according to my oral order."

The county magistrate immediately asked other arrests to go to the county government to adjust people, and brought some government officials to chase Jianglin.

But how could these ordinary hunters catch up with Jianglin and the tree demon.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already run away seven or eight miles, and the toon tree demon had been chasing after him.

However, the toon tree demon didn't use much of its ability at all, it was chasing closely behind, preparing to wait for Jiang Linlei's qi and blood to surge up, and then drain its essence and blood in one fell swoop.

"How did this guy stare at me?"

Jiang Lin stepped on the branches and galloped in front of him, but he still didn't understand how the tree demon behind him kept chasing him.

Up to now, he has completely sensed the strength of the tree demon's cultivation, which is far stronger than him.

But the strange thing is that this product seems to be like a cat chasing a mouse, as if it has the meaning of playing.

I'll let you stare at me. If you don't let me go, you'll have to pay the price.

If he didn't bring Liu Sheng, Jiang Lin would definitely be a little nervous when he was chased by such a powerful tree demon, but now that he has an NPC doll in his backpack, he is not worried at all.

"Liusheng, there is a lake in front of you. It's up to you. The tree demon in the back probably didn't find my roots and feet. I plan to make it suffer a big loss."

Jiang Lin transmitted the sound to Liu Sheng in the purse at his waist, and asked him to cooperate, causing the tree demon behind him to fall down.

"no problem."

Hearing Jiang Lin's voice transmission guidance, Liu Sheng responded, and then Jiang Lin dashed down from the tree, stomped on the ground with a stomping foot, and rushed forward again.

And Liu Sheng took advantage of Jiang Lin's action, turned into a streamer and flew out of the purse, and quickly ran down Jiang Lin's trousers, and hid in the pit that Jiang Lin stamped out on the ground.

Liusheng was originally the spirit of Wangchuan, and it was integrated with Wangchuan River. In terms of attributes, it was similar to the water demon and could penetrate directly into the ground.

After moving from the underground, Liu Sheng entered the lake in front of him in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise on the surface of the lake, and the water in the lake suddenly swelled, rushing towards Jianglin.

When Jiang Lin saw the rushing river, he avoided the impact of the lake with a sliding shovel, and the lake water directly rushed towards the toon tree demon chasing after him.

When the tree demon was stunned, Jiang Lin quickly drew a breath-holding talisman on his body, and at the same time, he also mobilized the spiritual power in his body.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling light erupted.

The lake water is controlled by Liusheng, forming a rainbow bridge shape, and Jianglin is in the bridge hole.

At the same moment, the front end of the lake that bombarded the toon tree demon changed its shape, just to focus the dazzling mysterious light around Jiang Lin and enhance the illumination.

In this way, Jiang Lin's profound light irradiated the toon tree demon first. Although this profound light could not cause any damage to it, it could temporarily blind it.

Moreover, when the toon tree demon is not prepared, it directly makes its eyes seem to be stabbed by ten thousand needles.


The tree demon let out a tragic scream, covering his eyes.

At this moment, hundreds of water arrows shot out from the rushing lake water, turning the Chakuai body attached to the tree demon into a hornet's nest.

The possessed Chakuai Heitang had long since lost his life breath, so Liu Sheng was not afraid at all.

However, she didn't use all her strength. Jiang Lin had previously explained that it was enough to inflict trauma on this tree monster.

After all, the Huaxian from Yinhuaxian Pavilion came down, and he had to rely on this guy.

"Look at me, I'll let you stare at me."

Jiang Lin saw that Liu Sheng had succeeded in one blow, and three flame beams shot out from his eyes and mouth.

The sun is really fire, immortal fire and red lotus karmic fire.

These three kinds of flames do the most damage to plant-based demons.

Being pierced by the three kinds of flames, the tree demon let out a shrill howl again.

Then its body broke away from Heitang's body and escaped as a black wind.

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-eight chapters

At this moment, the tree demon was extremely depressed.

Seeing that his prey was about to get his hands, he was sucked up by it, but at this time, there was an accident.

It really did not expect that there was a powerful water demon in the lake in front.

And damn, this water demon is just a water demon, and it can also use the light spell of the most radiant sun.

The most outrageous thing is that the water demon can still use a terrifying fire.

What kind of water demon are these two uncles?

Although his heart was extremely depressed, the toon tree demon kept fleeing under his feet.

If the water demon is determined, it will have to explain in Qingshui County.

The tree demon's heart can be said to be filled with question marks.

It is impossible for it to think that the attack of the most recent sun was sent by Jiang Lin, whom it had been chasing and killing.

It was because he was staring at Jiang Lin that he was able to steal chickens without losing rice, causing him to be injured more than others.

That's all, Jiang Lin didn't plan to kill it, otherwise, if Jiang Lin cooperated with Liu Sheng, and then dispatched Baoyi, there is a high probability that he would kill this thing directly.

After the toon tree demon escaped, the lake water fell and rolled back, bringing Jiang Lin into the lake, and Liu Sheng also entered the purse of Jiang Lin's storage in the lake.

Before long, Jiang Lin went ashore from the lake, took Heitang's shriveled body under his arm, and brought it back to Fengzhai.

On the way, he met the arresting fast with a group of yamen.

"Fengxian magistrate, this is Heitang's corpse. He has provoked evil and has already suffered misfortune."

Back at Feng Zhai, Jiang Lin threw Hei Tang's body in the courtyard.

"Then... what about the evil one?"

"It was hurt by me and has escaped, but I can't do anything about it by myself."

Jiang Lin didn't say anything to the magistrate Feng. Next, he just had to follow the procedure and use his identity as a catcher to work with Song Yichen and the others in Qingshui County.

If the tree demon in the back is doing something, it should disturb the Huaxian Pavilion above.

"Oh, Jiang Zhukuai, you are really capable, even evil can't hurt you."

The magistrate Feng gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up again and again. Originally, he confirmed that there was evil here in Jiang Lin, and he was very flustered.

As a result, the evil spirits that appeared were injured by Jiang Lin, so as long as there were enough people, they should not be afraid.

"The county magistrate, I think starting today, it's best to send more people to patrol the county to prevent that monster from causing disaster."

Jiang Lin gave suggestions to the county magistrate to strengthen the night patrol.

In fact, when he mentioned it like this, he also wanted to give himself a name so that he could walk around.

Now that the tree demon that Liu Sheng mentioned has appeared, and Hua Xian may also appear immediately, he needs to visit the suburbs of the county from time to time.

Now, with his participation in the affairs of Qingshui County, Liu Sheng's deduction ability is not so accurate.

He often goes to the outskirts of the county, and if Huaxianzi from Huaxian Pavilion comes down, he will meet him in time.

"makes sense."

Feng county magistrate nodded again and again, just as Jiang Lin took the initiative to ask Ying, he promoted Jiang Lin to be the deputy head of the squad, and led a group of arresters and yamen to patrol outside.

In this way, six or seven days passed, and Jiang Lin's house had been built, so he moved out of the house and settled in the suburbs of the county.

In the past few days, there have been three murder cases in the county, all of which are related to the toon tree demon.

Originally, even if the toon tree demon was not severely injured by Jianglin, it would still act as a demon in Qingshui County, harming people's lives to heal its injuries.

Now it hurts more and more. After a few days of retreat, it began to suck blood and blood, and it was unscrupulous.

Moreover, the forehead of the deceased who was murdered by the tree demon also had a flower print.

At that time, there was also a flower print on the forehead of Hu Kuai Hei Tang. At that time, Jiang Lin didn't know what was going on, but now he knows why Liu Sheng said that the murder case in Qingshui County would attract Hua Xian.

The tree demon is trying to pass the suspicion of the murderer to the Huaxianzi of Huaxiange.

Now, the demon sect of the Sword Kingdom has been eliminated, and the righteous people are in charge of the Sword Kingdom again, and they are gradually getting on the right track.

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