At that time, once it is found that the murder case may be related to Huaxian Pavilion, it will look around for the location of Huaxian Pavilion. In this case, it will inevitably pose a threat to the safety of Huaxian Pavilion.

Then, it is reasonable and reasonable for Huaxiange to send Huaxian down to find out the truth.

"Brother Jiang, the foreheads of these deceased people are all marked with flowers. I suspect that there are flower monsters. They possessed Heitang and harmed his evil spirits that day. They should be flower monsters. I once heard the old man say , there have been flower fairies and flower demons around Qingshui County, and it seems that this time it is the flower demons."

On this day, after Song Yichen inspected the body of the deceased at the scene, he characterized the monster who committed the crime as a flower monster.


Jiang Lin nodded and agreed with Song Yichen's statement.

This time he had to wait for Hua Xian to appear, so he chose to pretend to be confused.

He knew very well that these cases were not the work of a flower demon at all, but a toon tree demon.

It was just that it was absolutely impossible for him to reveal such information, so he followed Song Yichen's judgment.

Although this will have a certain impact on Huaxian Pavilion, in order to borrow the Qiankun Lock, he has no choice.

After all, if he hadn't appeared in Qingshui County, the toon tree demon would come and harm people as well. In that case, Song Yichen and the others would still characterize the murderer as a flower demon.

"Brother Jiang, go back first and see if there are fewer flowers planted."

Song Yichen asked Jiang Lin to go back to his house for an inspection. After he settled down in Jiang Lin's house, he gave Jiang Lin the flowers he had raised in Chuoranzhai according to the previous agreement, so that he could support him.

Since it is a flower demon, it is also possible that the flowers there become demons and cause trouble.

"Okay, I'll go back and have a look."

Jiang Lin nodded and left the murder scene.

After moving to the new house, in his spare time, he also arranged the flowers that Song Yichen had given him, and arranged the flowerbeds around the house to be the same as the gardens in Huixing Mountain.

In addition, he also purchased a lot of peonies and placed them in the courtyard. Looking at those peonies, he could think of his Huaxian wife.

In this Da Luo Xianjie, apart from Jiang Ting's suffering for him, it is Peony.

Coincidentally, Feng Yan also went to the outskirts of the county on the same day, and it happened that Song Yichen and Jiang Lin were not at home.

These days, Feng Yan has been annoyed by the matchmaker. The key point is that her father is also very satisfied with the man. She has said it many times, but it is useless.

So, she was going to find some flowers to put in her boudoir.

Feng Yan was allergic to pollen since she was a child. If she came into contact with pollen, she would develop a rash on her body. Therefore, she wanted to make the matchmaker stop bothering her with the excuse of being unwell.

After inquiring about it, Feng Yan heard that Song Yichen was a famous flower-loving messenger in the county, and there were many flowers in Chuoranzhai, so she brought her maid here.

It's just that she didn't know that Song Yichen had sent all the flowers she had raised because of Jiang Lin's relationship.

Chapter [*] Feng Yan's plan

When Feng Yan arrived at Chuoranzhai, she found that there were no flowers in Song Yichen's Chaoranzhai. Instead, there were a lot of flowers in the house not far from Chuoranzhai.

"Girl, there seems to be no one here, you can send these silver taels, we will pick some flowers here."

Feng Yan asked the maid to send some money to the host's family as compensation for picking flowers by herself.

She didn't know that this house belonged to Jiang Lin, she only knew that Jiang Lin had moved to the outskirts of the county, but she didn't know the exact location.

When she came to the outskirts of the county, in addition to wanting to pick some flowers, she also wanted to walk around to see if she could find Jiang Lin's residence.

Feng Yan and the others just finished picking a basket of flowers when Jiang Lin came back.


When Jiang Lin saw the large number of peony flowers in the flower basket in Feng Yan's hand, his expression changed suddenly, and he reprimanded: "Who asked you to pick my peony flowers?"

Jiang Lin's face was rather ugly. He and Feng Yan were not strangers. If Feng Yan hadn't picked so many peonies, he wouldn't be so angry.

These peonies were planted by him on purpose, and he usually watered them with the dew of some fairy flowers and fairy grass to make them bloom and talk about his thoughts about his family.

But now, these flowers have been picked.

"What, Jiang Zhukuai, this is your home? Why are you fierce? Didn't you just pick a few flowers from you?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's scolding, the maid suddenly shouted, and then she chattered: "My lady is in a bad mood today, come here to pick some flowers, why are you angry? She is the county magistrate, and we It's not that we don't know each other, and we can't even pick some flowers."

"shut up!"

Jiang Lin glanced at the maid, and the anger in her eyes made her swallow all the words on her lips.

"Is your young lady in a good mood or not, what does it have to do with me? We know each other well, and your young lady is indeed the daughter of the county magistrate, but you entered my house without my permission and touched the flowers I planted, don't you know? Don't ask if you take it yourself for robbery?"

Originally, if it wasn't for the screaming of the maid, Jiang Lin would just look a little ugly and wouldn't say anything ugly. After all, the magistrate had entertained him before.

Even if he didn't look at Feng Yan's face, he had to take into account the face of the magistrate Feng.

But what this maid of Feng Yan said made him angry. Your lady is in a bad mood and has a half-cent relationship with me?

Moved the peony flower I took care of, so I'm not allowed to say a word?

"Jiang Zhukuai, Feng Yan is here to apologize to you. First of all, we didn't know that this house belonged to you, otherwise we would have said hello in advance, and secondly, I will let the girl put it in the inner hall. Some silver taels are considered compensation for picking flowers, and I hope Jiang Zhukuai will not treat us as immoral people who can steal."

An apology appeared on Feng Yan's face, and Lianzhen bowed to Jiang Lin and apologized.

"That's it."

Seeing Feng Yan's sincere apology, Jiang Lin was a girl who knew the whole thing, so he didn't bother about it.

If Feng Yan was angry with him just now, he would have to confiscate the flower basket of the county magistrate.

Now that the matter has come to an end, Feng Yan's words are not lying.

"If Miss Feng likes these flowers, I will choose a few to send when I have time. This peony is my favorite among these flowers, and I don't like others touching it."

Jiang Lin also gave Feng Yan a step down and changed the subject.

Feng Yan nodded, smiled slightly, and then left with the maid.

"That Jiang Zhukuai is really too much, so unreasonable!"

After walking far, the maid next to Feng Yan started chattering again. In any case, her impression of Jiang Lin was incomparable to Feng Yan.

Jiang Lin just scolded her, but he didn't know how many times.

"Don't talk nonsense, this time it was originally our fault. If Jiang Zhukuai didn't get angry, it was because of his affection. Even if he was angry, he didn't show affection. This reason is not on our side. "

Feng Yan shook her head slightly and said something for Jiang Lin.

"Miss, you should protect him. People don't take you seriously, so you still protect him. That unreasonable Jiang Mutou has been living in our Feng's house for several days, and he doesn't usually behave politely. Forget it, I won't talk to you now. You're not worth it for the young lady!"

The maid really doesn't know what's wrong with Feng Yan. In the past, her young lady was very arrogant, but since she met this Jiang Zhukuai, she seemed to have been poured into ecstasy soup.

"He didn't take me seriously. That's because people have high vision. As for being rude to me, that's because he has his own arrogance. I'm just a county magistrate's lady."

Feng Yan pursed her lips and smiled, but did not take the maid's words to heart.

The maid chirped: "What good vision is there, if it wasn't for his brother-in-law being a champion, who made him dazzled, who would regard him as a character."

Feng Yan didn't argue with the girl next to her anymore, she still had to go back and put these petals in the boudoir, so as not to be bothered by the matchmaker again tomorrow.

Thinking of the matchmaker, Feng Yan felt that she had to think of a solution.

Her father asked her to marry the son of the richest man in Qingshui County.

In any case, she is absolutely unwilling to marry.

Not to mention, she already has someone in her heart now.

It seemed that I had to find a chance to explain it to him.

Feng Yan rolled her eyes slightly and thought of a way.

Before, when she was with Jiang Lin, she originally wanted to explain to Jiang Lin why she picked flowers, but Jiang Lin was angry at the time, so she didn't say anything, and planned to spend a day or two. Don't be angry anymore, and tell him the reason.

Now it seems to Feng Yan that her decision at that time was really right.

"It's said that men chase women, every other mountain, women chase men, separate layers of yarn, if you don't take the initiative, it won't work at all."

Feng Yan murmured, although she was not frustrated because Jiang Lin was angry with her, but what her maid said was reasonable.

Jiang Lin didn't take her seriously at all.

Therefore, Feng Yan felt that she might have been too reserved during this time, but in fact, her identities were not equal to Jiang Lin. If she continued to be reserved like this, she would really pass this village without this store. son.

After thinking for a while, Feng Yan looked at the flower basket that the maid was carrying, and a smile appeared on her face.

Have to make a fuss from these flowers.

She intends to start with flowers and her relationship, and first strive for the opportunity and time to get along with Jiang Lin.

After all, feelings come from everywhere.

The first thousand six hundred and ninetieth chapters please

"Hey, Miss Feng, it's you, why did you come out of the city? Did you pick flowers?"

Half an hour later, Feng Yan and the others arrived outside the county town and happened to meet Song Yichen who was searching everywhere.

Feng Yan nodded and responded, "Yes, I'm feeling a little depressed, just find some flowers."

"There are flower demons in the county now, so it's better for Miss Feng not to go out. If you like flowers, just let me know. In the past, my Chuoranzhai was full of flowers, but a while ago because of Self-consciously, there is no way to take care of it, and Jiang Chukuai is also an expert who knows how to take care of flowers and plants, so I gave him the flowers."

Song Yichen told Feng Yan about giving away the flowers from Chuoranzhai, and then Feng Yan knew why she arrived at Chuoranzhai. The house was clean, but the house next to Jianglin was full of spring.

When Song Yichen said these words, the smile on his face was quite bright.

However, if he knew that he had missed out on two great marriages by giving away the flowers from Chaoranzhai, he would not have laughed at all.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If Jiang Lin hadn't appeared in Qingshui County, Feng Yan would have never had Jiang Lin in the first catch, and after excluding Jiang Lin, Song Yichen had the best temperament and ability. However, this It is also the general of the dwarf.

And if Jiang Lin hadn't appeared, Song Yichen would not have sent out his flowers from Chuoranzhai, so this time it would be him, not Jiang Lin, who had an intersection with Feng Yan because of the flowers.

Feng Yan is one of the two marriages.

Therefore, if Song Yichen learns the cause and effect of all this, he can be aggrieved to the point of tears.

Feng Yan didn't mention much about what happened on Jiang Lin's side, she chatted with Song Yichen for a while before entering the city.

Sure enough, after returning home, she put the flowers out and let the pollen drift out, and a rash like nettles appeared on her body.

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