As Jiang Lin said, she should take her marriage into her own hands and not be controlled by others.

Even if her father scolds her for being unfilial again, it won't work.

"I wish you an early date to find Mr. Ruyi and enjoy the rest of your life."

Jiang Lin sighed softly, since ancient times, Hongyan's life has been so poor, this sentence should be on Feng Yan's body.

It's just that he didn't expect that what he persuaded Feng Yan would ultimately be on him.

And Feng Yan enjoyed the rest of her life, and also enjoyed him here.

After entering the county office, Jiang Lin directly reported leave to the county magistrate on the grounds that he was ill.

There is a rose fairy at home, and he needs to take care of him, and during this time, some catchers in Qingshui County are busy with their work, and they can't be busy. In addition, there will be actions in the capital of the Sword Kingdom, so , there is nothing wrong for him to ask for leave at this time.

After all, during this period of time, the work he has done has been the heaviest, at least in the eyes of the magistrate Feng and Song Yichen.

The county magistrate didn't say much, and approved Jiang Lin's leave.

If it was someone else, he might not be willing, but Jiang Lin has a different identity, and Jiang Lin didn't "play tricks" some time ago.

With the vacation, Jiang Lin freed up time to concentrate on taking care of the rose in the yard.

In the next few days, Jiang Lin completely turned into an idler, either setting up a table in the courtyard to practice calligraphy, or practicing Tai Chi to maintain health.

The rattan chair in his yard is next to the rose, and every hour or two, he pours some specially made nutrient water on the rose.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not be able to water it like this, but every time he watered, this rose would bloom abnormally bright red, so after two or three times, he no longer had any scruples.

In fact, this is really what Concubine Jiang took the initiative to make the flowers bloom.

Although she didn't know where the water Jiang Lin used for watering the flowers came from, the water had a great effect on the recovery of her immortal body. Therefore, as long as Jiang Lin was watering, she would let her body bloom and give Jiang Lin a lot of water. Lin hinted.

As long as you water, she blooms, and the more you water, the more beautiful she blooms.

Now, in addition to wanting Jiang Lin to water her more, Concubine Jiang also wanted Jiang Lin not to stay away from her. It was best to sit on a rattan chair and watch over her.

For nothing else, just because of the special fragrance that Jiang Lin exudes, it also helped her to recover a lot.

It's just that she didn't know that the fragrance emanating from Jiang Lin's body also had the effect of arousing estrus.

Of course, this is also only for flower demons and flower fairies of flowers, or is it only effective for those flower fairies or flower fairies who have never tasted love.

Therefore, Concubine Jiang did not realize that she had developed a vague sense of attachment to Jiang Lin, who had been guarding her for the past few days.

Seven or eight days have passed, with Jiang Lin's care, Concubine Jiang's recovery is also very obvious, Jiang Lin can feel the immortal power emanating from the flowers.

It is estimated that this flower fairy will recover completely today.

Jiang Lin looked at the roses blooming beside the rattan chair, and looked forward to it.

In any case, this rose Huaxian from Your Excellency Huaxian has all accepted his kindness. It should not be a big problem for him to let the other party lead the way.

What's more, he still has a letter written by the lady in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest in his hand.

As long as the nutrient solution is poured for another day, this flower fairy should be able to recover almost.

However, just as Jiang Lin was looking forward to it, a powerful demonic energy suddenly came from a distance.

The toon tree demon is here again.

During this time, the toon tree demon has completely recovered, so it has come to stare at Jianglin again.

Chapter [*] Unexpected (Part [*])

How can there be such a powerful demon?Same with me?

At this time, Concubine Jiang also sensed the approaching demonic energy, and this demonic energy was extremely powerful.

She suddenly became vigilant in her heart. The demon who came was of the same plant type as her, and her own injuries had not fully recovered. If the comer came at her, then she would be in danger.

Although the angel is very strong, this is good, but once it falls, it is also very dangerous.

For the evil spirits, the angels or fairies who are in distress are really just like the Tang monks, and everyone wants to take a bite.

Even cultivators rarely lose their minds when they see Fairy in distress.

"Ho ho ho..."

The toon tree demon came to Jiang Lin's house, stared at Jiang Lin with a pair of eyes, and let out an unpleasant laugh.

The last time it chased and killed Jiang Lin, he didn't lose the rice by stealing chickens. Instead, he let himself down and met a water demon.

This time, it just wanted to see how Jiang Lin was going to escape, and whether he still had such good luck.

This stupid tree demon is really healed, and the scars are forgotten.

Jiang Lin's face was a little sullen. Fairy Rose he was taking care of could recover today, but at this moment, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway.

Second uncle, you have to escape first.

Jiang Lin was very tired, and now he didn't want to show his means in front of Fairy Rose, so he had to choose the battlefield elsewhere.

Moreover, he did need to leave the premises temporarily.

There is a rose fairy here who is in distress. At present, there is not much self-protection power. If he is discovered by the toon tree demon, he will have another task of protecting flowers.

As soon as he took off his gown, Jiang Lin covered the rose beside the rattan chair with his clothes, and then he tapped the ground and walked over the wall.

"Run, run, run!"

The toon tree demon quietly watched Jiang Lin run away, and then started chasing Jiang Lin again.

It doesn't believe that Jianglin can go to the lake in the county under its nose this time.

Jiang Lin really didn't plan to run that far this time. Now Fairy Rose has appeared, and is under his care in his yard. That is to say, the task of the tree demon has been completed, and the flowers have been attracted. The flower fairy of Xiange.

Next, this tool demon has no effect.

Therefore, Jiang Lin is going to use all his means this time to take this tree demon.

Ever since he came to the Daluo Immortal Realm, he has never been able to harvest the hostile energy transferred by this level of monsters.

The cultivation level of this toon tree demon is higher than Liu Sheng, Liu Sheng is at the peak level of the demon saint, and the next step is to let the demon spirit in the body make three points to form the first Xuanyuan three energy, and finally reconcile with these three energy. To become a mixed yuan.

At this level, the monsters are no longer ordinary demon saints, but Hunyuan demon saints or Hunyuan great saints.

All this information was only learned by Jiang Lin when he arrived at the Da Luo Immortal Realm.

He speculated that the Great Sage of Pingtian and the Great Sage of Covering the Sea recorded in some unofficial histories or biographies in Middle-earth should be at this level.

And this toon tree demon is at this level. In terms of level, it corresponds to the corpse ancestors of Yuanshen and the ghost fairy who disintegrated soldiers into ghosts.

However, this is only the level of correspondence, in terms of real strength, there is still a gap between them.

In other words, this toon tree demon is at the level of an immortal.

If it can be done, it is estimated that the amount of anger that will be harvested can be around [*].

Seventy thousand!

Jiang Lin feels excited when he thinks about it. Now that he has the NPC Liu Sheng, and Bao Yi can maximize the power of the fairy weapon, if he can help him, he should be able to make this tree demon quite well. .

His cultivation level is indeed not enough, but the torrent tree demon is a botanical demon, and he happens to have sun fire and immortal fire on his body. The restraint on this attribute is enough to reduce the distance.

While running, Jiang Lin gave Liu Sheng and Bao Yi a voice transmission to get them ready.

The tree monster didn't know that Jiang Lin had planned to do it, and was still chasing after him, but this time, it was a lot more cautious. As long as Jiang Lin had the intention of escaping towards the county town, it would immediately start.

When the tree demon and Jiang Lin were chasing and fleeing, the concubine Jiang in the yard was worried about Jiang Lin.

Although the tree demon's target was not her but Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin's escape had indeed solved her crisis.

Jiang Lin helped her again.

Concubine Jiang controlled her flower branches, put Jiang Lin's gown aside, extended the branches, and rolled up the watering bottle next to her to irrigate herself.

After absorbing a bottle of nutrient solution, Concubine Jiang quickly refined and absorbed it, and after a while, she was transformed into a human form again.

Then she didn't delay, and rushed in the direction that Jiang Lin and the others were chasing.

At this time, Jiang Lin and the toon tree demon had already arrived at a cliff in the suburbs of the county. This time, the toon tree demon still didn't have a long memory and was still playing with Jiang Lin.

But this time, it completely took the initiative to play the trick in its own hands, preventing Jiang Lin from running away.

Jiang Lin's body was entangled by the vines of the toon tree demon and was beaten everywhere.

Even if he was very embarrassed, Jiang Lin didn't care. Now the tree demon had no defense against him, and it was the best chance for him to hit it.

However, at this moment, the pupils in Jiang Lin's eyes suddenly expanded, and his face changed drastically.

At this moment, he felt Wangtian's breath!

Moreover, the breath of Wangtianjian is about ten miles away.

"Jiang Lin, something has changed!"

"What a powerful corpse evil energy, even more terrifying than Wangdi!"

At the same time that Jiang Lin sensed the crisis, Bao Yi and Liu Sheng also sent voice transmissions to him.

They also sensed Wang Tianqi appearing around them.

"Liu Sheng, Bao Yi, don't do anything, I'll find a way to escape myself."

Jiang Lin quickly sent a voice transmission to the two of them. Now, once Liu Sheng and Bao Yi exposed their auras, they would probably be noticed by Wang Tianxuan, and then it would be really dangerous.

Not to mention Baoyi and the others, even himself, he couldn't use any abilities, Wang Dixuan's nose was so terrifying, let alone Wangtianxuan.

If Wang Tianjian noticed something and rushed over, even if he had Liu Sheng, it would not be enough to watch.

Compared with this shopper, the gap in strength is not one or two.

How can Wangtianjian appear?

Damn bad luck, bad luck!

Jiang Lin just wanted to swear wildly, but he dared to beat Wang Dixian, but Wang Tianxuan came to the Sword Kingdom.


Fuck your mother's shameless Minato!

Jiang Lin greeted all the eighteen generations of Wangtianjian's ancestors in his heart.

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