But no matter how depressed he was, he had to find a way to get through the current crisis.

Liu Sheng and Bao Yi couldn't make a move, and he couldn't use any abilities himself, and the situation in front of him really took a turn for the worse.

Chapter [*] Unexpected (Part [*])

What a freak!

Jiang Lin didn't know whether to rejoice or complain.

Of course, the one who wanted to complain was that Wangtianjian suddenly appeared nearby, but fortunately, he had been letting the tree demon take it lightly, so he didn't do it.

As long as he does it, Wang Tianjian is probably by his side now.


Jiang Lin suppressed all his emotions, exhausted all his strength, waved the machete in his hand, and cut off the vines on his body.

However, now he was completely at a loss, and he had no choice but to do nothing about the current situation. After the tree vine of the tree demon was cut off, it turned the cane into a takraw ball and slammed it into Jiang Lin's chest.


Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and then took advantage of the moment when he flew back, slashed the takraw ball with a slash, and used the reaction force to accelerate and fly backward.

Behind him was a cliff, and he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to fall directly off the cliff.

Even if he fell from the cliff, Jiang Lin didn't worry, unless his position was too far from the cliff, otherwise, even if he didn't use any abilities, he would be fine.

As long as he gets close to the cliff, he can use his powerful body to slow down with the help of the cliff.

The tree demon didn't expect Jiang Lin to go to the doctor in a hurry. In order to escape from the distance, he didn't notice that there was a cliff behind him.

After Jiang Lin fell from the edge of the cliff, he tilted the machete in his hand to increase the speed of his fall.

"Busy work for nothing!"

The toon tree demon came to the edge of the cliff, looked at Jiang Lin who was falling at an accelerated rate, and screamed in exasperation. It really didn't expect that Jiang Lin would actually choose to fall off the cliff and not be planted in its hands.

This kid did it on purpose just now.

Now, Jiang Lin has been taking advantage of the cliffs one after another, and the speed of the fall is extremely fast. Even if it wants to chase, it has to spend a lot of effort, and maybe Jiang Lin has already fallen to the bottom of the cliff before he can catch up. Into a puddle of meat.

In that case, it would have to work in vain again.

Just when the toon tree demon was about to give up, some petals flew over from behind it. After these light red petals missed it, they dived straight down the cliff.

"Second uncle, this predicament is over."

Under the cliff, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief as he fell. The turn of events this time took him by surprise, causing him not only to be unable to harvest the toon tree demon, but also to be completely dormant.

In this case, he can get out of danger, which is a very good result.

However, before Jiang Lin's breath was over, a circle of petals surrounded him, and after that, these petals turned into a girl in a white dress.

The previous petals were made by Concubine Jiang.

"Young Master Jiang, are you alright?"

Concubine Jiang held Jiang Lin's waist in one hand, which made Jiang Lin's fall speed decrease rapidly. Then, with a wave of her arm, she took Jiang Lin up to the sky.

What's the situation?

I just escaped, what are you doing?

Jiang Lin was stunned now. He finally let himself fall off the cliff and made the tree demon give up on him, but now this girl actually brought him up again.


The expression on Jiang Lin's face was quite wonderful. He recognized the girl who came to rescue, the rose fairy in his yard.

During this time, when he asked himself, he felt that he took very good care of this flower fairy.

But at this moment, this flower fairy actually came to pit him.

Jiang Lin must hide himself now, and Concubine Jiang's strength is not that strong, at least among the gods, it belongs to the bottom of the existence, such a cultivation base is unable to deal with the tree demon, not to mention that the girl's injuries are not yet. fully healed.

At this time, it is not wise to face the toon tree demon at all.

What are the scripts of his second uncle? !

Jiang Lin was really convinced. He doubted that he was really provoking some kind of immortal today.

Originally, he waited for Fairy Rose to recover, so he could start the first step of borrowing the Qiankun Lock, but as a result, the toon tree demon was killed.

It doesn't matter if the toon tree demon appears, he can also harvest a large wave of hostility, but, Wangtianjian appeared around.

I finally got rid of the toon tree demon and escaped with the help of the cliff, but at this moment, the rose fairy appeared.

And bring him back.

What the hell is this!

Jiang Lin was really speechless at what time, and he was forced to bring him back to the pit as soon as he got out of the pit.

Didn't expect me to come to rescue you?

At this time, Concubine Jiang gave Jiang Lin a slight smile. She thought that the expression on Jiang Lin's face was unexpected and shocked.

However, because she was too close to Jiang Lin, a slight blush appeared on her face.

"Flower fairy?"

Not long after, the tree demon saw that Jiang Lin was rescued, and the original disappointment suddenly improved a lot, but when it saw Concubine Jiang, it had an extremely resentful expression on its face.


After Concubine Jiang and Jiang Lin landed, the tree demon escaped into the ground and emerged from under their feet. Concubine Jiang quickly pushed Jiang Lin out.

Dozens of vines attacked Jiang Lin and Concubine Jiang from two directions, like snakes.

Because Jiang Lin couldn't use Taoism and supernatural powers, and he didn't have a spirit sword in his hand, he was in danger for a while.

After resisting the attack of the toon tree demon, Concubine Jiang turned into a rain of flowers, and at the same time teleported to Jiang Lin to solve his predicament.

At the same time, she turned a long sword into her hand and fought against the tree demon.

Jiang Lin stepped aside and carefully observed the battle situation.

Now that things have twists and turns again and again, and Fairy Rose is already here, he can't escape by himself, he can only use his eyesight to see if he can try to help Fairy Rose when he is in danger.

Although Concubine Jiang was able to teleport, the tree demon scattered a large number of dandelion-like tree species scattered in the air to help him perceive.

Concubine Jiang almost got hit several times, but it was Jiang Lin who threw a machete at a critical moment, buying her time.

But even so, Concubine Jiang was hit by two bombardments.

Chapter [*] Unexpected (Part [*])

Seeing that she was really no match for the toon tree demon, Concubine Jiang used most of the immortal power in her body, and countless petals flew out, besieging the toon tree demon.

Pieces of petals are like butterfly darts, attacking the whole body of the tree demon.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Concubine Jiang flew to Jiang Lin's side, grabbed his hand, and led him up to the sky.

In mid-air, Concubine Jiang used the escape technique one after another, and flew away with the triple heaven where Jianglin Chaohuaxian Pavilion was located.

On the edge of the cliff, the demonic power within the toon tree demon surged, finally blowing away the petals around it, but Jiang Lin and Concubine Jiang had long since disappeared from its sight.


"Young Master Jiang, don't worry, I will take you to a safe place. I am doing my best to use the escape technique. When the time comes, I will explain it to you."

Concubine Jiang interrupted Jiang Lin's questioning, and accelerated again, and it didn't take long for her to pass through the clouds and reach the third heaven.

After flying to a place, Concubine Jiang hovered high in the air, and then she meditated a magic formula in her mouth, and pointed her forehead with a green onion.

There was a space fluctuation in the void in front of it, and then, a door of light appeared there.

Concubine Jiang leaned into the door of light, and Jiang Lin was also led in by her.

Here... is it really Huaxian Pavilion?

After entering the gate of light, all kinds of fragrant floral scents rushed to Jiang Lin's face, allowing him to immediately infer where this space was.

It was the Huaxian Pavilion he was looking for!

Unexpected, really unexpected.

Jiang Lin was overwhelmed with surprise. The depressed mood in his heart was swept away by the fragrance of flowers at this moment.

It is really a blessing in disguise.

A smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face. Even though he had encountered so many twists and turns before, and things had changed many times, he had faced danger several times, but in the end, the result was still very good.

He was actually led to the Huaxian Pavilion by the rose flower fairy.

Compared to harvesting arrogance, Jiang Lin still values ​​whether he can enter here.

Originally, he planned to think of some ways to build a relationship with Fairy Rose after he recovered, and then asked her to help and let her take him to Huaxian Pavilion.

But now, all these things have been avoided, and he has been brought in without saying anything or doing anything else.

Really beautiful!


Concubine Jiang let go of Jiang Lin's hand and said to him, "Young Master Jiang, don't worry, now you are completely safe. This is the Huaxian Pavilion in the third heaven, and it is no longer a mortal world. Don't worry, that chaser The tree demon that kills you will never find a way to enter Huaxian Pavilion."

Jiang Lin bowed his hands to Concubine Jiang and said, "Thank you girl, I haven't asked her about your name yet."

"My name is Concubine Jiang, and I'm the little flower fairy in the Huaxian Pavilion. Although the son doesn't know me, I am familiar with you. You are the catcher of Qingshui County. You should know that there have been several cases in the county recently. The murder case is very likely related to the flower demon and the fallen flower fairy, so the flower god here, that is, my aunt, sent me down to find out the whole story."

After a short pause, Concubine Jiang continued: "However, I didn't expect that I had just left Huaxian Pavilion, and I encountered a rare thunderstorm in the process of descending to the world. I was bombarded by thunder and I fell. It just so happened that I fell into Jiang Gongzi. In your yard, the rose flower, that is, the one beside the rattan chair in your yard, is actually me. These days, Young Master's actions to protect the flowers have greatly touched Concubine Jiang, and Young Master Cheng, you Concubine Jiang can recover so quickly. Therefore, when you are in danger, I will rush over."

Concubine Jiang had a smile on her lips. Looking at Jiang Lin, she felt strange in her heart. In fact, she had not known Jiang Lin for a long time, but she had an inexplicable sense of trust in Jiang Lin.

Originally, this Huaxian Pavilion would never allow outsiders to appear, but she didn't know what happened to her. For Jiang Lin's safety, in order to let Jiang Lin get rid of the danger of the tree monster's murder, she brought Jiang Lin like this. came in.

"It turned out to be Fairy Jiangfei."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, he didn't know the name of this beautiful rose fairy until now.

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