Concubine Jiang looked at Jiang Lin and felt a little strange in her heart. Jiang Lin didn't seem to feel anything strange when she heard what she said.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people will definitely feel a little weird when they hear such a thing.

Jiang Lin's face showed contemplation, and after a while, he bowed deeply to Concubine Jiang.

"Young Master Jiang, what are you doing? Concubine Jiang has to take care of you so that she can avoid any trouble. This time, saving you is also a repayment of gratitude, so why is there such a big gift."

"Fairy Concubine Jiang, in fact, Jiang knew from the beginning that the rose was you."

After weighing it up, Jiang Lin chose to showdown with Concubine Jiang. If he hadn't arrived at Huaxian Pavilion, he might have kept some of his identities concealed, but now, since he's here, he needs to show up. some sincerity.

At the very least, let the host here know that he did not intend to deceive.

Moreover, next, he will ask the flower god of Huaxian Pavilion to explain the whole story. If there is a showdown at that time, he may offend the rose fairy.

Maybe the flower god here will be disgusted with him on the grounds that he deliberately deceived him, thus hindering the borrowing of the Qiankun lock.

"What? know that I am that rose?"

Concubine Jiang's expression was very surprised. Jiang Lin actually said that he knew that the rose is her body. Isn't this a joke?

How could an ordinary person see any abnormality in her body?

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "That's true. Fairy, don't you think you're recovering quickly? And the place where the rose was transplanted is also a place where spiritual power is very abundant."


Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Concubine Jiang couldn't help but believe it, because what Jiang Lin said was absolutely correct.

"You... who are you?"

After that, Concubine Jiang's expression changed, and she looked at Jiang Lin vigilantly.

"Fairy don't need to be surprised, let's hear Jiang finished his words, if I have any ill will towards the fairy and this Huaxian Pavilion, then I am willing to die without a place to be buried."

Jiang Lin looked sincere, and then continued: "Actually, my original name is Jiang Lin, and my identity is a monk. I settled in the suburbs of Qingshui County to wait for the fairy to come down. I want to enter Huaxian Pavilion and borrow expensive The Qiankun Lock at the place. Besides, I have also been to Wanhualin, where the owner is a sister to your aunt."

With that said, Jiang Lin handed out the letter written by the lady.

After Concubine Jiang read the letter, Jiang Lin said again: "Jiang Lin is worried that Huaxian Pavilion will exclude foreigners. If the request is rejected, there is no way to do it, so I thought of this method, and I have an intersection with you, Fairy, It really wasn't intentional to deceive."

Laughing at himself, Jiang Lin bowed his hands to Concubine Jiang again and said, "This time, Quan Dang Jianglin apologizes to you, Fairy, because if it weren't for this accident, Fairy took me into this Huaxian Pavilion, I'm afraid Jiang Lin's deception would still be wrong. If it lasts for a while, I will play some tricks on the fairy. Of course, it is the kind of pure and innocent trick."

"You're a very honest person."

Concubine Jiang looked up and down at Jiang Lin, her small mouth squinted slightly. Although Jiang Lin actually deceived her, as Jiang Lin said, the other party was worried that their Huaxian Pavilion's Huaxian was too exclusive, so she was helpless. Of.

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-six chapters of the flower god (on)

"Now that Jiang Lin has arrived at the Huaxian Pavilion in your place, it's better to meet each other frankly."

Jiang Lin felt slightly relieved when he saw that Concubine Jiang's attitude towards him had not changed in a bad direction.

So, when he met the tree demon, before he left, he took off his long gown to protect me?

Concubine Jiang recalled some of the things that happened after she met Jiang Lin. Although Jiang Lin said now that she was rescued for a reason, even so, she still had a lot of gratitude in her heart.

In any case, she had been in a state of extreme weakness for a considerable period of time a few days ago. At that time, Jiang Lin could use all means to achieve her goals.

Soft, hard, legitimate, mean, all.

Even threatening her life is within the scope of choice.

However, Jiang Lin chose the best way for her.

what!Since he knows that the rose is my body, he still... touches my body?

At this time, Concubine Jiang didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly remembered the matter that Jiang Lin transplanted her body that day, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

If Jiang Lin didn't know anything, the matter would have passed like that, but now Jiang Lin said he knew everything early in the morning.

This made her feel extremely ashamed.

"Fairy Concubine Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Lin saw Concubine Jiang's blushing face, and thought that the flower fairy had suffered an injury when she was fighting against the tree demon.

"No...Nothing. Since you said you already knew my identity and waited for me on purpose, are you pretending to love flowers and protect flowers on purpose?"

Concubine Jiang asked Jiang Lin such a question. She had a very good impression of Jiang Lin before. Apart from Jiang Lin protecting her from taking care of her in every possible way, it was because Jiang Lin was also a person who loved flowers very much.

At this time, in her heart, she hoped that Jiang Lin was really someone who had a relationship with flowers, so it was not in vain that she still had a good impression of Jiang Lin in her heart.

"That's not true. I have always had flowers at home. Now, I really like flowers very much."

Jiang Lin shook his head. In the past, he really didn't have much interest in exotic flowers, but since marrying a Hua Xianzi wife, he has become a lover of the house.

Naturally, he also has a love for flowers.

"Fairy Concubine Jiang, what Jiang Lin should confess, he has basically confessed to the fairy. Now, can you trouble the fairy to take me to see the flower god in your land, that is, your aunt, fairy?"

Jiang Lin did not continue to waste time on other topics, and asked Concubine Jiang as his referrer to take him to the flower god of Huaxian Pavilion and borrow the Qiankun lock here.


After being asked by Jiang Lin, Concubine Jiang suddenly realized that there was still a problem. She quickly said: "I didn't respond for a while, you want to see our aunt, that's not okay."


Jiang Lin frowned, he was already frank enough, and he also handed in Wan Hualin's handwritten letter, so that Concubine Jiang could read it, why didn't it work?

"I almost forgot about this before. You can't see my aunt. My aunt hates men and all men. Men are not allowed in Huaxian Pavilion. I brought you to this Huaxian Pavilion, which is a violation of Huaxian Pavilion. If you hide here, it's fine, but if you want to see our aunt, it's absolutely impossible."

Concubine Jiang waved her hands again and again, because what Jiang Lin said just now was a little weird, and she forgot about it for a while.

Jiang Lin is in Huaxian Pavilion, as long as he is not found, there is no big problem, but once he is seen, the problem will be big.

Not to mention that Jiang Lin had to meet their aunt.

"Isn't it?"

The expression on Jiang Lin's face became a little ugly, he said: "I came from Wanhualin, with a letter of recommendation from the owner of Wanhualin, even if I am a messenger, I can accept your hospitality, right? "

Seriously, Jiang Lin really didn't expect Concubine Jiang to say that he couldn't go to see the flower god here, and it was the kind that was absolutely impossible.

If he can't see the flower god, where does he go to borrow the Qiankun lock?

"I'm really sorry, Young Master Jiang, I'm sorry to tell you, it really doesn't work. It's not that Concubine Jiang is unwilling to help, but I can predict the outcome of the matter. It's good that you came to deliver the letter, but even so, we little flowers Xianye can only accept the letter and hand it over to our aunt, so that you will not see her. Besides, it is estimated that it is impossible for you to enter the Huaxian Pavilion."

Concubine Jiang looked at Jiang Lin apologetically. It wasn't that she was unwilling to help. It was indeed that if Jiang Lin was discovered by their aunt, he would already be Amitabha if he didn't get angry.

"I naturally understand what the fairy said, but I still implore the fairy to do me a favor and let me see your aunt. All the consequences will be borne by me."

Jiang Lin took a deep breath, but insisted on letting Concubine Jiang take him to meet the flower god here.

All the things he has done these days are to come to this Huaxian Pavilion and borrow the Qiankun lock. Now, he has already been for Shan Jiuren. In any case, he has to try it.


Seeing Jiang Lin's insistence, Concubine Jiang nodded, even if she took Jiang Lin over, she would be punished as well.

Who let her really accept Jiang Lin's kindness, or the kindness of rescue.

"I'll take you there. If you use your own spiritual power, if your aunt finds out and makes her unhappy beforehand, it will be more difficult to handle."

Concubine Jiang reached out and grabbed Jiang Lin's wrist, and took him to fly low in the Huaxian Pavilion to the place where the Flower God was.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to see a beautiful woman drinking tea in a pavilion from a distance, and sensing the intensity of her aura, he knew that this beautiful woman should be the person in charge of Huaxian Pavilion.

Therefore, he was also a little uneasy in his heart.

Whether or not things will work out depends on how things develop next.

"Huh? Jiang'er, are you back so soon?"

The beautiful woman sensed the movement in midair and looked at the flying concubine Jiang.

She thought that Concubine Jiang had already figured out what happened to the flower demons in Qingshui County. However, when she saw that there was a Jiang Lin behind Concubine Jiang, her face really changed like a Sichuan opera— change in seconds.

"Jian'er, you are so brave, you actually brought a mortal into our Huaxian Pavilion, and it's still a man!"

The beautiful woman stood up with a sullen look on her face and looked at Concubine Jiang and Jiang Lin coldly.

I'm so...

At this moment, Jiang Lin's heart was utterly relieved.

Say you MMP!

As expected of two sisters, not a family, do not enter the house!

Jiang Lin was so convinced that the owner of Wanhualin and the flower god of Huaxian Pavilion were sisters. Men were not welcome in Wanhualin, and the ladies there could not wait to eat meat and sleep on men. When he arrived at Huaxian Pavilion, he was still a bird like his seventh uncle and grandfather!

The beautiful woman in Huaxian Pavilion looked at him, as if she was going to devour him alive.

Nima, how did this man provoke you?

Jiang Lin just wanted to write a big letter of conviction. The reason why the lady in Wanhualin hates men is because she was let down by the immovable monk.

But what happened to this Huaxian Pavilion?

Could it be that this beautiful woman was being played with emotions by some ox-nosed Taoist or some missionary priest or some kind of shaman? ? ?

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-seven chapters of the flower god who does not enter the oil and salt (below)

"Auntie, Jiang'er knew something was wrong, please don't be angry, Young Master Jiang rescued me when Jiang'er was in danger, and now that he is in danger in the mortal world, Jiang'er took the liberty of taking him into Huaxian Pavilion. take refuge."

Concubine Jiang hurriedly admitted her mistake and explained to the beautiful woman, and then she added: "Also, Young Master Jiang also has other reasons for entering Huaxian Pavilion."

"You are so confused! Don't you know how secret the location of Huaxian Pavilion is to us, you actually brought in a strange outsider casually, in case Huaxian Pavilion is found by the outside world, and it is shattered by Shawai's. Heavenly Court knows that we are going to be doomed!"

The beautiful woman did not lose her anger because of Concubine Jiang's confession. Instead, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and her anger gradually increased.


Seeing this, Jiang Lin felt a bad premonition in his heart. This beautiful woman seemed to have no interest in hearing Concubine Jiang say why he came to Huaxian Pavilion.

In the current situation, it is estimated that the possibility of him being able to borrow the Qiankun lock is very small.

"Aunt, it's all Jiang'er's fault. It's all Jiang'er's fault. Please don't blame him. He brought a letter from Wanhualin. For us, he is not a pure stranger."

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