And, interestingly, the toon tree demon not only killed those monks, but also took their official seal diploma and prepared to pretend to be an investigator.

In this way, it will have a legitimate reason to search for the location of Huaxian Pavilion and carry out follow-up revenge work.

If Jiang Lin wanted to report the tree demon to it, it would be really fun.

Chapter [*]: Thief shouts to catch thief (middle)

"Brother Jiang!"

At this moment, Song Yichen ran over from a distance and greeted Jiang Lin from a distance.

As he got closer, Song Yichen discovered Concubine Jiang beside Jiang Lin. For a while, his eyes couldn't even look away.

He had never seen such a beautiful girl before.

However, Song Yichen was not too rude, he quickly closed his eyes, and said to Jiang Lin, "Brother Jiang, I have found you."

"Song Bantou? Is there something wrong?"

"That's right. There have been several murders in the north of the county today. Maybe the flower demon will still make trouble. There are not enough people to catch Kuai. You need to go too."

Song Yichen told Jiang Lin about the situation in the northern area of ​​Qingshui County. Even if Jiang Lin didn't go to work today, he could only let Jiang Lin go.

In fact, this happened because the tree demon wiped out the monks who came to investigate the case, causing it to suffer some damage, so it had to double the blood to replenish it.

Although there was only a murder case in Qingshui County, the murder case may be related to the legendary Huaxian in Qingshui County, so the county magistrate also reported this information.

Therefore, none of the monks who came from the capital of the Sword Kingdom were weak, and the number of them was not too small.

Moreover, they still have some powerful attacking spirits in their hands, and they work together to form a large-scale sword array.

"Understood, since there is a shortage of manpower, then I can't be idle."

Jiang Lin nodded, ready to go to the north of the county with Song Yichen to see.

Originally, if Concubine Jiang hadn't reappeared, he would have to minimize the chance to meet the tree demon. Such a thing would be dodged if he could.

But now with Concubine Jiang, at least he won't be a problem to protect himself.

"In addition, I also bring you good news. The monster hunters sent from the capital have arrived ahead of schedule, and the following Jianxiu will arrive in the next two days. The murder case in Qingshui County can finally be solved."

Having said this, Song Yichen also had a relaxed expression on his face. After waiting for so long, an expert in this field finally came.

"Furthermore, the demon hunter has confirmed that it is the flower demon who is causing the trouble, and it is very likely related to the legendary flower fairy in Qingshui County. According to her, the area of ​​our Qingshui County seems to have a hidden flower fairy living together. Space. Tonight, we all need to listen to her arrangements and try to find the foothold of the flower demon."

Later, Song Yichen told Jiang Lin about the demon hunter who came to Qingshui County, a female cultivator named Lei Ning'er.

However, he never imagined that this demon hunter, Lei Ning'er, was disguised by the toon tree demon.

The tree demon, a monster, turned into a monster hunter, and said that he wanted to help Qingshui County catch the monster who had been committing crimes.

A typical thief shouts to catch a thief.


Jiang Lin was a little stunned. The demon hunter came to confirm that the murder was related to Hua Xian?

How is this going?

Concubine Jiang also frowned slightly. These murders were all committed by the toon tree demon, and they wanted to put the blame on them in Huaxian Pavilion.

Since the demon hunters have come, they are also professionals, so why can't they even tell the type of demonic energy on the deceased?

Jiang Lin and the others also didn't expect that the tree demon had already played the thief's call to catch the thief, and also used the identity he had acquired to directly throw the blame of the murder case on Huaxiange.

Jiang Lin pondered for a while, then looked at Concubine Jiang and said, "Jian'er, come with me too."

Now that the capable person dispatched from the capital has arrived, and he has been convicted wrongly, he is going to find an opportunity to report the matter of the tree demon.

With Concubine Jiang accompanying him to testify, it can also prove from the side that the murder has nothing to do with Huaxian Pavilion.

"I was going to have a look too."

Concubine Jiang nodded slightly, and the people from the Sword Kingdom placed the suspicion on their Huaxian Pavilion. As a member of Huaxian Pavilion, she certainly needed to visit and clarify the matter.

Moreover, she felt that she also needed to witness it with her own eyes. It wasn't that she didn't trust Jiang Lin. She didn't doubt what Jiang Lin said.

It's just that if he didn't go to the scene to investigate in person, and then returned to Huaxian Pavilion and reported the situation to the beautiful woman, saying to her that this was what Jiang Lin said, the beautiful woman would not believe it at all.

"Brother Jiang, who is this girl? We are going to handle the case, and the other party is a kind of evil spirit. If we encounter him head-on, we may not be able to spare someone to protect her."

Song Yichen was a little embarrassed. He didn't know why Jiang Lin took the girl beside him.

Concubine Jiang is very beautiful, and the past can really make him feast for the eyes, but his attitude towards work is still quite strict, so he persuaded Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin explained: "She is Concubine Jiang, my fiancée, so I don't need to protect her. Although she looks like a weak girl, she is very capable."

"Oh! It turned out to be the future younger brother and sister. She is really beautiful and beautiful, and she looks like a fairy."

Song Yichen was very surprised that the beautiful girl in front of her was actually Jiang Lin's fiancee.

I really envy him.

In fact, Song Yichen didn't need to be envious at first. If there were still many flowers in his yard, when Concubine Jiang landed, she would fall to him, and she would meet with him, which would lead to fate.

But this result changed because he gave all the flowers in the yard to Jiang Lin.

"Song Bantou, you go first, I have to do something first, and then follow me."

Jiang Lin asked Song Yichen to go back first, and he needed to do something.

Song Yichen said goodbye, and hurried back to the northern area of ​​the county first.

"Jian'er, now I can't show my abilities because of some things. Although you are a flower fairy, you may not be the opponent of the toon tree demon, and it is still unknown how the demon hunter will treat you. So, I I want to pass on some means to you, so that you have the ability to protect yourself."

Jiang Lin looked at Concubine Jiang, then leaned over and kissed her cherry lips, and the source of immortal fire in his body was also passed over by him.

It is not convenient for him to show his strength, but he can hand over the immortal fire in his body to Concubine Jiang.

With Concubine Jiang's immortal power as a cover, the aura of immortal fire could not be perceived by Wang Tianyu.

With this method, he and Concubine Jiang can no longer be afraid even if they encounter the toon tree demon again.


Concubine Jiang lightly covered her sandalwood mouth and took a few steps back, her handsome face seemed to have been painted with red paint.

"This is the source of an immortal fire in my body. You can mobilize it with the immortal power in your body. If you encounter a toon tree demon, relying on this immortal fire, it will also care about you three points."

Looking at Concubine Jiang's red cheeks, Jiang Lin couldn't help but take a sip.

"You are taking advantage of me."

Concubine Jiang pursed her lips slightly and angered Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin laughed, he had to promise him this, and he didn't say anything about taking advantage of it or not.

After Concubine Jiang got used to the immortal fire in her body, Jiang Lin took her by the hand and went to the north of the county.

Chapter [*]: The Thief Calls To Catch The Thief (Part [*])

By the time Jiang Lin and the others arrived in the north of the county, the sky was already dark.

Jiang Lin glanced at him and saw no unfamiliar faces at all, so he asked, "Song Bantou, where's the female demon hunter?"

"She has tracked down the whereabouts of the flower demon. I'll assign the task first."

After Song Yichen explained to Jiang Lin, he distributed some jet guns with special furnaces.

Now this area in the north of the county has suffered a series of fatalities, and they must patrol to protect the safety of the residents in the county.

These fire guns were distributed by the prefectures and counties to which Qingshui County belonged during the time when Jianglin disappeared.

There is a special biogas in the furnace of this jet gun, and when it burns, the flame temperature is extremely high.

This is also what Song Yichen and the others rely on to protect themselves and patrol.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's ears moved, and he heard a girl's scream from a distance.

At the same time, he also sensed the breath of the tree demon.

The tree demon didn't know Jiang Lin's true identity, let alone Jiang Lin's side.

Therefore, when committing crimes, it has no scruples, and it does not restrain its own demonic energy.

"I heard the screams of a woman over there, hurry over there, maybe you can use these flamethrowers to save people."

Jiang Lin immediately told Song Yichen what he heard. Now, the incoming demon hunter has already pinned the suspicion on Huaxian Pavilion. To change this result, the most direct way is to let Song Yichen and the others see the crime with their own eyes. It's the toon tree demon.

In that case, the so-called suspicion will not be self-defeating.

Although Huaxian Pavilion may have conflicts with Sword Kingdom after taking the blame, it can also cause chaos in Huaxian Pavilion, but this situation is somewhat out of control compared to the current situation.

Moreover, Concubine Jiang was by his side now, and it was impossible for him to let Huaxiange take the blame.

Therefore, after having a measure in his heart, Jiang Lin no longer intends to use the power of the Sword Kingdom.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin thought it was very interesting. A month ago, in order to lead Huaxian down, he deliberately pretended to be confused and let Huaxiange take the blame.

And now, he wants to clear the suspicion of Huaxian Pavilion for his own plan.

After the whole thing, the second uncle, lent me the Qiankun lock early in the morning, and nothing happened.

"Okay, everyone, act now."

Song Yichen immediately ordered everyone to follow Jiang Lin and Concubine Jiang to the source of the sound.

Jiang Lin has excellent hearing, which Song Yichen has seen before. When he was in Hengduan Mountain, Jiang Lin was the first to discover that there was an ambush at the top of the slope.

Therefore, when Jiang Lin said that the evil spirits were harming people again, he had no doubts.

It didn't take long for a group of people to be in the alley on the corner of the street and found the toon tree demon was pinching a girl's neck and sucking the girl's blood.

Moreover, there is also a flower print on the girl's forehead, which is no different from that on the forehead of the beautiful woman in Huaxian Pavilion.

"It's not a flower demon, it turns out to be a tree demon!"

When Song Yichen and the others saw the toon tree demon, they realized that they had always suspected wrong.

The witch hunter also confirmed that he was wrong.

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