How is this going?

At this moment, the tree demon's mood is really the same as eating Xiang.

It has spent so much effort, wiping out all the people, and committing crimes, just to make Huaxian Pavilion take the blame. After that, it uses its pretended identity to search for Huaxian Pavilion openly and honestly. With the power of Sword Kingdom, help it find it together.

But now, when it committed a crime, it was caught.

"You all have to die!"

After being stunned for a while, the toon tree demon let out a strange cry. Now, it can only kill all the witnesses present so that its own plan of blaming it will not be interrupted.

Filled with demonic energy, the toon tree demon rushed towards Jiang Lin.

Now it's hurting a little bit of vitality, just to use Jiang Lin to make up for it.

Seeing this, Song Yichen and the others immediately activated the jet guns in their hands. However, now the tree demon is determined to take Jiang Lin's blood, and at the cost of being burned by the flames, it also uses rattan to kill Song Yichen and others. Pumped to the side.

As for the flower fairy behind Jiang Lin, the toon tree demon didn't pay attention to it at all. Even if its vitality was damaged now, this little flower fairy couldn't stop it.

"Don't hurt my Jiang Lang!"

Just when the tree demon was slaughtered, Concubine Jiang mobilized the immortal fire that Jiang Lindu sent over in her body, and slammed it out.

The immortal fire in Jianglin, even the beautiful women in the Huaxian Pavilion are quite afraid, not to mention the toon tree demon.

Without taking precautions, the toon tree demon was hit by the immortal fire, and suddenly let out a shrill scream.

Then its feet sank into the ground, and finally escaped through the soil.

"Brother Jiang, the future younger brother and sister are really powerful, and they repelled this demon."

After Song Yichen got up, he was still a little frightened. At the same time, he also gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up. Not only was his fiancee beautiful and charming, but he also had extraordinary skills and extraordinary abilities.

"But since this tree demon is the murderer, why does the deceased have a flower-shaped demon mark related to the flower demon?"

Afterwards, Song Yichen was a little confused again, what the tree demon did was completely unnecessary.

"It is estimated that the tree demon is going to blame the flower demon and the flower fairy. Let's not hide from Song Bantou, you said that my fiancee is a flower fairy. She and her own flower fairy sisters are basically the same as the flower fairy. The murder case in Qingshui County doesn't matter. The real murderer, you have seen before, is not a flower demon or a flower fairy."

Since Song Yichen asked about it, Jiang Lin simply said that Concubine Jiang was a Huaxian. Anyway, when the demon hunter Lei Ninger came back, he would also mention Concubine Jiang's identity.

Concubine Jiang looked at Jiang Lin and hugged his arm.

In any case, their Huaxian Pavilion is sorry for Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin is now explaining for them and helping them clear the suspicion of murder.

You are a real beer!

Song Yichen simply didn't know what to say.

In his eyes, Jiang Lin is just an ordinary person, but such a person actually has a fairy fiancee.

What a man to be envious of.

The rest of the catchers also gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up.

Great my brother.

"Miss Lei, you are here. We have seen the murderer just now. It turns out that it is not a flower demon, but a tree demon."

At this time, a woman in strong suit came to the street, and Song Yichen greeted her and explained what had just happened to her.

This strong-dressed woman is the monster hunter he mentioned - Lei Ning'er.

Lei Ning'er nodded and said, "I sensed a demon here just now, but it looks like I'm still late."

"Lei Gu..."

Jiang Lin turned around and wanted to explain to Lei Ninger that the perpetrator was not a flower fairy or a flower demon, but when he first saw Lei Ninger, he stopped.

Because he found out that this monster hunter, Lei Ning'er, was actually a toon tree demon!

Chapter [*] Forced Marriage (Part [*])

Previously, after the tree demon was severely injured and fled away, it turned into Lei Ning'er from a distance and came here.

Because Concubine Jiang appeared here, she did disguise herself and restrained all the demonic energy on her body.

At this time, even Concubine Jiang didn't realize that Lei Ning'er was the toon tree demon just now.

The reason why Jiang Lin was able to discover this was because Lei Ning'er had the only remaining aura of immortal fire.

He is the master of the immortal fire, no matter how little this breath, it has not escaped his perception.

I'm going, what's the situation?

Toon tree demon turned into a witch hunter?

Jiang Lin really felt that he really did not expect things to develop like this.

The demon turned into a master of catching demons, where the thief shouted to catch the thief.

Is this a reversal drama?

However, although he felt very surprised, Jiang Lin also understood why this Lei Ninger told Song Yichen and the others that they had confirmed that the murder case was related to Huaxian Pavilion.

This guy has been doing this all the time.

In addition, he also thought of the so-called Jianxiu who came to investigate, all of them may have been killed by this tree monster.

His eyes moved slightly, and Jiang Lin's mind turned abruptly. In the end, he decided not to reveal the true identity of the tree demon for the time being.

Today, Concubine Jiang has immortal fire in her body, which can already pose a threat to the tree demon. Moreover, the tree demon is also injured a lot. Once her identity is revealed, it may escape.

His next plan still requires the passive participation of the toon tree demon, and he doesn't want to spend time and energy looking for it.

Moreover, if Concubine Jiang knew that the Lei Ninger in front of her was the toon tree demon who blamed their Huaxian Pavilion, then she would probably do it directly, and it would be hard for him to stop him.

In that case, he will be depressed.

Just now, he cleared the suspicion of Huaxian Pavilion, allowing Sword Kingdom and Huaxian Pavilion to avoid conflict, and once the tree demon was gone, he would have to work with Huaxian Pavilion himself.

"Is that right?"

The expression on Lei Ning'er's face did not fluctuate, then it squinted, stared at Concubine Jiang, and asked Song Yichen, "Who is this girl? Is she also participating in the investigation?"

At this moment, she really hated Concubine Jiang, if it wasn't for this damn little Huaxian, her hard-working plan wouldn't have just died.

"She is my fiancee and a flower fairy. She came to Qingshui County to clarify that the murder case has nothing to do with them."

Jiang Lin didn't hide the identity of Concubine Jiang from Lei Ning'er. This guy already knew that Concubine Jiang was a Huaxian, and he also knew that she belonged to Huaxian Pavilion, so there was nothing to hide.

Lei Ning'er nodded and said: "So it is, it seems that I really made a mistake. Since the murderer is a tree demon, then the matter needs to be considered in the long run. Moreover, it was also injured by you, and it is estimated that it will not be in a short time. It will come out and make trouble. You should go back first, and I have to think about how to arrest the tree demon."

"Since that's the case, Song Bantou, let's go back first."

Jiang Lin took Concubine Jiang's hand and took her away.

He could see that Lei Ninger, who was disguised by the toon tree demon, was very hostile to Concubine Jiang. If Lei Ninger couldn't help but get angry, it would make the development of things a little difficult to control.

So, he left with Concubine Jiang first.

"Jian'er, that monster hunter Lei Ning'er, you have to be careful."

On the way, Jiang Lin reminded Concubine Jiang to be careful about Lei Ning'er.

He wasn't going to expose Lei Ning'er for the time being, and he wasn't going to explain to Concubine Jiang that it was good, but Concubine Jiang's safety was something he had to consider.

"Jiang Lang, what's the matter? Wasn't the suspicion of Huaxian Pavilion cleared?"

Jiang Lin explained: "That Lei Ninger is a monster hunter anyway. Before you became an immortal, you were a flower monster. Who knows if she has any bad water in her stomach."

With that said, Jiang Lin took Concubine Jiang into his arms again.

Originally, he rarely deceived his women, but for Concubine Jiang, he had to hide some things.

It made him feel very guilty.

However, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, Jiang Ting is also his wife, and Jiang Ting's life and death are still unknown. In this case, he can only make Concubine Jiang suffer some grievances.

"Jiang Lang, Jiang'er, thank you very much. Auntie treats you like that. You don't care about the past and help Huaxiange."

Concubine Jiang rubbed Jiang Lin's heart with her cheeks, feeling very warm in her heart.

They treated Jiang Lin like this from Hua Xiange, but Jiang Lin still repaid his grievances with virtue. The reason for this was probably because of her.

Jiang Lin sniffed the fragrance of flowers in Concubine Jiang's hair, and said softly, "Jiang'er, I have something to tell you, I have kept some things from you, but I can't explain it to you now. You love me, You gave me your heart, and I should have confessed to you, but at present, I can't. I've made you feel wronged."

Concubine Jiang raised her face and looked at Jiang Lin, then she cuddled her cheeks again, and murmured, "Jiang Lang, although I haven't been with you for a long time, I know that you have a lot of things in your heart. If you sincerely want to hide from me, , you don't need to tell me this. You have your difficulties, Jiang'er understands."

Concubine Jiang didn't care much about what Jiang Lin said was concealed. After all, when she and Jiang Lin first met, Jiang Lin had already concealed it from her, but when she was able to confess later, Jiang Lin was sincere to her. 's apology.

Therefore, she didn't want to investigate the reason, as long as Jiang Lin treated her well.

When Jiang Lin and Concubine Jiang were intimate on the street, some people on Song Yichen's side became lemons.

Envy, jealous, sour.

"My God, Jiang Zhukuai actually has such a beautiful fairy fiancee."

"If you have it, you can, but do you know? Jiang Zhukuai wants to hug him from left to right. I heard that he and the daughter of the magistrate, Miss Feng, are going to get married."

"Isn't it? Jiang Zhukuai wants to enjoy the blessings of everyone!"

"How long has it been since he came to us, Miss Feng took down a flower in Qingshui County by him. Fanhua in his left hand and fairy flower in his right hand."

"Hey, I'm not sure, and I don't know if the magistrate would like to make his daughter a little girl. And as far as I can see, Jiang Zhukuai should be hiding it from both sides, or else a flower fairy would be willing to do so. Serving a husband with another woman?"

A group of fast-talking people were discussing Jiang Lin's affairs there.

And Lei Ning'er, who hadn't gone far, heard a change in expression on her depressed face after hearing their discussion.

Now, she suddenly had a wonderful plan in her heart.

To enjoy the blessings of all people?This is a good thing, so I have to help him.

The corner of Lei Ning'er's mouth raised slightly, she planned to be a matchmaker for Jiang Lin herself.

Chapter [*] Forced Marriage (Part [*])

As for Hua Xian, Lei Ning'er, or the toon tree demon, can be said to know quite a bit. Hua Xian's arrogance is not ordinary.

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