At the beginning, her senior sister, who is now the flower god of Huaxian Pavilion, if she was willing to marry one person with her, then there would be no need to make such a fuss and become mortal enemies.

Now, there is another little flower fairy here, and he is in a relationship with Jiang Lin. This is not the point. The point is that Jiang Lin has to marry another girl.

According to Raininger's speculation, what one of the arresters just said was not without reason.

Jiang Lin is very likely to hide it from both sides, otherwise, with the temperament of Huaxian in Huaxian Pavilion, he would definitely not be willing.

In fact, just as she thought, if Jiang Lin and Feng Yan really got married today, then Concubine Jiang would not say anything and return directly to Huaxian Pavilion.

Not only Concubine Jiang, but also Jiang Lin's wife Mudan, if they didn't know the touching stories between Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting, it would be impossible to let go of their arrogance and form a relationship with Jiang Lin.

"At the moment, this is the only way."

Raininger muttered to herself while thinking.

She knew very well in her heart that now Concubine Jiang had obtained an extremely terrifying flame from nowhere, and she could target her and make her plan to kill all these insiders tonight was completely shattered.

Because of this, she tried to find out the chess game at the entrance of Huaxian Pavilion by means of framing, and she had completely declared a dead chess game.

Now, she has to change her strategy and use her tactics. After all, using strong means has always been regarded as a last resort by her.

Moreover, even if it is used strongly, it may not be effective.

Just when Lei Ninger was thinking about the next layout plan and was going to start with Jiang Lin's marriage, Feng Zhai, the magistrate Feng, was also worried about his daughter's marriage.

"What's going on? What's going on!"

The county magistrate was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Things that were going well turned out to be twists and turns.

Now, he has completely offended the Li family.

Although the Li family had the influence of civil servants in the capital, they also found out that Jiang Lin was the current champion and the brother-in-law of the current minister.

Even if the Li family wanted to deal with Jiang Lin, they would definitely have to pay a heavy price.

It's good that they have the back of the Li family, but that's just the back, not their own.

It is impossible for the forces behind them to offend each other's servants and officials for a marriage, and they are also likely to have unlimited prospects.

If they insist on doing it, then the forces behind their Li family may have to cut ties with them.

What's more, Jiang Lin was a ruthless scumbag, and he was a very ruthless one. Who would dare to make trouble?

More than [*] horse bandits were handled quite well.

The Li family couldn't find Jiang Lin to vent their anger, so they could only blame the magistrate Feng, saying that the magistrate Feng was deliberately playing tricks on the Li family.

Therefore, the current mood of the county magistrate can be said to be extremely bad.

In addition to a headache or a headache.

A good abacus was originally smashed to pieces.

Moreover, it was Jiang Lin who smashed it.

What if the Li family did not dare to take Jianglin, what if he was a county magistrate?

Now that the Li family has been completely offended, and there is no possibility of repairing the relationship, the county magistrate can only rack his brains to find a way to minimize the impact of this matter.

Feng Yan, who was on the side, kept her head down and didn't speak. In the end, she was scolded by the magistrate Feng in a hurry, and she said, "This is the end of the matter, so just do whatever it should be."

She wasn't going to explain anything, and if something like this happened, even if she explained it, it would have no effect.

She was the county magistrate's father, but his face was more important than anything else, so he would definitely go to Jiang Lin.

"What else should I do? Jiang Liyang has a wife and a family. Now it's known all over the city. Where do we put the face of the Feng family? Where to put it!"

The magistrate Feng now came up with the reason why Jiang Lin had a wife. Back then, when he knew that Jiang Lin and Zhu Xiaolian were brother-in-law, he didn't mind that Jiang Lin already had a wife.

At that time, the Li family hadn't found a matchmaker for matchmaking, so when Magistrate Feng felt that Jiang Lin was valuable, he thought about letting his daughter develop with Jiang Lin.

However, at that time, even if things could be done, he could only be considered a small loss by appointing the magistrate. After all, few people knew that Jiang Lin had a wife. He married his daughter without much ostentation.

Now it's different. The whole county knows that Feng Yan, the daughter of his magistrate, said in the arena that his heart belongs to someone else.

But once the story of her daughter being a concubine or filling a house is spread, it will be a big joke.

It really makes them unable to lift their faces.

"Jiang Zhukuai can't bear to see Young Master Li bullying others, so he threw him in the ring. If you force him, he probably won't."

Feng Yan deliberately disclosed this information to her father, preparing to keep her father busy.

Between her and Jiang Lin, it was a relationship of request and help, and Jiang Lin absolutely could not agree to this marriage.

Regardless of the fact or the reason she arranged, Jiang Lin disagreed anyway. Since they all disagreed, the reason was irrelevant to her father.

As long as the result is the same, her father will definitely find a way for her family's face.

"I'll go to him tomorrow, and he won't do it if he doesn't agree."

The magistrate Feng was so angry that his temples were swollen and painful. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not force Jiang Lin to do anything.

But now, instead of approaching the Li family and the dignitaries behind him, he completely offended them.

In this case, he can only choose to stick to Jianglin's car. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to be a magistrate in Qingshui County in the future, and there is a high probability that he will have a career in the future. This ends.

Therefore, after repeated evaluation, the magistrate Feng Feng decided to force Jiang Lin to marry.

Even if his daughter went to make Jiang Lin a second bedroom and a third bedroom, it wouldn't matter.

Anyway, the magistrate Feng felt that his daughter was definitely a delicate flower, and she was also quite self-restrained. Even if he forced Jiang Lin to marry, Jiang Lin Dingtian would just disagree, so as not to offend Jiang Lin to death.

And if the forced marriage is successful, then he will get to the waiter who is behind Jiang Lin, and if the waiter will rise to the top in the future, he will not suffer any loss.

At this moment, Jiang Lin didn't even know that he was about to be forced to marry, and he was being dragged by Concubine Jiang to talk about the tree demon.

Before leaving Huaxian Pavilion, Concubine Jiang had heard the beautiful woman talk about the past. The beautiful woman once had a junior sister who was the tree demon.

Therefore, she suspected that the toon tree demon that appeared in Qingshui County was probably her aunt's junior sister.

Chapter [*] Forced Marriage (Part [*])

"You said your aunt had a brother and sister before?"

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled after listening to Concubine Jiang's retelling of the past that belonged to the beautiful woman. Logically speaking, there should be a lady in the forest of ten thousand flowers in this past.

However, he didn't bother about this issue. After all, the lady of Wanhualin and the beautiful lady of Huaxiange were sisters, and the younger sister was from the same family, so they might have each other's chance.

It's not something he needs to think about.

Concubine Jiang leaned on Jiang Lin's shoulder and asked, "Yeah, that's what my aunt said. Jiang Lang, do you think that toon tree demon is my aunt's junior sister?"

Jiang Lin responded, "It's possible."

In fact, he doesn't care about the relationship between the toon tree demon and the beautiful woman, the goddess of flowers, and this matter has nothing to do with him.

As long as the toon tree demon is hostile to Huaxian Pavilion, this will do.

Moreover, there is no need for him to explore the past of others. What he wants to consider now is the possible twists and turns in the process of acquiring the Qiankun Lock.

After all, Wangtianjian appeared near Qingshui County. This was a time bomb. Once the bomb exploded, he had to deal with it properly.

Concubine Jiang looked at Jiang Lin's worried appearance, and didn't know what her lover was thinking, she shook Jiang Lin's shoulder and said, "Jiang Lang, you can't tell Jiang Er if you have something, Jiang Er is not in a hurry. Let you explain, I can bear some grievances, but you must not bear me, this is absolutely unacceptable to me."

"What am I doing for you? When the time comes, I will explain everything to you."

Jiang Lin smiled and stroked Concubine Jiang's hair. I was afraid that in the future, when he was going to tell Concubine Jiang about his past, Concubine Jiang's ears would have calluses.

Concubine Jiang smiled sweetly, put her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder, and fell asleep after a while.

Jiang Lin took out a piece of rice paper, drew lines on it, and wrote notes on it.

Now he, Liu Sheng, and Baoyi's aura can't be exposed, but Wangtianjian is always a potential threat, so he plans to use the hands of Concubine Jiang to arrange a large-scale formation around Qingshui County.

Once there is an accident, this big array can always play some role.

After being busy for a long time, it was already late at night, so Jiang Lin carried Concubine Jiang onto the bed, and took off his clothes and rested on the couch.

What a shit!

After lying down, Jiang Lin cursed Wang Tianjian in his heart. The fragrance of Concubine Jiang beside him kept drifting away and got into his nose.

This girly body fragrance, like the fragrance of flowers, reminded him of his wife Peony, and it also made his heart a little itchy.

However, even if he sleeps in the same quilt with a beautiful woman, he still has to be like a desireless monk.

This is all given by Wang Tianxuan, otherwise he will be the bridegroom tonight, and he will have a wedding room with Concubine Jiang.

On the second day, Jiang Lin asked Concubine Jiang to carefully study the content on the rice paper, and then went to work at the county government office.

In the county government office, the county magistrate was already waiting for him at the county government office.

"Jiang Zhukuai, you already won the competition yesterday. When are you going to marry my daughter?"

"I don't need to marry your daughter."

Jiang Lin looked at the magistrate Feng, something inexplicable. He had a word with Feng Yan first. As a result, the magistrate Feng did not attract the Li family and came to him.

Jiang Lin thought that Feng Yan had already told everything to the magistrate, so he was puzzled by the magistrate's move.

"What do you mean by not needing? Jiang Liyang, yesterday, my daughter has been in front of so many people, and the idea belongs to you. If you don't marry her, what will you do with her? Didn't you force her to die? Many people are watching, if you don't marry her, she won't be allowed to become a nun? Besides, why do you save the face of the Feng family?"

Jiang Lin's attitude made the magistrate Feng furious. This kid ruined the good things for the Feng family and the Li family for no reason. Now he says he doesn't need to marry his daughter.

Co-authoring to compete in the ring, and fighting all over the world, is it all a joke?

"Feng County magistrate, I hope you understand that it is your daughter who is unwilling to marry Li Er's playboy. Jiang did this to save your precious daughter. Besides, you talk about the face of the Feng family. Wives, Fengxian magistrate, you marry me your precious daughter, does this have any face?"

Jiang Lin really couldn't understand Feng County magistrate's brain circuit. If he really wanted to care about his daughter, he could just find another son-in-law. Wouldn't this be a hundred or ten times better than letting his daughter marry him, a married man?

Now, Jiang Lin really sympathized with Feng Yan, and it was really hard for her to have such a father.

This county magistrate regarded his family's face as more important than his daughter's lifelong happiness.

The magistrate Feng waved his hand and said, "I already knew that you have a wife, but it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. As long as you treat my daughter well, I don't mind any of this."

"Feng County magistrate, you are a father. I advise you to think about your daughter's happiness, or your face. You don't mind me having a wife. What about your daughter?"

"I don't care about this. She doesn't want to marry the son of the Li family, saying that people bully men and bully women, and she's not a good person, but you Jiang Liyang and Li Er are not the same kind of people, and I won't allow her to have any more criticism. Besides, it's you. Let us discredit the Feng family and offend the Li family, you must give me an explanation!"

The county magistrate's attitude was very firm, and he was not afraid of Jiang Lin's anger. Now, because of Jiang Lin, he completely offended the Li family. If he didn't tie his daughter to Jiang Lin, he would not have a good life.

"After you've dealt with the murder of the tree demon in the county, you will marry my Yaner immediately. I can never be the laughing stock of the people in the county."

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