"we'll talk about it then!"

Jiang Lin didn't talk to the magistrate Feng anymore, he just threw his sleeves and left.

Anyway, he obtained the Qiankun lock, and in the past few days, the monks from the capital have disappeared, and the toon tree demon has also pretended to be a demon hunter. It is impossible to solve the case.

At that time, after his goal has been achieved, he will directly apply oil to the soles of his feet.

Even if the magistrate Feng wanted to marry his daughter, he couldn't touch him at all.

Chapter [*] This misunderstanding is big

Shortly after returning to the outskirts of the county after Jianglin Point, Feng Yan also arrived at the county office.

She asked the county magistrate Jiang Lin's attitude towards the marriage, and to her sadness, Jiang Lin was still unwilling.

So, Feng Yan was going to go to Jiang Lin and completely confessed her feelings.

This time, she really wanted to get married.

Just when the magistrate Feng sighed and felt depressed, Lei Ning'er arrived.

She came to this county office just to ask the daughter of the magistrate Feng and Jiang Lin.

Seeing the county magistrate pacing back and forth with her brows furrowed, Lei Ninger asked, "Feng magistrate, why are you so frowning? With me, the demon hunter, the tree demon harming people, it probably won't take long. It will be resolved, and I heard that your daughter is about to leave the cabinet, and you should be happy with the happy event."

"Hey, Master Lei, don't mention it, I'm worried about my daughter's marriage. Yesterday, the little girl's martial arts competition was originally prepared for the Li family in the county, but one of my men quickly disrupted the situation and was pulled out by her. I got the top spot. What's irritating is that the kid actually told me today that he made troubles in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives, just to help the little girl, and he didn't want to marry the little girl, which made me angry. The little girl was in front of so many people yesterday, Speaking of falling in love with him. As a county magistrate, I really want to be disgraced, and they are happy there. "

When asked by Lei Ning'er, the magistrate of Feng Feng spit out bitterness against him.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Lei Ning'er raised her brows. She didn't expect this to happen. It turned out that Jiang Lin didn't hide it from both sides, but that he didn't care about the daughter of the magistrate.

This will not work.

Lei Ninger pondered for a moment in her heart and felt that she had to take action.

She also wanted to be a matchmaker for Jiang Lin, but now Jiang Lin was unwilling to marry the daughter of the magistrate, which made her plan a little difficult to implement.

"Fengxian magistrate, if you don't think Lei is too busy, this matter will be covered by me. Your subordinates are just nosy, and they even pretend to help. I hate this kind of person the most in my life. Especially a man, a man who is self-righteous. If I am involved, he will not even be willing to marry his wife."

Lei Ning'er smiled slightly and offered to help the magistrate Feng. Only if she helped the magistrate to marry her daughter, the Concubine Jiang who followed Jiang Lin would be wronged. At that time, she would find another opportunity to blow the air to Concubine Jiang. Then Concubine Jiang will return to Huaxian Pavilion.

With the help of Concubine Jiang to lead the way and open the entrance and exit of Huaxian Pavilion, she can follow secretly behind, successfully enter it, and seek revenge for her enemy.

This is Raininger's plan now.

Her current status is an official of the Sword Kingdom. Compared with the civil servants, the cultivator has a lot of power, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Even if she uses her power to do something for the county magistrate, it is nothing at all.


When the magistrate Feng heard that Lei Ninger wanted to help, his face suddenly became happy.

In his opinion, no matter how brave Jiang Lin is, he is just an ordinary person. He is incomparable to the monster hunter sent by the capital. If Lei Ning’er is there to help, then Jiang Lin is not willing to do anything. use.

If you don't marry his daughter, you just can't.

"of course it's true."

"Then I will trouble Master Lei! Master Lei is willing to help the subordinates. This is to show compassion to the subordinates. What is troublesome."

The magistrate Feng couldn't stop laughing. He wished that someone could help him out.

"Since this is the case, then I will go to investigate the whereabouts of the tree demon first."

Lei Ning'er smiled slightly, and then left the county office.

Now, she wants to trap or capture Jiang Lin's concubine Jiang, so that the matter of Jiang Lin marrying the daughter of the magistrate will be smoother.

Although Concubine Jiang didn't know what the chance was to use the strange flame, Lei Ning'er still felt that she had some confidence.

She was very sure that Concubine Jiang did not see that she was the toon tree demon. If the other party did not take extra precautions, the chance of her success was not small.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already returned to his residence. After Concubine Jiang asked him about his doubts about the formation of rice paper, she went to the woods not far away to practice.

As soon as Concubine Jiang left, Feng Yan arrived. She bowed to Jiang Lin and said, "Brother Jiang, I'm really sorry, because of my affairs, I have caused you trouble."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it is estimated that in a few days, I will be leaving, and there is no trouble."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, but didn't take the matter of the magistrate's forced marriage to heart.

"Brother Jiang, actually, actually I... I fell in love with you early on. Yesterday, you won the competition in the arena where you recruited relatives. At that time, I handed you the hydrangea, and I really wanted to give it to you. She is the daughter of the county magistrate, and she is considered a rich family, but as long as Brother Jiang is willing to marry me, I am willing to make Feng Yan a concubine."

Feng Yan pursed her lips lightly and looked at Jiang Lin affectionately, then she mustered up the courage to step forward and hug Jiang Lin, then stood on tiptoe and gave her own kiss.

Luckily, Concubine Jiang came back and happened to see this scene in her eyes.

Just now, she found a wild rose on the side of the road and brought it over to Jiang Lin to take care of it.

But she didn't want to see her lover kissing another woman as soon as she got around the house.

For a time, all the joy in Concubine Jiang's heart disappeared, and Jiang Lin's behavior made her feel a chill in her heart.

She just left her forefoot, and as a result, her lover is kissing me with other women.


When Jiang Lin saw Concubine Jiang from the corner of his eyes, he immediately pushed Feng Yan away and rushed over.

He didn't have to think about it to know what Concubine Jiang was feeling now, the tears in Nizi's eyes had already explained everything.

"Jiang Lin, I said that I can be wronged, but you can't blame me, I said it!"

Concubine Jiang's tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and then she flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Lin, with a palm on Jiang Lin's heart.

If a jealous woman gets angry, it is quite scary.

Jiang Lin was slapped in the heart by Concubine Jiang's palm, and his blood suddenly surged, and his eyes turned black.

This is the result of Concubine Jiang keeping her hand.

The body flew out, Jiang Lin slammed directly into Feng Yan's body, spit out a mouthful of blood on Feng Yan's impact, and passed out directly.

After Concubine Jiang flew Jiang Lin, a fairy fire appeared in her palm. She looked at Jiang Lin with tears in her eyes, and whimpered, "This is something that belongs to you, and I don't need it anymore."

With a flick of his arm, Xianhuo flew towards Jiang Lin and submerged in his body.

"When I capture the toon tree demon, I will go back to Huaxian Pavilion, I don't want to see you again!"

Leaving this sentence, Concubine Jiang flew away.


After Jiang Lin got up, he quickly chased after him.

At this moment, his heart is really simple.

This Nima, the misunderstanding between him and Concubine Jiang is huge.

Great misunderstanding!

Jiang Lin didn't blame Concubine Jiang for taking action against him, after all, the incident was really outrageous.

As soon as Concubine Jiang left, Feng Yan came, and Feng Yan confessed to him and hugged him boldly for a kiss.

Then, Concubine Jiang went back and forth, seeing this scene clearly.

The first thousand seven hundred and eleventh chapter of the unparalleled blessings, misfortunes do not come singly (on)

Jiang Lin chased him for two or three miles, but now that Concubine Jiang was determined to leave him, how could he catch up.

Even if he galloped away with the Japanese golden wheel, he would not be able to catch up with Concubine Jiang.

"What is this whole thing called!"

Jiang Lin's angry punch smashed a tree trunk with the thickness of a bowl beside the road.

His fiancee, Concubine Jiang, hadn't even walked through the door yet, and now she's running away from home.

This is so funny.

Looking at a black spot in the sky, Jiang Lin had no choice but to stop chasing.

Now that Concubine Jiang is angry, even if he finds it, he may not be willing to listen to his explanation.

However, it is still very necessary to explain the whole story to Concubine Jiang.

He couldn't let his fiancee go like this.

Last night, Jiang Lin had already lived with Concubine Jiang, that is to say, in his heart, Concubine Jiang was already regarded as his wife.

In any case, he couldn't let his wife run away.

This is the most important reason, in addition to this, he also has other reasons for chasing Concubine Jiang back.

Without Concubine Jiang by his side, not to mention that it is impossible to talk about obtaining the Qiankun Lock, it is difficult for him to overcome the difficulties in front of him.

The tree demon has now become a witch hunter and has a legal identity.

If this guy were to play against him, the situation would be very troublesome.

Whether it was before or yesterday, the toon tree demon was always staring at him.

If it is normal, even if he is targeted, he is not afraid.

After all, although the tree demon is powerful, it is not enough for him to have a life-and-death crisis.

But the trouble was that Wangtianjian stayed near Qingshui County, so he had to worry and couldn't use his means.

Therefore, once the tree demon attacked him, and he couldn't rely on Concubine Jiang's power, the situation would not be so troublesome.

After being depressed for a while, Jiang Lin went back the same way.

"Auntie, I regret not listening to you. It turns out that the feeling of being hurt by love is so heart-wrenching."

Concubine Jiang flew more than [*] miles and landed in a forest, where she sat on a tree stump and wiped away her tears.

She was so heartbroken that she couldn't help herself. Jiang Lin kept something from her, and she didn't care. She just asked Jiang Lin to treat her sincerely.

Moreover, yesterday, she clearly told Jiang Lin that she could not accept Jiang Lin to live up to her.

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