Seeing that the sun was turning from bright to dark, Jiang Lin temporarily stopped his formation work. He arranged the flying dragon and seven stars array. Spirituality in stone.

In this way, he can use the spirit stone for remote control, and he doesn't need to be by his side when he goes into battle.

Otherwise, even if the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array is activated, if Wang Tianxuan is not killed and his traces are exposed, the angry Wang Tianxuan will definitely want to be with him forever.

Now that the time to be able to form the formation has passed, Jiang Lin is ready to continue looking for Concubine Jiang.

In any case, Concubine Jiang was the key to him getting the Qiankun Lock, and now, he couldn't just wait in the house.

Seeing that Feng Yan's pace had slowed down, Jiang Lin asked, "Tired?"

"Not tired."

Feng Yan shook her head, but there was already a lot of sweat on her face.

"I'll carry you."

Jiang Lin walked over and bent down. Since he brought Feng Yan out today, he took her away for so long, so he couldn't just leave her like that and leave by himself.

Moreover, if you happen to meet Concubine Jiang, and Feng Yan is there, just testify and explain directly.

With Feng Yan on his back, his speed can be much faster.


Feng Yan couldn't believe that Jiang Lin was willing to carry her. Although she was carried back to the house by Jiang Lin when she was in a coma, she had lost consciousness and was unable to move. Now it is different.

"Thank you sir."

As soon as she leaned forward, Feng Yan stretched out her arms and wrapped her arms around Jiang Lin's neck.

With her cheeks attached to Jiang Lin's back shoulder, Feng Yan only felt that she was really happy now.

If this kind of life has always been there, even if he doesn't take me as his wife, I'll be content.

Feng Yan wanted to get into the wrong, as long as Jiang Lin took her away and brought her home, even if she was only a servant girl doing chores, she was really willing.

After fantasizing for a while, Feng Yan fell asleep on Jiang Lin's back.

Jiang Lin has been carrying her back and forth across the mountains and rivers, not knowing how far he has traveled, he has walked around Qingshui County several times.

My Jiang Er, where did you go?

Jiang Lin searched for a few more hours, until dusk, but still had nothing to gain.

However, he had to look for it, and he could only use this most primitive way to find it.

Even if he now has a spirit stone, he doesn't have anything related to Concubine Jiang at all, so he can't use Taoism to search.

Even if he could have a strand of Concubine Jiang's hair in his hand, he didn't have to run all over the mountains.

As for Liu Sheng's deduction, that is also impossible. Now that Concubine Jiang has a strong relationship with him, Liu Sheng is unable to deduce and find it.

After returning to Feng Zhai, Jiang Lin began to think about where Concubine Jiang would stay. He had passed many places with abundant spiritual energy around Qingshui County, and he didn't even have the slightest breath of Concubine Jiang.

"Xianggong, you have been busy all day, you should be hungry."

After a while, Feng Yan came in with the food table, and when she got to Jiang Lin's side, she knelt down, brought the food table to her forehead, and presented it to Jiang Lin respectfully.

Raise the case with eyebrows.

"I said, why do you feel so wronged?"

Jiang Lin looked at Feng Yan and didn't know what to say. Yesterday Feng Yan was a bride and knelt in front of him, and today she is holding a food table and kneeling beside him.

"What Feng Yan has done is just the same as other people's wives, and Xiang Gong, you helped me avoid death. It's no exaggeration for me to be a cow, a horse, a slave and a maid. Where is the grievance?"

With a gentle smile, Feng Yan said again: "Master, let's try it, I don't know your taste, so I just made some at will."

Seeing this, Jiang Lin didn't say more, he also knew that Feng Yan felt ashamed of him.

I have to say that Feng Yan is really like a traditional wife, just like those women who were poisoned by three obediences and four virtues in ancient times in Middle-earth, she played the role of a good wife.

Not only did he not let Jiang Lin do anything, but regardless of his exhaustion, he took the water to wash his feet and squatted beside the bed to wash his feet.

Although Jiang Lin didn't have the habit of being taken care of, since this time, his mind has been extremely tense, and now he is anxious about where Concubine Jiang is going, so he did not refuse Feng Yan's hospitality.

For a period of time after that, Jiang Lin would go out every day, either setting up the formation or looking for Concubine Jiang everywhere.

As for Feng Zhai, he has already explained Feng Yan, and let the maid keep watching from the outside of the house. Once he finds Concubine Jiang, he will immediately notify Feng Yan and let Feng Yan explain the whole story to her.

And Concubine Jiang, who has been looking for him, is not in a good situation now.

"Xiao Huaxian, what do you think? Your little lover is already arguing with other women, and has already left you behind."

In the cave in the old forest in the north of the county, Lei Ning'er quietly looked at Concubine Jiang. She had rested for a few days, and came here today to visit Concubine Jiang.

At the same time, she also told Concubine Jiang that Jiang Lin and Feng Yan got married and that they are now in harmony.

"What on earth are you trying to do? I have nothing to do with him anymore. Who does he care about me? What is it about me? Why do you keep trapping me?"

"Don't be so hostile to me. Whether it's me or your aunt, I've been hurt by a man. As your elder, I just want you to see the true face of a man. They are all unlucky people. You little flower fairy, you have experienced too little, but you don't need to be too sad, everything will pass."

Lei Ning'er assumed the attitude of an elder teaching the younger generation, and pretended to persuade Concubine Jiang not to feel sad.

Although Concubine Jiang didn't want to show her vulnerable side in front of Lei Ning'er, her eyes were still a little red.

With a slight smile, Lei Ning'er left the cave. Now Concubine Jiang felt very aggrieved, it was time to strike while the iron was hot.

When she disguised as Concubine Jiang, arrived at Feng Zhai, and killed Feng Yan in front of Jiang Lin, Magistrate Feng and others, then Jiang Lin, as the law enforcement officer of Qingshui County, would definitely treat Concubine Jiang. hands-on.

Lei Ning'er's idea was very good, but unfortunately, she couldn't kill Feng Yan.

Not to mention that Feng Yan has Jiang Lin's protective measures and the protection of the fairy clothes, but without these, Lei Ning'er is also unable to do it.

Because the letter written by Feng Yan was delivered to her Faxiao two days ago, and today, the people from Wanjianshan have arrived in Qingshui County.

When Lei Ninger arrived outside Feng Zhai, she found that there were guests at the entrance of Feng Zhai, and they were not ordinary guests. An old man in the crowd already had the strength of God Transformation.

Moreover, among these people, there are official officials who wear standard clothes.

Lei Ning'er didn't know what these people were doing, and she didn't even know if it was because the cultivators who came to investigate the murder case in Qingshui County were exposed, so so many people came.Therefore, she did not act rashly, and decided to inquire about what was going on first.

"Xiang Gong, my hair is too young to come to me, and I brought a lot of people here."

After the maid came in to notify, Feng Yan went back to the room to find Jiang Lin and told him about it.

"Understood, you can just respond to them according to what I explained, and I will not show up for the time being."

Jiang Lin nodded and asked Feng Yan to contact the people in Wanjianshan. He knew that Feng Yan's hairpin brought people over this time, and he should have confirmed the authenticity of the news to Feng Yan.

As long as it is confirmed that Wangtianjian is really in Qingshui County, and it will not even take three days, Qingshui County will gather a large number of sword country cultivators.

It's finally coming to an end.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. His efforts to bring disaster to the east had already paid off for the first time.

Now, Wang Tianjian probably doesn't know anything.

After this product reacts, it is estimated that it will be too late.

Second uncle's, the puppy is flying and biting, the old dog is chasing and biting, this time all the teeth will be knocked out for you!

Chapter [-]: The whole country moves together

"Don't worry, Xianggong, I have written it down."

After Feng Yan responded, she left the room. She was looking forward to meeting her little one.

Not long ago, when they met, they were discussing Jiang Lin's affairs together, and talking about some topics between girlfriends, but now, it is really good fortune, she has already married Jiang Lin.

Although it is not a real couple, but it is in the name of it.

However, she couldn't tell the story of her marriage to Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin still needs to hide her identity.

"Xiaoyan, let's meet again, eh? You... you're already married?"

When Feng Yan arrived in the living room, a girl with a stubborn back saw her and wanted to give her a big bear hug.

This young girl with five big and three thick is Feng Yan's small hair, Wan Shengnan, daughter of the mountain owner of Wanjian Mountain.

However, Wan Shengnan was surprised when she saw that Feng Yan had been combed into a woman's hairstyle.

Feng Yan's dress is obviously a married woman.

"Yeah, I got married. My father arranged it. Don't blame me. The marriage arrangement is urgent, and I can't catch up even if I inform you."

Feng Yan smiled apologetically. In fact, it wasn't that she didn't have time to inform her best friend, she was just afraid of missing Jiang Lin's affairs.

After all, Wan Shengnan had also seen Jiang Lin's portrait.

Moreover, her marriage is really not a glorious thing. When a close friend comes, it can only be a joke.

"Forget it, I still have some complaints against you, so I don't blame you."

Wan Shengnan didn't bother about this issue. She knew that Feng Yan was different from her. Feng Yan was just a daughter from an ordinary family, and her father was a county magistrate. In some matters, she definitely couldn't be as free and willful as her.

"Is your husband here? Call it out and let me see, who has such a good fortune and can marry such a beautiful Xiaoyan."

Wan Shengnan winked at Feng Yan, she really wanted to see what kind of person her friend married.

Feng Yan shook her head and said, "He is ill and it is inconvenient to see people."


Wan Shengnan looked at Feng Yan with a strange look and said, "I know, it must be false. Xiaoyan in my family is so beautiful, whoever marries you will not be able to restrain herself."

"Don't make trouble!"

Feng Yan groaned. Until now, she and Jiang Lin are still sleeping on the floor and the bed. If Jiang Lin is really like what she wrote in her novel, she can wake up laughing in her dreams.

"Sheng Nan, you have already read the letter I wrote to you. What's the reaction from Wanjian Mountain?"

After Feng Yan sat down, she changed the subject and asked about Wansheng Nanjian's sect's attitude towards Wang Tianxuan.

"The reaction is naturally very big, but Xiaoyan, how did you know the existence of the monster?"

Wan Shengnan saw Feng Yan talking about the serious business, so he corrected his attitude and asked how Feng Yan learned about Wang Tianxuan.

Originally, even if Feng Yan was her close friend, it was impossible for Wan Jianshan to bring many people over with just a letter.

However, because the Sword Kingdom has suffered from the scourge of the Demon Sect before, and the matter related to the Demon Sect and the monsters has been known by the alliance leader and many sects, therefore, Wangtianxian, as Feng Yan said, is near Qingshui County. One thing, they would rather choose to believe it than ignore it.

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