In the past, the demon sect was stalking and disturbing the Sword Kingdom, and it was only because of Wangdi, but now there is another Wangtian, who knows what kind of things will happen.

"Actually, I don't know, but a few days ago, I met an expert from outside the world who told me. I didn't believe it at first, but he told me a lot, saying What Jian Kingdom is now at the juncture of life and death, and he also knows that I have a close friend like you, so I thought it might be the real thing, so I immediately wrote to inform you."

According to Jiang Lin's instructions, Feng Yan relayed some things to Wan Shengnan, and also informed Wang Tianxuan's location.

The more Wan Shengnan listened, the more shocked. Almost everything Feng Yan said was true, and there were many secrets that even the monks didn't know much about.

For example, in the neighboring country of the Sword Kingdom, Liang Kingdom, everyone has the corpse poison of the monster in their bodies.

It is impossible for Feng Yan to know these things in any case. Now that Feng Yan said it, it means that he may have really met someone from outside the world.

In fact, everything Feng Yan said was provided by Jiang Lin.

He made up an extra-worldly expert to make Feng Yan a middleman, but Feng Yan is an ordinary woman. Only by arranging such a statement can it be convincing, and it will not lead to random suspicion.

Even if you want to doubt, once it is confirmed that Wang Tianjian is in Qingshui County, then these doubts will naturally disappear.

Wan Shengnan proposed to meet the worldly expert that Feng Yan said, but Feng Yan put it off because he saw the dragon but didn't have any contact information.

"Since this is the case, I will immediately inform the elders of the sect."

Wan Shengnan also knew that [*]% of the matter was true. Now, she must inform the elders of the sects who came with her, discuss with the elders, and then quickly notify the various sects that are already waiting for action.

"By the way, Xiaoyan, we're going to stay at the post house in the county. If the expert from the outside world comes to you again and tells you something, you can go to us."

After leaving this sentence, Wan Shengnan left Feng Zhai. She had a good relationship with Feng Yan, but her school was not familiar with Feng County magistrate, so she was not ready to settle in the county.

Wan Shengnan went out of the house and informed the old man with a very high level of cultivation. After listening to Wan Shengnan's words, the old man also went to the twenty miles around the place Feng Yan said, and carried out a ten-minute walk. Detailed exploration.

After this investigation, it turned out that there was an extremely powerful corpse evil spirit at that location.

The news was accurate, and the group of them no longer had any doubts, and immediately contacted the sect in a special way.

In the next two or three days, the entire Sword Country was boiling, almost all the practitioners moved, and even the two secluded Sword Immortals in the Sword Country were alerted and left the customs ahead of schedule to go to Wangtianxian. Qingshui County.

Move the whole country.

As for Wang Tianxuan, the protagonist of this incident, as Jiang Lin thought, he still doesn't know anything about it.

It never thought that it would come to Jiang Lin to seek revenge, but now Jiang Lin used the power of a country to kill it completely.

Chapter [*] Come on!The more you come, the better! (superior)

"Xianggong, I have already relayed all the words as you said. Wan Shengnan, that is, my little boy, has no doubts."

After Feng Yan returned to her room, she informed Jiang Lin of the result of her conversation with Wan Shengnan.

"very good."

Jiang Lin nodded with a smile. Since the people in Wanjian Mountain had no doubts, it is estimated that many monks in the Sword Kingdom will start taking action today.

"Feng Yan, I'm going to ask you to help with running errands in the past two days. It's hard work for you."

Jiang Lin knew that he had to deal with corpses like Wangtianji, and relying on the cultivators of the Sword Kingdom might not be enough.

It's not that they are not strong enough, but that so many sects in the Sword Kingdom have been independent for many years. Once the number of people increases, it is difficult to unify command.

And when so many people come, if Wang Tianjian is disturbed, then all the things he has done may be in vain.

Now, he wants to go to a hundred miles away in Qingshui County and set up a super-large hidden magic circle for those people to gather together.

Moreover, he also needs to make a scrutiny amulet, so that Wan Shengnan will distribute it on the only way that many monks go to Qingshui County.

There are indeed many capable and powerful monks in the Sword Kingdom, but this country as a whole is a swordsmanship practice. For some side-skills, such as restraining their own breath and completely hiding their traces, even if it is the original wine swordsman, Also not much mastered.

Jiang Lin concluded that if he hadn't contributed a little to it, things might not have gone so smoothly.

For the work of sending out the breath-holding talisman and notification, Feng Yan was needed to help her run away.

"It's nothing to worry about. It's my wife's responsibility to worry about your husband. If you have anything, just tell me directly."

"Okay, you prepare a lot of rice paper for me, I need to use it."

Jiang Lin was not polite to Feng Yan, and directly asked her to purchase the materials needed for the Breath Relief Talisman.

"I'll do it right now."

Feng Yan didn't delay, and immediately set off to the study in the county to buy a lot of paper.

After Jiang Lin put the rice paper into the ancient mirror in his arms, he left Feng Zhai and left Qingshui County on a horse.

"How can this be good?"

In the teahouse opposite Feng Zhai, Lei Ning'er saw Jiang Lin, but she didn't care, Jiang Lin wasn't her concern now.

Just now, she found a young disciple of Wanjianshan, and used her official identity as an official monster hunter to inquire, and found out that the people from Wanjianshan came here to deal with a monster.

And there may be a lot of people coming.

Knowing this, Lei Ning'er felt a bit of a headache.

Originally, she planned well, but now a terrifying corpse demon came out halfway, and many monks from the Sword Nation would come over.

What's even more difficult is that Feng Yan is acquainted with people from Wan Jianshan.

In this case, she can't implement her plan.

Although it can be postponed, she is always afraid of unexpected changes in things.

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Ninger finally decided to let Feng Yan go temporarily and postponed her plan.

In order to find Huaxian Pavilion, she has been busy for so many years. If she is impatient for a while, it will fall short.

Moreover, she is also worried that her identity will be recognized. Her human skin is someone else's. If someone who is familiar with this deity recognizes it, it will only add trouble.

So, Lei Ning'er temporarily left Qingshui County and hid in the old forest in the deep mountains where Concubine Jiang was imprisoned.

It was also out of prudence that she left early. Otherwise, there would be so many capable people behind her. She is a toon tree demon. It is estimated that life will be difficult. In that case, Jiang Lin's plan to acquire the Qiankun lock will go wrong.

On the other side, Jiang Lin went a hundred miles away from Qingshui County, found an open space with suitable terrain, and began to use the spirit stones to form an array.

When the time didn't match, he used spirit stones and talismans to draw breath-holding talismans.

In a race against time, Jiang Lin didn't sit idle for a moment. It wasn't until evening that he set up this great formation that concealed his breath.

"This large formation is enough for [*] to [*] people."

Looking at the huge field in front of him, Jiang Lin smiled knowingly. He now hopes that the more powerful swordsmen from the Sword Kingdom will come, the better.

Even if the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array can't kill Wangtianji, if these people unite, if they form a large-scale sword array, they can also cause destructive power.

No matter how fierce Wangtianjian is, he will lose his skin and bleed.

Looking at the sky, Jiang Lin returned to Qingshui County. Now that it was a critical moment in his plan, he couldn't reveal any flaws. After all, there was still a toon tree demon in the house.

However, what surprised him was that after returning to Feng's house, Feng Yan told him that Lei Ning'er had temporarily left because of something, and was no longer living in Feng's house.


Jiang Lin raised his brows, if Lei Ning'er hadn't left, he would have to go outside every day to make the breath-holding talisman.

It just gave him plenty of time now.

"What are you doing with a statue of Guanyin? This is the Guanyin gift."

Jiang Lin saw Feng Yan holding a Guanyin porcelain statue in her hand, and looked at her strangely.

He and Feng Yan have never had a consummation. Feng Yan came here with a Guanyin sent to her son, what is the trick?

"Ah? Send... send your son Guanyin?"

Feng Yan opened her mouth slightly, and then said a little embarrassedly: "No, I didn't know this was sending off Guanyin, I went to the Guanyin Temple today to pray for you, Xianggong, and the temple asked me to spend money to invite Guanyin to come and say Sincerity is spirit.”

Afterwards, she took out a yellow talisman from her purse and said to Jiang Lin, "Even though you didn't say anything to me, Xianggong, I feel that what you are going to do next will be quite dangerous, so go to Guanyin. The temple asked for Zhang Ping'an Talisman."

Jiang Lin took the yellow talisman and looked at it, then smiled and said, "Don't say you spent a lot of money? This safety talisman is useless at all, and the temple blessing of the Guanyin Temple is just a waste of money."

Chapter [*] Come on!The more you come, the better! (Down)

Looking at Feng Yan who was aggrieved, Jiang Lin thought it was funny.

He is a Taoist priest and worships Sanqing, but Feng Yan went to the temple to worship Guanyin.

This is the first of his wives.

If the grandfather knew about it, he would probably be so angry that his nose would be crooked.

Although there is a wife Jingjing in his family who used to practice Buddhism, but since marrying her, she has not eaten fast and recited Buddha.

Going to the Guanyin Temple to pray for blessings is even more impossible.

"It's useless?"

Feng Yan looked at the yellow talisman in her hand and felt angry and annoyed. When she asked for this talisman, she was very sincere.

"I don't need to do things like this in the future. If it is useful to ask God to worship Buddha, I don't need to do anything. By the way, I don't need to prepare my meals today. I have something to do."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he went back to his room and resumed his work. There were only a few thousand copies of the breath-holding talismans he made outside, and the number was far from enough.

Without the sun of the sun, Jiang Lin could only find a way to use the mysterious yin energy of the moonlight and the feng shui of the house, so as to use the spiritual power in the spiritual stone.

If it weren't for his profound Taoism and broad vision, even if he wanted to use such a method, he would not be able to put it into practice.

Feng Yan entered the room, and when she saw Jiang Lin was concentrating, she put the Avalokitesvara on the windowsill.

Although Jiang Lin said that prayer was useless, she still wanted to feel that if she was sincere, the gods would always respond.

Seeing Jiang Lin twisting his neck from time to time, she walked over and massaged his shoulders behind Jiang Lin.

so comfortable.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly. Although he had plenty of physical strength, the production of such a large number of magic talismans in a short period of time and the busy arrangement of the magic array did make him feel a little tight in the muscles all over his body.

"Come on, my good Jingjing, let my husband take a sip."

Jiang Lin grabbed Feng Yan's hand, pulled her to his lap and lay down, then bent down and kissed him.

This day, Jiang Lin was too focused, including now, and it was because of this that he forgot that he was in the Feng Family.

And not long ago, Feng Yan's worship of Guanyin reminded him of his wife Jingjing, and Feng Yan's massage technique was very similar to Jingjing's, which made him have the illusion that he was at home in Huixing Mountain.

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