Jingjing knows medical skills, and is very good at acupuncture and massage in traditional Chinese medicine. In the past, when she was at home, Jingjing often massaged her husband.

Therefore, Jiang Lin's tense nerves loosened in the moment just now, and he thought it was his wife, Jingjing, who was massaging him behind him.

It took a long time for Jiang Lin to react, and then he felt a little embarrassed.

Touching his nose, he explained, "I... I thought I was in my hometown."

Feng Yan didn't say anything, just blushed and continued to go behind Jiang Lin, rubbing his shoulders.

"You rest first, I guess I have to work until the middle of the night."

"Then you have to rest early."

Feng Yan murmured and did not insist on giving Jiang Lin a massage.

It was not until the moonlight turned and the environment did not allow it that Jiang Lin put down the rune pen and rested.

After a while, Feng Yan got up from the quilt, went to the bed and took Jiang Lin's gown, went to the corner to turn on the lamp, and sewed the amulet she had asked for into the inside of his gown with needles and pieces of cloth.

this girl...

Although Feng Yan's movements were small, Jiang Lin still found out.

He sighed in his heart, to tell the truth, although Feng Yan's actions in the marriage made him sullen, but since getting married, Feng Yan has really paid a lot to him.

Jiang Lin didn't say anything, so he continued to sleep. According to Feng Yan's character, if he spoke up, he would probably feel a lot of unease in his heart.

He had said before that the amulet in the Guanyin Temple was useless.

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin took out a storage magic tool from the ancient mirror and put thousands of breath-holding talismans he made last night into it.

"Feng Yan, you hand them over to your hair and tell them that these talismans have a good effect of concealing aura. Let them distribute them along the road before the monks arrive. Avoid them being too busy. , was noticed by Wangtian."

Jiang Lin handed Feng Yan the storage tool in his hand, and instructed: "Also, you tell them that a hiding formation has been set up in the large open space a hundred miles south of Qingshui County. Sheng Nan contacted the people who came, and when they arrived, they all gathered there. In addition, you can ask her how many people have acted now, and how many people have come this time. As for them, you can say that these are all yours. It was ordered by the expert from outside the world that I met."

"I'll get it done."

Feng Yan nodded and went to the inn where Wan Shengnan and the others lived.

When Feng Yan arrived at the inn and handed the storage magic tool to Wan Shengnan, the old man checked the breath-holding amulet made by Jiang Lin and tested its effect. After that, even he told Feng Yan about the world outside The elders were convinced.

Moreover, he felt that although the other party saw the beginning and the end of the dragon, at least they were on the same front as them when it came to dealing with Wangtianxian.

Afterwards, the old man put the Breath Relief Talisman on his body and quickly went to the place Feng Yan said to check, and there was indeed a large formation there.

Therefore, Wan Shengnan and the others did not doubt Feng Yan's recitation of Jiang Lin's words, and immediately dispatched someone to take these breath-holding charms to meet the monks on their way.

As for the information Feng Yan wanted to know, they naturally did not hide it.

So, after Feng Yan returned, she reported the result of her outing notice to Jiang Lin.

"What? Even the Sword Immortals of the Sword Country have been dispatched? At least [*] people?"

After Jiang Lin heard Feng Yan's words, a bright smile appeared on his face.

There may be a lot of people coming to the sword country, he knew this, but what he didn't expect was that the two powerful sword immortals of the sword country were also alerted and left the customs ahead of time, went here, and prepared to join forces to destroy the sword together.

"Yes, Xianggong, they also said that this is a conservative number, and the two sword immortals may invite friends to come."

"Haha, come on! The more you come, the better!"

Jiang Lin laughed loudly, not only would the two sword immortals come, but these two powerful sword immortals would also call for friends.

Then how could their friends be impatient.

Chapter [*] The purpose is different, and it will be difficult in the end ([*])

I don't know when they will act, but they still have to drive out the number of interest-harvesting talismans as soon as possible.

After the joy, Jiang Lin felt a little pressured again. It would be good to have more people coming, but he also had to ensure that the number of interest-harvesting talismans provided was sufficient.

Only those cultivators of the Sword Nation held a breath-holding talisman, and the subsequent raids or encirclements would be smoother.

This is one of the reasons, and the other is that Jiang Lin has not yet found the whereabouts of Concubine Jiang, and now there will be many capable people a hundred miles away in Qingshui County, and he is also worried about Concubine Jiang's safety.

The monks who came this time are not only the famous and decent sects of the Sword Kingdom, but also some evil sects.

Those guys are not good birds. Although Concubine Jiang's cultivation base is not weak, if there are too many opponents facing each other, and the other party uses special means to increase each other's combat power, then Concubine Jiang may be in danger.

His Huaxian fiancee is also beautiful, and there are never a few people who are interested.

Having to draw talismans for a moment, and to go out for a walk to find someone, Jiang Lin really felt that he was a bit lacking.

After thinking about it in his heart, Jiang Lin didn't waste any time. He used the method of mobilizing spirit stones to make the breath-holding talisman as before.

When the sun was overcast or the conditions were insufficient, he left the house and went to climb mountains and forests around Qingshui County.

Anyway, he and Feng Yan just got married now, and they are still in the honeymoon period, so he doesn't need to work at the county office at all.

Two days later, under the constant high pressure, Jiang Lin completed more than [*] breath-holding talismans.

"Finally done."

Jiang Lin leaned back on the chair and breathed a long sigh of relief. He had been really busy these two days.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was done with her work, Feng Yan went behind him again and massaged his shoulders.

"Didn't you wash your hands?"

Jiang Lin moved his nose slightly and smelled a little spicy.

He turned his face and saw that Feng Yan's fingers, which were originally white as onion, were all red and swollen.

"what happened to your hand?"

"No...nothing, it's just hot when cutting the peppers."

Feng Yan hurriedly retracted her hand. She was with Jiang Lin during this period of time. She also knew that Jiang Lin's taste was heavy and he liked spicy food, so she also put some green peppers or spicy powder in her cooking on weekdays.

That's why he had some spicy leftovers on his hands.

"Let me see."

Jiang Lin pulled Feng Yan's hand in front of him, and when he saw it, he frowned.

Feng Yan's ten fingers are all pinholes, and the wounds on them have not healed yet.

"Why did your hand hurt?"

As soon as Jiang Lin asked the question, he understood in his heart.

These days, when he went to look for Concubine Jiang around Qingshui County, he often needed to walk through dense forests and thorns, so his clothes had a lot of scratches.

And when Feng Yan was busy, he often moved needles and stitches to mend his clothes.

He had seen it before, but because he was too busy, he didn't care at all.

In fact, Feng Yan's embroidery skills are not very good, and she often hurts herself when moving needles and threads, which is why her ten fingers are covered with needle eyes.

"Why are you silent?"

Jiang Lin's tone was somewhat reproachful. If he had known that Feng Yan's hand was injured like this, he wouldn't have let her rub her shoulders and neck for the past few days.

"I've been concentrating on other things these days, and I didn't know your hand was hurt."

After blaming Feng Yan, Jiang Lin's tone softened again. He really hadn't noticed anything for a while, and Feng Yan had such a personality, so she didn't say anything in her heart.

Had suffered and been blamed, wouldn't it be even more aggrieved.

"Xiang Gong, it's okay, it doesn't hurt."

Feng Yan pulled her hand back and continued to knead on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

"Why doesn't it hurt anymore? Stop rubbing it. You really think I don't know how to feel bad for people, right?"

Jiang Lin grabbed Feng Yan's hands again, and drew two anti-poison talismans on her palms with a talisman.

The wound on Feng Yan's hand is estimated to be a few days old, and she washes his feet every day, cooks and cooks by himself, and touches green pepper powder.

This was already painful enough, and Feng Yan was still rubbing his shoulders with ten fingers while she was still injured.

Not to mention a weak woman, even a man can't help hissing.

With the talisman painted on her hand, Feng Yan felt a coolness in her hands, but what made her heart even more sweet was that Jiang Lin felt sorry for her.

Now Feng Yan's arms are wrapped around Jiang Lin's body, and Jiang Lin is holding her. As long as she is a little closer to her body, she can hug Jiang Lin.

But for no reason, she didn't dare to be so bold.

"More than half of the cultivators from Sword Country should have arrived now. You continue to send these breath-holding talismans to Wan Shengnan and ask them about their specific action plan. When it comes time, I will help."

Jiang Lin let go of Feng Yan's hands, and slammed the stacks of breath-holding talismans on the table into the storage utensils, making the hair that Feng Yan brought her to a small size.

To lead or force Wangtian into the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, he also needed the help of the Sword Country cultivators, so he also had to know the details and timing of their actions.

"I'm going over here."

Feng Yan was already familiar with the things Jiang Lin explained.

While Feng Yan went to the post house, hundreds of miles away from Qingshui County, tens of thousands of monks had gathered in the hidden formation arranged by Jiang Lin.

These monks were divided into two groups and sat cross-legged in the formation, with a ten-meter-wide open space in the middle, one side was the famous and decent, the other was the evil one.

Both sides are headed by two sword immortals, one righteous and one evil.

These two Sword Immortals, one called himself Heavenly Sword Immortal and the other called Evil Sword Immortal, they were the two who really controlled the entire Sword Kingdom.

In addition to the local monks and capable people of Sword Country, there are also many cultivators and cultivators from the surrounding areas.

These outsiders are not so loyal, but because Wangtianjian has value to them.

Once Wangtianjian is handed over, the benefits obtained are not trivial.

Of course, this is based on the fact that there is a heavenly court ruled by Wutian outside.

Most of the cultivators and cultivators who entered the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory had offended the Heavenly Court, so they came here to escape.

Without the celestial spirit of Heaven, they would have exhausted their lifespan and would not be able to live forever.

But once they can be forgiven or even rewarded by the heavenly court, they may be hopeful for longevity.

Therefore, in the case of the invitation of Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian, a lot of power came.

This is exactly what Jiang Lin wanted to see.

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