However, he overlooked one point, arguably the most important point.

From the beginning to the end, the monks of the Sword Kingdom were all thinking about dealing with Wangtianjian, and they had no intention of killing him.

That is to say, Jiang Lin and these cultivators have completely different goals.

Chapter [*] The purpose is different, and it will be difficult in the end (below)

Jiang Lin wished that Tian Qian would die one day earlier.

However, the practitioners such as Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian wanted to capture Wangtianxian alive. Only in this way can they take it out, negotiate with the heavenly court, and strive for their own interests.

Wutian is very concerned about demon corpses and monsters, because such corpses are the most likely to pose a threat to him.

As long as they take Wangtianjing out, if every day does not give them enough benefits and the talks collapse, they can threaten to release Wangtianjian.

This is one of them, and the other is that Wutian is not a good bird. These people in the sand sea in the northern region all know that if they kill Wangtianjian and then go to negotiate, they may be given a nest by the heavenly court. end.

Therefore, it is certain that the power Jiang Lin wants to use is to re-inflict Wangtianxuan, but if he wants to get rid of Wangtianxuan quickly, it is impossible.

At this time, the old man from Wanjianshan came to the big formation. Not long ago, Wan Shengnan had informed him about Feng Yan's message, and Feng Yan also said that he wanted to know the details of their actions, so he came here. When you arrive here, report to Tianjianxian for instructions.

"Lord Jianxian, what do you think of the expert from outside the world who provided the news?"

The old man told Tianjianxian about the fact that the expert from outside the world was willing to help, and then asked Tianjianxian for his opinion.

From his point of view, the expert from outside the world who pointed Feng Yan seemed to be too concerned about their Sword Kingdom's handling of Wang Tianxuan, and was willing to help.

This is a little strange.

"Is it a foreigner?"

"Yes, I heard that his name is Shuimu Tianzun."

The old man nodded, he heard this name from Feng Yan, in fact, this is what Jiang Lin asked Feng Yan to say.

The other party doesn't need to ask. If he keeps asking, Feng Yan will report the name of his "extraordinary person".

"Anyway, it's always a good thing for us that the other party is willing to help. If he has any plans, is it possible that so many of us are afraid of him?"

Tianjianxian doesn't care about the actions of the master Shuimu Tianzun. At his level, all considerations are basically based on interests.

For the time being, although Tianzun Shuimu pretends to be mysterious, he has no conflict of interest with them.

"Lord Tianxian, have you heard of his name?"

The old man is also quite curious about the identity of this Shuimu Tianzun. Generally speaking, even if it is a powerful corpse evil, even if it is very powerful, but because he is deeply feared by the heavenly court, he rarely shows any traces.

But that Shuimu Tianzun actually found out the exact location of Wangtianjian, which is a bit of a beer.

Tianjianxian shook his head and said: "No, but I think he is also a capable person with strength at the level of Tianxian."

"Strength at the level of an immortal?"

The old man's eyes suddenly widened, is it so terrifying?

"Although our Sword Country doesn't practice side-door and left-hand techniques, I have heard a little about some techniques. The runes on this talisman are not something that ordinary practitioners can draw."

Tianjianxian took out the breath-holding talisman in his hand, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the rice paper shattered, but the talisman on it still existed, hovering in mid-air.He said: "This kind of talisman can exist in the void without relying on external objects, and being able to use it as a talisman shows that this person's accomplishments in talisman have reached the level of talisman, and..."

Saying that, Tianjianxian's fingertips rushed out another sword energy, and the talisman of the breath-holding talisman was scattered a lot in an instant, and then fell to the ground, but it was still golden and still had the effect of restraining aura.

"Before entering the level of rune spirit, this person has even entered the level of rune rhythm, which is enough to show the ability of that Shuimu Tianzun."

After a short pause, Tianjianxian continued: "Also, the big formation here is nothing to be arranged, but even my perception is strong, I can't perceive any spiritual energy of this person. I can do this. Yes, I am afraid that in terms of cultivation, it is not weaker than me. This is the most important proof."

If Jiang Lin knew that the Sword Country's Righteous Sword Immortal had made him a character with the power of a god, it is estimated that the expression on his face would be very exciting.

It's not that he didn't leave his spiritual aura, but he couldn't keep it at all. Once his spiritual aura was exposed, with Wang Tianqi's perception, he would have nothing to hide in this radius of a hundred miles.

"Don't go to find any information about this person, as long as he is willing to help us, isn't this the best situation? He wants to know our action plan, you just let that girl pass the word, three days later, encircle, five days later, united action."

Tianjianxian warned the old man in his words. The old man must have some plans in his heart to ask him this.

At the same time, he also told the old man the time and content of the operation, and asked the old man to go back and communicate the past.

"Remember Sword Immortal's warning, and your subordinates will follow suit."

The old man told him to quit, then returned to Qingshui County and informed Feng Yan of the information.

"Xianggong, this is what they told me."

After Feng Yan returned, she informed Jiang Lin of what the old man had conveyed.

Then she hesitated for a while, and then said: "By the way, I heard Wan Shengnan say that this time they are going to capture that Wangtianxian alive."

Because Feng Yan was worried about Jiang Lin, she asked Wan Shengnan one more question when she was talking with Wan Shengnan at the inn, asking how confident the latter was in eliminating Wangtianxian this time. In the end, Wan Shengnan told her that they had done this action. Not going to kill Wangtian.

Best caught alive.


After Jiang Lin heard Feng Yan's words, his whole body almost split.

Capture Wang Tianjian alive?

Second uncle, your brain has been arched by maggots!

Brain cysticercosis is this? ? ?

Now, Jiang Lin really felt that he didn't know how to describe his mood.

He finally worked so hard for so long, and let Liu Sheng and Bao Yi run around day and night to collect the materials for the spirit stone and the seven-star array of flying dragons. Later, it prompted the forces of the Sword Kingdom to come, in order to be able to get it in one fell swoop. Die looking at Tianqi.

However, now Feng Yan actually said that those things from the Sword Kingdom were going to capture Wangtianjian alive.

This is not an international joke, this Nima is an international joke!

The difficulty of killing and capturing alive is definitely not the same, and a corpse evil like Wangtianjian, especially if it is possible to fight a drought alone and join forces with a general, is not a problem.

Moreover, the cultivators of the Sword Country are cultivating the ultimate swordsmanship, and they are slightly insufficient in dealing with evil spirits.

Brain watted?

What a bummer!

At this time, Jiang Lin suddenly felt that this time he was going to kill Wang Tianxuan, and it was probably a bit hanging.

Although a lot of people came, but what kind of people did not do their best to work, he used his head to kill Tianqi?

The [*]th chapter chess difference is a move ([*])

Jiang Lin frowned, and after a long time, he stretched out his fingers and pressed his eyebrows.

God knows how much he wants to kill Wangtianxuan, but now Wangtianxie's hatred value in his heart is NO.1.

The only Namba Wan.

Even the great sand sculpture Dreitian Pengzu, who had chased and killed him so much that he could only go into the water and dig the ground, was not as good as the current Wangtian in terms of hatred.

After all, when he and Baoyi were chased by Chuitian Pengzu, they were purely fleeing, not as tight as they are now.

But even if he wanted to kill Wang Tianxuan again, Jiang Lin was really powerless now.

At present, his role as an expert outside the world is to provide an arm to the Sword Country. If Feng Yan goes to spread the word that he wants the monks of the Sword Country to kill Wang Tianxuan, it will be purely a distraction.

Once people in the Sword Kingdom are suspicious or disgusted, it is likely to be self-defeating.

"We can only see the results in five days."

Jiang Lin sighed, relying on external forces, after all, he was still unreliable.

Now he can only hope that the power of the flying dragon seven-star array can bring surprises.

For the next three days, Jiang Lin was waiting for the actions of those pig teammates. Before the sword country cultivators were surrounded, he continued to search.

But as before, there was still no trace of Concubine Jiang.

On the third day, Jiang Lin waited quietly in the house. There were so many cultivators outside. If Concubine Jiang noticed it, she would probably hide it, and he would be even more difficult to find.

While Jiang Lin was waiting, he didn't expect a chess piece that was not in his plan to appear.

At the beginning, he made hundreds of corpse-killing bows and crossbows to help the famous sword country wipe out the Demon Sect, and even more than half of the Demon Sect's [*] puppet corpses were destroyed.

This led to the siege of the demon sect and the destruction of the sect.

However, Fu Yu, the original leader of the Demon Sect, did not die, but escaped.

Jiang Lin didn't know this, and he didn't care about the remnants of the demon sect.

At that time, he was preoccupied with collecting research materials.

But now, Fu Yu is also near Qingshui County.

Because the matter of dealing with Wangtianjian had already spread outside, Fu Yu also heard some information.

So, she was going to find Wangtianjian and report to him.

Although she doesn't know Wangtianxuan, she is quite familiar with Wangdixuan. Moreover, she infers from some information she has obtained that Wangtianxuan, whom the Sword Kingdom is trying to deal with with all the power of the country, may be similar to Wangdixuan. There is a shallow relationship.

After all, Wangdi is from the Liang Kingdom, and this Wangtian is also from the Liang Kingdom.

Jiang Lin deliberately asked Zhu Xiaolian to convey this information to the officials of the Sword Kingdom, so it is not surprising that Fu Yu heard about it.

On this day, Feng Yan came out of the post house, and just after entering the gate of Feng Mansion, a masked woman appeared, and she was extremely fast, grabbing at Feng Yan's neck with one hand.

This masked woman is Fu Yu, the former leader of the demon sect.

In the past few days, she has been trying to find out the location of Wangtianjian, but after secretly searching the souls of some shrimp soldiers and crabs, she found nothing.

And if the strength is stronger, she can't do it, otherwise it will disturb others. The monks gathered here, whether they are good or evil, have a strong hostility towards her.

Fortunately, she found out that the location information of Wang Tianyu was provided by an ordinary girl, so after some verification, she knew that this ordinary girl was Feng Yan.

This is also the reason why she took action against Feng Yan.

At the same time Fu Yu started, Jiang Lin had already sensed that there was an extremely powerful cultivator outside, and before he could move, Feng Yan smashed the door from the outside and flew over.


After Feng Yan got up from the ground, she ran to Jiang Lin's side.

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