Although Fu Yu's cultivation level is very high, Feng Yan has an immortal clothing to protect her body, so her attack did not pose any threat to Feng Yan, but only made her roll on the ground a few times.

"It's you?"

After Fu Yu saw Jiang Lin, her voice became extremely cold.

When Jiang Lin broke into the Demon Sect, although he didn't meet her, some monks from the Sword Kingdom drew his face in order to find Jiang Lin. Therefore, Fu Yu was kind to this person who ruined her efforts. are not unfamiliar.

"who are you?"

Jiang Lin frowned and looked at Fu Yu, who was covering his face. He should not use his abilities now, so he couldn't see Fu Yu's face behind the veil.

Even if he saw it, he didn't know it.

Fu Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I see, that's what happened."

Then, she flew over the courtyard wall and galloped away.

There has been a movement outside, and Feng Yan has tyrannical means of protection on her body. She is not reconciled, and there is nothing she can do.

"Master, who is she?"

Feng Yan looked at Jiang Lin and was still a little scared. If it wasn't for the protective measures Jiang Lin put on her, I'm afraid she would be a corpse now.

Jiang Lin shook his head and responded, "I don't know either, but she seems to know me."

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin still couldn't think of anyone who would have such killing intent on him, and the other party's cultivation base was not weak.

The more he couldn't figure it out, the more he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Someone is here, it should be Wan Shengnan and the others. The people you mentioned may be related to Wangtianxian. Let them act as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin explained Feng Yan, and then entered the cabinet.

Now that the encirclement work has been carried out, it is equivalent to the arrow on the string, and it has to be sent. Therefore, Jiang Lin is not worried about the impact of letting the Sword Kingdom act as soon as possible.

After a while, Wan Shengnan and the old man came to Feng's house. They sensed a strong aura here just now and came to check.

Now the action to deal with Wangtianjian is about to start. All practitioners are not allowed to remove the breath-holding talisman without authorization, let alone reveal their aura at will. There is a powerful aura that appears not far from the post house, and of course they have to come to check it out.

According to Jiang Lin's instructions, Feng Yan relayed to them the suggestion to act as soon as possible.

Wan Shengnan and the others didn't ask any further questions, and the old man reported the situation.

After Fu Yu left Qingshui County, she was no longer obsessed with finding the location of Wangtianjian. Now the only good insider has protective measures, and if she wants to make other plans, it may be too late. .

So, she was going to go directly to Liang State and tell Wang Dijian there about the matter.

She must also inform about Jiang Lin's affairs.

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-five chapters of chess is one move (two)

"Xianggong, do you not have much confidence in your heart?"

After Feng Yan handed over the force distribution map brought from the post house to Jiang Lin, she couldn't help but feel a little worried when she saw Jiang Lin frowning and looking full of thoughts.

During this time, when she was spreading the word, she also asked Wan Shengnan about Wangtianxuan and some information about the world of monks. After all, she also hoped that Jiang Lin would ask her or take her with him in the future. As a practitioner, she also wanted to know more about the practice.

Because of this, she knew what a terrifying and terrifying monster Wang Tianjian was.

That is an existence that even the gods in the sky find it difficult, and even the gods may die on this kind of monster.

However, her husband only has the cultivation level of Jindan stage, and it can be said that there is a difference of [-] miles from Wangtianjian.

"If you want to kill Wangtian, I really don't have much to do with me, but you don't have to worry, I should have no problem with protecting myself. When I brought about this situation, I also wanted to remove this hidden danger, even if I didn't do it. Killing it can also make it leave Qingshui County. Besides, I have been cautious these days, and that guy doesn't know my existence."

Jiang Lin explained to Feng Yan, and then carefully thought about how to use the power of the Sword Kingdom.

He had to take into account when to guide and persecute Wang Tianyu, and when to let Liu Sheng and Baoyi take action.

When Jiang Lin was thinking about their actions, the Sword Country side was still the same as before. Although Jiang Lin, the master of the world, Shuimu Tianzun reminded them to act as soon as possible, they did not rashly interrupt themselves in order to catch Tianxian alive. s plan.

The difficulty of catching Wang Tianjian alive is not ordinary, and they know it in their hearts.

However, even so, in the middle of the night two days later, all of them acted.

"You wait at home, be careful."

Jiang Lin, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, opened his eyes and instructed Feng Yan.

Now he is going to the battlefield.

"Master, you must come back."

Feng Yan's lips were a little pale. Although Jiang Lin said that she could protect herself, Jiang Lin's brows had not been stretched for the past two days, which made her feel extremely frightened.

"Of course I'm coming back."

Jiang Lin smiled. He was the mastermind behind the scenes. Even if Wang Tianjian went mad, he would never have thought that everything was secretly arranged by him.

Of course it wouldn't be bad for him.

He plucked a strand of hair from Feng Yan's temple, and Jiang Lin said again: "With your blue silk, even if you encounter any danger during my absence, I will find you. Whether it is for me or Don't worry too much about yourself."

Leaving these words, Jiang Lin left Feng Zhai and headed east.

There is a high mountain in the east of Qingshui County, and he needs to go there to overlook the whole battle situation.

When they got to the high mountain, Jiang Lin took out the flying kite from the ancient mirror in his arms and jumped down the mountain with the help of the kite.

Using flying kites and air currents, Jiang Lin hovered in mid-air, and finally rose gradually.

After reaching a certain height, he glided toward the location of his house on the outskirts of the county.

This night was originally an extremely ordinary, quiet night, but at a certain moment, the ground below suddenly erupted into the sky.

After that, on the ground and in the low sky, there were monks from the Sword Kingdom everywhere, some flying with Yu Jian, and some in Lingxu Yukong.

The light of various sword formations, the rainbow light of countless sword qi, abounded.


It was not until he was besieged that he discovered the strange Wangtianjian, and at this moment, a thunderous roar broke out.

"Bite me, bite me again. I brought you a great gift, Sun Thief, do you like it?"

Jiang Lin looked at the situation below from a high altitude, and let out a sneer.

The former Wang Wangdi almost killed him, but now he is looking for the Qiankun lock at a critical moment, and Wangtian appears around him again, making him unable to do anything.

It made him suffocated.

Now it was finally his turn to fight back.

Although Jiang Lin prepared this time in a hurry, he was forced to come up with a strategy when he was forced to, but for Wang Tianxuan, this level was really difficult.

Just like Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian, there are six powerful cultivators with the strength of Tianxian.

Moreover, I don't know how many sword cultivators and loose cultivators at the level of the gods in the back.

Jiang Lin was temporarily watching from a wall in the sky, and he was really in a better mood.

Just this feel, it's cool!

He was happy, but Wang Tianxuan was extremely depressed.

It came to this sword country just to find Jiang Lin who beat his own child, and along the way, it did nothing else, so it could be considered a low-key.

However, it didn't know why, so many monks came to besiege it.

It also appeared so abruptly.

Every one of his mother seems to have the same revenge of killing his father and mother.

What's more, it's Wang Fried when it comes up.

Although Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian were planning to capture Wangtianxian alive, they also knew that Wangtianxian was difficult to deal with and could only be captured alive if they were severely injured.

Therefore, the six top combat powers headed by them will be ruthless to Wangtian.

Wang fried, four twos, four Ace!

"Relieve your anger, it's really a goddamn relief. Wangtianji, don't call him Wangtianxian, just Wangtian donkey."

Jiang Lin was in midair when he saw Wangtianjian being controlled in midair, Wanjian pierced through his body, and he couldn't even move. His mood was really relieved.

The current Wangtianjian is just like the boss in the arcade Three Kingdoms War Chronicles who was abused by the character using the prop Zhang Lingjian.

Moreover, the roar of this guy has been distorted because he was continuously attacked.

Jiang Lin really wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to give Wang Tianjian a good ride, but he still forcibly suppressed this urge.

Although there are Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian who took the lead in expanding their moves, Wang Tianjian's blood bar does not know that there are tens of thousands, and it is just that he has not reacted very much.

Once this product is ruthless, it will be terrifying to the limit.

Sure enough, the pain in his body made Wang Tianxuan suffer and went berserk.

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-six chapters chess difference (three)

not good!

Watching the play to see a moth!

When Jiang Lin saw Wangtian's crazy whale inhaling spiritual energy, he immediately realized that it was not good.

He had seen such a situation in Wang Dijian's body.

This guy is going to use the roar of lions.

Jiang Lin quickly controlled the flying kite by swinging his arms up and down, causing it to rise rapidly.


After a few blinks of an eye, a powerful roar erupted from below that could rupture the eardrums.

A roar of landslides.

It was so terrifying, even Jiang Lin, who was at a high altitude, was temporarily deaf in both ears.

As for the six top powerhouses below, including Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian, half of them were suddenly bleed by Wang Tianjian's mad roar.

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