It was Feng Yan's hairpin Wan Shengnan, and, beside Wan Shengnan, there was the old man whose cultivation had reached the level of God Transformation.


When Jiang Lin noticed the arrival, it was already a little late, and they had already been discovered by the old man.

Jiang Lin was a little distracted because he was thinking about Jiang Ting, and Liu Sheng and Bao Yi were focusing on improving their strength because they had to deal with the next calamity, so they didn't warn Jiang Lin in advance.

Chapter [*] I Blow Myself (Part [*])

"Xianggong, why does the figure over there seem like I'm getting younger?"

Feng Yan, who was standing on the golden wheel, also opened the tent with her bare hands and looked at the end of Jiang Lin's eyes.

"It's your little one."

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead. It would be fine if he met Wan Shengnan and the old man, but behind them, there was still a huge wave of powerful spiritual power.

It seemed that the group of cultivators who went to hunt down Wangdijian and Wangtianjian in the Sword Kingdom had returned.

Things are a little more troublesome.

For a while, Jiang Lin was also a little worried.

The group of guys in Sword Country definitely didn't get any benefit, Wang Tianjian didn't want to run away. Once they escaped, even if they were seriously injured, it wouldn't be so easy to fall again.

What's more, there is a Wangdi to protect it.

So much power was dispatched, but it turned out to be a waste of time. If Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian and others encountered him, the black hand who dominated everything behind the scenes, it would be really great fun.

"Young Master Jiang, a large number of powerful cultivators have come here."

"Yes, it seems to be Tianjianxian and the others, what should we do?"

Liu Sheng and Bao Yi are now also sensing the changes in the outside world, and they both transmit voices to Jiang Lin.

"Don't panic first, you should completely restrain your breath, and don't show up. Once you show up, things will be difficult to deal with."

Jiang Lin asked Liu Sheng and Bao Yi to restrain their breaths. At this moment, Liu Sheng and Bao Yi, the two girls who had pretended to be the servants of Shuimu Tianzun, were absolutely not allowed to show their faces.

Otherwise, his identity cannot be concealed.

His mind changed, a flash of light flashed in Jiang Lin's mind, and he immediately whispered in Feng Yan's ear, and then he said to Concubine Jiang: "Jian'er, you can listen to what Yan'er says in a while, and the people who come behind will not Little, let's cover them up first."

As soon as the voice fell, Wan Shengnan and the old man on the opposite side had already flown to a place not far from them, and some black spots appeared behind them, which were gradually enlarged.

Sure enough, it was the Heaven Sword Immortal and the Evil Sword Immortal from the Sword Kingdom.

"Xiaoyan? Is it Xiaoyan?"

At this time, Wan Shengnan had already seen Feng Yan beside Jiang Lin. Feng Yan was her best friend and she was naturally quite familiar.

As the flight got closer, Wan Shengnan discovered that it was Jiang Lin who was beside Feng Yan.

"Jiang...Jiang Shaoxia?"

Wan Shengnan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Feng Yan and asked, "Xiaoyan, why are you with Jiang Shaoxia?"

Feng Yan pursed her lips and smiled, and responded somewhat coyly: "He...he is my husband."


Wan Shengnan was completely stunned, how did Jiang Lin become her petite husband?

"Miss Wan, senior."

At this time, Jiang Lin greeted Wan Shengnan and the old man beside him.

Then, when he thought about it, the bone sword flew out of his body and lay at Feng Yan's feet.

Feng Yan lifted her foot onto the bone sword, was carried by the bone sword, and leaned towards Wan Shengnan.

"He... how is he your husband? What about your husband?"

After Wan Shengnan nodded to Jiang Lin, he moved to Feng Yan's side and asked his doubts.

Feng Yan explained softly: "What is that Xiang Gong, my Xiang Gong has always been him, and I have always married him."


Wan Shengnan was speechless. When Feng Yan was on her way to Qingshui County, she had visited her, and Jiang Lin's information was what she told Feng Yan, and the two of them even said some inexplicable words, As a result, her best friend married Jiang Lin after she grew up.

She didn't even know it.

This is too much.

"Do you still think of me as a close friend? He didn't tell me when you got married? It's just that I won't be allowed to attend the wedding, so why don't you tell me?"

Wan Shengnan suddenly became a little unhappy, Feng Yan could marry anyone, as long as she didn't marry into the fire pit, she would be happy for this, but after marrying, she still deliberately concealed her, which made her heart hurt.

Feng Yan took Wan Shengnan's hand and explained apologetically, "Anan, I didn't mean to hide it from you, the one next to him, have you seen it? That's his senior sister, they both have The marriage contract, and then, my husband first asked for wine, and then asked me, and his senior sister was so angry that he was looking for him to settle accounts all over the world. Therefore, after the demon sect was wiped out, he never showed up again. , When he was at my house, it was also inconvenient for him to come forward, so I also concealed his whereabouts."

Of course, these words were all told by Jiang Lin to Feng Yan. If Wan Shengnan and the others didn’t ask more questions, there would be nothing. As long as they asked about Shuimu Tianzun, Feng Yan would say that Jiang Lin was a disciple of Shuimu Tianzun. .

This can also explain why Feng Yan, an ordinary girl, can be favored by Shuimu Tianzun, an expert outside the world, and has a relationship with an expert outside the world.

"So this is ah."

Wan Shengnan nodded and glanced at Jiang Lin again.

This Jiang Shaoxia is really a romantic master.

With such a beautiful senior sister, she is always stealing.

Big trotters.

At this time, Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian who were behind had already flown over.

"Seniors, juniors are fortunate to meet each other."

Jiang Lin also gave a junior salute to Tian Jianxian and others.

Wan Shengnan didn't care about talking to Feng Yan anymore, he saluted Tianjianxian and said, "Lord Jianxian, that young man is Jiang Lin, that is, he, and we wiped out the Demon Sect during the Lord's retreat."

Tianjianxian nodded, but only glanced at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin played a major role in the process of eliminating the Demon Sect. He had heard a little about it, but a small role like Jiang Lin was not enough to attract the attention of a powerhouse at his level.

Then Tianjianxian's eyes turned to Concubine Jiang.

A flower fairy?

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Tian Jianxian's face changed slightly, especially after sensing Concubine Jiang's cultivation, his expression became slightly surprised, but then he looked at Feng Yan.

"Little girl, where is Tianzun Shuimu?"

Before allowing Tianjianxian to speak, Xiejianxian asked. This time they hunted down Wangdi and Wangtian, and they encountered unprecedented losses. If they had the help of Shuimu Tianzun, they would never have fallen into such a field. It may even turn defeat into victory and capture the two monsters.

"Everyone want to find a tutor?"

Jiang Lin controlled the Rijin Wheel, flew to Feng Yan's side, and looked at Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian.

He started talking nonsense in earnest again.

"What? Shuimu Tianzun is your master?"

Tianjianxian raised his brows, and then re-examined Jiang Lin.

"Yes, the kid is the close disciple of his old man. This is the senior sister of the kid. As for Yan'er, it is the wife of the kid."

Jiang Lin nodded and continued to carry out his own tricks.

Chapter [*] I blow myself (below)

"It turns out that, little friend, you are actually a disciple of Daoist Shuimu. I have always admired Daoist Shuimu's name for a long time, but it is a pity that we have a good relationship with Daoist Shuimu."

A smile appeared on Tianjianxian's face. Since Jiang Lin was a close disciple of Shuimu Tianzun, his attitude was naturally much better.

"What? Shuimu Tianzun is your master? This little girl is your wife, and you have always been in Qingshui County? How did you hide your head and show your tail?"

However, Xie Jianxian on the side looked at Jiang Lin, but it was a little bad.

If Tianzun Shuimu randomly finds someone who is destined, that is, Feng Yan, and asks Feng Yan to bring the news of Wangtianjian to them, that's fine.

After all, the powerhouses of their level have strange behaviors.

But as a disciple of Shuimu Tianzun, Jiang Lin is also husband and wife with Feng Yan, why hasn't he come forward?

They kept asking Feng Yan to send messages to their people.

"Cough...this is..."

Jiang Lin smiled and then explained: "My senior sister is the fiancee that my master promised me. As for me, I was ordered by my teacher to practice outside and caused several romantic debts, Yaner is one of them, my senior sister. The cultivation base is far higher than me, and you have been looking for me to settle accounts, where can I show up?"

"You are really capable. With such a Hedong lion at home, you dare to mess with flowers."

When Xie Jianxian heard Jiang Lin's explanation, he looked at Concubine Jiang again, and then he looked at Jiang Lin with more pity.

Aren't you afraid of being killed?

Even Heavenly Sword Immortal, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He was obsessed with swordsmanship all his life, and never thought about finding a Taoist companion, but if he wanted to find it, if he could have such a beautiful and moving flower fairy as his wife, he could feel that his life was perfect.

But this little young man in front of him, with such a low cultivation base, was promised such a marriage by his teacher.

However, with such a beautiful fiancee of Hua Xian, this kid is still flirting with flowers.


The monks behind the two Sword Immortals had the same thoughts as Heavenly Sword Immortal.

You kid is really beer.

"Isn't it a foolish young man, Jiang Xiaoyou, I don't know where the respected master is practicing. To be honest, I am very ignorant, and I have only heard of the name of the respected master. Where is he now?"

Tianjianxian's attitude is better, Jiang Lin's cultivation level can make Shuimu Tianzun promise a Huaxian disciple to be his fiancee, which is enough to prove Shuimu Tianzun's love for this mountain harvesting disciple.

"The teacher's whereabouts are hidden, and he often travels around, but his main activities are outside the sand sea in the northern region. Outside, his old man's name is still a little bit. Not long ago, Zhong Kui, the master of the ghost town, led the forces of the ghost town to go to heaven. He invited the old man to take action, and then he completely killed that fellow Wutian. It was also with the help of his old man that the ghost city of the Netherworld was able to completely destroy the heavenly court."

Jiang Lin continued to talk nonsense. Now Tianjianxian and the others have no doubts about what he said before, so he was ready to talk about tiger skin and pull the banner.

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