I blow myself.

He intends to blow his "teacher" Shuimu Tianzun to the sky, standing proudly on the top of the group of immortals, and the immortal top of the sky is proud of the world. Compared with his teacher, he is a clown jumping on the beam.

Only if he blows like this, Tianjianxian and others will be jealous of him, and there will be no embarrassment.


Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian and other cultivators all screamed out, the heaven is actually destroyed?

Was Wutian also beheaded?

"What? The seniors don't know yet?"

Jiang Lin asked knowingly and deliberately put on a surprised look on his face.

"Damn it, Heaven is destroyed?"

The Evil Sword Immortal was suddenly furious, the heavenly court was destroyed, and the sky was full of hiccups. Then they dispatched so many people. Isn't the second uncle just busy work?

They also thought about capturing Wangdi and Wangtian, and negotiating with Wutian, but as a result, Nima and Wutian's graves are several zhang tall.

"Yeah, it's been destroyed long ago. When the Sun Tribulation occurred in the Daluo Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Court was completely captured, and now the outside Heavenly Court has been captured by the ghost city. As for the new master, but the tutor has a leisurely personality and doesn't like to be disturbed, so he turned it down, and he pushed it several times before turning it down. I don't even know what his old man thought. If he became the new master of the heavenly court, I would be honored. "

Jiang Lin gave full play to his flickering skills. If Zhong Kui was here, he would be so angry that his nose would crook the back of his head.

The gods kneel down and beg, and the gods pushed him several times before he pushed them away.

At this time, Concubine Jiang couldn't help but laugh, this man of hers is really good enough to deceive people.

Not only her, but also Bao Yi in the ancient mirror in Jiang Lin's arms and Liu Sheng in the purse were all speechless.

They didn't usually see how Jiang Lin bragged, but now it's fine, so they blow the sky and blow it hard.

What Shuimu Tianzun, isn't that yourself?

Jiang Lin is not worried about Tianjianxian and the others going to investigate. If they really want to investigate, Heavenly Court is indeed destroyed, and Wutian is indeed hiccups. As for Shuimu Tianzun, even if it is verified, he would have disappeared long ago. son.

Tian Jianxian and the others looked at each other in dismay. They basically believed what Jiang Lin said, because in their opinion, Jiang Lin really had no need to deceive them.

Moreover, they have also seen the ability of "Shuimu Tianzun", and a single formation almost made Wang Tianjian completely explain it in Qingshui County.

If it wasn't for them to spoil the situation in the end, Wang Tianqian would have really fallen for it.

With such ability, it is only one-handed ability, and it is not small to kill Wutian.

Seeing the various expressions on Tianjianxian's faces, Jiang Lin laughed in his heart and greeted these idiots again.

What a bunch of pig teammates.

Shuzi lacks and seeks!

"Seniors, the current whereabouts of the tutor, the boy does not know, the old man's dragon sees the head but does not see the end. However, the tutor found out that there was a disaster in the hope of heaven, so he was ready to hoe, and he was later escaped. Now how is the situation?"

Jiang Lin asked Tianjianxian about Wangtianxian again. Although he guessed that Tianjianxian and others could not hunt Wangtianxian at all, he still wanted to ask what happened.

Tianjianxian's face suddenly turned ugly. If he knew this earlier, what did they do with so many stupid things!

They chased after Liang Guo, but they encountered millions of demon corpses, and the number increased sharply, and the number even exceeded [*] million.

This also led to the direct loss of four-fifths of the people they dispatched. He and the friends invited by Xiejianxian were also attacked by Wangtianxian and Wangdiqi because of the recovery of Wangtianxian, and they were directly planted in the country of Liang. .

If it weren't for the fact that they still left some living power in the Sword Kingdom, I'm afraid they would not know how long it would take to recover their vitality.

After working for so long and gathering so much power, in the end, it was all for nothing.

The bamboo basket is empty!

Although these things are extremely disgraceful, since Jiang Lin asked, and his teacher Shuimu Tianzun has helped Jianguo, Tianjianxian did not hide it.

Chapter [*] bragging, it depends on who is bragging

"It's a shame that guy is very cunning, we caught up with Liang Guo..."

The more Tianjianxian said, the more annoyed he became, and even his temperament couldn't help but have blue veins on his forehead.

It's a pity that Tianzun Shuimu doesn't know where he went, and even his disciples are not easy to find. Otherwise, if he can use the power of Tianzun Shuimu, he might be able to kill another carbine.

It is no longer necessary to capture Wang Tianyu alive, just kill him directly.

"What? The country of Liang has been destroyed for thousands of miles?"

Jiang Lin was also greatly surprised when Tianjianxian said about Liang Guo.

A country as big as the Liang Kingdom, with a population of billions, has now completely turned into a dead place.

This is not a dead city anymore, it is a lifeless ruined country.

What a bunch of iron waste.

Jiang Lin scolded Tianjianxian and other idiots again in his heart.

If it weren't for these idiots thinking beautifully, they wouldn't have destroyed the entire country of Liang, not even a single living creature.

I still want to find Tianzun Shuimu, why don't you find your second uncle?

Why did you go early?

Although he kept using "civilized" language to greet everyone on the opposite side, Jiang Lin still didn't show anything on his face, he said, "Since this is the case, it's a pity. The teacher doesn't know where to travel, wait. In the future, the younger generation will meet his old man and explain it to him. His old man has repeatedly said that the two swordsmen of the Sword Kingdom are very skilled in swordsmanship, and they are highly respected.

"Where, Xiao Dao'er, in less than a sigh, where can I get into the eyes of Daoist Shuimu, if I meet him in the future, I must have a good life to discuss it."

Even Jianxian likes to listen to good things. Jiang Lin boasted like this, and Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian also lost a lot of anger in their hearts, and they laughed again and again.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, this is a holy sword that I have refined during my retreat. It was originally intended to be reserved for my heir, but I have been friends with the respected teacher for a long time, and I have nothing to show for this time. , I will give it to you, little friend. Besides, Jiang Xiaoyou, you helped my sword country eliminate the corpse disaster before, so I need to send some gifts anyway."

Tianjianxian pulled out a sparkling long sword from his sleeve and threw it to Jiang Lin.

In fact, what kind of friendship is not a good friend, and what Jiang Lin helped the sword country destroy the corpse, it was all his nonsense, mainly because Jiang Lin said that Shuimu Tianzun beheaded Wutian, and he has a lot to do with the master of the ghost city who now controls the heaven. friendship.

In view of today's gift, if they want to leave the sand sea in the northern region and return to the outside world in the future, they can also have connections.

"Ahem, since Daoist Shuimu asked you to go to the sword country to practice, that's also the face of my Evil Sword Immortal. This picture of the Demon Dragon Sword is also my expression. Greet your respected master on my behalf."

When Xie Jianxian saw that Tianjianxian gave Jiang Lin a gift, he changed his previous attitude and took a picture of the magic sword array and threw it to Jiang Lin.

The gifts that Tianjianxian gave were precious, and the gifts he gave were even more expensive.

On the one hand, although he and Tianjianxian have cooperated temporarily this time, they have been enemies in the past and since then, so he can't lose his face.

Although Xie Jianxian has a bad temper, he is definitely not much worse than Tianjianxian in terms of resourcefulness. When Tianjianxian considered befriending Shuimu Tianzun, he had already reacted.

Although he sent out extremely precious treasures, if he could accumulate such a network of contacts, in his opinion, it would be worthwhile.

"Thank you two seniors, the junior will definitely convey the kindness of the seniors to the tutor."

Jiang Lin's eyes moved slightly, he did not expect that Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian would give him gifts.

The two Sword Immortals nodded, and then left the place with a group of monks without stopping.

After Wan Shengnan said goodbye to Feng Yan, he also flew into the distance with the large army.

Jiang Lin immediately took Feng Yan into his arms, and then called back the bone sword, and then immediately drove the Japanese golden wheel to the direction of Zhantan Temple with all his strength.


It didn't take long for Concubine Jiang and Feng Yan to hold back any longer and burst into laughter.

What a Shuimu Tianzun.

A good one to say hello to the Master.

"Xianggong, Yan'er is really eye-opening today."

"Jiang Lang, do you often do things like this? You can really blow it."

Jiang Lin's two wives were almost laughing, leaning back and forth.

It's so funny.

Especially Concubine Jiang, her stomach hurts from laughing.She knew that Jiang Lin must have a close relationship with Zhong Kui in the ghost town, but it was absolutely impossible to say that someone else would kneel and invite him to the new master of the heavenly court.

Even if the Netherworld under Zhong Kui's control is not as good as Heaven, it is still the Lord of the World, at least on the bright side.

How could it be possible to kneel and ask others to be the new master.

This is not the key, the key is that Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian have not suspected this.

Believe it, they believe it.

Jiang Lin laughed himself. Since he began to practice Taoism, there have been many things about pulling the tiger's skin and pulling the banner, but not once was he pulling his own tiger's skin and pulling his own banner.

It was also very successful, pulling the thief Nice.

What's even more funny is that the two leaders of the group of people who were called fools by him also gave him two gifts.

Before, in his heart, he used the Three Character Classic of National Curse a lot.

He scolded idiots and idiots, and then people gave him treasures.

There's no one left.

"Cough, calm down, it's not the first time I've blown it. But, bragging, it depends on who blows it, don't you think?"

Jiang Lin smiled. It was indeed not the first time he had blown it, and it was the second time he had used the title Shuimu Tianzun alone.

"I tell you, back then..."

After overcoming this difficult time and receiving two more treasures, Jiang Lin was in a good mood, so he told Concubine Jiang and Feng Yan about how he used the name of Tianzun Shuimu to pretend to be a tiger and eat a pig.

Back then, with just one mouth, he managed the three idiots Lan Dali and Xu Fu very well. In the end, the three idiots were frightened and ran away.

It's just that he was not like this time. He used a lot of power to cause internal injuries to himself.

This time, he just moved his mouth.

Light blowing does not practice.

Moreover, this time the object of his bragging is far more than Lan Dali's sword immortals and many capable monks.

Just quietly watched him blow 13, and then send the baby.

Chapter [*] Return to Zhantan Temple again

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