"makes sense."

Concubine Jiang nodded. What Jiang Lin said was true. If someone else played it, it would not have such an effect at all.

It's a coincidence that one of them didn't blow well, and even his own life could be blown away.

"Xianggong, it turns out that Shuimu Tianzun came like this. I thought you made it up this time."

Feng Yan's eyes shone brightly, and she looked at Jiang Lin with affection. In the past, she fell in love with Jiang Lin because she regarded Jiang Lin as a hero, but now, the more she gets along with Jiang Lin, the more she will become. It was found that Jiang Lin was far beyond her cognition.

Especially this time, Jiang Lin managed to resolve a change without any effort, and achieved such a result.

However, such a powerful person has become her husband, and he also regards her as a treasure in his palm.

Jiang Lin smiled, and then put the sword array diagram into the purse of his waist, and at the same time asked Liu Sheng through voice transmission: "Liu Sheng, is this magic sword formation diagram the Dragon Shadow Sword formation we have seen before? ?"

Jiang Lin didn't care much about the holy sword sent by Heavenly Sword Immortal. After all, he has an upgradable bone sword, and the quality of that holy sword is still a bit different from that of a fairy weapon. Wine, give him this wife to use.

As for the sword array diagram sent by Xie Jianxian, he was very interested.

If it is really the auxiliary sword formation that Evil Sword Immortal once cast, the help to him is not small.

As for the spiritual power that drives the sword formation, he has nothing to worry about. He is compatible with good and evil, and Liu Sheng is a demon spirit, so he can use it naturally.

"That's right, I never thought he would hand over such a precious treasure. Young Master Jiang, you are really capable."

After Liu Sheng identified it, she responded to Jiang Lin, she really convinced Jiang Lin.

Originally encountering Tianjianxian and the others, it may be a catastrophe, and a war may break out.

As a result, Jiang Lin bragged about himself, blew away a war, and blew two treasures.

It also made people willing to give it to their hands in a good voice.

"It's just a trick. It's mainly because the external conditions have arrived. You can refer to this sword array map first. What materials and conditions are needed, just tell me directly. I guess this thing will be useful to me later."

Jiang Lin Chuanyin explained to Liu Sheng and continued on his way. This time, he did not dare to be distracted.

"Xianggong, where is your teacher?"

After a while, Feng Yan asked. She was curious about the kind of person who taught a capable person like Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Lang, do you have a senior sister?"

Concubine Jiang also asked aloud, but her attention was a little different from Feng Yan.

"My apprentice? You will know about it in the future, Yan'er. As for senior sister, I have it too."

As soon as Concubine Jiang mentioned her senior sister, Jiang Lin thought of Chen Yu at home. Before Chen Yu became his woman, she was her senior sister.

"Then what's your relationship with her?"

"What's the relationship? The relationship between husband and wife."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly. He and Chen Yu have been married for nearly [*] years, and now he misses the tenderness of the past.

Concubine Jiang bit her red lips lightly and said, "There are Linglong and Hongdou in front, and now there is another senior sister. Are they all beautiful?"

Jiang Lin looked at Concubine Jiang, took her into his arms, kissed her on the lips, and then said, "Jian'er, your husband, I'm not a man who just wants a woman to give her a hug, Yaner was with me before. After living together for a long time, she is still innocent. But even so, I don't know if your husband has the fortune of the corpse emperor, which leads to a lot of peach blossoms, and I will have other women in the future. If you do this again, Where will it stop in the future?”

Jiang Lin gave Concubine Jiang a vaccination in advance. Gu Mengxue still has several phantoms in the back, and if he returns to Middle-earth in the future, if there are no counterparts for Feng Yan, Wenjiu and others, that's all. , if there is one, he will look for it.

He didn't want the family discord because of Concubine Jiang's troubles.

"If you do this again, then I will love you so much that I will focus on you alone. Are you sure you can serve me?"

Jiang Lin gave Concubine Jiang a look and let her experience it for herself.

If he indulged, he would be like a wild beast.

"I hate you."

Concubine Jiang gently pushed Jiang Lin and put away her vinegar jar.

Jiang Lin laughed, then looked ahead, Wanhua Forest was not far away.

A day later, Jiang Lin returned to Zhantan Temple.

"Donor, you are back. Judging from the joy on your face, it should be relatively smooth, right?"

After seeing Jiang Lin, the immovable monk guessed that Jiang Lin should have obtained the Qiankun Lock. The last time Jiang Lin came back here, although the expression on his face was happy, he was not as relaxed as this time.

"Yes, but this success or failure, we still have to rely on the master."

Jiang Lin bowed deeply to the immovable monk, and he had to rely on this Arhat to bring Jiang Ting back to life.

The eminent monk smiled and said: "Everything is a cause, and there is a cause, and there is an effect. Although the poor monk broke the road to the Buddha, he never regretted it. It has a cause and effect with the donor, and he will naturally pay for it. "

Afterwards, the eminent monk looked at Concubine Jiang and Feng Yan behind Jiang Lin, and said, "Amitabha, the benefactor is really blessed, last time I came back with two skeletons, this time I brought back two more, sins and sins ."

"What skeleton, don't you carry the skeleton yourself."

Jiang Lin gave the immortal monk a big white eye. This short arhat actually said that the wine and Liu Sheng he brought last time, and the Feng Yan and Concubine Jiang that he brought here this time are skeletons.

Women are women, and skeletons.

Why don't you have a pink skull yourself?

Not long after, the lady of Wanhualin also appeared in the hall. At this time, she no longer had the extravagance she had before, but her face was filled with a lot of happiness.

Jiang Lin introduced Concubine Jiang to the lady, and explained some of the things that happened when he went to Qingshui County.

The lady nodded and said, "My sister doesn't know Taishan anymore. Fortunately, although there are twists and turns, it is developing in a smooth direction after all."

The lady didn't have any complaints about Jiang Lin's actions, and she looked down on everything now.

As long as Wanhualin and Huaxian Pavilion are safe in the future, she will have nothing to worry about.

Chapter [*] Resurrection Jiang Ting (Part [*])

"In the future, the fate of many Huaxian in Wanhualin and Huaxian Pavilion will depend on fellow Daoist Jiang. My sister is wrong, and I hereby apologize to you for her."

The lady bowed to Jiang Lin, and Wan Hualin was not worried, but the flower god of Huaxian Pavilion provoked Jiang Lin and caused so much trouble, she was still worried that Jiang Lin would take it to heart.

In the future, if Wan Hualin and Huaxian Pavilion's Huaxian want to survive in the outside world, Jiang Lin must also help.

Jiang Lindao: "You can rest assured, Peony is my wife, born in Wanhualin, Jianger is also my beloved wife, growing up in Huaxian Pavilion, I will naturally take care of them comprehensively, the Huaxian in the two places are their sisters , of course I won't let it go."

"Is she your wife, Concubine Jiang?"

The lady was stunned for a moment. She really didn't know what to say. Peony was in their Wanhua Forest. It is enough to capture the heart of Peony.

When they got to Huaxian Pavilion, they caught another concubine Jiang.

Concubine Jiang is so beautiful, it is estimated that the other Huaxian Pavilion's Huaxian Huaxian are not comparable.

The courtesans on both sides were captured by Jiang Lin.

However, in addition to being shocked, the lady also felt relieved. As Jiang Lin said, since Concubine Jiang has become Jiang Lin's wife, she doesn't have to worry about Huaxian Pavilion.

Moreover, Concubine Jiang is still the new flower god of Huaxian Pavilion, so she doesn't need to worry about it, Concubine Jiang can fight for the Huaxian Pavilion's Huaxian Pavilion.

Concubine Jiang took out the slate that Huaxian Pavilion had turned into after receiving the permission of the eminent monk, and hung it on the wall on the left side of the mural.

"Master, although I found the Qiankun lock this time, I am also worried that when I completely detoxify my wife, it will cause Wangtian's induction. Therefore, before the action, I plan to arrange a large isolation around your temple. The magic circle, if the master has some research on the Buddhist enchantment, you can work with me to arrange it."

The corpse poison in Jiang Ting's body belongs to Wangtian, and if he wants to use the Qiankun lock to completely remove it, Jiang Lin is very worried that Wangtian will notice it.

If it was in the past, Jiang Lin didn't care. After all, in Liang country, there are hundreds of millions of people like Jiang Ting. Even if the toxins in Jiang Ting's body are completely removed, causing some fluctuations, it will not have any effect.

However, there is no one alive in Liang Kingdom now. If the toxins in Jiang Ting's body are purified again at this time, it is very likely that Wang Tianjian will notice.

The Wanhua Forest here has his peonies and wine, and Jiang Ting recovers later, and will stay in the Wanhua Forest with Concubine Jiang and Feng Yan.

Therefore, Jiang Lin had to be cautious.

He is not afraid of any calamity. He will face it with all his might, but once there is any risk to his wife, this is something he absolutely cannot allow.

Moreover, he was also worried that his next calamity might be related to Wangtian and Wangdi.

If you can be careful, be very careful.

All the living people in the entire kingdom of Liang died, probably because Wang Tianyu did it to recover from his injuries. Although in Jiang Lin's opinion, it is unlikely that he will be targeted by Wang Tianxuan again, but always be careful. No big mistake.

"The donor is willing to set up a magic circle around our temple. Of course, the poor monk is grateful, and the poor monk will also cooperate. After all, after saving the donor's wife, most of the poor monk's cultivation has disappeared. In the past, there were still some poor monks. The means of subduing demons can protect the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, but after a while, they will no longer be able to do so."

The eminent monk did not have any opinion on Jiang Lin's proposal, and the fact was exactly as he said. Originally, in order to save Peony and Shaoyao, he used the power of Nirvana. Later, it was the lady who transferred the cultivation base to him. Don't let him sit still.

This time, in order to help Jiang Lin resurrect Jiang Ting, his cultivation will completely dissipate. Once Wanhualin or Zhantan Temple are in trouble, he is really powerless.

"Donor, please come in. Since we are going to arrange the magic circle and enchantment in Zhantan Temple, the poor monk should prepare a little."

After the immovable monk cast a spell to make the door of light appear, he left the hall.

On the other side, Concubine Jiang controlled Huaxian Pavilion and made it appear at the entrance, and let the lady enter it to see the changes. After that, she and Jiang Lin entered the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest from the door of light that appeared.

"Peony, ask for wine!"

After Jiang Lin saw the backs of the two wives in Wanhualin, he rushed over.

"Xianggong, can you stay for a while longer this time?"

After Jiang Lin hugged and asked for wine, Peony cuddled in Jiang Lin's arms and looked at him with red eyes.

She was very worried that Jiang Lin would come back this time and leave soon.


Jiang Lin hesitated, he didn't want to spend more time with Wenjiu and Peony, but soon, he still had a calamity to face.

In any case, he is unwilling to survive the calamity here in Wanhualin, and he is even more unwilling to bring disaster to Wanhualin.

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't promise, the tears in Peony's eyes fell.

"Peony, come home with me in the future. If it's not necessary, I won't even go out of the door, okay?"

Jiang Lin's heart felt like it was being held, and he felt too much guilt.


Peony nodded choked, if she asked again, Jiang Lin would only feel more distressed.

"Has the Qiankun lock been found?"

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