"I found it, I have suffered you."

"There's nothing bitter or hard. Sister Ting is your wife, and I am your wife. I naturally treat her as my sister, and it's nothing to carry her soul."

Peony shook her head, as long as Jiang Lin's heart knot could be untied, she would be willing to work harder.

"Look at Sister Ting. She's not doing well, maybe it's because she's been away from the body for too long."

As soon as her hands tied the seal, Peony released the soul that belonged to Jiang Ting in her body.

Since the last time Jiang Lin solved the problem of Jiang Ting's soul, until now, Jiang Ting's soul has not awakened.

"There is nothing wrong with her, it's just because the physical body has been taking Immortal Treasure, the signs of life have not completely disappeared, and there are signs of recovery."

Jiang Lin checked it out, and he was relieved. Jiang Ting's body was taken away by him and kept in the ancient mirror, under the care of Baoyi. He never broke the nourishment of the fairy treasure, so that the soul could not wake up.

Jiang Ting's soul has been raised very well. As long as the problem of the body is solved, the soul and body will return to its place and will soon be resurrected.

"I will definitely bring you back to life."

Jiang Lin looked at the floating beauty's soul, and there was a firm look in his eyes. As soon as the isolation formation and the barrier outside were arranged, he began to detoxify Jiang Ting's body and completely eliminated it. Any impact on Jiang Ting.

Chapter [*] Resurrection Jiang Ting (middle)

"I also really hope to see Sister Ting wake up."

Hearing Jiang Lin say that Jiang Ting's soul is fine, Peony is relieved.

"Peony, I'll try to stay a little longer this time, but after a while, I may face danger, so I have to leave the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, so as not to affect you. Besides, I'll be here for a day at most, so I have to go out and follow me. Move the eminent monks to work on the magic circle and enchantment together. I am worried that there will be any accidents in the process of detoxifying Jiang Ting. "

Jiang Lin thought for a while, but decided to tell Mudan what he was going to face next. He couldn't bear to hide anything from Mudan.

"Xianggong, do you have danger? What kind of danger?"

A look of worry appeared on Peony's face. She knew that Jiang Lin had the identity of another corpse, and that he also had the blessing of imperial luck. Back then, the weak water river and the whirlwind area of ​​Wanhualin couldn't take Jianglin.

However, now Jiang Lin said that he would encounter danger, which must be many times more terrifying than Ruoshuihe.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "I don't know either. This time my premonition is unprecedented, and it will come soon, so I can't accompany you all this time."

"Xianggong, can you take me with you? I'm a flower fairy, and I still have some strength."

"I knew you would ask for this, but, Peony, you also know how important you are in my heart. I don't want any of you to be in a situation like Jiang Ting's again. You don't have to worry too much, your man is my blessing. Life is big, it won't happen easily."

Jiang Lin looked at Peony very seriously, he had no doubts that his woman was willing to share weal and woe with him, but he couldn't agree.

This is where he is helpless.

Seeing the unwillingness on Peony's face, Jiang Lin said again: "I can do anything you want to do, except for not letting you follow me. Moreover, I also need to go to your Seventh Layer Lava Hell to refine the spirit sword. It's time for your help."

This time, Jiang Lin got the magic sword array diagram presented by Xie Jianxian, and he needed to refine a lot of spirit swords to exert the power of the sword array.Therefore, during his time in Wanhualin, he also used the lava hell here to create a set of spirit swords.

At that time, he still needs the immortal power in Peony and Concubine Jiang to add power to the spirit sword.

Jiang Lin has already said so, and Peony can only nod reluctantly.

"Peony, I brought you a Huaxian sister, this time you are really sister flowers."

Jiang Lin kissed Peony's smooth forehead, then turned around and waved to Concubine Jiang and Feng Yan, who had already reached the side.

"Chinese rose fairy?"

Peony was also quite surprised when she saw Concubine Jiang.

Her body is the king of flowers, but the body of this flower fairy is the queen of flowers that is not lost to her.

"Sister Peony."

Concubine Jiang didn't make any noise this time, and didn't pay attention to the beauty's soul that appeared just now, but trotted over and took Peony's hand.

Jiang Lin had greeted her before, and she had already recognized Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin also regarded her as his heart and soul. Not only that, Jiang Lin would treat her like this in the future, from the reactions of Peony and Ask Jiu here. It can be seen that Jiang Lin treats them very well, which also shows that Jiang Lin is not a man who likes the new and hates the old.

If she makes trouble again, it will make Jiang Lin difficult to handle.

In addition, Peony slightly overwhelmed her in terms of body and appearance. People are also arrogant and well-behaved. What kind of temper does she have to play.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin also smiled slightly. Seeing the smile on Jiang Lin's face, Concubine Jiang stuck out her tongue at him.

"Ask the wine, I brought you a present."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin came to Wenjiu's side, and when he touched the purse around his waist, the holy sword presented by Heavenly Sword Immortal appeared in his hand.

"This is?"

"This is the holy sword belonging to the Heavenly Sword Immortal. It was personally refined by him during the hundred years of retreat. It was originally intended to be handed over to his inheritor. Do you like it?"


Wen Jiu was surprised, and took the holy sword into his hands. The sword cultivators of their sword country admired Tianjianxian very much. Now Jiang Lin actually brought a spirit sword from Tianjianxian.

"Come on, tell you about the situation outside, I guess you are also very interested in the sword country."

After that, Jiang Lin called Peony over again and sat down to tell them about the various things he encountered in Qingshui County.

Feng Yan and Concubine Jiang also sat around Jiang Lin, listening with interest to Jiang Lin's narration of what happened before from the first perspective.

Although they knew how things changed, they didn't know much about Jiang Lin's inner thoughts.

The flow of time in Wanhualin is much faster than the outside world. Jiang Lin and his wives were tired of it for a day, so he asked Mudan and Wenjiu to prepare the marriage for Concubine Jiang. When Jiang Ting's affairs were over, he and Concubine Jiang got married.

After calculating the time, Jiang Lin temporarily left Wanhualin and went to Zhantan Temple. He joined hands with the eminent monks, and arranged a powerful magic circle and enchantment around Zhantan Temple.

After completely isolating Zhantan Temple and Wanhualin, he entered Wanhualin together with the immortal monk.

Now that everything is in place, it's just a matter of seeing the results.

Half a day later, in the reception hall, Concubine Jiang, Peony, and Liu Sheng Baoyi were all standing around, Jiang Lin and the eminent monk immovable sat cross-legged beside Jiang Ting's body.

In the hands of the immovable monk, the Qiankun Lock is shining brightly, exuding a strong purifying power.

The immovable monk who cast the spell completely turned into a golden arahant, and the Shuo Shuo Buddha's light shone on Jiang Ting's body.

At the same time, there were continuous Sanskrit sounds from the mouth of the high monk, and Jiang Lin couldn't suppress the corpse poison in his bones.

It didn't take long for Jiang Ting's body to shake on the ground, and the sound of liquid flowing came from her body.

This is the sound of the bone marrow and blood vibrating inside Jiang Ting's body.

"Donor, my spiritual power is not enough."

After a few hours, the immovable monk opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Lin.

"Jian'er, Peony, Baoyi, you are ready."

Jiang Lin greeted Concubine Jiang and the others, and he took out the child and mother Zhuanling card from the ancient mirror, and threw the mother spirit card to Peony.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin activated the Ziling card in his hand, gathered the immortal power of Peony and the others, and used himself as a medium to transmit it to the immortal monks.

It took two full days and two nights for Jiang Ting's changes to stop.

At this time, the skin around Jiang Ting turned black, and under the skin of her flesh was the corpse poison that had been purified and removed.

Chapter [*]: Resurrection Jiang Ting (Part [*])

At this time, the toxin that had been hiding in Jiang Ting's body for nearly [*] years, the terrifying corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjing, was finally forced out by the monk Fudo using his powerful mana.

In Jiang Ting's bone marrow and even the viscera and blood, the corpse poison that had already coexisted with Jiang Ting had all disappeared without a trace.

No matter what corner or nook, it is as clean as a baby.

Except for these toxins accumulated under the skin, Jiang Ting's body no longer had any problems.


At this moment, the immovable monk spat out a mouthful of blood and said to Jiang Lin, "Donor, all the toxins in this female donor's body have become rootless weeds, and they only need to be excreted by special means. The poor monk has already I don't have that ability anymore."

"Thank you, Master. Jiang Lin can handle the rest himself."

Jiang Lin bowed deeply to the eminent monk. If it wasn't for the eminent monk, I am afraid that he had the Qiankun lock and could not completely solve Jiang Ting's problem.

Although the toxins in Jiang Ting's body are still accumulating, they have lost their activity, as long as they are exported out of the body.

He can do this himself.

After taking out a fairy fruit and handing it to the immortal monk, Jiang Lin asked Concubine Jiang and the others to rest, and carried Jiang Ting's body out of the hall.

An hour later, there were two more large wooden barrels in Jiang Lin's room.

From the ancient mirror in his arms, he took out a vase-sized container, which was full of cold marrow.

Although the hidden danger of Jiang Ting's body has been lifted, the Sanskrit voice sung by the immovable monk has a strong vibration effect. Jiang Ting's body has suffered a lot of damage after being vibrated by the Sanskrit voice for such a long time.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was going to use cold marrow to wash the marrow and cut bones for Jiang Ting, and at the same time use this treasure of heaven and earth to force out all the toxins under Jiang Ting's skin by steaming.

If the immovable monk saw that Jiang Lin used such a method to force Jiang Ting out of toxins, then his eyes would bulge out.

This is simply a huge waste.

However, Jiang Lin didn't care, as long as Jiang Ting could wake up, he wouldn't even blink his eyes.

Jiang Lin took Jiang Ting into a wooden barrel after removing the Xia Pei on Jiang Ting's body, and then he drew out a cold marrow with his mind and sent it into Jiang Ting's body from his nose and mouth.

Pressing Jiang Ting's Tianling cover with one hand, Jiang Lin sent the Yang Yan in his body inside, causing the cold marrow in Jiang Ting's body to boil.

After a while, a part of the cold marrow brought out the toxins accumulated under Jiang Ting's skin from her pores.

After a busy day and night, Jiang Lin did not know how much cold marrow he had used before he thoroughly washed the marrow and cut the bones. At this point, all the toxins in Jiang Ting's body had been expelled from the body.

"Xiang Gong, how is Sister Ting?"

After Jiang Lin made Jiang Ting's soul and body become one, Peony came to the room.

"Her soul has coexisted with you for a long time. Now that she has returned to her body, as long as she adapts to it for a few days, she will be able to wake up completely."

A reassuring smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face. Now, Jiang Ting's body already has breathing and heartbeat, and both body and soul are nourished by the fairy treasure. In just a few days, Jiang Ting will be fully awake and alive. of.

After that, Jiang Lin looked at the other wooden barrel. The cold marrow inside had been contaminated with toxins and could no longer be recycled.

"It's a pity that these treasures are wasted."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and prepared to use Immortal Fire and True Sun Fire to completely refine the toxins in the cold marrow.

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