Although the cold marrow can no longer be used, if the toxins are completely refined, some flowers can still be watered, which has a great effect on the flowers in Wanhualin and Huaxian Pavilion.

In any case, Jiang Ting's resurrection has nothing to do with Wanhualin and Huaxian Pavilion, so he also wants to do something in return.

"Xianggong, you've worked so hard for so long, take a rest first."

Seeing that Jiang Lin was still busy, Mudan spoke out to persuade him.

"Don't worry, I'm almost as good as iron. Now that Jiang Ting's problem has been completely resolved, I have to start preparing for the next robbery."

Jiang Lin really didn't plan to rest, and was busy refining the corpse poison, so he planned to immediately start refining the spirit sword.

Once all the preparations in his hand are implemented one day earlier, he can also feel at ease earlier and accompany the wives here wholeheartedly.

After releasing the immortal fire and real fire in his body, Jiang Lin began to refine the toxins in the cold marrow.

But this refining, something happened to refining.

Thousands of miles away, in the capital of Liang Kingdom, Wang Tianjian, who was recovering from his injuries, suddenly opened his eyes.

During this period of time, Wang Tianyu sacrificed all the living creatures of Liang Kingdom to regenerate his body. However, the origin of his life that had been destroyed by the flying dragon seven-star array could not be healed in a short time.

Then Wang Tianjian vibrated his wings, flew into the sky, and looked in the direction of Sword Country.

Not long ago, it had noticed that its corpse poison was disappearing, but it couldn't sense the location of that corpse poison, so it didn't care much.

But now, in addition to sensing that the corpse poison is being refined, it also senses a familiar aura.

When Jiang Lin dealt with Wang Di, he had used immortal fire and sun fire. Wang Tian had seen these two kinds of flames when he was healing his own children. Of course, he was no stranger to this kind of aura.

Therefore, it now not only knows that someone is refining its own corpse poison, but also knows that this person is Jiang Lin who made it almost completely fall.

"Where? Where!"

Wangtian opened his mouth and screamed, no matter how he sensed it, he still couldn't get Jiang Lin's location information.

The more he sensed it, the more angry Wangtian became. The clouds above Liang Country were scattered by its roar, and the entire Liang Country was cloudless.

It is also fortunate that Jiang Lin was careful enough to protect the Zhantan Temple together with the immovable monk before preparing the corpse poison for Jiang Ting.

Otherwise, Wang Tianqian would be able to find it directly.

"Vengeance, revenge!"

After a while, Wangtian fell to the ground and roared wildly.

After a big somersault from the Sword Kingdom, it was thinking of revenge against Jiang Lin all the time, but first, it was severely injured and needed to rest.

Now, it has sensed the existence of Jiang Lin, how can it still be calm.

Even if the body has not fully recovered, it is not willing to wait a minute and a half.

Chapter [*]: The robbery is approaching

On this day, Wangtianxian was determined to carry out his own revenge plan. No matter how his child Wangdixuan persuaded it, it would not listen.

"Although I don't know where he is, he is definitely still in the Sword Country! Even if the Sword Country is turned upside down and dug up, I will find him this time!"

Wang Tianjian has completely lost his mind. Before, it was planted ruthlessly in the sword country, and now he is going to the sword country again.

However, it was not afraid at all, and the people from the Sword Kingdom fled back in disgrace and disarmed their armor, and they must have dispersed now.

Even if its wounds are not healed, there is no more power to threaten it.

So, Wangtianjian flew towards the Sword Kingdom, followed by Wangdijian and Fu Yu, the former leader of the Demon Sect of the Sword Kingdom.

However, what is interesting is that Wangtianjian flew directly over his head.

The Zhantan Temple, where Wanhualin is located, is still far from the core of the Sword Kingdom, and it is actually not too far from the Liang Kingdom.

At the same time, in the Thousand Flower Forest, Jiang Lin had completely purified the toxins in the cold marrow, leaving only some corpse poison essence.

But at this moment, his eyelids began to jump wildly again.

Is it near?

Jiang Lin frowned, this was the second time his body had a premonition.

But this time, Jiang Lin didn't tell Mudan that the time outside was very slow compared to Wanhualin, and he should still be able to stay here for ten days and a half months.

He didn't want to see Peony and the others still worried about him during this time.

"Peony, you go and call Jianger and Wenjiu, I'll go to the lava hell, and I want to stay with you all the time."

Jiang Lin knew that his stay would not be long, so he planned to take Feng Yan and Wenjiu to the lava hell and stayed there temporarily.

Anyway, he has a yin fire in his body, which can protect Feng Yan and Wen Jiu.

Spend more time with your wives, and when he leaves in the future, it will also make them miss a little less time.

"By the way, call Liu Sheng and Bao Yi as well."

Jiang Lin added that he created these batches of spirit swords to drive the magic sword array. Liu Sheng is the spirit of Wangchuan, and the river water of Wangchuan in his body can be used for quenching, and it can also add some evil to the spirit sword. force.

Peony nodded, and went to notify Concubine Jiang and Feng Yan, and then borrowed the proof to the lava hell from Cuizhu.

The peony, who used to be in charge of Wanhualin, has left here with Zhu Xiaolian and the others, so now it is Peony's friend Cuizhu who takes over the Wanhualin.

After Jiang Lin arrived at the lava hell, he let the yin fire in his body radiate out, covering the bodies of Peony Jiangfei and Liu Sheng.

After that, he plunged into the lava with a fierce son. If he wanted to create a spirit sword, a forging table was necessary.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin laid out some casting facilities in the open space of the lava hell.

"Young Master Jiang, I didn't expect you to be a master in this area."

Liu Sheng could not help being a little surprised when she saw that Jiang Lin's work seemed to be familiar. In her opinion, Jiang Lin's age is not old, but in addition to the necessary practice, Jiang Lin still has a lot of skills in the formation. The accomplishments of this all take time to accumulate.

If Jiang Lin said that she has researched on refining magic tools, she would be really surprised.

Although she knows a lot of knowledge, her hands-on ability is not very good. Letting her do these things may not be better than Jiang Lin's.

"I have a swordsmith's wife, and she told me these things when she was with her."

Jiang Lin told Liu Sheng what happened between him and Hong Hua. These days, he was so busy with his work that he almost forgot that Liu Sheng is a girl who likes to listen to stories.

After taking a few pieces of rare metal, Jiang Lin whispered to Liu Sheng: "Liu Sheng, the catastrophe I am about to encounter this time is extraordinary, and there is even a life-and-death crisis. If you follow me, it will naturally be extremely dangerous. But as long as Jiang Lin has a breath, he won't let you have an accident before me."

Jiang Lin was sure that the difficulties he encountered this time were not trivial and could be summed up, so he also gave her the details in advance about the NPC he brought with him.

After getting along with Liu Sheng for so long, Jiang Lin also has some understanding of Liu Sheng. This Wangchuan Spirit Master is quite a reliable girl.

Next, they have to share weal and woe with each other. He still feels that he needs to explain to Liu Sheng what the risk factor is.

"Young Master Jiang, are you worried that Liu Sheng will leave you when you say that?"

Liu Sheng frowned, Jiang Lin intended to be frank with her, but to her, it meant something else.

"I'm just asking you, if I encounter such danger, will you, Jiang Lin, leave me alone?"

"Of course not."

Jiang Lin said with certainty that this is indeed the answer he gave. If Liu Sheng encounters disaster, he will definitely not let it go.

Not to mention that Liu Sheng was kidnapped by him, even for the various difficulties encountered on the road in the future, he had to borrow Liu Sheng's power, and naturally it was impossible for Liu Sheng to leave because of any crisis.

Seeing Jiang Lin's answer without hesitation, Liu Sheng also smiled sweetly, and said, "That's fine, Liu Sheng certainly won't leave Young Master Jiang behind. Abandoned."

After that, Liu Sheng felt that he could hear other meanings in his words, so he quickly added: "How to say, Liu Sheng wants to avoid being hunted by ghost towns in the future, not to endure the suffering of thousands of years, and still You have to rely on Young Master Jiang, don't you?"

"Actually, I don't mean anything else, I just want to tell you the degree of danger."

Jiang Lin smiled, Liu Sheng still misunderstood him.

Then, he began to use his own solar fire to attract the surrounding high temperature and melt those rare metals.

Waving the silver hammer from Huaxian Pavilion Jubaolou in his hand, Jiang Lin quickly forged a sword tire.

In this sword embryo, there is not only his corpse poison, blood essence, but also a lot of Yang Yan origin. If these spirit swords are created to form a sword formation, then the sword formation will definitely not only have an auxiliary role.

Come on, let me see what kind of character is the next character who can bring me such a sense of crisis.

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He now holds the Immortal Sorrows Bureau, and also has a picture of a magic sword and sword, as well as many immortal artifacts in the Huaxian Pavilion.

Chapter [*] Let you see what it means to be rich and powerful (on)

"Young Master Jiang, looking at you, you seem to have confidence in these spirit swords."

Liu Sheng looked at the coldness on Jiang Lin's face, shook his head slightly, and continued: "Although these spirit swords are made of rare gold and iron, you have also added some corpse poison and the source of immortal fire, but even so …”

After pausing for a while, she continued: "Sorry Liusheng, even if you create such a set of spirit swords, it shouldn't be of much use. I'm afraid it's not enough to deal with an angel."

Liu Sheng didn't want to hurt Jiang Lin's morale. Now that she decided to advance and retreat with Jiang Lin, she also regarded Jiang Lin as her own in her heart.

The danger that Jiang Lin has to face is not ordinary. She is very clear about this. Although Jiang Lin has outstanding achievements in the past, he is not a blind and arrogant person, and Jiang Lin has already greeted her just now, which is enough. It proves that what they will face next is no ordinary dilemma.

In this case, she had to be careful and remind Jiang Lin out loud that it was not only good for Jiang Lin, but also good for her.

Although Jiang Lin was able to use the immortal weapons in Huaxian Pavilion, his biggest successor was the Killing Array, and if he wanted the Killing Array to be completely useful, the Dragon Shadow Sword Array had to play a vital role.

Those immortal weapons, even in their hands, can only fight and protect themselves. If they want to get through the difficulties, they must rely on the great formation.

"Yes, even if a complete set of spirit swords is created, it does not have much effect. I am still clear about this."

Jiang Lin nodded and didn't care about Liu Sheng's blunt words.

He looked at Liu Sheng and continued: "Then what if the quality of this set of spirit swords was pushed to the limit, so that they could reach the level of quasi-immortal weapons or even be comparable to immortal weapons in power?"

"Impossible? Young Master Jiang, you have both immortal fire and true sun fire, but if you want to refine a quasi-immortal weapon or even an immortal weapon, I'm afraid you can't do it, right?"

Liu Sheng looked at Jiang Lin with some disapproval. The Heavenly Sword Immortal from the Sword Kingdom was comparable in strength to the Heavenly Immortal, but even so, it took a hundred years to refine the holy sword, which was only at the level of an artifact, comparable to a quasi-immortal weapon. There is still some distance, to say that Jiang Lin can make a quasi-immortal weapon, it is still a set, which makes her feel too unbelievable.

Liu Sheng didn't know that Jiang Lin would use the power of Peony and Concubine Jiang, so he didn't know what Jiang Lin thought.

However, even if she knew, she still didn't think what Jiang Lin said was true.

Even if Peony and Concubine Jiang still had Baoyi to add immortal power to the spirit sword, it would be the cheapest way. If it was time-consuming, it was indeed possible, but in that case, it would take at least a hundred years to start.

The flow of time in Wanhualin is only ten times faster than the outside world. A hundred years have passed, and at least six or seven years have passed outside.

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