It is estimated that it will not be used a few times in the future.

"Now these spirit swords, if they really want to drive the sword formation, it is estimated that they can go retrograde and kill immortals. Then there are immortals and those immortal weapons, no matter who he comes from."

Jiang Lin is also quite satisfied with the set of spirit swords he has created, as for the immortal treasures he has spent - Xiao Qian'er!

Grandpa is not bad for money.

In fact, Jiang Lin was able to create such a set of spirit swords this time, not only because of his wealth.

If there are no fairies like Peony Jiang Fei and Baoyi, he will have more fairy treasures, and it will be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

He has immortal treasures that can be piled up into mountains, as well as Huaxian sisters and flower wives, the latter is the most important point.

Chapter [*] You have nothing left, but there is still me

Just when Jiang Lin was about to see how powerful this set of spirit swords could be, he suddenly sensed the movement of the spirit amulet he had left in Jiang Ting's room, and stopped.

"Peony, Jiang Ting should wake up. I'll go back first and bring her here. Anyway, there is still a lot of medicinal power left here. It will take a few days for it to dissipate completely, so don't waste it."

"That's great, really open up your heart for Xiang Xiang."

A look of joy appeared on Peony's face. She became attached to Jiang Lin because of Jiang Ting. Now that Jiang Ting wakes up, the guilt in Jiang Lin's heart will completely disappear.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and then left the lava hell. He also hoped to hear Jiang Ting's voice again.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin flew to Jiang Ting's room. At this time, Jiang Ting had woken up and was sitting beside the bed. She still didn't know where she was now, and she didn't know why she died or how she was conscious. will return.

"Jiang Lin?"

When Jiang Lin opened the door, Jiang Ting was stunned for a moment. She should be dead, but what happened to Jiang Lin?How can it appear here?

"woke up?"

Seeing the radiant Jiang Ting, Jiang Lin also breathed a sigh of relief.

His wife finally woke up.

"Where am I? Am I not dead?"

Jiang Ting looked at the scene in the dim sunlight outside the door, and then glanced around again, her heart was really puzzled.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "You are already dead, but I saved you again. You lost your life to save me, and I owe you a life. So, no matter what, I will let you You come back to life. This is a fairyland, within the borders of your Liang Kingdom's neighbor, Jian Kingdom. It has been several months since you died."

"So it is."

A trace of bitterness appeared on Jiang Ting's face. Originally, she heard that Jiang Lin had rescued her, and she felt a little joy in her heart, but later Jiang Lin said that she was resurrected at any cost because she owed her life. sore.

"You should have been injured, right? Where's my foster father?"

Jiang Ting closed her eyes and recalled the past, and some scenes at that time reappeared in her mind.

Since Xiangxiaoyu's death, her consciousness has completely fallen asleep. She doesn't know anything about what happened next, but only remembers some scenes before her death.

"Your foster father died and was torn to shreds by me. When he let you touch me, he didn't feel good about me."

Jiang Lin sat by the bed and told Jiang Ting that Liang Guo had always been dominated by Wang Di and Wang Tian.

And her adoptive father, King Zhennan, is Wang Dijian's puppet, coveting his fortune.

He will not show mercy to those who have bad intentions towards him.

Jiang Ting sighed, she had guessed the result.

"I found this from you. You should have gotten it long ago, right?"

Jiang Lin took out the letter of divorce that Jiang Ting had carried with him before and handed it over.

"Yes, I haven't taken it out. What's going on with Liang Guo now? My adoptive father killed the lord of Liang Guo, and I was killed by you. Two terrifying monsters are also in Liang Guo, so there should be chaos there."

Seeing the divorce letter in Jiang Lin's hand, Jiang Ting felt even more bitter. She still remembered that Jiang Lin had told her that they parted ways and that there was no need to meet again.

Only later she played tricks and kept Jiang Lin tied to her side.

But Jiang Lin didn't say a word to him again.

"The country of Liang has been destroyed, and it has become a dead place for thousands of miles. There is no living thing there, let alone a living person."

Jiang Lin did not hide it, and now Jiang Ting can be said to be the only survivor of Liang Guo.

"So, I just want to go home. My foster father is gone, my home is gone, and my country is gone. The people and things that once had any connection with me are no longer there, and I have nothing left. ."

Jiang Ting couldn't help sighing. She died once, but was rescued by Jiang Lin, but what if she survived?

She really has nothing.

"Since you died, I have used some treasures of heaven and earth to give you my last breath. I have never told you that I am not a native of Liang, nor an ordinary person. At that time, I..."

Jiang Lin talked to himself about what he did after Jiang Tingxiang Xiaoyu died.

Among his wives, except for the former Jiang Ting, only Li Yingqi has been sleeping.

But compared to Li Yingqi, in order to wake Jiang Ting up, he has suffered a lot more.

Now the stone in his heart has completely fallen, and his words have become more and more, and he wants to tell Jiang Ting what happened during this period of time.

Anyway, there was nothing left and right, and she had nowhere to go, so Jiang Ting quietly listened to Jiang Lin's story.

"This is Wanhualin, where I met the peony I told you just now, and because of you, she fell in love with me and married me."

Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "Speaking of which, I have to thank you, otherwise, I would not have married such a beautiful and virtuous Huaxian wife."

"This is also your blessing, you don't need to thank me."

Jiang Ting shook her head slightly, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

After that, Jiang Lin explained the following events in detail.

Jiang Ting was silent for a long time. In any case, in order to save her, Jiang Lin went through fire and water. She died once to save Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin also endured so many disasters in order to resurrect her. It has been paid off.

Then she looked at the divorce letter on the bed sheet and said to Jiang Lin: "Anyway, you made me come alive, I have to thank you. Sign or press this letter of divorce. Handprints."

"Why should I sign?"

Jiang Lin looked at Jiang Ting amusingly, and dared to say this, Jiang Ting still didn't understand what he meant.

Picking up the divorce book and tearing it apart, Jiang Lin said softly, "Tinger, you have nothing left, but you still have me. I held two weddings with you, you died for me, and I worked hard to resurrect you. , don't you know your place in my heart yet?"

Saying that, Jiang Lin took Jiang Ting into his arms and hugged him tightly. Although he had gone through so many twists and turns, fortunately Jiang Ting survived, and all his hard work was worth it.

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty chapters wait for work (on)

"Jiang Lin, you..."

For a time, Jiang Ting felt that her thinking had stopped, only what Jiang Lin said to her just now kept lingering in her mind.

You are nothing, but you still have me.

After a long time, Jiang Ting realized that she had misunderstood Jiang Lin.

How can there be a man willing to go through the sea of ​​​​swords and flames in order to resurrect an irrelevant woman, and still have no hesitation?

"You and I……"

After a while, Jiang Ting pushed Jiang Lin away, still looking at him in disbelief.

"I told you, in order to prevent your situation from deteriorating, I asked for help from others, in order to save your soul, I pretended to be a hero, in order to make you live without any problems, I also went to run errands Catch fast. You still don't understand what I mean, is your head not recovering well?"

Jiang Lin looked at Jiang Ting speechlessly. When she was in Liang Kingdom, this girl was a thief, how could she be so stupid now?

"Also, in order to save you, I don't even care about giving you the treasure that many gods envy, but now you still want to give it to me?"

Seeing that Jiang Ting was still in a daze, Jiang Lin leaned slightly and took a sip on Jiang Ting's lips.

In an instant, Jiang Ting's tears burst. Her heart already belonged to Jiang Lin. Otherwise, she would not have gotten the divorce letter and hid it. When the wedding between Liang Guodu and Jiang Lin was held, she was still suffering. begging his adoptive father.

However, Jiang Lin's attitude once made her feel that it was impossible for her and Jiang Lin.


Unexpectedly, after she died, Jiang Lin spent so much to bring her back to life, not because of what she felt owed to her, but entirely because of her.

"With you, I am enough."

Now, Jiang Ting is no longer in a daze, even though her adoptive father is gone, her family is gone, and her country is ruined, but with Jiang Lin's company, she will know how to live in the future.

"By the way, you said that my soul was nourished by Sister Peony with a fairy body before. What about her? I want to thank her."

For Jiang Lin's efforts, Jiang Ting will naturally use everything she has in return, and in addition to Jiang Lin, she can survive, but also thanks to Jiang Lin's flower fairy wife Peony.

If it wasn't for Peony, she wouldn't be able to survive, let alone know Jiang Lin's feelings for her.

Jiang Lin straightened Jiang Ting's hair and said, "She is now with Jiang'er and the others in the lava hell. She also likes you very much and has always wanted to see you. And Jiang'er, now that you are awake, her marriage can be held. already."

"You...really you've stopped me? Am I alive? Is this an illusion I saw?"

Jiang Ting nodded, and then suddenly asked questions one after another, she was really afraid that she was dreaming.

After all, there is nothing in a dream.

Jiang Lin laughed and scratched lightly on the bridge of Jiang Ting's nose, saying, "I won't let you go unless you kneel and kowtow to me three times, hugging my leg and crying and begging."

"However, you and I only have the status of husband and wife. It doesn't really matter if we break up endlessly. But, if I really want to break up with you, I will suffer a loss. I haven't really been your husband yet. Woolen cloth."

With a wave of Jiang Lin's hand, he closed the door and pushed Jiang Ting again, causing her to lie down on her side.

Originally, he planned to take Jiang Ting to see Peony and Concubine Jiang, but he had talked so much to Jiang Ting before, and the sky had already darkened in the past.


The next day, Jiang Lin flew to the lava hell with Jiang Ting in his arms.

"Sister Ting!"

Seeing Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting coming back, Mudan walked over and looked at Jiang Ting with joy.

She had been with Jiang Ting's soul for many years before, so she felt very cordial to Jiang Ting even though they had never spoken to each other.

"Sister Peony, I really want to thank you for being able to have today."

Jiang Ting asked Jiang Lin to put herself down and held Peony's hand with endless gratitude in her eyes.

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