She and Jiang Lin are no longer just husband and wife. They have truly become Jiang Lin's wife. In addition to Jiang Lin's contribution, it is the dedication of Peony, the virtuous sister.

"Peony, tell Tinger about me, I can't bear to tell her."

Jiang Lin explained that Mudan was going to leave soon, and he couldn't bear to tell Jiang Ting.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin went to the forging table and took away a set of spirit swords, ready to use Liu Sheng and Bao Yi to display the sword formation to test the power of the sword formation.

In addition to checking the power, he also has to run in with Liu Sheng and Bao Yi. After all, there are only three of them in control of the sword formation. That's the big trouble.

For the next ten days, Jiang Lin either accompanied Jiang Ting and the others, or practiced sword formation with Liu Sheng and Bao Yi.

Apart from marrying Concubine Jiang and greeting the flower demons and flower fairies in Wanhualin and Huaxian Pavilion, Jiang Lin basically had no time of his own.

But even so, the good times are always short-lived.

After the premonition came again, Jiang Lin had to say goodbye to Mudan and Jiang Ting.

This time, in order not to harm his wives, he has to stay away from the Sword Kingdom to face the next robbery.

And the matter here is over, he still needs to continue to go north and return to Wanhualin, I don't know how long it will take.

Enduring the distress, after parting with the tear-stained Peony and the others, Jiang Lin left Ten Thousand Flowers Forest and Zhantan Temple.

Continue all the way north.

Jiang Lin set off on the road alone, speeding towards the north, Bao Yi and Liu Sheng were both hidden in his ancient mirror.

Coincidentally, during this period of time, Wangtianjian and Wangdijian were both searching for Jianglin's whereabouts at the border of the Sword Kingdom, and they were too far away from him, so they didn't sense his breath for the first time.

Three days later, Jiang Lin came to an impossible zone and stopped there.

"This mountain is really prepared for me."

On this day, Jiang Lin looked at the mountains below and felt quite happy.

The general trend formed by the mountain below is just right for him to arrange the immortal war.

He doesn't even have to work on the transformation of the mountain.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was no longer ready to move on, anyway, he was already tens of thousands of miles away from the Sword Kingdom at this time.

He wanted to take advantage of the mountain below to quickly set up the Immortal Death Bureau, and then he would just sit back and relax.

When the catastrophe falls, he can face it with his strongest attitude.

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-one chapters wait for work (below)

Jiang Lin really wanted to see who would come to deal with him.

From the Sword Kingdom to the north, except for this impossible area, the range of tens of thousands of miles is a relatively safe place. Even in this impossible area, there is no danger factor.

Therefore, Jiang Lin knew early on that his calamity had nothing to do with any Jedi, but an external danger.

"Liu Sheng, Bao Yi."

After landing in the mountains, Jiang Lin called out Liu Sheng and Bao Yi in the ancient mirror. He not only had to set up the Immortal Death Bureau, but also set up a sword formation a mile or two away.

Because of the lack of manpower, Jiang Lin and the others could not use the Dragon Shadow Sword Formation at will like the previous Evil Sword Immortals. They had to bury the sword formation and make those spirit swords and formations form a large sword formation to be opened.

Jiang Lin was going to hand over the matter of the sword formation to Liu Sheng and Bao Yi. Not only did he have to work on the arrangement of the Immortal Death Bureau, but he also needed to hide the immortal cutting formation, and the workload was not small.

"Young Master Jiang, is there anything you need to tell me?"

Now, Liu Sheng is also attentive without knowing it. During this time in the ancient mirror, she really couldn't hold back her mind.

Jiang Lin is simply too rich. The mirror space in the ancient mirror was filled with immortal treasures and storage instruments. The storage instruments were also full of immortal treasures, but she really let her open. vision.

She knew Jiang Lin's character. As long as others helped and made a lot of effort, Jiang Lin would never be treated badly.

Therefore, she now quite hopes that she can give Jiang Lin some help.

"There is indeed something that needs your help. This mountain is just right for the arrangement of the Immortals and Deaths. Next, I have to concentrate on my work. I need you to deal with the arrangement of the swords. The swords are not suitable for the surrounding of the Immortals. It should not be too far, there is a dense forest two miles away, so you can go there."

After Jiang Lin explained the two girls, he took out a storage magic tool, which contained some dragon blood and dragon marrow.

He continued: "There are some dragon blood and dragon marrow inside. The sword formation of Evil Sword Immortal is condensed into a dragon-shaped sword spirit with sword intent. With these true dragon blood marrow, the sword formation can exert its greatest power. Whether it is a spirit sword or these treasures, they will exude the breath of treasures, before setting up the sword formation, you should use the hidden formation to prevent the breath from leaking out."

After handing over the complete set of spirit swords and sword array diagrams to Liu Sheng and Bao Yi, Jiang Lin went directly to the mountain.

Liu Sheng has the means to hide his breath, and he doesn't need to teach it specially.

First, a small isolation circle was set up in the mountain, and Jiang Lin took out the body of Zhenlong.

"It's a pity."

Jiang Lin looked at the keel Long Yuan and other treasures on the ground, and felt quite reluctant.

When he was in Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, although he also spent a lot of immortal treasures, there were still a lot of backups for those, but the corpse and bones of the real dragon were gone after they were used up.

If he wants to find a real dragon to kill again, it is not realistic at all.

What's more, Liu Sheng and Bao Yi also took away part of the dragon blood and dragon marrow.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Lin also suppressed some of the emotions in his heart. After all, these babies are foreign objects.

Now he can't bear it anymore.

After taking out all the materials, Jiang Lin drew the entire mountain landscape on the ground. Although the materials required for the layout of the Immortal Sacred Ceremony were not as numerous as those of the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, the layout process was rather cumbersome.

It must be sorted out to prevent mistakes.

This is also the reason why Jiang Lin did not let Liu Sheng and Bao Yi help.

In addition to arranging the immortal and death bureau, Jiang Lin also had to get out the large enchantment of the immortal monk outside the Zhantan Temple.

Unlike the Flying Dragon Seven Stars Formation, the Immortal Warfare Bureau is a pure killing formation, which can make the angels collapse, so once the formation is formed, the situation will change.

The workload was quite large, so Jiang Lin immediately began to work, and it was not until midnight that he completely isolated the two-mile radius of the mountainous area.

After that, Jiang Lin did not rest, and directly showed the appearance of a corpse. He used his corpse claws to dig into the ground, and buried sections of keels and tendons under the mountain.

After another busy day, Jiang Lin completely ended these tedious tasks.

Immediately after the completion of the Immortal War, the entire mountain area suddenly changed. Even Jiang Lin, who was in the battle, felt like he was stabbed by Maimang all over his body.

This was the boundless murderous aura formed by the Immortals Bureau, which enveloped him.

At this time, visions of heaven and earth also began to appear around. The wind was raging in the mountains, and the sky was rushing into the sky.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately formed a seal with both hands, urging the isolation circle and enchantment around the mountain area.

The isolation effect of the formation barrier was strengthened, and the movement outside the mountainous area stopped.

Jiang Lin was suspended in mid-air, overlooking the bottom. Now the terrain of the entire mountain area has formed a pattern of evil dragons raising their heads, and from a distance, the whole terrain shows an endless chill.

"Jiang Gongzi, is this the Immortal Death Bureau? It's really terrifying."

After Jiang Lin fell back to the mountains, Liu Sheng and Bao Yi had already arranged the sword formation and came to his side. Liu Sheng felt the terrifying murderous aura in the formation, and felt quite astonished in his heart.

Although she knows a lot of information, she has only heard of this level of formation.

She had witnessed the power of the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array before, but compared with the feeling of the Immortals Bureau, the former was simply not worth mentioning.

Of course, that's just her senses.

"It's the Immortal Death Bureau. Its power may be much more terrifying than I expected."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then said: "This place has been hidden, and you can't feel the murderous intention here. Let's go to the sword array first. Now I have consumed a lot of energy and spiritual power, and I need to recover. . Baoyi, you first enter the ancient mirror, Liu Sheng is on duty outside. Next, we will wait for the crisis to come. "

The formation of the magic formation barrier and this terrifying killing formation in succession consumed a lot of Jiang Lin's mind, spirit, and spiritual power, and the danger was coming. When he was recovering, it was inconvenient to sense the outside world, so Liu Sheng was temporarily investigated.

Baoyi nodded and returned to Jiang Lin's ancient mirror. After that, Jiang Lin and Liu Sheng went to the dense forest on the edge of the mountain.

Chapter [-] The new and old grudges are counted together!

Jiang Lin sat cross-legged on the open space in the woods, while Liu Sheng looked around.

At this moment, [-] miles away, Wang Tianjian was chasing after Wang Dijian and Fu Yu towards the place Jiang Lin passed by.

Jiang Lin didn't know that his calamity fell on Wangtianjian's body, and since he already had a hunch, he couldn't escape, so he didn't hide his aura when he was galloping.

When Jiang Lin left Ten Thousand Flowers Forest, Wang Tianjian didn't notice it because of the distance, but as he continued to search, he found the breath left by Jiang Lin halfway through.

After finally getting the traces of Jiang Lin, Wang Tianxuan followed Jiang Lin's direction at a high speed, wherever he was willing to delay.

In the dense forest, after Jiang Lin recovered his spiritual power, he went straight to sleep.

After Liu Sheng returned from the inspection, he sat beside Jiang Lin and looked at him quietly.

Fortunately, when I first met him, there was no major misunderstanding.

Liu Sheng recalled the scene of her first meeting with Jiang Lin, and it was precisely because she met Jiang Lin that her life and destiny changed.

In the future, if she returns to the ghost town, not only will she not be punished, but even Zhong Kui, the master of the ghost town, will be polite to her because of Jiang Lin's sake.


Jiang Lin fell into a dream because he was fast asleep. He dreamed of his wife Jiang Ting. He felt the fragrance of body around him, so he naturally stretched out his hand and pulled it over.

Opening his eyes, he found that Liu Sheng was frowning at her at this time.


Jiang Lin was suddenly embarrassed, and immediately let go. He actually regarded Liu Sheng beside him as his dream wife.

"Thinking about it every day and dreaming at night, nothing, Young Master Jiang really loves his wife."

Liu Sheng didn't care too much. Jiang Lin spent less than half a month with Jiang Ting in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest. She also knew how important Jiang Ting was in Jiang Lin's heart, otherwise Jiang Lin would not be indifferent. Fearing difficulties and dangers, he was rescued.

Now that Jiang Lin and Jiang Ting are separated, they will naturally miss them.

"Since Young Master Jiang is awake, Liu Sheng will go to recover first."

Liu Sheng turned into a beam of light and entered Jiang Lin's arms.

When he arrived in the Jingxujie space, Liu Sheng's face turned a little red, and he was annoyed at why he wanted to sit next to Jiang Lin.

After struggling for a while, she also abandoned these distracting thoughts, and now is not the time for her to think wildly.

At noon the next day, Jiang Lin suddenly stood up.

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