Fu Yu let out a scream, and then slapped Baoyi on the shoulder and backed out.

If it was an ordinary cultivator at the level of God Transformation, who suffered such an attack, there would still be wounds caused by the immortal weapon, and he would have died long ago.

But Fu Yu got a lot of benefits because he informed Wang Tianjian of the news and let Wangtianjian know the whole story. He was protected by Wangtianjian's corpse poison in his body, but he was only severely injured.

On the other side, Wang Dijian also recovered from the trauma, and burst into a roar of fury, sending Liu Sheng roar out.

At the same time, after seeing the battle situation on Baoyi's side, Jiang Lin forcibly endured the severe pain and released Yang flames from his palms to speed up his body.

The air in mid-air exploded due to the extremely high temperature.

"Liu Sheng, Bao Yi, step back!"

Jiang Lin immediately sent a sound transmission to Liu Sheng and Bao Yi while charging at extreme speed.

Now Wangtianjian is in a state of rigidity after being exploded, and he must race against time.

After Liu Sheng and Bao Yi heard Jiang Lin's voice transmission, they immediately followed Jiang Lin's instructions and quickly retreated from the battle circle.

Then, with a "whoosh" sound, Jiang Lin appeared in front of Wang Dijian.

"You brat, it's amazing to have a father? I'll kill you in the face of your father!"

Before the voice could fall, Jiang Lin's palms pressed against Wang Di's eyes at lightning speed.

Five fingers turned into claws, Jiang Lin's hands were directly clasped into Wang Di's eyes.

After that, two red rays of light shot out from Jiang Lin's eyes and landed on his two forearms.

A pair of his forearms were cut off by him.

As soon as his arms were pulled out, Jiang Lin's hand bones were pulled out by him, and those boneless arms that still had super high temperature remained on Wang Dijian's face.


Jiang Lin's current body temperature is comparable to the surface of the sun. Even if his body touches steel, it will only melt. Wang Di was slapped and stabbed like this by Jiang Lin, and the screams he made were extremely miserable.

Jiang Lin did not delay, immediately dodged Wang Dijian's double-winged slash, and teleported away.

"And you stinky watch!"

After teleporting into the air in front of Fu Yu, Jiang Lin stepped on his feet.

Step on your face with your feet.

A real riding face.

Jiang Lin's speed was unbelievable. Wang Dijian and Fu Yu had already suffered trauma before, so they didn't react at all.

In fact, they didn't expect Jiang Lin to be so ruthless, even after losing half of his weight, he could continue to be ruthless.

Wang Dijian rolled wildly on the ground, the front half of his head was charred to ashes, and Fu Yu's face was completely destroyed, leaving only a black skeleton face.

If she hadn't released the life-saving corpse poison in her body in time, she would have turned into a pile of coke.

"Liusheng, water!"

After Jiang Lin finished the attack, he immediately shouted at Liu Sheng, his body was about to collapse now.

When Liu Sheng saw that Jiang Lin's body had been completely condensed due to the high temperature, and he kept frying the meat, he shuddered, and immediately released a large amount of Wangchuan River water, causing him to rush towards Jiang Lin.

In an instant, Jiang Lin was surrounded by steam and white smoke.

And Jiang Lin in the white smoke has almost no human form now.

Just like a wax statue that has been bitten by a dog and burned by fire, there is almost no blood or flesh, only char-like inorganic matter and an obvious dark skeleton.

"Get up!"

He took out the immortal treasure from the ancient mirror and swallowed it. Before Jiang Lin could refine it with immortal fire, he shouted at Liu Sheng and the others.

Now that Wangtianjian has regained his mobility, Wangdijian and Fu Yu have both been severely injured. If the sword formation is not activated, the three of them will be fully explained here.

Today, Wangtianjian has only been severely injured, and he is still far from death.

Liu Sheng and Bao Yi didn't need Jiang Lin's command, so they made a seal with both hands, and together with Jiang Lin, they activated the sword formation.

Immediately, the forty-nine spirit swords buried in the ground in the distance flew out, hovered in midair, and finally formed a dragon-shaped skeleton.

This dragon-shaped skeleton instantly absorbed the corpse in Jiang Lin's body, as well as the demonic energy in Liu Sheng's body, forming a dragon shadow.

Coupled with the evil spirit of the spirit sword itself, as well as the dragon blood and dragon marrow contained in the sword array, Long Ying turned into a demon dragon full of black energy.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

It only took a few blinks of an eye from Jiang Lin to start the sword formation again. Wang Tianyu fell to the ground, and after getting up, he rushed towards Jiang Lin like a madman.

But just halfway through, it was entangled by the dragon shadow formed by the sword formation, and hundreds of sword lights burst out instantly, piercing its body.

In the process of piercing, these sword lights also had the effect of explosion, and the real fire and immortal fire were released, and they continued to burn at the wound on Wang Tianji's body.

Wang Tianjian now has all the internal organs in his body, and his belly has been cut open by his own wings, which directly breaks the defense.

The effect received by the Dragon Shadow Sword Formation was even more gratifying than Jiang Lin expected.

Chapter [-] It is fate to live, and fate to die!

The long body of the magic dragon rolled around the Wangtianjing, flying around, and carrying the Wangtianjing towards all the places around it that could hit.

In an instant, the dense forest around the mountain was smashed into pieces by countless sword lights, and then turned into a sea of ​​fire.

There are even more terrifying cracks and huge holes on the ground.

However, Wang Tianjian didn't let the power of the sword formation keep calling on him. It broke out and struggled with all its strength, and at the same time, it kept roaring and screaming.

It didn't take long for Liu Sheng and Bao Yi to bleed from their seven orifices, not only because they were hit by Wangtian's roar, but also because of backlash.

The strength of Wang Tianyu can be combined with more than ten real dragons and submerged scorpions.

After all, they and Jiang Lin were understaffed.

If it weren't for the high quality of the spirit sword and its immortal power, they and Jiang Lin alone would not be able to restrain Wang Tianjian.

"Take it over there!"

Jiang Linka came out with black ashes, and the immortal fire in his body quickly refined the medicinal power of the immortal treasure to replenish himself. At the same time, he also controlled the sword formation, causing the magic dragon sword formation formed by the spirit sword to move towards the immortal bureau with Wang Tianqi.


Wang Tianjian kept roaring wildly, it just felt unbelievable.

Now it was actually bound by the sword formation arranged by Jiang Lin and the others, unable to move at all.

It was only Jiang Lin and the others who drove and maintained the sword formation.

If it was piled up in numbers, then it would recognize it, but three people made it impossible to get out of trouble, which really made it feel extremely humiliating.


Just when Jiang Lin and the others were slowly bringing Wangtian into the killing area, Wangdi had recovered slightly.

Even if the front half of its head is lost, it is pierced by the fairy weapon, and the body is blown up by Liu Sheng with a water bomb, it is still not dead.

However, even if it didn't die, it only had a little Half-Life left, and the thing was completely blind.

Just now, Jiang Lin's boneless arms were left on its face, which was comparable to an enhanced version of the sun's real fire, which stuck on its face.

If it weren't for the fact that it wasted its own life source, the brain would be directly hardened, and it would be completely stunned.

This is not to mention, the damage Jiang Lin has caused to it this time has exceeded the upper limit of its self-healing ability, and it cannot be recovered in a short period of time.

After sensing that Jiang Lin and the others were maintaining the sword formation, Wang Dijian flew to Fu Yu's side with his sense of smell without saying a word, and bit her neck with his mouth open.

"You... ah~"

Fu Yu screamed again and again, but it didn't take long for her voice to be completely silent. After that, her entire body was transformed into a corpse because of the corpse poison injected by Wangdi, and golden hair grew all over her body.

Although Fu Yu didn't die, she no longer had any fighting power. She was first pierced by a fairy weapon in her abdomen, and then suffered from ultra-high temperature trauma. She was lucky that she didn't die, and there was no point in trying to play any role.

Therefore, Wang Dijian directly gave up the piece.

Now, its eyes have been completely scrapped, and its sensing has also suffered trauma. It can only use Fu Yu, a puppet, to see the situation outside.

After Fu Yu's corpse turned into a golden retriever, Wang Dijian could really see the situation on Jiang Lin's side.

After that, it rushed towards Jiang Lin, and Fu Yu's golden hairy also rushed towards Liu Sheng and Bao Yi.

"Jiang Lin, what should I do?"

Baoyi noticed the situation on Wangdi's side, and felt a little anxious, not knowing how to deal with it.

Liu Sheng is also frowning, and now is really the most critical time.

As long as Wang Tianyu is dragged into the Immortal Killing Bureau, with the current injury of this guy, there is absolutely no way to survive. When that time comes, they will join forces with Jiang Lin again, with the help of the power of the immortal weapon and the continuity of the immortal treasure. Supplies will definitely be able to completely kill Wang Di.

But the current situation may not be so smooth.

"Fight! Kill Wangtian first!"

Jiang Lin also knew about the change on one side, but now he is really powerless.

Being able to achieve the current results has already reached his limit.

On the opposite side is Wang Tian, ​​Wang Di and a female cultivator at the level of God Transformation.

What do you want him to do?

He Jianglin is a man, not a god.

"To live is luck, to die is fate!"

Jiang Lin let out a roar, and at the same time mobilized his mind, so that all kinds of fairy treasures in the ancient mirror in his arms flew out.

Afterwards, he directly let the immortal fire in his body explode, refining these immortal treasures directly, and letting the medicinal power fall on Liu Sheng and Bao Yi.

At this moment, Wang Dijian and Fu Yu's attack had arrived.


The back was slapped fiercely by Emperor Wang, and Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of charcoal ash. Now, he really has no blood. "Young Master Jiang!"


Liu Sheng and Bao Yi suddenly screamed, Jiang Lin's current situation was extremely bad, and the skin on his body was like the rust skin that had been blasted away.

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