After being hammered by Wangtian, everything on his body started to drop dregs.

Liu Sheng and the others were really worried that Jiang Lin would suddenly be like a porcelain man and shatter on the spot.

Afterwards, they also groaned, but they, like Jiang Lin, forcibly endured it.

They couldn't bear it, and there was nothing they could do. Once Wang Tianjian was freed from the shackles, they and Jiang Lin would definitely have no hope of recovery.



Seeing Jiang Lin forcibly stabilized his body, his feet were stuck on the ground, the two girls really put their life and death aside, and tried their best to maintain the sword formation.

The two of them thought the same as Jiang Lin. If they could get through this time, it would be luck. If they couldn't get through it, it would be their own life.

To live is luck, to die is life.

Jiang Lin also recklessly increased the transmission of spiritual power. At the same time, he also released all the flames in his body, and released the golden wheel and the bone sword to resist Fu Yu's attack for Liu Sheng and Bao Yi.

Under the joint efforts of Jiang Lin and the others, the speed at which Wang Tianyu was dragged by the demon dragon also sped up a lot.

not good!

With the help of Fu Yu's eyes, Wang Tianjian felt a bad feeling when he saw that Jiang Lin and the others would rather endure their attack than give up maintaining the sword formation.

If Jiang Lin and the others have no backers, there is absolutely no need for this.

No way?

At this moment, Emperor Wang suddenly gave a shock.

It recalled the scene when Wangtian was almost killed. Although Jiang Lin and the others were not capable enough, if they rely on external power, it would be extremely terrifying.

Chapter [*] Limit, limit again!

After being alerted to something bad in his heart, Wang Dijian didn't dare to delay any longer. He rushed straight into the flame field around Jiang Lin, biting Jiang Lin's body and biting half of Jiang Lin's body into pieces. shredded charcoal.

On the other side, Fu Yu, who had been transformed, also received its instructions, and slapped the golden wheel and the bone sword, and the corpse claws kept clawing wildly on the backs of Liu Sheng and Bao Yi.

The backs of the two girls were blurred with blood in the blink of an eye.

Even if it was supplemented with medicinal power, the corners of their mouths were like faucets, and blood was constantly flowing.

"I lost mine! Roar~"

Jiang Lin trembled, roaring in the mountains.

Afterwards, the Zhengbone Sword flew back, directly severing his neck and removing his head.

"Death to the Lord!"

In the eyes of Jiang Lin's head, the sun's true fire and the red lotus karmic fire suddenly gathered, turning into two laser guns, like Gatling, lasing towards Wangdi.

At the same time, his head kept turning, attacking Fu Yu who was embarrassing Liu Sheng and Bao Yi.

Although Jiang Lin said he was fighting, if he continued like this, Liu Sheng and Bao Yi might die before him.

This is an unacceptable result for him.

Although Liu Sheng and Bao Yi are both stronger than him now, in terms of vitality, they are still a lot worse.

He can withstand Wang Di's attack, and he may recover later, but Liu Sheng and Bao Yi can't.

Especially now that Fuyu has become a golden retriever, if their lives are at an extreme, they may be powerless to save them with immortal treasures later.

Therefore, even if his body has reached the limit, Jiang Lin still forcibly squeezed his own potential and used his absolute self-healing ability to separate his corpse.

At the very least, he can buy some time for himself, Liu Sheng and Bao Yi.

However, even if Jiang Lin lost his head and let his head temporarily solve the crisis, he couldn't hold it any longer.

A Wangdi, even if he goes all out, he can't help this guy in terms of hard power, not to mention that he only has one head now.

I can't drag it on.

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed, ready to really try his luck.

"Blast corpse pill!"

With a roar, Jiang Lin's head spurted out his corpse pill, forcing it to explode.

After the explosion forced Wang Dijian and Fu Yu to retreat, Jiang Lin's head hurriedly flew to the side. At the same time, his bone sword flew over, cutting a section of unburned tree root into human-shaped wood chips.

"Spiritual Incarnation Technique!"

Jiang Lin's nostrils overflowed with pitch-black juice. Originally, when he was maintaining the sword formation, he used both spells and supernatural powers. Now that he uses absolute self-healing, he also uses telekinetic incarnation, which causes his brain to lose consciousness. It's like being stabbed in by a soldering iron.

Spiritual power bloomed in his eyes, and Jiang Lin used only his head and evil eye pupil technique to draw runes on the human-shaped wood chips.

After that, Jiang Lin forcibly separated his thoughts and blessed them on the incarnation of thoughts.

After the head recited the incantation, the human-shaped wood chip gradually turned into an incarnation.

"Liu Sheng, Bao Yi, give me some spiritual power."

As soon as the incarnation was formed, Jiang Lin sent a voice transmission to Liu Sheng and Bao Yi, and now he really doesn't even have the ability to speak.

In any case, the work of separating spiritual power can no longer be carried out.

From the ancient mirror, the child and mother turned the spirit card, the child spirit card fell on the incarnation of the wood chip, and the mother spirit card flew between Liu Sheng and Baoyi.


Baoyi made the cinnabar sword in his body fly out, turned into a piece of cinnabar directly, and landed on the mother spirit card, Liu Sheng did not delay, let the Wangchuan River in his body fly out, and wrapped the mother spirit card.

They can't withdraw their hands now, and can only use the cinnabar sword and river water that are closely connected to their bodies as a medium to transmit the spiritual power in their bodies.

With the supply of spiritual power, the avatar was under the control of Jiang Lin's body, and his hands quickly formed seals.


A three-legged Golden Crow, a hundred feet tall, suddenly appeared in the field.

After that, the huge three-legged Golden Crow immediately turned into an oval fireball, including Wang Dijian and Fu Yu in it.

At this time, Jiang Lin's head also returned to his body. His vitality has dropped sharply now. Even with the medicinal power supplement of the fairy treasure, it is difficult to recover, and the head can no longer exist alone.

After his head returned, Jiang Lin knelt down on one knee. God knows how bad his physical condition is now.

Never before has his body and Dao body been squeezed to such an extent.

Even when he dealt with Wutian and was bombed by the shocking explosion, he was only devastated by the force of destruction from the outside world. Unlike now, his entire body was on the verge of collapse.

Now, he doesn't know if his body has any limits.

If he squeezed one more point, he might not be able to hold it any longer.

"Give me in!"

Taking advantage of the time won by Nian Dong's incarnation, Jiang Lin let out a broken roar, Liu Sheng and Bao Yi also endured the pain and cooperated with Jiang Lin regardless of the cost.


The dragon in mid-air burst out with a roar that shook the eardrums, and finally accelerated abruptly, dragging Wang Tianyu into the Immortal Sorrow Bureau.

At this moment, Wang Tianjian also had an ominous premonition. Jiang Lin and the others had seen their actions just now, but the power of this Dragon Shadow Sword Formation should not be underestimated.Although it cannot be killed, it has been bound all the time and cannot escape.

Jiang Lin and the others have spent such a huge price, they have already tried their best, and they have been trapped in it, thinking about it with their toes, they can know that things will never be so simple.

Even if the surroundings of the Immortal and Death Bureau were isolated and the murderous intention had not overflowed, Wang Tianjian still sensed something was wrong.

But no matter how hard it struggles, it can't get out of trouble.

Forty-nine swords of quality comparable to quasi-immortal swords formed a sword array, and the power was not just for fun.

Just before being dragged into the killing game by the demon dragon, Wangtianji directly caused his own wings to explode.

After Wang Tianjian was dragged into the killing game by the magic dragon and sword spirit of the sword formation, Jiang Lin directly started the terror killing game that had been arranged for a long time.

"Immortal Warfare Bureau! Give it to me!"

Chapter [*] resurgence

Jiang Lin bit the tip of his tongue, and his hands turned as quickly as a small windmill. At the same time, a strong earthquake occurred in the mountain where the Immortal Bureau was arranged.

The boundless murderous aura rages on, and then soars into the sky.

The isolation formations that Jiang Lin arranged around were completely destroyed in an instant, and the formation materials buried everywhere exploded one after another.

After that, the whole mountain seemed to be still, and even the existence like Wang Tianji was completely frozen in the killing game at this moment.

But Wangtian's thinking can still be active.

It really has a desire to kneel now, no matter who it kneels to, as long as anyone can save it again, it doesn't matter who it kneels.

It already knows what kind of dangerous place it has fallen into, and the boundless murderous aura alone has made it completely terrified.

This time, the fear in his heart was many times stronger than the last time he was trapped in the seven-star formation of flying dragons.

Terrible, terrifying!

Wang Tianjian wanted to escape from here, but he couldn't control himself, so he could only passively wait.

Then, a dragon roar came, and the clouds in a radius of thousands of miles converged towards the sky above the Immortals Bureau at an extremely fast speed.

In a short time, thunder and lightning flashed, dark clouds covered the sun, and the entire impossible area was almost turned into darkness.

Around the killing round, a tenth-level wind blew in an instant, flying sand and rocks, and the strong wind directly extinguished the sea of ​​​​fire on the jungle side.

"Let me see how you can escape!"

Seeing that the Immortal Death Bureau had started, and gradually began to show the danger of killing, Jiang Lin couldn't hold it any longer and fell down.

The previous Flying Dragon Seven Star Array did not kill Wangtian, because there were many sword cultivators in the Sword Kingdom, and the whole moth destroyed the great array.

Now, no one is going to destroy it, even Wangdi and Fu Yu, who has been transformed, can't even think of destroying the Bureau of Immortals.


At this time, Wangdij and the others had already broken through the control of the fireball, but Wangdij no longer wanted to deal with Jiang Lin, and his father had once again stepped into the Jedi.

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